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Physical Characterization of a Binary Mixture of Soybean Oil/Epoxidized Soybean Oil Properties of substance are of main importance in technical process. The temperature dependence of the properties of density and viscosity as well as the temperature dependence of the flow behavior of soy bean oil and epoxidised soy bean oil are the subject of this publication. The influence of composition on these properties in binary mixtures is a point of interest, too.  相似文献   

Hydrogenation of Soya Bean Oil Hydrogenation of soya bean oil by a new group of catalysts is reported, whereby especially the melting behaviour and the fatty acid composition with respect to various application conditions is delt.  相似文献   

Margarine from Soybean Oil Fat compositions for the manufacture of margarines of all sorts can be produced from soybean oil alone as the only raw material by indirected interesterification (randomization) of this oil with suitable proportions of hydrogenated soybean fat of definite degree of hardening. The resulting product is then mixed with soybean oil and possibly hardened soybean fat. Especially, the melting behaviour of such compositions has to be adjusted according to the nature of utilization of the individual margarine concerned. The dilatation ranges of household margarine, i. e., for cream-, cake- and pastry-margarine are reported. The keeping properties of a household margarine, which partly contained interesterified fat that consisted of 55% hardened soybean fat and 45% soybean oil, was examined for a longer period, during which its smell, taste structure, consistency, colour as well as autoxidative behaviour were observed. The keeping properties of this margarine were as good as those of high quality vegetable margarines. The same is true for cream-, cake- and pastry-margarines of corresponding compositions.  相似文献   

Thin-layer Chromatographic Detection of Soybean Oil in Sunflower Oil Small amounts of soybean oil in sunflower oil can be detected on the basis of δ-tocopherol. A thin-layer chromatographic method in which the negligible δ-tocopherol content of sunflower oil (approx. 5 ppm.) does not interfere is described. The addition of 3 and 5% respectively of soybean oil to sunflower oil can be detected in a reproducible manner.  相似文献   

The Direct Hydrogenation of TOP-Rapeseed Oil The combination of the Total Degumming Process with the direct hydrogenation is carried out for soya and sunflower oils in the industry without difficulties. This study informs about experimental examinations for the direct hydrogenation of TOP-rapeseed oil in the laboratory scale with the aim of the test of various catalysts, quantitative detection of the influence of hydrogenating inhibitors in the TOP-rapeseed oil, optimization of parameters of the hydrogenating process.  相似文献   

Problems of Physical Refining of Soya Bean Oil The importance of physical refining - above all of palm oil - has permanently increased in the last years. Other oils and fats like for example soya bean oil are more and more refined by this alternative method, too. The report demonstrates the development up to now and the situation of today. The problems of the procedure are explained and a critical estimation is attempted.  相似文献   

Fatty Acid Composition of Rapeseed, Soybean, Sunflower and Peanut Oils Alterations in the mode of cultivation of oilseeds have brought forth considerable fluctuations in the composition of vegetable oils in the past decade. It is therefore desirable to report occasionally the new analytical figures on vegetable oils, whose source and past history are exactly known.  相似文献   

Influence of Cessation of Lye-Neutralisation on the Hydrogenation Process of Soya Bean Oil A greater number of soya bean oils of standard quality have been hydrogenated with or without previous lye-neutralisation. The cessation of the lye-neutralisation has a negative influence on the hydrogenation velocity and the linoleic acid selectivity.  相似文献   

Investigations of the Continuous Hydrogenation of Oils and Fatty Acids III: Kinetic of Free Fatty Acid Hardening of Soya Bean Oil The kinetic of continuous hardening of free fatty acids of soya bean oil was investigated in a reactor with solid porous catalyst using the trickling procedure. Under the given arrangement and continuous hydrogen excess (continuous phase) hydrogenation of fatty acids follows the kinetic I. order. Temperature influences are much stronger using Ni-catalyst in ihe phase of equalized properties than using fresh catalyst. Pressure influences the reaction rate in both cases in a positive way. Its effect however in connection with temperature rise is much stronger with catalyst in the phase of equalized properties, that is the catalyst with lower activity.  相似文献   

Base‐catalyzed transesterification of fats and oils with primary alcohols in discontinuous operation is an established batch process for the biodiesel production. However, the application of microreaction technology and continuous flow process lead to an increase of process intensification. The ethanol/soy bean oil ratio at low flow rates as well as the reactor geometry have the most evident effects on the fatty acid ethyl ester yield of KOH‐catalyzed ethanolysis of soy bean oil in microreactors. The influence of the catalyst concentration is of a lower importance.  相似文献   

Influence of the Al2O3-CrO3-System on the Kinetic of Oxydation of Soybean Oil I The effects of the size of specific surface of the carrier in the system Al2O3-CrO3, the degree of oxydation of chromium ions as well as their degree of distribution on the rate of autoxydation of soybean oil were investigated. The results showed, that especially the systems with low specific surface and low content of CrO3 are effective catalysts. Cr5+-ions possessed a remarkably high catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Influence of the Al2O3–CrO3 System on the Kinetics of Autoxidation of Soybean Oil II Numerous phase transformations occur on heating the system Al2O3–CrO3. The chromium trioxide contains a mixture of chromium ions having varying degrees of oxidation. It could be proved that the Cr5+ ions have the strongest effect in the kinetics of autoxidation of soybean oil. The degree of dispersion of the chromium ions on the surface of the carrier is also a determining factor in the course of the process of autoxidation.  相似文献   

Stability of Tocopherols in Vegetable Oils Tocopherols in crude vegetable oils are partially destroyed by technological treatments. A further decomposition during storage is possible by influence of light, oxygen and temperature. The influence of these parameters of total tocopherol content and tocopherol distribution was studied in several refined and cold pressed oils during a 12 weeks storage time. The tocopherols showed good stability at low temperature (4°C). When kept at room temperature (20–35°C), an additional effect of light was of greater influence (higher decrease of the content) than the additional effect of air oxygen. The stability at low temperature was found to be α-T>γ-T, at room temperature γ-T>α-T.  相似文献   

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