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介绍了旋转式织毯上胶复合一体机的一个子系统——基于PLC的地毯自动上胶控制系统。该系统通过旋转编码器采集地毯圆机的织毯信息,然后PLC据此控制上胶系统的各个执行元件的动作,达到上胶与织毯同步进行的目的。  相似文献   

孙静 《网友世界》2014,(7):130-130
尝试在具有新疆地域文化元素理念的指导下,对新疆特产包装进行再设计,让其更具有民族文化,不仅是对商品的推广和宣传,而且也是对地域文化的一种传承和发扬。  相似文献   

随着60年代“新壁毯运动”的展开和当代艺术向装置与观念艺术的转变,女性主义、平民生活视角、身体观念、集体记忆等转译,开始渗透到“织毯”——纤维艺术的实验性创作中,“织毯”开始趋向用于言语表达,成为观念的载体,变成一种“隐喻”。  相似文献   

上海当代艺术博物馆携手巴黎市立现代艺术博物馆,联合推出《谜途:时间空间织毯》展,展览将展出6世纪至今的百余件来自欧洲、非洲和亚洲的织毯艺术作品。人类在发明文字之前就开始了编织的实践。结绳记事,诞生了最初的编织技术。  相似文献   

朱凌  勾晓秋 《网友世界》2014,(20):159-159
“变冷为宝、点冰成玉、化雪成金”新疆区域依靠自身的地域文化、地理资源,大力发展冰雪体育旅游产业,实施产业结构调整,造就冰雪产业的大格局,发挥其牵动作用,促进相关产业的发展,是拉动国民经济增长、促进新疆经济振兴的重要举措。种种弊端导致了新疆区域内的财政收入增长缓慢,直接影响到地区经济和社会事业的发展,本研究探讨冰雪体育旅游产业对新疆区域内的经济增长影响。  相似文献   

正"今春花打好漆油茶,煮上土鸡蛋,准备招待远方而来的朋友。家中火塘下的炭灰里烤着山药和土豆。她正在织一床8米的毯子,彩虹般的纱线从窗户上倾斜而下。和秀梅家的房檐和门框上,用织了一半的独龙毯装饰,下面的未织起来的纱线自然垂落,形成好看的帘子,她正尝试着在彩虹条纹的独龙毯布面上织出提花的几何花纹。"  相似文献   

在社会发展空前迅猛的当代,人们对教育的重视也提升到了一个相当的高度。这种社会的大环境对建筑师也提出了一个不同于以往任何时代的要求"。学校是一个人度过童年到青年时期大多数时间的场所,他将在生命的其余部分珍藏这份记忆。"从这个意义上看,学校建筑意义重大,其外观与内部功能的关系,操场与教室的布局,教室及走道的开窗形式及台阶的细节,所有这些因素都有潜意识的影响,因此校园建筑环境文化是精神教育的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,人们的物质生活水平明显提升,消费者对餐饮空间环境的精神需求日益增强。文章以装饰织物为切入点,从使用功能、空间布局和地域特色等方面,探究雅致风格餐饮空间中的装饰织物的分类和配置方法,从而满足人们对高品质餐饮环境的需求。  相似文献   

儿童多媒态活动中心是以儿童为活动主体,运用一定的现代科技手段,普及科技知识的儿童场所。文章以新疆这个多民族聚居,且地域文化具有鲜明特征的区域建一儿童多煤态博物馆为例,尝试探究在新疆儿童场所设计中如何关照不同民族儿童的心理特征、并突显新疆的地域文化特色。  相似文献   

人与人之间的交流是通过语言来沟通的,物与人之间的沟通是通过物的功能及形态来传达的,而形态可以表现出一定时期、某个民族、特定地域的人们的心理状态。人们在使用产品的过程中,会得到种种信息,引起不同的情感,这是人们对外界事物产生的直观认识,也称为人们的心理认知的阶段。本文以汽车设计为切入点来探讨心理认知对其外观设计的影响,并阐明产品认知心理的研究的重要性。  相似文献   

北京式地毯是我国地毯的典型代表,它具有悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴,通过对北京式地毯的历史发展进行了深入的了解与研究。详细的探究了北京式地毯的由来,以及其初期、中期和现代的发展,并分析了影响其发展的因素,最后,结合当下地毯业的发展状况来分析北京式地毯未来应有的发展趋势。  相似文献   

ACADSYSTEMFORCARPETDESIGNMaYuhai;WangYan;ShiWanchunACADSYSTEMFORCARPETDESIGN¥MaYuhai;WangYan;ShiWanchunAbstractThispaperprese...  相似文献   

利用在职业教育教育中广泛使用的项目导向的学习理念PBL(Project Based Learning),结合WEB开发的特点和软件工程的思想,利用ASP.Net技术开发设计适合于新疆少数民族职业教育的多语言学习平台。  相似文献   

采用数字图像处理技术,完成了簇绒地毯的毯背裂痕快速检测算法的研究。由于地毯毯背材质方面凹凸不平,光线对采集图像的质量影响非常强烈,因此设计先利用幂次变换对图像进行增强,同时采用了改进的快速中值滤波算法进行图像的去噪处理,从速度和便于实现两方面考虑,又采用了改进的Canny算子来进行边缘检测,最后利用连通域标记法,依据裂痕的面积等特征实现了毯背的裂痕快速检测。表述了部分模块的FPGA实现,检测算法经MATLAB仿真证实合理可行。  相似文献   

An ergonomics analysis of carpet installation tasks was performed. The purpose was to identify and quality potential sources of biomechanical trauma that may be responsible for the high rates of knee morbidity found by previous researchers among carpet layers. Nine carpet layers were studied either at an apartment building worksite or at a training school. Results from a job analysis indicated that workers spent approximatately 75% of their time in the kneeling position using a tool called a knee-kicker to stretch and install carpet. Awkward body postures were identified from films of workers installing carpets. At the moment of impact the knee is severely flexed, subtended angles were less than 60 degrees. To obtain measures of impact force on the knee, the kicker-tool was instrumented with a load cell. Workers who executed the hardest kicks with the tool produced impact peak forces that averaged 3019 newtons (N), which is equivalent to about four times body weight. Measures from an accelerometer attached to the worker's knee showed values in ecxess of 120 m/s2, which are comparable to those found during vigorous running and jumping exercises. The results imply that repetitive impact of the knee joint from the use of the knee-kicker combined with knee flexion, kneeling and squatting may be responsible for the high level of occupational knee-morbidity found among carpet layers.  相似文献   

A model of a carpet installer's knee-kicker is presented. A “knee-kicker” is a tool used by a carpet installer in stretching a carpet. It consists of a rod with a knee pad on one end and barbs on the other end. During use, the tool is placed on the carpet and it is then impacted on the knee pad by the suprapatellar region of the knee of the carpet installer. The tool is modelled by a viscoelastic solid representing the knee pad and an elastic column representing the rod. The behavior of this system during a kicking cycle can be described by a pair of differential equations. Solutions to these equations are also presented. The results are compared with experimental data and with results from a biodynamic model of the carpet installer. It is found that the typical knee-kicker pad does little to attenuate the impulse of the kick stroke. Recommendations for improving the pads are suggested.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine factors associated with self-reported upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders (UEMSDs) among female carpet weavers. Data on demographic characteristics and workplace factors were collected from 626 female carpet weavers. Type of carpet weaving looms, weaving style (Persian vs. Turkish), daily working hours and work experience as well as personal factors including age and marital status were significantly and independently associated with self-reported UEMSDs (p < 0.05), while education, handedness and weight of weaving comb were not. A major finding of this study was the significant association between weaving style and UEMSDs. Better measures of the biomechanical requirements of carpet weaving tasks in Persian and Turkish weaving types are required to understand better their influences on the health of weavers and on UEMSDs in particular. Poor workstation design, in particular, design inappropriate for the anthropometric dimensions of weavers, was a major risk factor for musculoskeletal symptoms in carpet weaving. Therefore, this industry should develop equipment adapted to women's sizes and shapes. PRACTITIONER SUMMARY: This article provides an insight into the risk factors associated with self-reported UEMSDs among female carpet weavers, identifying major factors associated with upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms and exploring guidelines for designing weaving workstations.  相似文献   

彩色图像分割是簇绒地毯数字化制造的关键技术,图像的分割质量直接影响到后续的图像处理。为解决地毯的彩色图像分割问题,针对人眼在RGB颜色空间中感知不均匀的特性,提出了一种基于颜色量化和密度峰聚类的彩色图像分割算法。基于Lab颜色空间进行颜色量化,在HVC颜色空间中用NBS距离来衡量人眼对颜色差异的感知程度,采用改进的密度峰聚类算法自动确定聚类中心,从而分割地毯图案。实验结果表明,该算法能在不影响人眼感知的前提下得到颜色种类少且边缘清晰的地毯分割图像。  相似文献   

本文通过对新疆兵团公路交通建设发展的介绍,阐述了兵团公路交通将逐步由建设期向运营管理期过度.在新的历史条件下,如何做好兵团师级公路网管理与应急处置平台建设前期筹划设计和建设实施工作,在建设架构和思路方面谈一点肤浅认识.  相似文献   

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