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Self-organization can be approached in terms of developmental processes occurring within and between component systems of temperament. Within-system organization involves progressive shaping of cortical representations by subcortical motivational systems. As cortical representations develop, they feed back to provide motivational systems with enhanced detection and guidance capabilities. These reciprocal influences may amplify the underlying motivational functions and promote excessive impulsivity or anxiety. However, these processes also depend upon interactions arising between motivational and attentional systems. We discuss these between-system effects by considering the regulation of approach motivation by reactive attentional processes related to fear and by more voluntary processes related to effortful control. It is suggested than anxious and impulsive psychopathology may reflect limitations in these dual means of control, which can take the form of overregulation as well as underregulation.  相似文献   

At organization of the blinking reaction directed to a cessation of the motivational hunger dominant the spectral power of biopotentials of the frontal, sensorimotor cortical areas and the blinking cortical centres of both eyes, VMH and LH increases in the range of the delta- and theta-frequencies. Coherence (Coh) of electrical activity of the frontal and sensorimotor cortical areas increases, Coh between potentials of the swallowing cortical area and the blinking cortical zones corresponding to the trained and non-trained eyes is being asymmetrically reconstructed. Coh function of the electrical activity of the LH, VMH and potentials of different cortical areas changes uniformly. Coh of electrical activity of the VMH and LH, NIII and MPO increases in the whole analysed frequency range, Coh between potentials of the MPO and LPO, LPO and VMH increases in the delta- and decreases in the theta- and alpha-frequency ranges. It is suggested that in the process of preparation of the goal-directed reaction all the cerebral cortex areas and subcortical structures under study related to alimentary motivation and the blinking function are involved into the dominant constellation.  相似文献   

The incidence of tuberculosis is expected to increase, from 8.8 million cases in 1995, to 10.2 million cases by the year 2000 and 11.9 million by 2005. Three million deaths due to tuberculosis occurred in 1995, and 3.5 million can be expected in the year 2000. The most important causes of the world-wide increase in tuberculosis are: 1) non-compliance with control programmes; 2) inadequate diagnosis and treatment; 3) migration; 4) endemic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); 5) ambulatory and self-administered treatment. In the 1970s it was stated that treatment needed to be supervised-a recommendation that went unheeded. A number of fundamental changes should be introduced in order to make treatment effective, to cure patients and thus to arrest the transmission of the disease: 1) supervision during the whole period antituberculosis drugs are taken, and 2) hospitalization during the initial treatment stage for all groups at risk. It is already 50 years since the first antituberculosis drugs were discovered; effective treatments capable of curing all patients in 6 months have been available for the last 25 years, and the result is failure plus a growing mortality curve at the beginning of the twenty-first century. If we wish to alter this trend, we need trained doctors all over the world who possess enough clinical knowledge of tuberculosis; hospitalization for specific groups of tuberculosis patients; true supervision during the whole treatment period; fixed-dose combinations of drugs; and prophylaxis or preventive treatment whenever possible. We also need to take into account other factors such as drug resistance, endemic HIV, and migration.  相似文献   

The distribution and organization of odontoblast processes in young human dentin was examined with a scanning electron microscope. By applying the HCl-collagenase method, the extracellular matrix of dentin was almost completely removed, thereby exposing the odontoblast processes and their branches to direct observation. The odontoblast processes are located close to the dentinoenamel junction. In the middle and outer zones of dentin the processes bear numerous branches. Some of these appeared to bridge the space between the processes and connect them.  相似文献   

A hypothesis on the physiological conditions of consciousness is presented. It is assumed that the occurrence of states of consciousness causally depends on the formation of complex representational structures. Cortical neural networks that exhibit a high representational activity develop higher-order, self-referential representations as a result of self-organizing processes. The occurrence of such states is identical with the appearance of states of consciousness. The underlying physiological processes can be identified. It is assumed that neural assemblies instantiate mental representations; hence consciousness depends on the rate at which large active assemblies are generated. The formation of assemblies involves the activation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor channel complex which controls different forms of synaptic plasticity including rapid changes of the connection strengths. The various causes of unconsciousness (e.g., anaesthetics or brain stem lesions) have a common denominator: they directly or indirectly inhibit the formation of assemblies.  相似文献   

The adjacent pixel nonlinearity refers to the dependence of the luminance of a given pixel on the preceding pixel or pixels. We measured this nonlinearity for two CRT displays by measuring the average luminances of a variety of test patterns with different luminance jumps. A two-stage model proposed by Mulligan and Stone was used to fit the data [Mulligan, J.B. & Stone, L. S., (1989). Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 6, 1217-1227 (1989)]. The results show that the model predicts our data well. Based on our measurements and the modeling results, a double-entry look-up table was created to compensate for this nonlinearity. This compensation method works even if the current pixel depends on more than one preceding pixel. Observers commented that at small pixel sizes the compensation results in a sharp, accurate image. Advantages and problems of this compensation will be discussed.  相似文献   

Traditional bottom-up models of visual processing assume that figure-ground organization precedes object recognition. This assumption seems logically necessary: How can object recognition occur before a region is labeled as figure? However, some behavioral studies find that familiar regions are more likely to be labeled figure than less familiar regions, a problematic finding for bottom-up models. An interactive account is proposed in which figure-ground processes receive top-down input from object representations in a hierarchical system. A graded, interactive computational model is presented that accounts for behavioral results in which familiarity effects are found. The interactive model offers an alternative conception of visual processing to bottom-up models. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying the improved recall of isolated events (von Restorff effect) were investigated. Participants studied lists of stimuli containing a physical and a semantic isolate while performing a physical task or a lexical decision task. The physical-task group showed a physical but not a semantic isolation effect (IE) in free recall, whereas the lexical-decision group displayed both types of IEs. The recall of the isolates was independent of that of the other words, and isolates were usually reported separately from other words in the list. Event-related potentials recorded at encoding predicted the recall of both types of isolates. In recognition tests, the IE was obtained only when the encoding context was reinstated. These results are consistent with a model of the IE that stresses the role of the encoding processes immediately following the presentation of distinctive events, and that postulates interactions between these processes and subsequent elaboration of the stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This paper investigates visual search in displays in which distractors are spatially grouped. The effect on detection of target position within a spatially grouped 2-dimensional display containing 2 distractor types were examined. The authors compared detection in grouped displays with detection in 2 kinds of control display, homogeneous (one distractor type) and ungrouped (2 distractor types), to determine whether detection in grouped displays would be more similar to efficient detection in homogeneous displays than to inefficient detection in ungrouped displays. Findings show relatively efficient detection in group displays. Detection of targets at the border of two regions where distractors are coherent is easier than can be predicted by models that do not take spatial organization into account. Thus, models of visual search need to incorporate effects of spatial organization in addition to bottom-up difference calculations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied discrete functional localization for visuo-perceptual, spatial, and nonverbal memory tasks in conjunction with focal electrical stimulation of the exposed right-dominant cortex during awake craniotomies in 22 patients. Results provide evidence for discrete functional localization in the right, nondominant hemisphere. Performance on each task was significantly impaired in association with stimulation of some, but not all, sites in comparison with performance on nonstimulation control trials. There was, generally, a strong dissociation of sites involved in separate functions across individual Ss. Contrary to the notion of diffuse functional organization in the nondominant hemisphere, visuospatial functions in the right hemisphere appear to be as discretely localized as verbal functions in the left hemisphere. Language and language-related functions of naming, reading, short-term verbal memory, nonverbal oral-facial movement, and phonemic identification were assessed in a subgroup of 10 Ss in conjunction with right nondominant cortical stimulation. In right-handed Ss, no disruptions of these tasks were seen with stimulation of sites outside the right face motor cortex itself. In 2 case studies, there was evidence for right cortical involvement in the mediation of 2 nonphonetic symbol-based language systems: Japanese Kanji and Fortran. (French abstract) (72 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The progress towards a coherent policy of international standardisation of electrical equipment used in medical practice is reviewed against the background to existing legislation in Western Europe. The work of the International Electrotechnical Commission and the implications of the EEC in this context are discussed, as well as the general philosophy of the safety of medical electrical equipment in relation to standardisation.  相似文献   

Crystals of the lipophilic tracer DiI were applied to discrete regions of the olfactory epithelium of goldfish to trace the primary sensory projection to the olfactory bulb. Receptors from the anterior half of the sensory sheet project primarily to glomeruli in the medial half of the bulb and receptors in the posterior half terminate mainly within the lateral half of the bulb. This pattern disappeared following ablation of selected, discrete epithelial regions. In order to investigate reorganization of secondary olfactory projections, unoperated control and unilaterally bulbectomized animals received injections of [3H]proline into the right olfactory bulb. Densities of silver grains per unit area were determined within six different forebrain nuclei in both the right and left hemispheres of each animal. Of the six areas examined, three demonstrated a significantly greater density of afferent innervation from the ipsilateral versus contralateral bulb; a difference which disappeared in two of these three regions after bulbectomy. Thus, for at least two forebrain nuclei, bulb removal caused a change in the afferent input from the spared olfactory bulb to those regions. We conclude that both primary and secondary olfactory projections in goldfish are capable of some degree of reorganization following insult.  相似文献   

Bipedicle flaps have been used to provide good quality soft tissue cover for defects in many anatomical sites. The indications for the use of this flap have not been well defined and with the advent of more complex modes of tissue transfer this simple technique is often overlooked. We have found it to be a safe and expedient method of providing cover for difficult defects on the extremities. We present a series of 9 flaps raised on 7 patients over a 12-month period and discuss the indications and refinements in flap design.  相似文献   

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