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在体验时代的背景下,人们对精神消费的需求已远远超过物质消费的需求,以强调功能性和技术感的设计理念已经很难对用户产生首因效应,人们开始渴求从产品中获得情感上的满足与慰藉。因此在设计过程中我们要反复思考产品如何为用户带来感官上的舒适体验,如何将产品设计中融入更多的感官因素。鉴于此,文章就以电脑键盘设计为例,通过分析其影响感官体验的触觉因子及其对用户心理产生的影响,探讨通过触觉设计,加强产品的感官刺激,从而提升产品用户体验。  相似文献   

多媒体产品的设计应在重视产品功能性的同时重视其可用性。可用性体现了从用户角度感受到的产品质量,是决定产品成败的关键因素之一。为了提高多媒体产品的可用性质量,必须在产品的设计开发过程中运用可用性工程方法,其中包括使用多媒体的可用性设计指南,该文将综合介绍目前提出的多媒体产品的可用性设计指南。  相似文献   

在早期的产品设计中,设计师往往只看重产品的功能性,认为产品只会对产品的功能进行要求,而忽视了产品中蕴含的各种情感也会对使用者产生影响.情感体验是产品设计的内涵理念得到升华的有效方式.本文对情感设计的以及它在电脑外形设计中的一些应用进行了探究,带给大家一些灵感.  相似文献   

看了上期的杂志,大家应该能够了解好的设计是如何增加产品的附加价值的。但若是将产品价值的增加看作设计的唯一作用,这种看法未免又太过片面。在如今的制造业中,很多制造商学会了使用优秀的设计来制造出比原来更便宜的产品。这样的设计,我们可以称其为便宜的设计。  相似文献   

设计是人类有创造性的造物方式,是把一个概念,一个观念,一个问题解决的方法通过具体视觉方式传达出来的程序。其目的是如何使产品更好的服务于人,而非各种形式的外衣。伴随物质社会的进步,人们关心的不仅是产品的功能形式,而是转向其附加意义,即体现在产品中的个性化价值,情感价值,文化价值,抛弃形式主义的外衣。综合各种因素,从人的需要出发,考虑地球有限的资源,在人与自然之间找到平衡点,才是设计的根本。  相似文献   

无用设计是一种新的设计理念,它汇集整合了设计师对于设计创造价值的探索,它提倡设计将无用转化为有用,创造出新价值,并赋予产品意义,进而影响消费者对价值的认知,创造一个环保的、可持续的未来。文章介绍了无用设计理念,挖掘无用设计的思想渊源,进而通过对具体产品进行分析的基础上,提出无用设计理念的特征:价值性、环保性、可持续性和手工艺性。  相似文献   

文章从设计能否创造产品价值,以及如何实现产品价值这两个基本问题入手,从社会学、人类学和商业的角度比较了各种价值的表现方式,论述了对设计可能产生的影响,继而提出在MEC模型中加入使用环境因素和文化因素,作为建构产品价值理论模型的基本框架。文章认为:设计创造了产品的使用价值和交换价值,产品价值的整体实现是个人及社会体验与"生态"系统相互作用的一个过程。  相似文献   

设计是人类移情作用的产物,旨在建立设计师与用户之间的双向沟通,达成双方的相互理解。然而,在功能性产品设计过程中,设计师的“命令”、产品的“应答”和用户的“请求”这三种语言之间存在着差别。文章旨在分析研究功能性产品设计过程中三种语言的交流过程,提出符合沟通逻辑的设计原则,对产品的用户需求满足起到一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

文章从设计能否创造产品价值,以及如何实现产品价值这两个基本问题入手,从社会学、人类学和商业的角度比较了各种价值的表现方式,论述了对设计可能产生的影响,继而提出在MEC模型中加入使用环境因素和文化因素,作为建构产品价值理论模型的基本框架。文章认为:设计创造了产品的使用价值和交换价值,产品价值的整体实现是个人及社会体验与生态系统相互作用的一个过程。  相似文献   

产品环境价值分析方法与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了设计出环境友好的产品,将生命周期评价方法集成到设计过程,提出环境价值分析方法,分析了其基本概念、目标与设计应用.通过功能结构映射将产品实体抽象化,将产品结构系统转化为功能系统;对功能系统进行基于功能的生命周期过程环境影响评价;进行环境价值评估与计算;通过功能分析与改进将功能系统再实物化为新的结构实体.最后用台灯设计实例说明了环境价值分析的应用.  相似文献   

中国当代设计存在两种分裂:设计与社会生活的分裂、设计评价标准与社会价值取向的分裂。其根源是"以物为本的评价思维"和"评价主体的二元对立"。解决之道是以社会价值观重新定义和评价设计,使其回归人本与生活。文章从传统生活智慧中选取"巧、妙、省、灵"四个字阐述设计的评价标准——不仅是外部的造型和结构,也反映于内在的思想、情感和伦理。文章提出基于传统智慧与生活实际,将设计评价标准与社会价值观统一,走出一条本土化设计之路。  相似文献   

This study proposes two adapted think-aloud protocols for the evaluation of a voice intelligent agent. In the adapted retrospective think-aloud (RTA) protocol, users verbalise their thoughts based on the chat history after task-completion. In the adapted interactive think-aloud (ITA) protocol, users verbalise their thoughts regarding the intelligent agent being evaluated without the help of a facilitator. This study compares these two protocols with the classical think-aloud protocol (CTA) for evaluating an intelligent agent in terms of task time and verbal utterances. The influence of the intelligent agent’s emotional expression is also considered. The results suggest RTA is suitable for collecting user experience and causal explanation of utterances, CTA for collecting recommendation and prediction utterances, and ITA for collecting problem formulation and recommendation utterances. Furthermore, CTA and RTA can collect more total utterances, while CTA and ITA are influenced less the VIA’s emotional expression. This study provides guidelines by which future evaluators can choose suitable think-aloud protocols.  相似文献   

With the popularity of social websites and mobile applications including Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc., online videos shared by customers presenting their thoughts and reviews on products are posted daily in increasing numbers. Such online videos containing Voice of Customer (VOC) are precious for product designers or managers to capture customer sentiment and understand customer preference. For this purpose, we propose a novel method for analyzing customer sentiment from online videos on product review. Firstly, latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) modeling is applied to identify the topics from the online videos after data preprocessing. Then sentiment polarity corresponding to each topic of each speaker in videos can be identified using our newly designed multi-attention bi-directional LSTM (BLSTM(MA)), which can better mine complex relationships among a speaker’s sentiments on different topics. This paper is of great practical value for company managers and researchers to better understand a large number of customer opinions on specific products. To explain the application of this method and prove its effectiveness, two cases respectively on smartphones and several published datasets are developed finally.  相似文献   

指纹图像预处理是自动指纹识别系统(AFIS)的关键步骤,它的好坏直接影响到整个系统的速度和准确率.通过介绍预处理过程中细化,以及细节特征提取等关键技术,提出一些改进算法和新的思想,以及基于细化图像的细节特征提取算法.  相似文献   

Social networks connect users to share thoughts and build friendships. The high degree of intimacy among users has made it a good venue for word-of-mouth (WoM) marketing. Admittedly there are some basic differences, but this study focuses on the effectiveness of WoM marketing in offline and online social networks. A system was developed to simulate offline and online networks using small-world (SW) and scale-free (SF) networks, respectively. An offline network was found to be more effective in promoting a product with a fixed advertising budget and in selling higher margin products than an online network. However, if customers have diversified backgrounds and are strongly opinionated, an online network is a better venue. These findings can be used as guidelines to determine the appropriateness of moving WoM marketing from offline to online networks.  相似文献   

图形语言是一种国际化的视觉语言,具有直观、多样和易于传播等特点。图形语言也是创意设计师常用的设计手法之一。文章分析了这一设计手法和创意产品研发之间的关系,归纳了图形语言在创意设计中应用的几种形式,并结合实际案例进行分析研究,为从事创意产品开发的专业人士提供了一些可借鉴的思路与观点。  相似文献   

产品服务系统的关键思想是,消费者需求的并不是产品本身,而是产品所能提供的效用,即功能提供。通过提供"优质服务"来满足某些以前"物质产品"提供的需要,可以大幅度降低能源和原材料需求,减少对环境的压力,获得更高的经济和社会效益。本文通过宜家(IKEA)的产品服务营销案例来说明以顾客为导向的服务经济给企业带来的巨大的效益,它从侧面给中国的企业一个很大的启示。  相似文献   

Users seek a more complete experience with software products, an experience that not only achieves well-defined goals, but also involves the senses and generates affective response. There is therefore a need to develop product characteristics that provide both instrumental and hedonic value to users of even utilitarian software products. But software product development organizations will be motivated to provide these features only if enhances business outcomes such as User Loyalty (UL) and positive Word-of-Mouth (WOM). Keeping this context in view, this study investigates how utilitarian product characteristics, as measured by perceived usefulness, and hedonic product characteristics, that generate perceived enjoyment and playfulness, impact UL and WOM. The results of the study show that hedonic and utilitarian product characteristics have distinctive impacts on UL and WOM with hedonic characteristics positively and significantly impacting WOM while utilitarian characteristics positively and significantly impacting UL. The reasons for this rather unexpected findings are discussed.  相似文献   

While interacting with a product or a service, people have diverse experiences, which constitute user experience (UX). In this study, the hierarchical dimensions of UX were considered, including overall UX, its elements (usability, affect, and user value) and their subelements. To determine how UX changes over time, the temporal changes of the influence of each element and subelement were analyzed. Twenty subjects participated in a longitudinal experiment by using a social network service (SNS). The most important element of UX changed from usability to user value after one week of use. These results suggest that adoption of an SNS occurs in two phases: a phase of affected by usability and a phase affected by user value. Identification of these phases and the systematic approach used in the study are expected to contribute to design and evaluation of new SNSs and other products and services.  相似文献   

遗传算法在网络在线智能组卷中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
速度和质量是网络在线实时组卷的两个核心要求,常用二进制编码遗传算法组卷时间受题库试题总量影响大,且后期收敛效率低;通过对上述问题的分析.提出了一种基于分段实数代号编玛和微量变异算子的GAs组卷算法.详细描述了新算法的设计思想和实现过程;结果验征了该算法运用于网培在线实时快速组卷的可行性,新算法的收敛时间(组卷时间)不受题库题量影响,可短至1.56sa。  相似文献   

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