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Conventional approaches for solving the Navier–Stokes equations of incompressible fluid dynamics are the primitive‐variable approach and the vorticity–velocity approach. In this paper, an alternative approach is presented. In this approach, pressure and one of the velocity components are eliminated from the governing equations. The result is one higher‐order partial differential equation with one unknown for two‐dimensional problems or two higher‐order partial differential equations with two unknowns for three‐dimensional problems. A meshless collocation method based on radial basis functions for solving the Navier–Stokes equations using this approach is presented. The proposed method is used to solve a two‐ and a three‐dimensional test problem of which exact solutions are known. It is found that, with appropriate values of the method parameters, solutions of satisfactory accuracy can be obtained. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the use of the asymptotic numerical method (ANM) for solving non‐linear problems, with particular emphasis on the stationary Navier–Stokes equation and the Petrov–Galerkin formulation. ANM is a combination of a perturbation technique and a finite element method allowing to transform a non‐linear problem into a succession of linear ones that admit the same tangent matrix. This method has been applied with success in non‐linear elasticity and fluid mechanics. In this paper, we apply the same kind of technique for solving Navier–Stokes equation with the so‐called Petrov–Galerkin weighting. The main difficulty comes from the fact that the non‐linearity is no more quadratic and it is not evident, in this case, to be able to compute a large number of terms of the perturbation series. Several examples of fluid mechanic are presented to demonstrate the performance of such a method. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The generalized integral transform technique (GITT) is employed in the solution of incompressible laminar channel flows as formulated by the steady‐state Navier–Stokes and continuity equations under the primitive variables mathematical representation. A hybrid numerical–analytical solution is developed based on eigenfunction expansions in one space co‐ordinate and error‐controlled numerical solution of the resulting system of coupled ordinary differential equations in the remaining space direction. The approach is illustrated for developing flow between parallel‐plates with uniform and irrotational inlet flow condition. The conventional Poisson‐type equation for the pressure field with appropriate boundary conditions is also transformed and simultaneously solved with the momentum equation along the longitudinal direction, by considering eigenvalue problems for each of the two potentials, defined in the transversal direction. The transversal velocity component is then explicitly determined from the continuity equation. Numerical results of the longitudinal velocity component and friction factor fields are reported to illustrate the convergence behaviour and user prescribed error control inherent to the proposed hybrid approach. Critical comparisons with previous contributions on the same method that made use of the streamfunction‐only formulation are also provided. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A bridge is built between projection methods and SIMPLE type methods (Semi‐Implicit Method for Pressure‐Linked Equation). A general second‐order accurate projection method is developed for the simulation of incompressible unsteady flows by employing a non‐linear update of pressure term as Θn?pn+1+(In)?pn, where Θn is a coefficient matrix, which may depend on the grid size, time step and even velocity. It includes three‐ and four‐step projection methods. The standard SIMPLE method is written in a concise formula for steady and unsteady flows. It is proven that SIMPLE type methods have second‐order temporal accuracy for unsteady flows. The classical second‐order projection method and SIMPLE type methods are united within the framework of the general second‐order projection formula. Two iteration algorithms of SIMPLE type methods for unsteady flows are described and discussed. In addition, detailed formulae are provided for general projection methods by using the Runge–Kutta technique to update the convective term and Crank–Nicholson scheme for the diffusion term. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, we propose Runge–Kutta time integration schemes for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations with two salient properties. First, velocity and pressure computations are segregated at the time integration level, without the need to perform additional fractional step techniques that spoil high orders of accuracy. Second, the proposed methods keep the same order of accuracy for both velocities and pressures. The segregated Runge–Kutta methods are motivated as an implicit–explicit Runge–Kutta time integration of the projected Navier–Stokes system onto the discrete divergence‐free space, and its re‐statement in a velocity–pressure setting using a discrete pressure Poisson equation. We have analysed the preservation of the discrete divergence constraint for segregated Runge–Kutta methods and their relation (in their fully explicit version) with existing half‐explicit methods. We have performed a detailed numerical experimentation for a wide set of schemes (from first to third order), including implicit and IMEX integration of viscous and convective terms, for incompressible laminar and turbulent flows. Further, segregated Runge–Kutta schemes with adaptive time stepping are proposed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines a new Galerkin method with scaled bubble functions which replicates the exact artificial diffusion methods in the case of 1-D scalar advection–diffusion and that leads to non-oscillatory solutions as the streamline upwinding algorithms for 2-D scalar advection–diffusion and incompressible Navier–Stokes. This method retains the satisfaction of the Babuska–Brezzi condition and, thus, leads to optimal performance in the incompressible limit. This method, when, combined with the recently proposed linear unconditionally stable algorithms of Simo and Armero (1993), yields a method for solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations ideal for either diffusive or advection-dominated flows. Examples from scalar advection–diffusion and the solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations are presented.  相似文献   

On the basis of the projection method, a higher order compact finite difference algorithm, which possesses a good spatial behavior, is developed for solving the 2D unsteady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations in primitive variable. The present method is established on a staggered grid system and is at least third‐order accurate in space. A third‐order accurate upwind compact difference approximation is used to discretize the non‐linear convective terms, a fourth‐order symmetrical compact difference approximation is used to discretize the viscous terms, and a fourth‐order compact difference approximation on a cell‐centered mesh is used to discretize the first derivatives in the continuity equation. The pressure Poisson equation is approximated using a fourth‐order compact difference scheme constructed currently on the nine‐point 2D stencil. New fourth‐order compact difference schemes for explicit computing of the pressure gradient are also developed on the nine‐point 2D stencil. For the assessment of the effectiveness and accuracy of the method, particularly its spatial behavior, a problem with analytical solution and another one with a steep gradient are numerically solved. Finally, steady and unsteady solutions for the lid‐driven cavity flow are also used to assess the efficiency of this algorithm. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new method of solving the Navier–Stokes equations efficiently by reducing their number of modes is proposed in the present paper. It is based on the Karhunen–Loève decomposition which is a technique of obtaining empirical eigenfunctions from the experimental or numerical data of a system. Employing these empirical eigenfunctions as basis functions of a Galerkin procedure, one can a priori limit the function space considered to the smallest linear subspace that is sufficient to describe the observed phenomena, and consequently reduce the Navier–Stokes equation defined on a complicated geometry to a set of ordinary differential equations with a minimum degree of freedom. The present algorithm is well suited for the problems of flow control or optimization, where one has to compute the flow field repeatedly using the Navier–Stokes equation but one can also estimate the approximate solution space of the flow field based on the range of control variables. The low-dimensional dynamic model of viscous fluid flow derived by the present method is shown to produce accurate flow fields at a drastically reduced computational cost when compared with the finite difference solution of the Navier–Stokes equation. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study aims to accelerate the non‐linear convergence to incompressible Navier–Stokes solution by developing a high‐order Newton linearization method in non‐staggered grids. For the sake of accuracy, the linearized convection–diffusion–reaction finite‐difference equation is solved line‐by‐line using the nodally exact one‐dimensional scheme. The matrix size is reduced and, at the same time, the CPU time is considerably saved owing to the reduction of stencil points. This Newton linearization method is computationally efficient and is demonstrated to outperform the classical Newton method through computational exercises. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development and application of the finite node displacement (FiND) method to the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. The method computes high‐accuracy nodal derivatives of the finite element solutions. The approach imposes a small displacement to individual mesh nodes and solves a very small problem on the patch of elements surrounding the node. The only unknown is the value of the solution ( u , p) at the displaced node. A finite difference between the original and the perturbed values provides the directional derivative. Verification by grid refinement studies is shown for two‐dimensional problems possessing a closed‐form solution: a Poiseuille flow and a flow mimicking a boundary layer. For internal nodes, the method yields accuracy slightly superior to that of the superconvergent patch recovery (SPR) technique of Zienkiewicz and Zhu (ZZ). We also present a variant of the method to treat boundary nodes. The local discretization is enriched by inserting an additional mesh point very close to the boundary node of interest. Computations show that the resulting nodal derivatives are much more accurate than those obtained by the ZZ SPR technique. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The design of efficient flapping wings for human engineered micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) has long been an elusive goal, in part because of the large size of the design space. One strategy for overcoming this difficulty is to use a multifidelity simulation strategy that appropriately balances computation time and accuracy. We compare two models with different geometric and physical fidelity. The low‐fidelity model is an inviscid doublet lattice method with infinitely thin lifting surfaces. The high‐fidelity model is a high‐order accurate discontinuous Galerkin Navier–Stokes solver, which uses an accurate representation of the flapping wing geometry. To compare the performance of the two methods, we consider a model flapping wing with an elliptical planform and an analytically prescribed spanwise wing twist, at size scales relevant to MAVs. Our results show that in many cases, including those with mild separation, low‐fidelity simulations can accurately predict integrated forces, provide insight into the flow structure, indicate regions of likely separation, and shed light on design–relevant quantities. But for problems with significant levels of separation, higher‐fidelity methods are required to capture the details of the flow field. Inevitably high‐fidelity simulations are needed to establish the limits of validity of the lower fidelity simulations.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Several types of smoothing technique are considered which generate continuous approximation (i.e. nodal values) for vorticity and pressure from finite element solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations using quadrilateral elements. The simpler schemes are based on combinations of linear extrapolation and/or averaging algorithms which convert elementwise. Gauss point values to nodal point values. More complicated schemes, based on a global smoothing technique which employ the mass matrix (consistent or lumped), are also presented. An initial assessment of the accuracy of the several schemes is obtained by comparing the approximate vorticities with an analytical function. Next, qualitative vorticity comparisons are made from numerical solutions of the steady-state driven cavity problem. Finally, applications of smoothing techniques to discontinuous pressure fields are demonstrated.  相似文献   

We present a versatile high‐level programming‐language implementation of non‐linear topology optimization. Our implementation is based on the commercial software package FEMLAB, and it allows a wide range of optimization objectives to be dealt with easily. We exemplify our method by studies of steady‐state Navier–Stokes flow problems, thus extending the work by Borrvall and Petersson on topology optimization of fluids in Stokes flow (Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 2003; 41 :77–107). We analyse the physical aspects of the solutions and how they are affected by different parameters of the optimization algorithm. A complete example of our implementation is included as FEMLAB code in an appendix. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Performances of method of lines (MOL) and finite difference method (FDM) were tested from the viewpoints of solution accuracy and central processing unit (CPU) time by applying them to the solution of time‐dependent 2‐D Navier–Stokes equations for transient laminar flow without/with sudden expansion and comparing their results with steady‐state numerical predictions and measurements previously reported in the literature. Predictions of both methods were obtained on the same computer by using the same order of spatial discretization and the same uniform grid distribution. Axial velocity and pressure distribution in pipe flow and steady‐state reattachment lengths in sudden expansion flow on uniform grid distribution predicted by both methods were found to be in excellent agreement. Transient solutions of both methods for pipe flow problem show favourable comparison and are in accordance with expected trends. However, non‐physical oscillations were produced by both methods in the transient solution of sudden expansion pipe flow. MOL was demonstrated to yield non‐oscillatory solutions for recirculating flows when intelligent higher‐order discretization scheme is utilized for convective terms. MOL was found to be superior to FDM with respect to CPU and set‐up times and its flexibility for incorporation of other conservation equations. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The analysis of transient heat conduction problems in large, complex computational domains is a problem of interest in many technological applications including electronic cooling, encapsulation using functionally graded composite materials, and cryogenics. In many of these applications, the domains may be multiply connected and contain moving boundaries making it desirable to consider meshless methods of analysis. The method of fundamental solutions along with a parallel domain decomposition method is developed for the solution of three‐dimensional parabolic differential equations. In the current approach, time is discretized using the generalized trapezoidal rule transforming the original parabolic partial differential equation into a sequence of non‐homogeneous modified Helmholtz equations. An approximate particular solution is derived using polyharmonic splines. Interfacial conditions between subdomains are satisfied using a Schwarz Neumann–Neumann iteration scheme. Outside of the first time step where zero initial flux is assumed, the initial estimates for the interfacial flux is given from the converged solution obtained during the previous time step. This significantly reduces the number of iterations required to meet the convergence criterion. The accuracy of the method of fundamental solutions approach is demonstrated through two benchmark problems. The parallel efficiency of the domain decomposition method is evaluated by considering cases with 8, 27, and 64 subdomains. Copyright 2004 © John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen the development of Lattice-Gas (LG) schemes as a complementary if not alternative method for the simulation of moderate Reynolds-Number Navier–Stokes flow. After a short theoretical introduction we present a detailed discussion of implementation features for a specific 2D-LG algorithm, which runs in parallel on a workstation-cluster, discuss simulation results and compare one of them to experimental studies. Finally, we attempt to point out present problems and perspectives of these methods.  相似文献   

A boundary element method for the solution of Stokes equations governing creeping flow or Stokes flow in the interior of an arbitrary two-dimensional domain is presented. A procedure for introducing pressure data on the boundary of the domain is also included and the integral coefficients of the resulting linear algebraic equations are evaluated analytically. Calculations are performed in a circular domain using a variety of different boundary conditions, including a combination of the fluid velocity and the pressure. Results are presented both on the boundary and inside the solution domain in order to illustrate that the boundary element method developed here provides an efficient technique, in terms of accuracy and convergence, to investigate Stokes flow numerically.  相似文献   

A unified framework of dual‐primal finite element tearing and interconnecting (FETI‐DP) algorithms is proposed for solving the system of linear equations arising from the mixed finite element approximation of incompressible Stokes equations. A distinctive feature of this framework is that it allows using both continuous and discontinuous pressures in the algorithm, whereas previous FETI‐DP methods only apply to discontinuous pressures. A preconditioned conjugate gradient method is used in the algorithm with either a lumped or a Dirichlet preconditioner, and scalable convergence rates are proved. This framework is also used to describe several previously developed FETI‐DP algorithms and greatly simplifies their analysis. Numerical experiments of solving a two‐dimensional incompressible Stokes problem demonstrate the performances of the discussed FETI‐DP algorithms represented under the same framework.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A 3D Domain‐Decomposition (DD) strategy has been developed to deal with violent wave‐ship interactions involving water‐on‐deck and slamming occurrence. It couples a linear potential flow seakeeping solver with a Navier–Stokes method. The latter is applied in an inner domain where slamming, water‐on‐deck, and free surface fragmentation may occur, involving important flow nonlinearities. The field solver combines an approximated projection method with a level set technique for the free surface evolution. A hybrid strategy, combining the Eulerian level set concept to Lagrangian markers, is used to enforce more accurately the body boundary condition in case of high local curvatures. Main features of the weak and the strong coupling algorithms are described with special focus on the boundary conditions for the inner solver. Two ways of estimating the nonlinear loads by the Navier–Stokes method are investigated, on the basis of an extrapolation technique and an interpolation marching cubes algorithm, respectively. The DD is applied for the case of a freely floating patrol ship in head sea regular waves and compared against water‐on‐deck experiments in terms of flow evolution, body motions, and pressure on the hull. Improvement of the solver efficiency and accuracy is suggested. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates algebraic multilevel domain decomposition preconditioners of the Schwarz type for solving linear systems associated with Newton–Krylov methods. The key component of the preconditioner is a coarse approximation based on algebraic multigrid ideas to approximate the global behaviour of the linear system. The algebraic multilevel preconditioner is based on an aggressive coarsening graph partitioning of the non‐zero block structure of the Jacobian matrix. The scalability of the preconditioner is presented as well as comparisons with a two‐level Schwarz preconditioner using a geometric coarse grid operator. These comparisons are obtained on large‐scale distributed‐memory parallel machines for systems arising from incompressible flow and transport using a stabilized finite element formulation. The results demonstrate the influence of the smoothers and coarse level solvers for a set of 3D example problems. For preconditioners with more than one level, careful attention needs to be given to the balance of robustness and convergence rate for the smoothers and the cost of applying these methods. For properly chosen parameters, the two‐ and three‐level preconditioners are demonstrated to be scalable to 1024 processors. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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