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结合国内饮用水水质的现状,并依据新国标的规定,对饮用水水质需满足的五方面要求进行了阐述,指出水质监测工作要从思想上引起重视,同时要严格执行相关的规章制度,以确保供水质量。  相似文献   

张孝洪 《城镇供水》2004,(3):49-51,35
随着城市经济和社会的发展和进步,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,老百姓对饮用水水质的要求也越来越高。为适应这一需求,建设部发布实施了《城市供水水质管理规定》,其中规定国务院建设行政主管部门应当定期公布国家站所在城市的供水水质,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府建设行政主管部门  相似文献   

饮用水水质安全是一个从供水水源地,到水厂,再到输配管网,直至用户水龙头的系统工程。对各个环节的水质参数进行快速、精确、连续的全流程在线监测,是提高工艺运行管理水平,应对应急突发事故,节能降耗,最终为饮用水水质安全提供保障的不可或缺的手段。本文介绍了饮用水从水源地到管网水质全流程中各个环节的水质在线分析的目的、意义、功能,及仪表的配置建议。  相似文献   

从水质检测机构的演变、实验室工作环境改善、仪器配置的提升、检测范围的扩大、厂级化验室原始记录的健全、检测人员综合素质的提高等方面,简述了瑞安市供水企业水质检测能力建设现状,对水质监测机构建设提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

加强水质监测确保供水安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立城市供水水质监测系统生活饮用水水质为一个城市生活品质的标志,为有效保障杭州市市民饮水安全保证人民群众身体健康,同时有效执行《城市供水水质标准》CJ/T206-2005,杭州市人民政府城市管理办公室于2005年下发《关于建立杭州市城市供水水质监测系统的通知》,由市城管办负责牵头,具体供水水质监测系统网络工作由市公用事业监管中心负责,各县(市)及萧山、余杭、滨江区建设局、杭州市水业集团有限公司为成员单位的杭州市城市供水水质监测系统正式成立。  相似文献   

我国城镇供水水源突发性污染频发,净水工艺落后和管网老化问题突出、供水安全管理方面存在亟需完善之处,全面推进供水水质监测预警系统建设,是加强城镇供水水质风险管控的重要技术保证。针对城镇供水水质监测预警系统建设,阐明了有关法律规定、规划要求、技术内涵,总结了主要建设模式,介绍了水专项示范案例,并对技术发展进行了展望,可资同类工程参考。  相似文献   

《城市供水水质管理规定》已于2006年12月26日经建设部第113次常务会议讨论通过,现予发布,自2007年5月1日起施行。  相似文献   

为了完成2013年全运会安全供水任务,参照强制性国家标准——《生活饮用水卫生标准》GB5749-2006的规定,对城市集中式供水企业水质检测采样点的选择、检验项目、检验频率的要求,并结合浑南地区的实际情况,对市政供水范围制定严格的水质监测方案,为大城市在大型会议期间保障供水水质安全提供了可供借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

当前,水污染日益严重,水质监测是当前水资源管理和水环境保护中的一项基础性工作,而加强水质监测的质量管理能够起到很好的作用。本文对水质监测质量管理工作中存在的问题进行了分析,并且提出了相应的解决对策,希望对我国水质监测管理工作产生积极的推动的意义。  相似文献   

日本最新饮用水水质标准及相关管理   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
日本执行的自来水水质标准是参照世界卫生组织(WHO)制定并颁发的《饮用水水质准则》(以下称“准则”)制定的。日本于1958年制定的自来水水质标准仅限于对健康直接产生危害的或者危害突发性高的项目,而于2004年即将实施的水质标准则与现行的标准有所不同,水质管理目标不仅要求保  相似文献   

介绍了浙江省供水水质网上管理系统(WMS)的设计、功能、特点和应用.WMS通过互联网Internet平台,采用ASP网络编程语言设计,系统包括用户管理、信息管理、水质管理3个子系统.通过该系统实现了浙江省城市供水水质网络化远程管理.  相似文献   

企业项目管理能力的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从本期开始,Rodney Turner教授将为本刊撰写专栏文章。Turner教授是当今世界项目管理领域顶级的专家、学者,在本期我们同时也刊登了对他的专访报道。  相似文献   

水质远程在线监测管理系统的开发研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对水质监测系统具有的污染点分散,水质数据需频繁传递、追查和回传的特点,将单芯片以太网接入、电力线载波通讯等多种信息获取技术应用于水体参数的在线检测,构建了具有真正在线连续检测功能和成本低、无污染、免维护、适用范围广等特点的水质监测管理系统。  相似文献   

介绍了国际上通行的制订饮用水源水水质标准的方法和步骤,以及在选择源水水质评价指标和确定标准值时采用的原则.在此基础上,分析了目前我国在饮用水源水水质评价工作中存在的问题,提出从研究典型饮用水源地的源水水质入手,使制订出的标准既符合我国国情,又具有较强的可操作性.  相似文献   

Public understanding of water quality is obtained primarily from the extensive media coverage of problems. This has contributed to a distrust of the water supply industry and of specific experts in this field. It is therefore important that the basis of standards for both microbiological and chemical parameters is absoulutely clear and scientifically defensible, since these are the yardsticks against which quality and safety will be judged. They are also the reference point from which political decisions on standards must be made.
It is also important that the public is given some understanding of the comparative risks involved and that a proper balance is struck between maintaining microbiological quality and achieving chemical standards, particularly for disinfection by-products. Without this, the demand for more stringent standards in a search for absolute safety will result in more costly water, while standards approach the unachievable.  相似文献   

不同水源饮用水水质指标的控制及工艺选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
不同饮用水水源情况下水质指标的控制是很重要的,研究了不同水源情况下藻类、藻毒素、内分泌干扰物的去除,对水中氨氮、三卤甲烷、微量有机物以及AOC的控制作了较为深入的研究,对控制供水水质指标和提高供水水质有很好的应用价值.  相似文献   

The microbiological safety of water supplies is at present assured by monitoring for the absence of the faecal indicator organisms, total coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli. This monitoring work represents the bulk of the workload of microbiology laboratories in the water industry. The accuracy of current methods is not questioned, but the times taken to obtain a presumptive result (18 h) and a confirmed result (up to 72 h) impose delays, particularly with regard to the recommissioning of distribution systems. There is therefore a continued demand for more rapid techniques, which has not been satisfied, despite the advances in analytical methods which have been adopted in other industries. Alternatives to the traditional culture-based methods are reviewed in this paper, and promising techniques for water applications are highlighted. Highly specific bacterial labelling methods and sensitive instrumentation for detection and enumeration already exist, so that rapid same-day detection of coliforms is technically feasible. Suitable separation methods for rapid analysis of water samples have not yet been developed, but antibody-mediated separations which are now employed in clinical and food microbiology may be applicable.  相似文献   

混凝土外加剂对饮用水水质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了三种混凝土外加剂UEA,TMS和JC-958对饮用水水质的影响。结果表明,水中化学成分主要受混凝土成分的影响,但不会对水质产生长期的不利影响。  相似文献   

Taken in conjunction with the clauses added to the Water (Scotland) Act 1980 by the Water Act 1989 in respect of quality, as opposed to organizational terms, the introduction of the EC drinking water Directive1 and the proposed water quality Regulations2 represents the most fundamental change to Scottish water supply legislation since the Water (Scotland) Act 1946.
The drinking water Directive1 was passed by the European Council on 15 July 1980, with the requirement for full compliance by Member States by 18 July 1985.
Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations for Scotland were circulated in draft form by the Scottish Development Department for informal consultation during September 1989. This had been preceded by informal consultation through the Convention of Scottish local authorities during the discussion stage of the UK Advisory Group on Drinking Water Regulations.
This paper attempts to provide a simplified interpretation of the proposed Scottish Regulations on drinking water quality. It comments briefly on those requirements likely to have a significant impact on Scottish water authorities, including public communications, laboratory facilities, water treatment operational practices, and capital funding.  相似文献   

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