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华为OptiXSBS155/622SDH设备目前已被各地广泛采用。在对它的维护过程中,发生网元不能登录同时业务中断的情况往往是因为断纤或掉电;有时也会有业务正常而网元不能登录的情况,这类问题出现的频率不高,但它的故障原因却较难定位。本文在对其网管系统中用到的关键技术进行较详细介绍的基础上,介绍一些解决此类问题常用的方法和思路,并分析一些网元不能登录的典型案例。1关键名词及解释因为网管系统涉及到光通信和计算机通信两大方面的知识,为了更好地展开后文的分析,有必要对网管系统中用到的关键技术进行介绍,同时指出该技术用…  相似文献   

SDH网元管理系统是对SDH传输网中的网元设备进行实时集中监控、操作维护及安全配置的综合性实时处理应用系统,主要功能包括:一般性管理功能、故障管理、性能管理、配置管理、安全管理和计费管理。  相似文献   

综合网络管理系统中抽象网元模型的设计与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综合网络管理是网管领域的一个重要研究课题,设计合理的网元模型是实现综合网管的基础。为了解决多技术、多设备制造商环境中网元模型难以准确有效描述实际网元的问题,该丈根据实际网络中设备的使用情况,遵循软件设计原则,提出了一种抽象网元模型。该模型充分考虑网络环境变化可能给网管系统造成的影响,对TMF网管系统中的网元模型进行改进和扩展,希望通过合理利用Java语言中面向对象的抽象,继承及接口实现等技术,并结合工厂方法模式、缺省适配模式以及模板方法模式,有效增加网管系统的适应性,灵活性,提高网管软件代码的复用性和可维护性。  相似文献   

某局GSM无线网络采用华为公司BSC32基站控制器和BTS3012、BTS3900等基站设备组网,使用OMC—R网管进行统一监控,为适应运维精细化管理,该网络还通过北向接口接入第三方GP—NMS(移动综合网管系统)。  相似文献   

10 kV配网线路是电力系统的关键组成部分,而接地故障是其中常见的问题之一。接地故障可能导致电力系统的稳定性下降、设备损坏甚至安全事故的发生。为了解决10 kV配网线路接地常遇故障,根据10 kV配网线路接地故障的主要原因,提出一系列解决方法。其中包括定期巡视和检测线路绝缘状况、及时修复绝缘破损、加强接地电阻测量和维护、优化接地网布置以及使用先进的监测技术和装置。通过采取有效的预防和维护措施,可以降低10 kV配网线路接地故障的发生率,提高电力系统的可靠性和安全性。  相似文献   

我国经济发展速度飞快,人民生活水平不断提高,在各环节用电量需求越来越大。由于供电所配网结构节点多、面积大,配网规划不合理和线路老化情况,难以负担日益增大的用电需求,造成部分地区配网出现低电压情况,甚至在一些区域长期存在。因此,解决供电所配网低电压问题能促进我国供电质量的提高。文中从配网低电压问题存在的原因出发,提出合理解决措施和日后预防管理的相关事项,为保证我国供电质量提供参考。  相似文献   

目前,胶州市城乡有线电视传输采用HFC网络系统,光接收机分布在100多个光节点,用户近7万户。光纤作为有线电视网络的超干线和主干线,以其频带宽、性价比高的优点被广泛应用在各个乡镇乃至乡村的CATV建设中。光纤到村,一方面大大提高了有线电视的信号质量;另一方面也给HFC网络系统设计及管理提出了更高的要求。同时也带来了新的问题。 实际工作中,一台光接收机一般同时连接两个以上的村庄。每个村的供电又相互独立,光接收机一般由离其最近的村供电。当供电村因故停电时,光接收机停止工作,不仅供电村收看不到有线电视信号,光接收机所连接的其它村庄即使有电也同样收看不到  相似文献   

史鹏利 《电信技术》2003,(12):58-59
SDH网管系统在运行过程中几乎都会出现通信失败现象,即网元管理器或网络管理器与其所监控的网元之间不能进行正常的通信。导致通信失败的原因通常有软件故障和硬件故障两类。其中,软件故障多为数据拥塞或处理紊乱等因素造成的,通过拔插相关通信盘或断开后重新连接等方法实现数据清零或重启动,使网管系统恢复正常;常见的硬件故障有相关通信盘、连接线缆及转换器件故障,通过更换或处理这些故障件即可使通信恢复正常。下面是一例Q-LAN线故障导致SDH网管通信失败案例的处理。1网络的架构河北联通二级传输干线采用朗讯公司的Wavestar系列AD…  相似文献   

随着通信技术的快速发展,运营商对网管系统提出了综合、高效和简捷的性能需求。根据TMN标准,网管系统对网元的管理应包括性能管理、配置管理和故障管理等业务功能。实现这些业务功能的前提条件是网管系统成功集成网元,但集成不是简单地建立连接,而要在监管软件上创建对象并设置属性,还需远程连接到网元执行命令进行配置。目前这些操作均是网管人员手工完成,当同时集成大量网元时,就会面临耗时长、操作繁琐和容易出错等问题。本应用采用Web Service技术完成与另一应用软件的交互,使用SSHLibrary模块完成了远程配置网元,利用Python正则表达式模块完成了复杂字符串的处理。该软件是针对网管系统的第一次研究开发,达到了一键集成网元的目的,提高了网管系统的效率,促进了自动化技术的应用。  相似文献   

◆故障一:朋友的计算机装有Win98和WinXP,使用一段时间后重新安装Win98,造成WinXP无法启动。故障分析:重新安装的Win98将位于系统启动分区根目录下的XP启动文件覆盖,造成XP无法启动。故障的解决:知道了原因,该故障就会迎刃而解了。解决问题的关键是重装XP的OS_Loader(提示:WinNT/2000与WinXP的引导程序),将XP的安装盘放入光驱,然后进入XP的安装程序,待其将安装程序拷贝到你的磁盘后立即停止,然后再回到系统启动分区的根目录,编辑Boot.ini文件,将其中所有的“$”删除即可。这里提醒大家注意的是一定要掌握好安装的分寸,因为我们…  相似文献   

作为微软新一代操作系统,Windows XP有着超强的稳定性和可靠的安全性,这里从Windows XP的安全功能和实践中的安全操作策略等方面对其安全性进行了简要论述。  相似文献   

Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007(以下简称FP2007)推出了一个新的嵌入式特性(EEF),被称之为File Based Write Filter(FBWF)。这个新的嵌入式特性提供了实体状态设备的无状态保护,并有新的以及提高的维护性特征。通过Target Designer能够很轻松地对其进行配置,也能够通过FP2007提供的命令行工具或者应用程序编程接口(API)进行动态的配置。  相似文献   

Windows XP环境下网络地址转换(NAT)的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络地址转换是很重要的一项安全技术.文章介绍了地址转换原理及其在网络防火墙中的应用,同时提出了在Windows XP下实现一个网络地址转换(NAT)的方法.该方法通过将装有Windows XP的PC机作为路由器,在Visual C 6.0开发环境下编程实现对流经网卡的报文,进行截取并修改然后转发到外部网络.  相似文献   

介绍了在Windows2000/XP下如何对并口进行数据采集,提出了一种WDM(Windwos驱动程序模型)并口设备驱动程序设计方案。并给出了具体的实现方法。运用该方法可以在Windows2000/XP操作系统下快速、有效地对并口进行数据采集,还可以以该驱动为基础,实现打印机控制、硬件加密等应用。  相似文献   

Das  Sajal K.  Sen  Sanjoy K.  Jayaram  Rajeev 《Wireless Networks》1998,4(4):325-340
We propose a dynamic load balancing scheme for the tele-traffic hot spot problem in cellular networks. A tele-traffic hot spot is a region of adjacent hot cells where the channel demand has exceeded a certain threshold. A hot spot is depicted as a stack of hexagonal ‘Rings’ of cells and is classified as complete if all cells within it are hot. Otherwise it is termed incomplete. The rings containing all cold cells outside the hot spot are called ‘Peripheral Rings’. Our load balancing scheme migrates channels through a structured borrowing mechanism from the cold cells within the ‘Rings’ or ‘Peripheral Rings’ to the hot cells constituting the hot spot. A hot cell in ‘Ring i’ can only borrow a certain fixed number of channels from adjacent cells in ‘Ring i+1’. We first propose a load balancing algorithm for a complete hot spot, which is then extended to the more general case of an incomplete hot spot. In the latter case, by further classifying a cell as cold safe, cold semi-safe or cold unsafe, a demand graph is constructed which describes the channel demand of each cell within the hot spot or its ‘Peripheral Rings’ from its adjacent cells in the next outer ring. The channel borrowing algorithm works on the demand graph in a bottom up fashion, satisfying the demands of the cells in each subsequent inner ring until ‘Ring 0’ is reached. A Markov chain model is first developed for a cell within a hot spot, the results of which are used to develop a similar model which captures the evolution of the entire hot spot region. Detailed simulation experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of our load balancing scheme. Comparison with another well known load balancing strategy, known as CBWL, shows that under moderate and heavy tele-traffic conditions, a performance improvement as high as 12% in terms of call blockade is acheived by our load balancing scheme. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

在工业控制领域,ISA总线等的计算机和扩展板在厂商不提供LabVIEW驱动的情况下,由用户自己编写驱动程序对扩展板进行访问是十分困难的事.本文通过使用早期LabVIEW版本的cvintdrv.sys底层驱动,结合新版本Lab-VIEW的强大功能,以调用cviVXDWrapper.dll的方式就可以实现对物理内存和IO端口的访问.此方法实现在XP系统下对内存和IO端口的访问,通过实践验证与用其它方法相比,实现效率更高,对相关研究在对内存和IO端口的访问工程师有一定的理论和实践指导意义.  相似文献   

This paper presents the characteristic analysis of channel gain for two conductor type power line communication (PLC) system using analytical transient model. The analysis of frequency responses is presented by incorporating various lengths of transmission lines and loads at terminal side. It is suggested that variations in the frequency responses of PLC channel, especially under transient condition within the transmission line (TL) can be investigated more effectively by using the transient model. Performance of transient model is found to be significantly better than the previously available work in the literature. More accurate results are achieved in simulation as compared to results obtained from typical \(\pi \) model of lumped circuit.  相似文献   

Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) has been proposed by the Internet engineering task force (IETF) to compensate for such problems as handover latency and signalling overhead when employing Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6). HMIPv6 supports micro‐mobility within a domain and introduces a new entity, namely mobility anchor point (MAP) as a local home agent (HA). However, HMIPv6 has caused load concentration at a particular MAP and longer handover latency when an inter‐domain handover occurs. In order to solve such problems, this paper establishes a virtual domain (VD) of a higher layer MAP and proposes a MAP changing scheme. The MAP changing scheme enables complete handover by using binding‐update of the on‐link care of address (LCoA) only when inter‐domain handover occurs. In addition, the concentrated load of a particular MAP is distributed as well. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a non-cooperative game theory based algorithm for spectrum management problem in cognitive radio networks taking into account the spectrum handoff effects. The objective is to minimize the spectrum access time of Secondary Users (SUs) which are competing for spectrum opportunities in heterogeneous environment. In this paper, the preemptive resume priority (PRP) M/G/1 queuing model is used to characterize the multiple handoff and data delivery time of SUs. Also an explicit solution for channels selection probabilities of each SU is extracted for PRP M/M/1 model specifically. The effect of handoffs is considered as the interrupted packets which return to the SUs’ low priority queue when the high priority Primary User’s packets are arrived to take service. The queuing delay of SUs’ and the effect of these returned packets are considered in order to balance the load of SUs on channels so that the minimum spectrum access time is sensed by each SU. The non-cooperative spectrum load balancing with handoff management game is proposed to find a distributed solution for each SU. It is shown that this game has a unique Nash equilibrium point which can be achieved by SUs as decision makers. At this equilibrium, each SU incurs the minimum delay on all channels while the free spectrum holes of channels are utilized efficiently. Simulation results are provided to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme in terms of spectrum access delay, fairness, and channels spectrum holes utilization.  相似文献   

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