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125 倒4 14 J 为 3 力【126 倒3:1—41 西哥的墨8 $两哥的ID41 倒2 7 2 图1 图31【41 倒ZI3—41 i口;东江【1421 倒13——8 闸门槽冲蚀示意"··洞进口平面布置 I142 倒13~1411 图3、东江水电站右岸 图1、碧口水电站右J7111 11导流洞闸f7槽冲蚀示意图 导流洞进口平面布置图 l142 倒131 倒12 龙丰峡碧水电站—”·’龙丰峡水电站—…………··I144 15 2 4 3I144 18 倒 3 31211481 倒 2 ]sl……字字阮…··’··““““““”“字阮—·’··” IDS二S 18 SI……··甩刀罕杀既—··”··’”“”““’””甩刀杀纨—…··…  相似文献   

通过对北京市2012年“7·21”和2016年“7·20”等2场暴雨成因、过程、特征以及洪水过程、特点的分析,发现“7·20”暴雨降水总量大于“7·21”,但洪峰流量接近,径流系数偏小,洪水水位偏低,主要是由于“7·20”暴雨历时长、强度小以及河道整治等因素造成的,导致土壤入渗比例增大、洪水过程平缓.本项研究对进一步认识大石河漫水河站以上流域水文特征、提高水文预报精度以及防汛调度具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

“96·7”特大暴雨洪水是湖南省超历史纪录的洪涝灾害,暴雨天气系统之复杂,暴雨强度之大,范围之广,洪峰水位之高以及受灾面积之大,灾害损失之严重是触目惊心的。通过对“96·7”特大洪灾的反思,给我们今后治理洞庭湖区提出新的思路。  相似文献   

期页曹娥江中上游水土流失沽算方法初析”·”··一13嘉兴市地面沉降观状及其治理对策“·”·”··…17曲线铰水力自控翻板闸门简介······“·”·”一110提高低压机组并网运行稳定性的措施”·“·“…112丽水地区小(二)型水库安全管理现状及对策:114灌区量水技术简介”·,.···“·“·“·“·”···”·“一1场衡州市铜山源水库灌溉渠首闸门自动控制系统的研制”·“·“·”·“········“··”“·“·”·,.·”一122 护排灌灌区计算机自动控制研究”··,.·””一‘“…131混凝土U形槽预制新工艺及其配套机…  相似文献   

·防灾减灾‘谈非自然因素遗成的灾害与防治········“”一陆中央(1一2)对启用滋阳河中游洼地浦洪的思考”·······,.二赵银歧(1一7)黄土高原区侧约粮食生产的千早佩因分析 ”’~一….~’”二‘~’….~·~·~·…袁坷珊杨增义(2一1)河北大行山区“g6·护基留泥石流灾害考察报告 ···~········”·····……孙吉定张金香王振亮(2一9)对白洋淀和白沟祖纽联合运用的几点建议 …’~’…~‘~’··……”…”·…”‘“郭琪刘敬礼(1一13)农田合理污斑探讨······”···”··一了乃好宋运良(3一1)庸坊市地下水…  相似文献   

(期.瓦)总绪经脸深化改革加快水电建设的新发展”·“·… ·”··“·”·”·~·一“”二”···一,……”·…本刊编辑部(1.3〕娜放思想,转换机侧,加快水利水电劫洲设计改革”一 ”·“·”··””·“·“··”·”···”·······”·”·“··”一朱尔明(3.3)水利水电不统部分劫侧单位转变内部经公机创情况简介 .”二,“……‘·”‘:.”…,·····……”.…”,二,”.…”,”,(3 .6)立足于防大汛防早汛—能裸部1993年防汛工作会议 侧记·”“··”“·”·····”····”···~··““···”····一(5.3…  相似文献   

江西省人大常委会公告··…’二‘二’“’‘·’‘”””“’‘’“‘””””””“’‘’.“”””’‘.””””“”“‘’江西省实施《中华人民共和国水法》办法.’’’··········,··································……依法治水造福人民···········……’二””’‘’“’“”“’“‘”’‘”””‘”’‘”””’‘’‘””“”’.”’…在((江西省实施<中华人民共和国水法》办法》新闻发布会上的讲话:··············……认真贯彻落实《办法》进一步开创…  相似文献   

洪水灾害自古以来就是珠江流域发生频率最高、危害最大的自然灾害。进入 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,珠江流域连续发生了“94·6”、“94·7”、“96·7”、“98·6”等大洪水 ,洪灾损失严重 ,引起了社会各界的关注。现结合珠江流域自然条件、暴雨洪水特性及社会发展等因素 ,分析珠江流域面临的防洪形势 ,并据此对珠江流域的防洪建设提出建议。  相似文献   

综述简述我国水文仪器的现状与发展·····……(l一l)美国在水文中计算机应用的新进展“··…,·(1一4)我国水文仪器发展综述”·····一”·”·……(2一1)流向测量仪器的现状与展望:’”二,t’一,’’铭一15)关国的水文仪器和水文站一一访美见闻…(3一1) 论文城市无线电移动业务的电波传播(中),。:’(l一7)城市无线电移动业寿的电波蜷蛤坏).,.二‘(2洲多0)Ls一25一i型旋桨流速仪检定曲绷的计算机拟合 .…,…,…,..·,·……,.…“……“·.…。”.…(3一15)水文巡测记录仪的设计·······“·········……(3一20)大…  相似文献   

第一期清水河流域七座坦康的前途大有可为(艾)采取防冲措施营造防冲林带······……陈铁汉(邵)关于自靓降水量查料整福中一些简题的处理 意兑································……:…郑握芬(37)在吊箱_E用木杆实测8.6米水深的耗脸 ’“”.“.”’‘”’“‘’‘’‘.“’‘””’二’······……张永暨(即)我段增产节构廷动是如何开展的 ”””“”““’‘’‘”’‘”“’““·····……开封修防段(勿少一 高举毛泽东思想红旗实现段针工作革命化 一种毅针两种拮果······4····…  相似文献   

澜沧江发源于我国青海省 ,流经国外改称湄公河 ,它是我国乃至世界上重要的国际河流之一 .通过对澜沧江源头地区水文、地貌、冰川及河流特征的实地考察 ,并利用全球定位系统 (GPS)、地理信息系统 (GIS )和卫星遥感系统 (SRS)等技术来确定澜沧江 (湄公河 )的正源及其源头 .依据以河流的长度为主 ,并参照集水面积、河流水量等要素 ,最终确定澜沧江的正源为扎阿曲 ,发源于中国青海省玉树藏族自治州杂多县扎青乡海拔 5 5 14m的果宗木查山 .澜沧江的源头为一 0 .6 7km2 的冰川 ,源头海拔高度为 5 2 2 4m .其地理位置是东经 94°41′44″ ,北纬 33°42′31″.  相似文献   

2001年7月,深圳市遭台风袭击,布吉河洪水冲毁了长达110m的浆砌石护岸挡土墙,直接威胁着附近楼房的安全和河道的正常泄洪。险情处理分两步:第一步,抢筑土钉墙作为河岸的临时支护;第二步,重建浆砌石挡土墙。着重介绍了在狭窄地形条件下,较高挡土墙的型式选择及衡重式挡土墙的设计和计算。  相似文献   

介绍在黄河中为了能够利用绞吸式挖泥船进行挖河固堤,2001年下半年利用绞吸式挖泥船在黄河中实施动水开挖疏浚河槽的情况.对挖泥船型号的选择、施工方法及存在的问题如挖泥船适应的水流条件、船只调遣中存在的问题及输沙浓度等进行简单探讨.  相似文献   

The annual hydrograph of large rivers, including flood pulses and low‐flow periods, is believed to play a primary role in the productivity of biota associated with these ecosystems. We investigated the relationship between river hydrology and Interior least tern (Sterna antillarum) reproductive success on the Lower Mississippi River from April to July 1986–1993. The number of fledglings produced per adult pair was negatively correlated with July mean (r=?0.95, p=0.0004) and July maximum river elevation (r=?0.97, p=0.0001), but no other aspects of river hydrology were related to tern reproduction. Low‐water elevations in July may benefit least tern reproductive success by increasing sand island area or the area of shallow‐water habitat that surrounds islands. Loss of deep‐water habitats in conjunction with an increase in shallow habitat during stage decreases may concentrate fish prey in shallow‐water habitats and backwater areas, thereby increasing food availability during chick‐rearing. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河综合自动化系统工程综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为解决原有乌鲁木齐河上水利工程老化,自动化管理水平低,水量平衡误差大等问题,2005年7月乌鲁木齐河综合自动化系统工程(以下简称乌河综合自动化工程)全面开工建设。详细介绍了乌河综合自动化工程的7个子系统结构组成、功能,分析了自动化工程的初步效果,阐述了自动化工程的优点和缺点,提出了改进的建议。  相似文献   

研究了干旱区河谷林生态需水的概况,并以新疆阿尔泰山前平原布尔津河出山口以下河段的河谷林为例,采用参考作物法,计算了研究区内河谷林生态需水量。计算结果表明:该区域的生态需水总量为0.8亿m2,其中6-7月份河谷林需水量较大,月需水量约为全年的25%。这些成果可为流域生态保护与水资源合理配置提供重要的基础数据。  相似文献   

本文研究内陆干旱区河谷林的需水情况。首先简要评述了干旱区河谷林生态需水的概况,并以新疆阿尔泰山前平原布尔津河出山口以下河段的河谷林为例,采用参考作物法,计算了研究区内河谷林生态需水量。计算结果表明:该区域的生态需水总量为0.8亿m3,其中6~7月份河谷林需水量较大,月需水量约为全年的25%。这些成果为流域生态保护与水资源合理配置提供了重要的基础数据。  相似文献   

Water temperature is a critical ecological indicator; however, few studies have statistically modeled century-scale trends in riverine or estuarine water temperature, or their cause. Here, we recover, digitize, and analyze archival temperature measurements from the 1850s onward to investigate how and why water temperatures in the lower Columbia River are changing. To infill data gaps and explore changes, we develop regression models of daily historical Columbia River water temperature using time-lagged river flow and air temperature as the independent variables. Models were developed for three time periods (mid-19th, mid-20th, and early 21st century), using archival and modern measurements (1854–1876; 1938–present). Daily and monthly averaged root-mean-square errors overall are 0.89°C and 0.77°C, respectively for the 1938–2018 period. Results suggest that annual averaged water temperature increased by 2.2°C ± 0.2°C since the 1850s, a rate of 1.3°C ± 0.1°C/century. Increased water temperatures are seasonally dependent. An increase of approximately 2.0°C ± 0.2°C/century occurs in the July–Dec time-frame, while springtime trends are statistically insignificant. Rising temperatures change the probability of exceeding ecologically important thresholds; since the 1850s, the number of days with water temperatures over 20°C increased from ~5 to 60 per year, while the number below 2°C decreased from ~10 to 0 days/per year. Overall, the modern system is warmer, but exhibits less temperature variability. The reservoir system reduces sensitivity to short-term atmospheric forcing. Statistical experiments within our modeling framework suggest that increased water temperature is driven by warming air temperatures (~29%), altered river flow (~14%), and water resources management (~57%).  相似文献   

为保电站水库的防洪安全而建立的猫跳河流域水情自动测报系统,由1个中心站、5个中继站、29个水位雨量站、11个显示分中心组成,功能齐全,操作方便。该系统作为一项非工程防洪措施,在梯级水库防洪及兴利调度中发挥了作用,特别是在描跳河“96.7”特大洪水调度中起到了很好的防洪预报作用。  相似文献   

The Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona, is part of an adaptive management programme which optimizes dam operations to improve various resources in the downstream ecosystem within Grand Canyon. Understanding how populations of federally endangered humpback chub Gila cypha respond to these dam operations is a high priority. Here, we test hypotheses concerning temporal variation in juvenile humpback chub apparent survival rates and abundance by comparing estimates between hydropeaking and steady discharge regimes over a 3‐year period (July 2009–July 2012). The most supported model ignored flow type (steady vs hydropeaking) and estimated a declining trend in daily apparent survival rate across years (99.90%, 99.79% and 99.67% for 2009, 2010 and 2011, respectively). Corresponding abundance of juvenile humpback chub increased temporally; open population model estimates ranged from 615 to 2802 individuals/km, and closed model estimates ranged from 94 to 1515 individuals/km. These changes in apparent survival and abundance may reflect broader trends, or simply represent inter‐annual variation. Important findings include (i) juvenile humpback chub are currently surviving and recruiting in the mainstem Colorado River with increasing abundance; (ii) apparent survival does not benefit from steady fall discharges from Glen Canyon Dam; and (iii) direct assessment of demographic parameters for juvenile endangered fish are possible and can rapidly inform management actions in regulated rivers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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