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Neural Processing Letters - In this paper, we develop efficient methods for the computation of the Takagi components and the Takagi subspaces of complex symmetric matrices via the complex-valued... 相似文献
A recursive orthogonal least squares (ROLS) algorithm for multi-input, multi-output systems is developed in this paper and is applied to updating the weighting matrix of a radial basis function network. An illustrative example is given, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm for eliminating the effects of ill-conditioning in the training data, in an application of neural modelling of a multi-variable chemical process. Comparisons with results from using standard least squares algorithms, in batch and recursive form, show that the ROLS algorithm can significantly improve the neural modelling accuracy. The ROLS algorithm can also be applied to a large data set with much lower requirements on computer memory than the batch OLS algorithm. 相似文献
孙山林 《计算机工程与应用》2010,46(8):29-31
为了克服已有信道估计算法无法及时跟踪信道变化的缺陷,在合作OFDM系统中引入了总LS(Total Least Squares,TLS)信号检测方法来实现信道状态信息估计。TLS方法同时考虑了信道噪声和信道时变特性,能够对信道和信号的变化同时进行跟踪估计。因为充分考虑了信道的时变性,且复杂度较低、收敛速度较快,所以在高速移动通信环境下,TLS方法能够很好地估计信道信息。仿真结果表明,与传统的LS法和ML法相比,该算法在改善误码性能方面优势明显。 相似文献
In this paper, we propose a computational framework to incorporate regularization terms used in regularity based variational methods into least squares based methods. In the regularity based variational approach, the image is a result of the competition between the fidelity term and a regularity term, while in the least squares based approach the image is computed as a minimizer to a constrained least squares problem. The total variation minimizing denoising scheme is an exemplary scheme of the former approach with the total variation term as the regularity term, while the moving least squares method is an exemplary scheme of the latter approach. Both approaches have appeared in the literature of image processing independently. By putting schemes from both approaches into a single framework, the resulting scheme benefits from the advantageous properties of both parties. As an example, in this paper, we propose a new denoising scheme, where the total variation minimizing term is adopted by the moving least squares method. The proposed scheme is based on splitting methods, since they make it possible to express the minimization problem as a linear system. In this paper, we employed the split Bregman scheme for its simplicity. The resulting denoising scheme overcomes the drawbacks of both schemes, i.e., the staircase artifact in the total variation minimizing based denoising and the noisy artifact in the moving least squares based denoising method. The proposed computational framework can be utilized to put various combinations of both approaches with different properties together. 相似文献
In this Letter an efficient recursive update algorithm for least squares support vector machines (LSSVMs) is developed. Using the previous solution and some matrix equations, the algorithm completely avoids training the LSSVM all over again whenever new training sample is available. The gain in speed using the recursive update algorithm is illustrated on four data sets from UCI repository: the Statlog Australian credit, the Pima Indians diabetes, the Wisconsin breast cancer, and the adult income data sets. 相似文献
无线传感器网络定位技术作为无线传感器网络的重要支撑技术之一,具有很大的实际价值和研究意义。无线传感器网络的目标定位估计技术主要应用于目标跟踪和目标运动分析,在工业领域具有广阔的发展前景。无线传感器网络由许多在空间中分布的传感器组成,这些传感器能够测量出传感器与定位目标之间的距离,但是该观测距离因为受环境影响所以是有噪音的。目前基于距离的最小二乘估计的定位算法已得到广泛关注,但是该问题是一个非凸问题,精确求解十分困难。因此学者们提出了基于距离平方的最小二乘估计的定位算法,该算法的数学模型虽然相对精确,但是计算起来十分复杂。本文基于距离平方差,提出了新的目标定位估计算法,该算法计算简单,稳定性强,且能得到与基于距离平方的最小二乘估计的定位算法相当的结果。仿真实验结果表明,无论在低噪音水平、中噪音水平还是高噪音水平下,本文提出的新算法都更有优势,在工程领域有极高的应用价值。 相似文献
黄雄波 《计算技术与自动化》2019,38(1):62-67
从时序数据中精确地分解出趋势、周期及随机噪声等数据成分,能有助于人们掌握事物在演变过程中所蕴藏的内在规律.基于非线性最小二乘法,提出一种性能更为高效的时序数据分解算法。首先,基于关键转折点和趋势导数的方法从待分解序列中概要地析出各种不同的数据成分,然后,分别利用多项式函数、正弦谐波级数及自回归模型对相应的数据成分进行拟合,最后,在加法模型中迭代求解各种数据成分的非线性最小二乘参数。实验表明,新设计的算法在分解精度和计算成本等指标上均优于现有的算法。 相似文献
期权是以金融产品作为行权品种的交易合约。随着期权交易规模和交易量的迅速增长,期权定价的计算量越来越大,在传统CPU平台上对期权进行定价变得越来越困难。图形处理器(GPU)平台的出现和发展为解决期权定价计算提供了解决方案。在GPU上使用最小二乘蒙特卡罗算法(Least Squares Monte Carlo,LSM)实现了对一维和四维美式期权定价计算:首先利用CURAND库产生大量随机数,然后并行化期权标的价格变化路径,最后对最小二乘法和贴现定价进行并行化。为提高GPU平台上LSM方法的计算效率,对整个过程进行了优化。实际测试结果表明,在CPU+GPU上实现一维和四维美式期权定价相对CPU平台的加速比最高分别达到20.275和47.538,且比其他文献的方法整体性能有较大的提升。 相似文献
transport net corresponding to an undirected biconnected graph on a distributed or network model of computation. The algorithm is resilient
to transient faults and does not require initialization. In addition, it is capable of handling topology changes in a transient
manner. The paper includes a correctness proof of the algorithm. Finally, it concludes with some final remarks.
Received November 26, 2001 Published online February 18, 2002 相似文献
确定事件发生的传感器节点位置是大多数无线传感网络应用场景中不可缺失的一部分。目前,在资源受限的无线传感网络中设计高精度定位算法仍是一个极具挑战性问题。为此,深入分析了DV-HOP算法中误差产生的原因,提出一种改进的DV-HOP算法。该算法为了降低计算所带来的固有误差,估算坐标时采用不直接对估算方程进行平方的方法;此外,为了进一步降低误差,采用了加权最小二乘法进行坐标估算;最后,采用理论分析的方法对算法进行了误差分析。仿真结果表明改进的算法与传统DV-HOP算法及文献[16-17]中的算法相比定位精度得到明显改善,分别提高了40%、28%和15%。 相似文献
Tobias Hanning 《Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision》2013,45(2):138-147
Most applications in optical metrology need a well calibrated camera. In particular, a calibrated camera includes a distortion mapping, parameters of which are determined in a final non-linear optimization over all camera parameters. In this article we present a closed form solution for the distortion parameters provided that all other camera parameters are known. We show that for radial, tangential, and thin prism distortions the determination of the parameters form a linear least squares problem. Therefore, a part of the camera calibration error function can be minimized by linear methods in closed form: We are able to decouple the calculation of the distortion parameters from the non-linear optimization. The number of parameters in the non-linear minimization are reduced. Several experimental results confirm the benefit of the approach. 相似文献
利用滤波误差能量给出了一个新的最小二乘快速递推算法。数值试验表明,该算法计算稳定性好,对噪声不敏感,能快速递推到高阶模型,并将该算法同Marple算法等作了比较。 相似文献
针对固定视点下的室外场景在线视频光照求解问题,提出一种基于偏最小二乘室外场景实时光照估计算法.在离线阶段提取场景中对光照变化较为敏感的区域,并将这些区域像素值的均值与方差的无偏估计作为场景图像的统计参数,再利用偏最小二乘回归分析建立场景的光照参数与图像统计参数之间的模型;在在线阶段使用所建立的模型实时估计视频每一帧的光照条件.实验结果表明,使用该算法所求解的光照参数对虚拟物体进行绘制并将其融入视频中后,合成场景真实感很强. 相似文献