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A new formula of the spectral linewidth of external cavity semiconductor lasers is proposed, with which linewidth narrowing with the optical feedback is discussed. It is shown that in the limit of large external cavity length, the linewidth caused by the phase diffusion due to spontaneously emitted photons becomes dominant and the linewidth decreases proportionally to the inverse of the external cavity length. 相似文献
A formula is given for the natural linewidth of high-gain lasers, which is applicable to arbitrary three-dimensional geometries. This formula agrees with Petermann's result for lasers with transversely inhomogeneous gains (K-factor) and with previous results for the effect of small mirror reflectivities. It does not agree with the Schawlow-Townes (ST) formula used by most authors in evaluating the ?=?nr/?ni factor of conventional semiconductor lasers. The difference between the two formulas is significant when the mirror power reflectivity is less than about 0.6. Furthermore, the modified formula gives directly the linewidth of lasers coupled to long external cavities. Saturation effects, however, are neglected in this letter. 相似文献
The spectral linewidth of 1.3 ?m monolithic integrated-passive-cavity (IPC) semiconductor laser is measured by a delayed self-heterodyne technique. It is found that the line-width is narrowed when longitudinal submode is suppressed. The narrowest linewidth obtained so far is 900 kHz at 6 mW output power. 相似文献
Carrier density oscillations and frequency chirping of pulse code modulated single frequency semiconductor lasers are shown to be greatly reduced by use of a small current step in the leading edge of the drive pulse. For a 100 km single mode fibre link the dispersion power penalty at 1.55 ?m resulting from dynamic line broadening is predicted to be reduced from 3.7 to 1.0 dB by use of the modified current pulse. 相似文献
Linlin Li 《Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of》1990,26(1):3-5
A simple expression for the spectral linewidth of passive-coupled-cavity (PCC) semiconductor lasers is presented. Experimentally observed linewidth narrowing and periodic variation of the linewidth as functions of the injection current and the gap between the active cavity (laser) and the passive cavity (graded index, or GRIN rod) can be satisfactorily explained by this formula 相似文献
A spectral linewidth of 56 kHz is achieved by a CPM-MQW-DFB (corrugation-pitch-modulated multiquantum-well distributed feedback) laser at an output power of 25 mW. To separate effects of the white noise and 1/f noise in limiting the linewidth, the authors measured the delayed-heterodyne lineshape by using a short delay-fiber. The minimum spectral linewidth is shown to be limited by white noise 相似文献
A variable-airgap 1.3 ?m C3 semiconductor laser with the gap width set for optimum mode-suppression ratio (5000:1) has been used to achieve a measured linewidth of only 1 MHz at 3 mW power output and 250 kHz at 10 mW. 相似文献
A comprehensive model for the optical response of a semiconductor quantum well, including valence subband mixing and many-body effects, is used to theoretically investigate means of minimizing the linewidth enhancement factor. The effects of well width and compressive strain are analyzed, and the contribution of many-body effects evaluated. Compressive strain in narrow quantum wells generally leads to reduction of the linewidth enhancement factor at gain peak. In addition, many-body effects, particularly bandgap renormalization, admit the possibility that by small detuning to below the gain peak position, a zero value is possible 相似文献
A spectral linewidth of less than 98 kHz was achieved in three-section corrugation-pitch-modulated multiquantum-well distributed feedback (CPM-MQW-DFB) lasers over a tuning range of 1.3 nm, while maintaining a constant output power of 10 mW.<> 相似文献
Mode properties of a coupled phase-shift distributed-feedback (DFB) structure are analyzed and the feasibility of narrow-linewidth emission is shown theoretically. The structure consists of a multiple number of phase-shift DFB laser units which are arranged in tandem and coupled with each other through additional phase shift of corrugation. Optimum structure parameters were determined for two coupled laser units so that the frequency detuning is zero and the mode pattern is the flattest. The mode analysis shows that the intensity distribution is flatter and the normalized coupling constant can be larger than those for the conventional DFB laser with a single phase shift. This indicates that the cavity length can be extended with less influence from the longitudinal spatial hole burning effect 相似文献
A theory of the low-frequency phase fluctuations in the output of a semiconductor laser due to spontaneous emission is developed. The theory can be used as a tool to numerically calculate the linewidth of complicated laser structures, e.g., by use of the transfer matrix formulation. The results for the single Fabry-Perot laser are shown to be in exact agreement with the most accurate treatments published so far. Results are then presented for both DFB and F-P lasers with external optical feedback showing how the linewidth varies with the threshold gain, with the coupling coefficient, and with the external feedback conditions. 相似文献
Multimode synchronization and communication using unidirectionally coupled semiconductor lasers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We study numerically the synchronization of two multimode semiconductor lasers unidirectionally coupled in an open-loop configuration, focusing on the comparison with the results obtained in the single-mode case. Anticipative and isochronous synchronization, and their range of validity, are analyzed from the point of view of the total lasing output, and the synchronization between individual modes is studied. Selective injection is also examined and compared with global injection. In light of these results, message encoding and decoding via multimode synchronization is analyzed. 相似文献
An analysis of the linewidth and spectral behavior of DBR lasers 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Using recently developed techniques for calculating the linewidths of lasers with arbitrary external feedback, we demonstrate that DBR lasers with long grating lengths can exhibit sharply reduced linewidths. We also discuss several effects of the dependence of the refractive index on carrier density such as the large sensitivity of the linewidth and threshold current to the roundtrip phase change in the active region. Such linewidth and threshold variations are especially pronounced for long grating lengths. 相似文献
Correlation between linewidth rebroadening and low-frequency RIN enhancement in semiconductor lasers
The observed correlation between the linewidth rebroadening and the low-frequency relative-intensity noise (RIN) enhancement at high operating power in nearly-singlemode semiconductor lasers is explained by using the two-mode rate equations which include both the self- and cross-saturation contributions to the nonlinear gain.<> 相似文献
The phenomenon of intensity-phase coupling in semiconductor lasers is studied in the linear regime in terms of an effective linewidth enhancement factor. The circumstances under which the longitudinal laser structure of a distributed feedback laser may influence this coupling are determined. For the case of uniform gain and carrier density no effect is expected from a periodic or quasi-periodic corrugation. However, when the gain layer is corrugated or a periodic gain is otherwise implemented, the influence may be considerable. It is shown that the degree of gain coupling between right- and left-travelling waves and the specific mechanism by which variations in the carrier density influence this coupling are of key importance. It is found that depending on the degree and nature of the gain coupling the effective linewidth enhancement factor may be considerably reduced or enhanced 相似文献
The linewidth enhancement factor is shown to become intensity dependent when the intraband relaxation effects responsible for nonlinear gain and index changes are incorporated in the theory of semiconductor lasers. The intensity dependence of the linewidth enhancement factor influences many laser characteristics such as the frequency chirp, the modulation response, the injection-locking range, and the phase noise. In particular, it leads to a power-independent contribution to the laser linewidth. Furthermore, for semiconductor lasers detuned to operate away from the gain peak, the nonlinear index changes can even lead to a rebroadening of the laser linewidth at high-output powers 相似文献
In semiconductor lasers, the ratio ? of the real part to the imaginary part of the change in refractive index due to the change in carrier density determines the magnitude of dynamic and static line broadenings. The letter reports that the effective value of ? depends on the structure of the waveguide, where both index and gain mechanisms induce transverse-mode guiding. 相似文献
This paper describes a theory for a semiconductor active medium interacting with a laser field. In a semiconductor laser, the charge carrier transitions are inhomogenously broadened, and electron-electron and electron-phonon collisions tend to dephase the laser transitions and maintain thermal equilibrium among the carriers. These properties cause semiconductor lasers to frequency tune as though they are inhomogeneously broadened and to saturate as though they are homogeneously broadened. A theory that contains these two aspects of semiconductor laser behavior is presented. From it, we are able to calculate the loaded gain, efficiency, intensity, and carrier-induced refractive index of a semiconductor active medium. 相似文献
The spectral linewidth of AlGaAs/GaAs distributed feedback (DFB) lasers was measured for the first time. The linewidth-power product decreased with temperature, which indicates that the relative position of the oscillation wavelength and the gain peak strongly affects the linewidth of DFB lasers. 相似文献