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张涌金 《网管员世界》2014,(18):119-119
在网络中经常会受到一些病毒和木马的骚扰和破坏,它们带来不仅仅是系统被破坏,更有甚者可能电脑中的个人隐私资料会被别人窃取,为了保护我们电脑中的个人隐私资料的安全,除了需要利用杀毒软件来为系统进行杀毒防御以外,我们还要利用一些专业的加密软件来为系统中的个人资料进行加密处理。  相似文献   

从系统“开始”菜单出发,我们几乎能完成对计算机系统的所有操作;但是,在多人共用一台计算机的工作环境中,我们有时为了计算机系统安全或者为了自己隐私信息的安全,往往不希望一些重要的操作命令直接暴露于系统“开始”菜单中。  相似文献   

为了解决一些在常规启动方式下不能解决的问题,人们通常会在Windaws XP启动的时候按下F8键进入"安全模式".其实,我们可以把"安全模式"直接添加到启动选择界面中.  相似文献   

当下人们对健身越来越趋之若鹜,而为了追求更好的体验,大家在运动的同时开始使用一些智能感应设备。例如“洋气”十足的Nike+iPod与Nike+Fuelband,无疑是“高帅富”一族随身携带的“神器’。可是对于囊中羞涩又不想卖肾的我们而言,  相似文献   

所以为了在装机时避免以上不必要的麻烦,我们有必要了解一些软件冲突的基本常识。软件冲突是指多个软件在同时运行时,由于一些不相容的操作,导致软件功能使用不正常或根本无法使用。甚至可能直接造成系统运行缓慢甚至死机、蓝屏等等。现将可能冲突的软件罗列如下,供大家参考。  相似文献   

为了让自己的操作更准确、更迅速,一些朋友还是会在WinXP下使用命令行窗口。可是,这个窗口默认只能显示25行文字,完全配不上我们的大屏LCD嘛!  相似文献   

瀑布是个很好的拍摄题材,为了让更多的摄影初学者了解和掌握如何拍摄瀑布,下面我们就将摄影爱好者的实战经验总结一下,给那些初学者一些帮助和提示,以便拍摄出成功的摄影作品。  相似文献   

1999年初,在人民大学李宝山教授的指导下,肖峰等同学(人民大学工商管理学院98MBA)经过两个月的调查,最终在今年5月份完成了“前导公司风险投资案例”及其相关的分析。虽然现在拿来发表,案例的时效性已经不是很强了,但其中揭示的一些问题仍然还存在于目前我们的一些风险投资项目和企业的管理中。刊登此文的愿望是为了让中国的风险投资事业能够健康发展,让中国的IT产业和中国的企业能够更迅速,更健康的成长。  相似文献   

[本刊讯]目前Internet人网新用户在进人Internet后就会发现:信息原来有这么多。但自己需要的信息在哪里呢?为了不浪费时间和不为电话以及网络支付一定的费用,我们能不能找出一种径途呢?答案是肯定的,大恒公司最近推出了Internet网络重要地址的光盘。在该系列出版的光盘中,列出了Internet网上的一些重要的、供公众使用的信息地址,以供广大用户查询。在最新出版的一期光盘中,将向用户推荐Internet网上提供可兔费使用的共享软件的作者地址及一些流行音乐歌手及乐队的地址,总计超过5000个,为了便于用户理解和使用在光盘中还附有专门文章对有关…  相似文献   

说到“垃圾”文件,大家都知道指的是磁盘上残存的、在一般意义下无用的文件。为了优化自己的Windows系统,我们都经常需要做清除“垃圾”文件的工作。但是,到底哪些文件属于“垃圾”文件,却是很多用户搞不清楚的问题,因而也就无法谈及全面并安全地清除它们了。当然我们也可以使用一些用于清理磁盘的软件对“垃圾”文件进行围剿,但效果并非十分理想。所以,作为一个追求最佳系  相似文献   

Cooperative (co-op) advertising plays a significant role in marketing programs in conventional supply chains and makes up the majority of promotional budgets in many product lines for both manufacturers and retailers. Nevertheless, most studies to date on co-op advertising have only assumed that the market demand is only influenced by the advertising level but not in any way by the retail price. That is why our work is concerned with co-op advertising and pricing strategies in distribution channels consisting of a manufacturer and a retailer. Four different models are discussed which are based on three non-cooperative games (i.e., Nash, Stackelberg retailer and Stackelberg manufacturer) and one cooperative game. We identify optimal co-op advertising and pricing strategies for both firms mostly analytically but we have to resort to numerical simulations in one case. Comparisons are then made about various outcomes, especially the profits, for all cases. This leads to consider more specifically the cooperation case in which profits are the highest for both the retailer and the manufacturer, and how they should share the extra joint profit achieved by moving to cooperation. We solve this bargain problem using the Nash bargaining model.  相似文献   

射频识别(RFID)系统安全对策技术研究的概述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
如同许多技术一样,随着射频识别技术的不断发展,射频识别系统也将遍布于我们日常生活的每个角落。射频识别系统在带给我们巨大的生产效益和可观的商业价值的同时也威胁到个人和组织的安全和隐私。在简要介绍了射频识别系统所面临的安全和隐私威胁的主要形式后;并针对射频识别系统的安全对策进行了以理论分析,特别是较详细地说明如何利用了密码学方面的相关知识来解决射频识别系统的安全问题。  相似文献   

Most users assume that their use of Internet services is implicitly private and anonymous, so it can be quite eye-opening to find out how much about ourselves and our companies we reveal by seemingly innocuous words we use to search, the maps we view, and the other "free" services we use on the Internet. The Internet has become one of the most central aspects of our world, and we react to both the mundane and important events in our personal and professional lives by turning to it. Unfortunately, these events, great or small, continue to exist for an indeterminately long time period on the service providers' servers. Providers of free Web-based applications aren't simply offering their tools as a public service. However altruistic they might be in some regards, these companies have legal obligations to their shareholders to make profits. Although various business models exist for advertising in connection with "free" services, the consistent bottom line is that Web-based companies depend on being able to convince advertisers that it's worth their money to have their ads presented on Web pages and emails. Free Web-based services aren't really free: users pay for them with micropayments of information that add up to a significant sum.  相似文献   

Rice  P. 《IT Professional》2004,6(6):16-17
In 2010, the line between work and personal time becomes even more blurred. Although productivity tools such as Blackberries, cell phones, and wireless networking allow everyone to stay connected anywhere, they make everyone more available than ever. Companies now expect to reach anyone 24/7, regardless of time or location. In 2010, work-life balance is a serious issue for employees struggling to juggle their lives and careers; it is also a critical issue for employers fighting to attract and retain IT personnel. The technology that keeps everyone connected 24/7 is racing ahead of our understanding of its implications. If companies are not thoughtful about helping employees balance their personal lives, they might find more employees balancing their lives by leaving the profession.  相似文献   

生活中设计无处不在,设计影响和改造着我们生活的同时也为我们生活带来了很大的便利。寻求生活中有形与无形的设计精神为我们更好的更合理的做设计提供了现实的范本。  相似文献   

Ubiquitous computing is about to become part of our everyday lives by integrating hundreds of “invisible” to us computing devices in our environment, so that they can unobtrusively and constantly assist us. This will imply more and smaller “invisible” sensors, homogeneously distributed and at the same time densely packed in host materials, responding to various stimuli and immediately delivering information. In order to reach this aim, the embedded sensors should be integrated within the host material, heading towards sensorial materials. The first step is to omit all parts that are not needed for the sensorial task and to find new solutions for a gentle integration. This is what we call function scale integration. The paper discusses sensor embedding in the human hand as an example of integration in nature, new technological applications and main challenges associated with this approach.  相似文献   

随着数字和网络技术飞速发展,人类迈入信息时代。然而,网络技术的发展在使我们的生活更加高效便捷的同时,也给我们带来了诸多的麻烦。信息在网络上大量传播,给作品的产权保护带来了难题。虽然《信息网络传播权保护条例》已经在我国正式生效,其中制定了关于信息网络传播权的一些可行举措,但在立法保护上仍有缺陷,需要完善。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的不断发展,计算机网络的使用已经成为了人们生活中必不可少的一部分,计算机网络技术与我们的生活息息相关,但当前网络上却存在一些隐患并对我们的信息安全构成威胁,现针对计算机网络安全防范技术等问题,本文在此进行简单研究.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis approaches have been actively studied in machine learning and data mining areas, due to their generality, efficiency, and rich theoretical foundations. As a natural non-linear generalization of Graph Laplacian, p-Laplacian has recently been proposed, which interpolates between a relaxation of normalized cut and the Cheeger cut. However, the relaxation can only be applied to two-class cases. In this paper, we propose full eigenvector analysis of p-Laplacian and obtain a natural global embedding for multi-class clustering problems, instead of using greedy search strategy implemented by previous researchers. An efficient gradient descend optimization approach is introduced to obtain the p-Laplacian embedding space, which is guaranteed to converge to feasible local solutions. Empirical results suggest that the greedy search method often fails in many real-world applications with non-trivial data structures, but our approach consistently gets robust clustering results. Visualizations of experimental results also indicate our embedding space preserves the local smooth manifold structures existing in real-world data.  相似文献   

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