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在对国内外城市功能职能相关研究综述的基础上,通过五普人口的分行业就业门类人口数据,分析了中国城市功能格局,并对不同规模特征、不同地区的城市功能进行了归纳比较;然后通过五普人口数据以及一普人口数据,对2000年以来相关抽样城市进行了城市功能转型的研究,并就国内外功能转型特征作了对比探讨.  相似文献   

北京城市空间发展战略提出:“两轴两带多中心”的城市发展新格局,并以此为依据完善北京总体规划。在未来几年,北京将建设几个适合50万以上人口居住、就业的新型城市,以疏解城市中心区人口。这次修编的北京整体规划确立了新城建设,它将使北京房地产开发出现新模式,即房地产业和其他产业之间可以找到结合点。现在已有一些开发商有意识地进行探索,将房地产和其他产业要素进行结合,比如和高科技产业、现代制造业的有机结合,并带动服务业的发展,真正做到房地产业和其他产业的彼此促进。由此可见,北京房地产市场格局和产品结构必将有一番大规模的…  相似文献   

1 国际城市经济发展趋势和基本功能演进 1.1 非工业化成为国际城市经济发展的一般趋势 近半个世纪以来.发达国家经济发展的趋势可概括为:非工业化和高级服务业成为主导产业。所谓非工业化是指发达国家在实现高度工业化以后,工业尤其是制造业在产业结构和就业结构中的比重大幅度下降,第三产业尤其是高级服务业快速增长,成为经济发展的主要动力。非工业化的核心是生产  相似文献   

1950年代以后,新国际劳动分工的发展促进了全球经济的融合,在经济联系和互动的进程中形成了世界城市及世界城市网络,该领域成为国际学术界研究的重点。在对相关研究综述之后认为,世界城市研究越来越呈现多元化的特征;同时认为,传统世界城市研究具有"表征替代内涵"的嫌疑,包括:①仅关注高端服务业和高端城市,忽略了发展中国家制造业城市的快速兴起;②忽视了1990年代信息产业的兴起对全球经济的重大作用,包括知识经济时代知识、技术控制力的巨大作用,网络社会及浮现的信息化城市在世界城市体系重构中的作用等;③仅讨论自上而下的全球化力量对世界经济格局及世界城市体系发展的推动,却忽略了自下而上的本地化发展力量。最后认为,在以价值链组织生产的当今,制造业、服务业产业融合发展的态势越来越明显,城市-区域的功能联系日益紧密。具体到中国,社会经济整体仍处于工业化发展阶段,其城市经济发展与西方国家必然存在较大差异,城市-区域发展的背景亦决定了中国的世界城市建设必须赋予工业化的特性,并以上海市为例进行分析。  相似文献   

美国城市郊区化与城市功能及空间结构的演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
城市功能结构的转变及空间结构的分散是现代城市发展的趋势。二战后,随着高速公路的发展及计算机的广泛使用,美国城市化由聚集转向分散的郊区化时期。在这一进程中,人口、传统的制造业及传统的服务业由城市(市区) 向郊区转移, 城市则由制造业中心转变为智力中心。郊区的扩散及城市地区多中心布局的形成,有力地推动了城市化向极其广阔的空间扩散。  相似文献   

本文旨在通过对宝鸡城市案例研究,揭示近代时期城市发展的特质及其对当代城市可持续发展能力的贡献和影响。1937年陇海铁路西安至宝鸡段修通后,宝鸡迅速兴起:抗战时期人口快速增长,大量工业内迁,商业功能全面提升,促成了宝鸡原有内陆城市的传统格局的转型发展,城市功能溢出,原有城邑空间迅速拓展形成"一城三镇"的格局,并快速发展成为近代铁路交通枢纽城市。本文以交通区位变化为切入点,阐述并分析抗战时期宝鸡的城市空间增长及功能发育,区域角色转变及城市空间的拓展。研究表明这一时期宝鸡的城市空间发展受铁路建设及工业内迁影响较大,具有沿交通轴自然拓展和工业集聚的态势。城市空间发展表现为"团状集聚+飞地"式的发展,奠定了近代宝鸡的城市空间格局。  相似文献   

该书是上海社科院城市与区域研究中心主编的国际城市蓝皮书年度报告之一,以"国际经验、中国借鉴"为宗旨,旨在跟踪评介国际城市发展实践的最新动态,聚焦"转型发展"、"文化繁荣"、"城市病治理"等年度城市热点。在介绍范畴上,该书涵盖了城市战略、城市经济、城市社会、城市文化、城市生态、城市治理、城市空间等核心领域;在范围选择上,聚焦了伦敦、东京、巴黎、芝加哥、新加坡、台北、慕尼黑等一批主要的国际城市。同时,该书也对北京、上海、重庆的实践案例进行了介绍。透过对上述国际城市实践案例的介绍与分析,该书编者提出"国际城市2.0版"的理念。这一理念有别于以往以服务业作为城市核心功能的认识,认为在发达国家"再工业化"的口号推行下,创新创意也将作为高端功能,城市经济将以服务业为主向产业均衡形态发展,城市社会的包容性发展逐渐成为主要标杆,城市文化  相似文献   

常毅 《城市开发》2004,(4):78-78
北京城市空间发展战略提出:“两轴两带多中心”的城市发展新格局,并以此为依据完善北京总体规划。在未来几年,北京将建设几个适合50万以上人口居住、就业的新型城市,以疏解城市中心区人口。这次修编的北京整体规划确立了新城建设,它将使北京房地产开发出现新模式,即房地产业和其他产业之间可以找到结合点。现  相似文献   

许初鸣 《城乡建设》2005,(12):59-60
工业化与城镇化互为推动 工业化进程加快了,才能吸纳城市人口并消化农业现代化释放出来的农村剩余劳动力,推动城镇化步伐;也才能培育稳定可靠的财源,更多地投入城市基础设施建设,推动城镇化步伐. 城镇化的实质是农村人口向城市的转移.只有积极推进工业化进程,通过产业规模的扩大,并优化产业结构,创造更多的就业机会,才能吸纳农村的农业剩余劳动力.工业生产发展了,就业岗位增加了,人口不断向工业流动和集中,城市规模就逐渐形成并不断扩大.工业化的兴起和发展的过程,实际上就是城镇化程度提高的过程.如果没有工业化的坚实基础,政府盲目建设城市,农民盲目涌入城市,甚至硬性指派农民进城,制造虚假的城市繁荣景象,就会使得进城农民无业或失业,有的只好居住在城里而干活在农村,甚至只好返回农村去,造成城市的"空壳化",城镇化的目标就不可能实现.  相似文献   

概况 按照新一轮北京城市总体规划,亦庄新城是北京"两轴-两带-多中心"城市空间结构中两个发展带上的重要节点,是承担疏散中心城市人口和功能、集聚新的产业、带动区域发展的规模化城市地区.应充分依托现有卫星城和重大基础设施,建设成为相对独立、功能完善、交通便捷、公共服务设施发达的健康新城.引导发展电子、汽车、医药、装备等高新技术产业与现代制造业,以及商务、物流等功能,积极推动开发区向综合产业新城转变.  相似文献   

Hamilton, Ontario, like many cities heavily dependent on manufacturing in the 20th century, experienced de-industrialization and associated change in its economic and employment fortunes, as well as comparative weakened fiscal strength. In contrast to cities in the United States though, Hamilton's population kept growing, at least slowly, and its unemployment rate never skyrocketed, even though the proportion of the population earning middle- to high-incomes declined for a time. In urban scholarship, dramatic population loss has attracted researchers to study shrinking cities, however population change fails to tell the entire story of the possible fates of rust-belt cities that also requires the analysis of economic changes. Our aim is to identify Hamilton's challenges and characteristics followed by how current political, financial and regional circumstances shape the city's development and create different circumstances for post-industrial cities. We review this using Hamilton's census data since 1951 and fiscal data, development projects, and interviews with local public officials and private business reveals the significant impact the post-industrial era and the Canadian perspective. Our findings suggest that despite differences between shrinking characteristics in Canadian and US cities, Canadian cities should receive more attention and offer a different perspective on the “rust-belt” literature.  相似文献   

With the rapid urbanization of China, plenty of new urban lands have been developed with the great expectation to deal with all kinds of issues in old urban areas such as high population density, great demand on limited land resources, and decaying environment. However, a great proportion of vacancy in these newly developed units leads to the undesired observation of ghost cities. Lacking of clear and effectively evaluation criterion, the understanding of ghost cities in China is then rather limited. Considering the fact of ghost cities, we borrow the theory of urban vitality to identify and evaluate ghost cities in this paper. We argue that ghost cities are associated with very low urban vitality. In the light of big/open data, we are able to profile ghost cities of China based on 535,523 recent project-level residential developments from 2002 to 2013. We use the national-wide and million magnitude road junctions, points of interest and location based service records of 2014/2015 for measuring the morphological, functional and social vitality of each residential project. We then aggregate the project level evaluation results into the city level and thirty ghost cities are then identified by comparing the residential projects' vitality in the old (developed before or in 2000) and new (developed after 2000) urban areas in each city. Our profiling results illustrate the big picture of China's past residential developments, and then of ghost cities. We find the average vitality of residential projects in new urban areas is only 8.8% of that in old urban areas, denoting the potential existence of ghost cities in newly developed areas in Chinese cities. We have also benchmarked our identified ghost cities with existing rankings, the Baidu searching engine and night-time light images. Although we admit that ghost cities may exist in the particular urbanizing phase of China and that some ghost cities now may be well developed in the future, this study provides a thorough evaluation on the ghost city condition in China. This may shed light on policy implications for Chinese urban development.  相似文献   

The effects of urban expansion and population change on vacant land patterns are not fully understood. While the majority of previous research documents that depopulation can result in increased vacant urban areas, there are conflicting findings in regards to the effects of urban expansion. What remains unclear is whether higher urban elasticity (expansion in size) contributes to increases in urban vacancies, or the inverse. While elastic cities extend their boundaries and develop outwardly, inelastic cities contract or stay the same in size and utilize infill development. This research sought to determine if urban elasticity plays a significant role in contributing to urban vacancy increases through an exploratory, quasi-experimental longitudinal analysis of vacant address data from 40 U.S. cities of over 100,000 persons from 2000 to 2010. We compared the top 20 elastic (boundaries expanded the most) and inelastic (boundaries contracted the most) cities. A fixed effects panel model was developed to observe changes over time and differences in total, residential, and business land uses. Results indicate that aggressive urban expansion can contribute to increased urban vacancies, specifically in reference to residential land uses. This finding clarifies what had heretofore been a murky aspect of the urban studies literature.  相似文献   

城市的发展与控制是城镇化过程中相互对立与统一的两个侧面。在以往的研究中,对大城市只讲控制而限制其发展,对中小城市只强调发展而忽视控制,都被实践证明是片面的。在社会主义市场经济的条件下,任何级别的城市既有发展的需求,同时也要进行必要的控制和引导。当前对城市发展规模调控的基本思路是:(1)对城市调控的政策和措施应符合城镇化的基本规律;(2)加强区域规划和城镇体系规划的宏观调控作用;(3)运用地租的经济杠杆节约、集约用地,遏制城市无序蔓延;(4)借鉴国外经验,根据"精明"增长的理念,合理确定城市增长边界。  相似文献   

通过统计长三角江浙沪皖26城市彼此间互联网用户对其他城市搜索的"百度指数",模拟测度城市间以民众关注度为主的信息流强度.基于此构建"长三角"地区的城市网络模型,结合企业组织视角的城市网络对比分析其结构特征,并在分析结果的基础上,解析和探讨《长江三角洲城市群发展规划 (2016--2020)》中"一核五圈"的空间格局,得出以下规划启示:首先,相比企业组织的城市网络,信息流视角下的城市网络结构与城市行政等级结构的关联性更低;其次,城市群的外部范围、内部组织等虽有清晰的界限划定,其各城市的实际功能联系却是紧密交织并不断拓展的,将逐渐演化为动态、开放的网络体系;再次,"长三角城市群"规划范围内部发展不平衡、不充分的问题仍存在,需针对不同外围后发城市提供相应对策支持,加强其与核心城市的互动联系,从而进一步提升城市群的整体竞争力.研究提出,随着网络大数据的广泛应用,基于信息流的城市网络研究将更加全面和准确,可为宏观层面的城市区域规划提供一定的科学依据,引导城市与城市群以更加开放的思维做规划、谋发展.  相似文献   

中国传统城市结构的"二元对立统一律"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统城市结构中存在着园林(自然要素集合)和城池(人工要素集合)二元对立统一的有机结合.这种结构特征发生的根源在于中国城市在早期具有独立自在性,决定了生产性的"园、圃、苑、囿"成为城市重要的组成部分,随后"园、圃、苑、囿"演变为园林艺术,继续作为城市的有机成分而不可或缺.  相似文献   

基于规模分布的观点,对1990-2006年市辖区GDP排序前200位的中国地级以上城市进行分析,以此来判断中国城市等级变化的趋势,并对其进行影响因素分析。发现:第一,中国城市体系的等级性仍处于逐年加强的趋势中,这不同于当代发达国家的城市等级扁平化的趋势,但这种加强的趋势有减弱的势头;第二,二次模型相对于一次模型可以更好地拟合城市GDP规模的分布情况;第三,近年来中国城市体系等级性的加强趋势在较大程度上受到以下因素正方向的作用力:第三产业产值、货物周转量、研究生毕业生数、城镇居民家庭人均可支配收入、利用外资金额;而受到以下因素负方向的作用力:财政收入、进出口总额、第一产业产值、全社会固定资产投资、旅客周转量、第二产业产值。  相似文献   

A growing number of cities around the world have now developed urban digital strategies to speed up the pace of change, and more importantly to move their digital planning and policymaking from ad-hoc to an integrated and strategic approach. The paper provides a cross-national comparative study, based on recently developed urban digital strategies in Brisbane, Australia and Vancouver, Canada. The aim is to understand if and how urban digital strategies align with broader strategic planning in the two cities. To do so, the paper combines policy analysis with interviews of a selection of stakeholders in both cities. The lessons learned can be transferred to all cities interested in integrated digital planning for successful strategic urban outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the economic and townscape effects of large‐scale urban fires and the marked reduction of the problem in developed world cities during the nineteenth century. At that time a ‘fire gap’, or divergence between the increasing urban population and the falling absolute number of fires, demonstrably emerged. The paper outlines two processes — construction and rebuilding in less flammable materials, and increases in house lot size — which made for a more durable urban environment. This fortunate result, which in general owed little to the effects of urban planning and replanning, was largely a product of rising incomes. Examples are drawn from cities in Britain, North America, and Australia, and are contrasted with cities in the pre‐modern Third World.  相似文献   

Globalisation has been associated with the development of 'command node' cities in the global economy (Friedman, 1986; Sassen, 1991). Some scholars have argued that the social and spatial structure of such cities has been polarised, because of changing demand for labour and land. A number of debates have developed around this hypothesis, challenging the general applicability of these socio-economic trends to all global cities (e.g. Bruegel, 1996; Hamnett, 1996), while the spatial changes in the housing markets of global cities have been shown to be varied (Marcuse & van Kempen, 2000). They are heavily dependent on local context, but always associated with increased segregation of rich and poor, whether through displacement of the poor from the urban core (Smith, 1989) or through their displacement within it (Lyons, 1996). The present paper suggests that much can be learnt about urban change in an era of globalisation, from analysis of the differences between global and other cities. The hypothesis is that spatial restructuring of housing markets in London, a global city, is likely to have important similarities with those of other cities in England, which occupy lower positions in a global urban hierarchy. A comparison of the extent of socio-spatial clustering of home ownership in London, with six English cities at various levels of the urban hierarchy is presented, which partly supports the hypothesis, comparing change over a 20-year period, based on cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of ONS Longitudinal Study data for the years 1971, 1981 and 1991. Findings were that, despite its more socially polarised labour market, London's home ownership market was less spatially segregated than that of other cities in the sample. Implications for global city theory, and for the interpretation of the dynamics of other urban markets, are discussed.  相似文献   

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