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Polarization effects on microwave imaging of dielectric cylinder 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Theoretical and experimental studies are presented of frequency-swept microwave imaging of an infinitely long lossless homogeneous dielectric cylinder not satisfying the Born approximation and illuminated by a right-hand circularly polarized plane wave. The reconstructed polarization-dependent microwave image is seen as embodying contributions from specular, axial, glory, and stationary ray components of the scattered field of the selected receiving polarization state. An automated microwave imaging system using frequency and polarization diversity techniques is used to verify the theoretical and numerical results 相似文献
Hsueh-Jyh Li Farhat N.H. Yuhsyen Shen 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》1989,27(1):98-101
The microwave image of a metallic object is interpreted from a point of view based on the understanding of the interconnection between the scattering mechanisms, the data acquisition system, and the image reconstruction algorithm. From this understanding it is possible to interpret and predict microwave images reconstructed from data collected over specified and angular windows. The connection between a special scattering mechanism, edge diffraction, and its reconstructed image is established. The microwave image of an edge is two bright points whose locations correspond to the end points of the edge if the normal aspect angle is not included in the angular windows; otherwise a line joining the two end points and representing the edge will appear in the image. Experimental images of a trihedral reflector constructed from data collected over different angular windows support this approach to image interpretation and prediction 相似文献
Tomographic microwave diversity imaging is analyzed using linear system theory concepts, and optimal spectral windows for data acquisition are obtained either by considering window position in the spectral domain or by using simulated annealing to find an optimal phase weighting of the object frequency response samples collected over the specified spectral window. This study provides a means of microwave image formation that is applicable under general assumptions. Results of numerical simulations and representative images reconstructed from realistic experimental microwave scattering data are given, demonstrating that the proposed approach is superior to previous image reconstruction methods 相似文献
Polarization diversity in radars 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
Polarization diversity in mobile communications 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Signals in the vertical and horizontal polarizations at the base station have been measured by transmitting from a principally vertically polarized mobile. There was no direct line-of-sight path between the mobile and base. The envelopes were uncorrelated and the means differed by 7 dB and 12 dB when the mobile was in urban and suburban areas, respectively. The discussion of the results includes theoretical curves showing the relationship between the envelope correction coefficient and the mean levels difference of Rayleigh distributed signals in orthogonal linear polarizations at the base station. The variable parameters are the rotation angle of the base station antenna and the crosspolar discrimination of the incident fields 相似文献
Inverse scattering for multiple conducting cylinders is investigated. It is assumed that a plane wave is incident upon separate perfectly conducting cylinders of unknown shapes and the scattered field is measured outside, then, using prior knowledge of the rough positions of the scatterers, the shapes of the conducting scatterers can be reconstructed. The Newton-Kanotrovitch method is employed to solve nonlinear integral equations and the pseudoinverse technique is used to overcome the ill-posedness. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the capability of the inversion algorithm. Good reconstruction is obtained even when the multiple scattering between two conductors is serious. The effect of noise on the reconstruction result is also investigated 相似文献
在多模复合制导模式下,被动雷达导引头(PRS)可采用共形天线阵列接收入射信号。共形天线通常为线极化天线,将其摆放在弹体的一周,天线阵列的接收信号将出现极化分集问题。针对该问题,建立了在极化分集条件下共形天线阵列接收信号的数学模型,理论推导极化分集对干涉仪方法测向性能的影响,以及分析干涉仪方法能够正确测向的前提条件,通过计算机仿真实验验证了研究结论的有效性。该文给出了解决共形天线阵列极化分集问题的研究思路。 相似文献
The inverse problem of deducting the inclination angle distribution of leafy vegetation has been investigated using L -band multipolarization backscattered data. The modeling procedure replaces canopy leaves with thin circular dielectric disks. The Born approximation is then used to establish a linear relationship between the radar backscattering coefficients and the leaf inclination angle distribution. The inversion of the leaf angle distribution is carried out for horizontal, vertical, and cross-polarized data. It is shown that the results of the inversion using vertical and cross-polarized data are comparable to the inversion results of horizontally polarized data obtained previously (R. Lang and H. Saleh, 1985) 相似文献
Meaney PM Paulsen KD Geimer SD Haider SA Fanning MW 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》2002,49(7):708-720
Two-dimensional (2-D) approaches to microwave imaging have dominated the research landscape primarily due to the moderate levels of measurement data, data-acquisition time, and computational costs required. Three-dimensional (3-D) approaches have been investigated in simulation, phantom, and animal experiments. While 3-D approaches are certainly important in terms of the potential to improve image quality, their associated costs are significant at this time. In addition, benchmarks are needed to evaluate these new generation systems as more 3-D methods begin to appear. In this paper, we present a systematic series of experiments which assess the capability of our 2-D system to image classical 3-D geometries. We demonstrate where current methods suffer from 3-D effects but also identify situations where they remain quite useful. Comparisons between reconstructions utilizing phantom measurements and simulated 3-D data are also shown to validate the results. These findings suggest that for certain biomedical applications, 2-D approaches remain quite attractive. 相似文献
The objective of the paper is the analysis of a rectangular aperture in a perfectly conducting plane using the characteristic mode theory. The problem is first formulated as an operator equation involving the continuity of the tangential components of the magnetic field in the aperture region. The operator equation is used, with the help of the moment method, to determine the eigenvalues, eigencurrents, and the characteristic magnetic currents of the aperture. When these modes are determined, the equivalent magnetic current and other parameters of interest can then be obtained 相似文献
This paper examines microwave measurement polarization for mesospheric temperature profile retrieval on a global basis, for which forthcoming satellite instruments are tasked. Retrieval performances at circular, horizontal, and vertical polarization are mapped across the range of geomagnetic conditions (field strength and view orientation) and are related to the impact of Zeeman line splitting on temperature channel weighting functions. Retrieval performance is hampered by conditions that cause clusters and gaps with respect to the heights at which the weighting functions peak, and this may be a greater detriment to sounding performance than the double-peaking of weighting functions that has been previously identified as a pitfall of sounding in linear polarization. Each of the measurement polarizations was better than the other two under some of the geomagnetic conditions. An orbit simulator was used to document the frequency of occurrence of each of the geomagnetic viewing conditions. With respect to overall global performance, circular polarization was found to be the best choice, regardless whether conical or cross-track scanning is used. Between the linear polarizations, vertical was preferable to horizontal for conical sounding at fine spectral resolution. 相似文献
The real axis integration technique is developed to compute the oscillatory infinite spectral integrals occurring in transient scattering by a perfect electrically conducting cylinder excited by a magnetic line source. Davidenko's (1953) method is used to evaluate efficiently the complex azimuthal wavenumbers, namely, the complex zeros of the Hankel function in the order plane. The computed results of the transient Green's function compare very well with those obtained by the wavefront approximation at early time, and by the singularity expansion method at late time. The real axis integration method can be used to compute the transient response for all time 相似文献
A procedure for near field microwave imaging of biological tissues is presented. A two-port microstrip test fixture mounted on a 2D translation stage is employed to capture the transmission images of 1 mm thick slices of rat brain. Spatial resolution and contrast of such images are discussed in terms of insertion loss and extracted tissue permittivity 相似文献
Active microwave imaging of inhomogeneous bodies 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Pichot C. Jofre L. Peronnet G. Bolomey J. 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》1985,33(4):416-425
A numerical method and experimental technique for microwave imaging of inhomogenous bodies is presented. This method is based on the interpretation of the diffraction phenomena and leads to tomographic reconstruction of the body under investigation. Various numerical examples are given on spatial impulse response, recognition of dielectric rods, inhomogeneous bodies, and simulated human arm. Different experimental results on dielectric rods and isolated animal organs are also given. 相似文献
Analytical and experimental studies are presented of frequency-swept microwave imaging of a nondispersive dielectric object satisfying the Born approximation. The retrieved images show from experimental data measured in the frequency range 6-17 GHz are free of the speckle noise that plagues conventional coherent imaging system. The results demonstrate that the microwave imaging system has potential as a cost-effective tool in nondestructive evaluation of dielectric objects 相似文献
Data compression through a unitary transform is utilized in tomographic microwave diversity image reconstruction in order to reduce the dimensionality and to extract the features in the data space. The unitary compression is derived by minimizing the mean-square error (MSE) and the unitary transform is made of eigenvectors of the data's covariance, regarded as a Karhunen-Loeve transform. Tomographic microwave frequency-swept imaging was developed using a unique target-derived reference technique to access the three dimensional Fourier space of the scatterer and an image reconstruction algorithm based on the projection slice theorem. It is shown that centimeter resolution of a complex object can be preserved even when half of the data set is compressed and that the reconstructed image remains identifiable by a human observer even when 2/3 of the data set is compressed 相似文献
B.-E. Olsson P.A. Andrekson 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》1997,9(6):764-766
We present a novel technique to achieve polarization insensitive all-optical demultiplexing using standard dispersion shifted fibers in a nonlinear optical loop mirror. A polarization dependence of /spl plusmn/0.2 dB is reported with no power penalty due to change in polarization. 相似文献
空间分集系统在苏南数字微波电路中的应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
1 概述在微波中继通信系统中,信号的传输主要是利用微波的视距传播,与短波通信、对流层散射相比,视距微波通信具有传播较稳定、外界干扰较小等特点。但是,它也会受到大气及地面的影响,产生衰落和传播失真,苏南数字微波路径由于处于江南水网地带,雨雾天气较多,水蒸气分子具有电偶极子,能从电磁波中吸收能量,造成吸收衰减;雨雾中的小水滴会散射电磁波的能量,造成散射衰减;平滑的地面和水面可以把一部分信号反射到接收天线,反射波和直射波矢量相加就可能相互抵消而产生附加的损耗。为了减小衰落和传播失真。江苏省在常州至无锡… 相似文献
Coherent Doppler tomography for microwave imaging 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
A tomographic extension of the type of microwave Doppler imaging typified by synthetic aperture radar has recently been developed and shown experimentally to exhibit a high degree of spatial resolution. When CW irradiation is used, the sidelobes in the pointspread function are inherently high and tend to limit the dynamic range of the reconstructed images. The point-spread function of a system using CW irradiation and an aperture that completely surrounds the object has a central lobe of width of λ/5, but the first sidelobe is only 8 dB below the central peak. The limitation due to the high sidelobes can be partially overcome by using wide-band signals or bistatic diversity. One of the steps in reconstructing a coherent Doppler tomogram is to perform a two-dimensional Fourier transform. The ordinary two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform (DFT) produces points in the transform space on a Cartesian raster. In coherent Doppler tomography (CDT), however, the data are sampled on a polar raster. To diminish the computational burden associated with converting to the Cartesian raster and interpolating, we have developed an alternative algorithm which requires no interpolation and is based on interpreting the two-dimensional Fourier transform as a one-dimensional circular convolution integral. The quality of the images computed in this fashion compares favorably with that for the old method and the computational burden is greatly reduced. 相似文献