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The market for the new provisioning type Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has reached a significant size and still shows enormous growth rates. By varying size of SaaS products, providers can improve their market position and profits by successfully acting in the tension area of customer acquisition, pricing and costs. We first elaborate differences concerning product differentiation between classic software provisioning models and SaaS. Then, we introduce a micro-economic based decision model to maximize the return of a provider by finding an optimal granularity, i.e. by varying the size of services. This paper makes two contributions in this context: (1) it provides a conceptual foundation for product differentiation within the scope of SaaS and (2) it presents the first implementation of variable reproduction costs for web based software offers. The model is illustrated by a real world case with data from a SaaS provider.  相似文献   

In recent years, manufacturing companies and service providers have moved towards offering customer-specific problem solutions. These integrated bundles usually consist of hardware, software, and service components and are called product service systems (PSS) or hybrid products. Since the success of the resulting solution depends on the understanding of all requirements, requirements engineering (RE) has become a key factor. The article analyzes the state of the art of RE for PSS based on an extensive literature review in the domains of product-, software-, and service engineering. For this, criteria are derived from the characteristics of PSS and from the task area of RE in the life cycle of PSS. Based on these criteria we analyze the most established RE approaches for their suitability for PSS. An important finding is that integrated/interdisciplinary approaches for RE are missing. Moreover, the maturity of RE approaches in the three domains varies significantly. All analyzed approaches heavily rely on concepts and solution characteristics of their own domain so that a transfer to other domains is hardly possible. This literature review lays the foundation for successful RE for PSS and especially for future research aiming at combining and integrating RE approaches and models of product-, software-, and service engineering. Such requirement models could connect concepts of single domains and enable an integrated and seamless RE for PSS.  相似文献   

Service orientation has been a major buzz-word in recent years. While the buzz is on a decline, organizations are slowly, but steadily moving towards service oriented designs. However, service orientation turns out to be as much of a managerial challenge as of a technical one. The most important complexity drivers in the service oriented design of information systems seem to be (a) inconsistent design goals of stakeholders and (b) the pursuit of exhaustive service orientation coverage. This research focuses on the following two questions: (1) What are the characteristics of successful implementations of service oriented information systems, and (2) what are the critical success factors influencing, driving and/or determining these characteristics? Data of an empirical analysis is used to test a set of cause-effect relationship hypotheses based on nine latent variables. In the core of this model we differentiate the variables ??overall service orientation infrastructure success?? and ??service orientation project success??. The hypothesized interrelationships between the nine variables lead to a causal model which is proven to hold.  相似文献   

The cloud computing market divides into public (commercial) and private (self-provisioned) clouds. The concept of cloud bursting combines public and private clouds: The private cloud (internal resources) provides the computational capacity, but a part of the demand is offloaded onto public clouds. This article proposes an easy-to-apply economic decision support model for determining on the one hand the optimal size of the internal capacity for cloud bursting technology, and on the other hand the cost savings. The model uses an expected value approach that considers stochastic workload and is flexible with respect to the distribution choice. Two empirical examples demonstrate the applicability of the model.  相似文献   

Consultative Assistance Systems (CASS) enhance today’s transaction-oriented applications by case-driven, rule-based and interactive components geared towards individual needs of the end-user.
  1. CASS supports in the resolution process with rare cases, which are typically complex in nature.
  2. CASS guides the end-user in finding a solution that covers all legal and economical aspects of each case.
  3. The example described in this article represents a CASS which supports the complex process of public procurement under the tendering by-laws. The application architecture used in this example can be transferred to many eGovernment scenarios.

Zusammenfassung Drei Einschließungskreise werden definiert für Mengen, die bei Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division komplexer Kreise entstehen. Die algebraische Struktur der dadurch erzeugten Arithmetiken und die Radien der Einschließungskreise werden verglichen. Neben zwei von N. Krier [5] dargestellten Arithmetiken sind die kleinsten Einschließungskreise angegeben, durch die die algebraische Struktur vonP() voll erhalten bleibt (optimale Kreisarithmetik). Bei der Berechnung einer inversen Matrix mit Arithmetiken für komplexe Kreise und achsenparallele Rechtecke werden Fehlerschranken und Rechenzeiten angegeben.
Arithmetic procedures for complex circles
Three enclosing circles are defined for sets that are obtained by addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of complex circles. The algebraic structures resulting from these arithmetic procedures and the radii of the enclosing circles are compared. In addition to the two arithmetic procedures described by N. Krier [5], the smallest enclosing circles are defined which preserve the algebraic structure ofP() (optimal circular arithmetic). Calculations of an inverse matrix are made by arithmetic procedures for complex circles and axially-parallel rectangles, and the error bounds and computation times are compared.


DuD Report

Open-Data-Apps für transparente Verwaltung  相似文献   

Das Semantic Web wird seit dem visionären Artikel von Berners-Lee, Hendler und Lassila [3] allgemein als die nächste Evolutionsstufe des World Wide Web betrachtet. * Vorschläge an Prof.Dr. Frank Puppe <puppe@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de> oder Dieter Steinbauer <dieter.steinbauer@schufa.de>Alle Aktuellen Schlagwörter seit 1988 finden Sie unter: www.ai-wuerzburg.de/as  相似文献   

The recording industry is currently faced with a remarkable decline in revenues and record sales. Paid music services have failed to deliver on their promise of a full-catalog, easy-to-use shopping experience so far, and file sharing platforms are still widely used for obtaining online music. In this context we conducted an empirical study via the Internet with 2.260 participants. The main results are:
  1. Neither the installation of copy protection measures nor legal actions taken against users of file sharing platforms seem to be appropriate means to increase sales of CDs and online music.
  2. Potential consumers’ willingness to pay is distinctly lower than the prices currently set by the available paid music services.
  3. Our study’s results suggest that a price cut for music downloads would lead to increased sales, thus creating benefits for both suppliers and consumers.

Location Planning for IT Service Vendors On global markets location planning plays an important role in the strategies of IT-service vendors. On the one hand, low wage countries enable new opportunities to offer services at low costs. On the other hand, however, vendors can not neglect the importance of physical closeness to markets and potential customers. In this paper we present a model and prototype to support location planning for IT service vendors. The model is based on the warehouse location problem which is well known from the field of logistics.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der folgende Beitrag – in der ursprünglichen Form vorgetragen auf dem Jahrestreffen 2008 des Beirates der Universit?tsprofessoren der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GIBU) – behauptet, dass im Gefolge des Bologna-Prozesses und der Exzellenzinitiative das Niveau der Ausbildung in technischen F?chern, insbesondere in der Informatik, im Durchschnitt sinken wird. Da Deutschland sich dies nicht leisten kann, andererseits Bologna unumkehrbar ist, werden Kompensationsma?nahmen diskutiert.  相似文献   

Gregor and Jones have proposed components for design theories, building on theory concepts from behavioural sciences and prior publications. Their design theory structure addresses IT artefacts in general, not specific to any type, such as constructs, models, methods or instantiations. Their work is an important contribution to the academic discussion of design theories. The authors are building on this and believe that specialised design theory structures for different types of artefacts further increases utility, usability and acceptance of the components for both academia and practice. They have analysed each of the components published by Gregor and Jones and proposed refinements specific to method design artefacts wherever applicable. For each component, they derive evaluation criteria and present examples of method publications fulfilling the criteria. They argue that by presenting method design theories according to this structure the contribution of method design artefacts to the body of knowledge will increase.  相似文献   

Let G = (V, T, P, S) a c.f. grammar and F(V ? T) the free group generated by V ? T, (
(G) = F(V ? T/P is the quotient of F (V ? T) factorized by the relationsystem generated by P. We prove that (
(G) only depends on L(G) if G has no superflous variables. This means (fx107-1(G) is an invariant of grammar transformations which preserve the language. Each finitely representable group can be represented by a one sided liner grammar G as (
(G).In a straightforward manner one can compute finite basises for the Alexander-ideals of the groups (
(G. This ideals are finitely generated in an quotient of a Polynomring by a finitely generated ideal. Therefore this leads to effective computable necessary conditions for the equivalence of c.f. grammars.  相似文献   

Maturity models are valuable instruments for IT managers because they allow the assessment of the current situation of a company as well as the identification of reasonable improvement measures. Over the last few years, more than a hundred maturity models have been developed to support IT management. They address a broad range of different application areas, comprising holistic assessments of IT management as well as appraisals of specific subareas (e. g. Business Process Management, Business Intelligence). The evergrowing number of maturity models indicates a certain degree of arbitrariness concerning their development processes. Especially, this is highlighted by incomplete documentation of methodologies applied for maturity model development. In this paper, we will try to work against this trend by proposing requirements concerning the development of maturity models. A selection of the few well-documented maturity models is compared to these requirements. The results lead us to a generic and consolidated procedure model for maturity models. It provides a manual for the theoretically founded development and the design of evaluation of maturity models. Finally, we will apply this procedure model to the development of the IT Performance Measurement Maturity Model (ITPM3).  相似文献   


DuD Report

Symantec-Studie zeigt sinkende Aufmerksamkeit für Cybergefahren  相似文献   

The objective of this commentary is to propose fruitful research directions built upon the reciprocal interplay of social media and collective intelligence. We focus on ?wicked problems“ – a class of problems that Introne et al. (Künstl. Intell. 27:45–52, 2013) call ?problems for which no single computational formulation of the problem is sufficient, for which different stakeholders do not even agree on what the problem really is, and for which there are no right or wrong answers, only answers that are better or worse from different points of view“. We argue that information systems research in particular can aid in designing appropriate systems due to benefits derived from the combined perspectives of both social media and collective intelligence. We document the relevance and timeliness of social media and collective intelligence for business and information systems engineering, pinpoint needed functionality of information systems for wicked problems, describe related research challenges, highlight prospective suitable methods to tackle those challenges, and review examples of initial results.  相似文献   

A termination criterion by Nickel (Theorem 6, [1]) for guaranteeing the numerical convergence for locally stable and consistent algorithms is generalized. The assumption |x ν+2,x ν+1|≤L|x ν+1,x ν| (0≤L<1,L real constant) of the approximation sequence {x ν} to the solution is replaced by the convergence of the progression \(\sum\limits_{v = 1}^\infty {|x,x_{v + 1} |/Q^v (0< Q< 1)} \) . Therefore the theorem of this paper is applicable to a large number of numerical procedures, for which untill now no termination criterion has been known (for example: Rombergprocedure). In particular this weakening is important for the computation of approximation solutions for integral equations.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Datenbanksysteme zeichnen sich durch Charakteristika aus, die über den klassischen administrativ-betriebswirtschaftlichen Bereich hinaus zunehmend auch für Ingenieuranwendungen als vorteilhaft erkannt werden. Die Schwierigkeiten für einen sofortigen Einsatz in diesem Sektor liegen darin, daß existierende Systeme hinsichtlich Datenstrukturierung, Konsistenz, Mehrbenutzerbetrieb und Datensicherung keine den neuen Anforderungen entsprechenden Konzepte anbieten. Der Bericht nennt beispielhaft für den Bereich des Entwurfs technischer Objekte die wichtigsten Unterschiede zu traditionellen Anwendungen und stellt Lösungsvorschläge für die genannten Problemkreise vor.  相似文献   

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