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In order to improve the knowledge about the presence of Salmonella in pork meat in Sardinia (Italy), the prevalence and the sources of Salmonella at 5 pig slaughterhouses (slaughtered pigs and environment) were investigated and the isolates were characterised. A total of 462 samples were collected, 425 from pigs at slaughter and 41 from the slaughterhouse environment. Salmonella was isolated from 26/85 (30.5%) mesenteric lymph nodes, 14/85 (16.4%) colon contents, and from 12/85 (14.1%) carcasses and livers. Salmonella prevalence was 38% (8/21) in samples from surfaces not in contact with meat, and 35% (7/20) in those from surfaces in contact with meat. Thirty-one pigs were identified as carriers of Salmonella in lymph nodes and/or colon content, but of these, only 8 carcasses were positive. A total of 103 Salmonella isolates were serotyped and genotyped. Eight different serotypes were detected; the most common were S. Derby (44/103, 42.7%) and S. Typhimurium (24/103, 23.3%). The most prevalent S. Typhimurium phage type was DT193. Thirty-two isolates were found to be resistant to more than one antimicrobial (MDR). Pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) permitted the resolution of XbaI macrorestriction fragments of the Salmonella strains into 20 distinct pulsotypes. Combined application of a plasmid profiling assay (PPA) and PFGE gave useful additional information to assist in tracing the routes of Salmonella contamination in abattoirs. To reduce Salmonella prevalence some preventive measures should be encouraged: the origin of infected slaughter animals should be identified and direct and cross-contamination of carcasses should be avoided by adhering to HACCP principles in association with good hygiene procedures (GHP).  相似文献   

The presence of Salmonella was studied in tonsils and feces of sheep and goats at slaughter using PCR and culturing. The isolates were further characterized using PFGE to get more information about the genetic diversity of Salmonella strains circulating among sheep and goats. Antimicrobial resistance was studied because resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents among Salmonella is increasing. The prevalence of Salmonella was 43% and 2% in the tonsils of sheep and goat, respectively. Salmonella was not detected in the feces of adult animals and only sporadically in the feces of juveniles (2%). S. enterica subsp. diarizonae 61:k:1,5,(7) was isolated from 20% of the sheep tonsils and 1% of the goat tonsils. In total, 9 genotypes were obtained with PFGE using SpeI, XbaI, NotI and XhoI restriction enzymes; however, one genotype was predominant. All strains were sensitive to most (13/16) of the antimicrobials. Resistance to sulfamethoxazole was high (95%). Three (15%) strains, which were isolated from lambs, were also resistant to colistin. No correlation between the antimicrobial resistance pattern and the genotype was noticed. These results demonstrate that slaughtered sheep are an important reservoir for S. enterica subsp. diarizonae 61:k:1,5,(7) carrying this pathogen frequently in the tonsils. Future studies are needed to elucidate the significance of the tonsils in the contamination of sheep carcasses and meat with Salmonella.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study were to determine antimicrobial resistance patterns among Salmonella serotypes and to evaluate the role of transport trucks in dissemination of antimicrobial-resistant strains of Salmonella. Salmonella from groups of nursery and finishing pigs on farms, from trucks, and from pigs after slaughter were compared using serotyping, patterns of antimicrobial resistance, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns. The five farms included in the study yielded 858 isolates representing 27 Salmonella serovars. The most common resistance observed (80% of all isolates) was to tetracycline; resistance to ampicillin (42%), chloramphenicol (31%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (30%), and piperacillin (31%) also were common. We found a correlation between serovar and antimicrobial resistance. High correlation was found between Salmonella Typhimurium var. Copenhagen and chloramphenicol resistance (Spearman rank correlation, rho = 0.7). Multidrug resistance was observed primarily in Salmonella Typhimurium var. Copenhagen (94%) and Salmonella Typhimurium (93%) and was much less common in the other common serovars, including Salmonella Derby (7%) and Salmonella Heidelberg (8%). Of the 225 isolates exhibiting the most common pentaresistance pattern in this study, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid-ampicillin-chloramphenicol-piperacillin-tetracycline, 220 (98%) were Salmonella Typhimurium var. Copenhagen, and 86% of the isolates of this serovar had this pattern. Isolates from the trucks were similar, based on pulsed-field gel electrophoresis patterns, to those from the cecum and mesenteric lymph nodes of pigs on two of the farms, suggesting the probable infection of pigs during transport. Class I integrons were also common among various serovars.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the validity of using data obtained from slaughtered pigs for farm-level epidemiologic studies of Salmonella. The study involved groups of pigs from five farms. Salmonella isolates were obtained from on-farm samples, and a total of 370 on-farm and an additional 486 isolates from samples collected after commercial slaughter were subsequently tested. Preharvest samples included feces of individual animals from defined groups of nursery and finishing pigs on commercial farms and swabs from trucks. Postslaughter samples were cecal contents and mesenteric lymph node samples. The concordance between Salmonella serovars isolated from on-farm samples and those serovars isolated after slaughter varied widely among farms. Results of paired lymph node and cecal cultures were strongly associated (odds ratio, 7.0), but the agreement between on-farm and postslaughter results at the pig level was poor (kappa = 0.34). The results support recent findings that risk of exposure to Salmonella during transport and lairage remains a concern under contemporary industry conditions. The findings further imply that slaughter plant studies based on phenotyping of Salmonella alone (such as serovars) may not reliably indicate the Salmonella status of commercial swine farms.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was performed to estimate the prevalence of slaughter pigs infected by Salmonella typhimurium after an enterocolitis outbreak in a commercial pig farm, which was characterised by diarrhoea during the growing phase. Anatomopathological and histopathological findings were suggestive of salmonellosis, which was further confirmed by isolation of S. typhimurium from organs and faeces samples from diseased animals. Ileocolic lymph nodes were aseptically collected from 43 pigs during slaughter procedures. The estimated prevalence of Salmonella-infected pigs was 53.48% [confidence interval (CI): 42.94:64.02%]. This finding demonstrates that the carriage of S. typhimurium at slaughter might be high if pigs originate from a batch previously affected by Salmonella-enterocolitis outbreak at the pre-harvest pork production chain.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey of pigs at slaughter in Northern Ireland was undertaken to determine the overall prevalence of Salmonella infection. In total 513 pigs were sampled across four abattoirs, with Salmonella spp. isolated from the caecal contents of 31.4% (95% confidence interval [CI] 27.4%-35.4%) and from 40.0% (95% CI 35.8%-44.3%) of swabs taken from the surface of carcasses post-evisceration. Two serovars, S. Typhimurium and S. Derby, were predominant and accounted for 52% and 35% respectively, of isolates from caecal contents. Antimicrobial resistance was most common amongst isolates of S. Typhimurium with 63.9% multiresistant compared to 10.8% of S. Derby isolates and 8.0% of other Salmonella spp. The proportion of pigs showing serological evidence of infection was significantly lower, with 11.5% (95% CI 8.9%-14.6%) and 10.1% (95% CI 7.7%-13.1%) of meat-juice samples giving positive and suspect reactions, respectively. The ratio of caecal positive to serologically positive animals is higher than in a number of other studies and may suggest recent infection, such as infection occurring during transport or lairage, in a proportion of animals. Statistical (logistic regression) modelling was used to investigate the association between the risk of Salmonella on carcasses and the isolation of Salmonella from caecal contents, and/or the serological status of the animal, while adjusting for other possible explanatory and confounding variables such as abattoir, season, day and time of sampling. The occurrence of Salmonella in caecal contents (odds ratio [OR] 2.39; 95% CI 1.52-3.77) or a suspect/positive serological reaction (OR 2.15; 95% CI 1.28-3.61) were both independently associated with the occurrence of Salmonella on carcasses in homebred, but interestingly not in imported animals. In most multivariable models there were also significant differences in carcass contamination between seasons with the highest odds of carcass contamination occurring in the April to June quarter and the lowest in the October to December quarter. Differences between sampling days were also evident with the highest odds of carcass contamination at the end of the week (Fridays) and the lowest at the start of the week (Mondays). These associations, after adjusting for the caecal or serological result, would suggest the occurrence of abattoir effects, such varying residual levels of abattoir contamination, which are independent of the individual pig status.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica can cause swine illness or human foodborne disease. Although nontoxic to mammalian cells, chlorate can be converted to cytotoxic chlorite by salmonellae. To test whether chlorate is effective at reducing Salmonella shedding in weaned pigs exposed to shedding dams, a chlorate-nitrate-lactate (chlorate) oral dose was administered daily for 5 days following weaning, and this treatment was evaluated in combination with two weaning ages and a topical disinfectant. A total of 80 pigs were weaned at 10 or 21 days of age. Half within each age group were topically disinfected at weaning. Piglets were selected from dams for which Salmonella was detected in feces shortly after giving birth. Chlorate treatment reduced Salmonella prevalence and estimated Salmonella concentration in feces, cecal contents, and ileocolic lymph nodes. Younger weaning age (10 days of age) was associated with reduced shedding (lower concentration and prevalence) in samples collected at 10 days postweaning (DPW) and later. Chlorate treatment reduced the concentration of Salmonella in fecal samples at 5 DPW and in cecal samples at 14 DPW. The protective effects persisted through the end of the study at 14 DPW, 9 days after the final administration of chlorate. Disinfectant treatment reduced shedding in fecal samples at 14 DPW. Interactions were detected between the effects of chlorate and disinfection and between chlorate and weaning age. Chlorate treatment, topical disinfection, and younger weaning age may be useful tools for reducing Salmonella shedding on farms that practice segregated weaning and where sow-to-piglet transfer of Salmonella is an important source of infection in nursery pigs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of typical production practices during the transport of cattle on the resulting incidence of Salmonella and Campylobacter in the feces, on the hides, and on the carcasses of these cattle and in the environment (trucks, holding pens, and knock boxes). Various factors were evaluated, including the type of animal (feedlot cattle vs. adult pasture cattle), the breed of cattle, the body condition of the animal, the age of the animal, the time of feed and water withdrawal, the contamination level of the transport vehicle at the feedlot or farm, the transport time, the time cattle were held in the holding pen at the plant, and the contamination level of the holding pen. Four groups of each type of animal were sampled on different days. Samples were collected from cattle prior to transport and after transport (rectal and hide swabs) as well as from the carcasses of these cattle. Pre- and posttransit samples were also taken from the transport vehicle and from the holding pen and knock box at the slaughter facility. For feedlot cattle, fecal shedding stayed fairly constant for both organisms before and after transport (3 to 5% for Salmonella and 64 to 68% for Campylobacter). However, the shedding rate for adult cattle increased from 1 to 21% for Salmonella but stayed constant for Campylobacter (6 to 7%). Contamination of hides with Salmonella increased for both animal types from a level of 18 to 20% to a level 50 to 56%. For Campylobacter, the contamination level decreased from 25 to 13% for feedlot cattle but remained unchanged for adult animals (1 to 2%). Nineteen percent of feedlot cattle carcasses and 54% of adult cattle carcasses tested positive for Salmonella, while only2% of feedlot cattle carcasses and none of the adult cattle carcasses tested positive for Campylobacter. Thus, for feedlot cattle, the factors considered in this study did not affect the shedding of either organism but did affect the contamination of hides with both. For adult animals, the factors increased both shedding of and hide contamination with Salmonella only, not Campylobacter.  相似文献   

An antibody ELISA test and a PCR method for identifying the risk of Salmonella contamination were compared in a field study on the same lots of animals in a slaughterhouse. The results were compared to investigations carried out on two farms with different prevalences of Salmonella antibody-positive animals. Salmonella antibody ELISA testing was carried out on all 383 meat juice samples derived from the diaphragm pillar muscle of each pig. Salmonella DNA analysis was performed by PCR technique on small intestine samples with lymph nodes from all 383 pigs, and on tonsils from the last 129 pigs. The 383 animals tested came from 32 different pig farms. Furthermore, the herd antibody blood serum status against Salmonella spp. of weaners was determined on two selected pig fattening farms, one with low and one with high seroprevalence in meat juice. A total of 7.0% (ELISA cut-off OD% > or =40) of the slaughtered pigs from 6 of 32 fattening farms were seropositive. Salmonella DNA was found in 16.4% of the jejunum/lymph nodes (383 animals) and in 15.5% of the tonsils (129 animals). Salmonella DNA was found in the jejunum/lymph nodes of 41% of the seropositive pigs. However, serotitres were also positive in only 17.5% of all pigs positive in the jejunum DNA test. Two farms were selected for further investigation: farm 13 (F13), with a high prevalence of seropositive pigs, 29.0%, Category II; and F11, with 9.4%, Category I. However, categorization according to the blood serum tests of the fattening pigs after on-farm testing was very different: F13 had 5% positive animals (Category I); and F11, 23.3% (Category II). The study led to the following results and recommendations: First, ELISA tests are useful for the detection of farms that are regularly contaminated with Salmonella, but such tests cannot give information on the infectious status of a single animal (or a group) at the point of slaughter. Second, it is crucial that management measures are taken to prevent the spread of infections by trade and transport: piglets should be supplied exclusively by a single, well-known producer, and finishers should be tested serologically on farm before going to slaughter. Third, ELISA tests and the PCR method are suitable for the detection of Salmonella and are recommended as analytical tools for all pork quality control programmes. Fourth, animals from suspicious farms should always be slaughtered at the end of the slaughter day, followed by thorough cleaning and disinfection.  相似文献   

A substantial part of the finishing pigs in the Netherlands is infected with Salmonella. Infection of pigs with Salmonella can occur already on the farm. Pigs can also get infected or contaminated during transport, lairage or slaughter. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of separating pigs from Salmonella-infected farms from pigs from Salmonella-free farms during transport, lairage and slaughter on the prevalence of Salmonella on pork after slaughter. Two experiments were carried out. In the first experiment, farms were selected to participate, based on serology of the pigs (Dutch Salmonella ELISA). The pigs were slaughtered at the beginning of the day: firstly, sero-negative herds, secondly, sero-positive herds and thirdly, again sero-negative herds. The latter were slaughtered to investigate the effect of a contaminated slaughterline due to a previously slaughtered positive herd. In the second experiment, farms were selected to participate, based on both serology and bacteriology of the pigs on the farm. Two hundred pigs from Salmonella-free farms were slaughtered after 200 pigs from Salmonella-infected farms. Results showed that the prevalence of Salmonella in pork samples of sero-negative herds was lower than in samples of sero-positive herds. Results also showed that Salmonella contamination of carcasses after slaughter was partially caused by Salmonella-infected herds that were slaughtered before, and partially by residential flora of the slaughterhouse. It is concluded that separate slaughter of sero-negative pig herds can be useful to decrease the prevalence of Salmonella-contaminated pork after slaughter. To avoid cross-contamination by residential flora from trucks, lairage and slaughterline, cleaning and disinfection have to be improved.  相似文献   

Salmonella is an important foodborne pathogen worldwide and is commonly isolated from pigs and pig products in Ireland. Pigs, reared in an environment free of Salmonella spp. or with low levels of infection, may acquire infection or become contaminated during transport, lairage or post-slaughter. The main objective of this study was to determine the role of the abattoir as a potential factor that contributes to the dissemination of Salmonella spp. in slaughter pigs from herds with a low Salmonella seroprevalence (≤ 10%). A total of 128 pigs from eight herds were monitored from farm through the slaughter process in three separate abattoirs. The prevalence of Salmonella spp. was determined in samples collected from trucks, lairage pens and the slaughterline before pigs entered, from pigs after slaughter (caecal contents and ileocaecal lymph nodes) and carcass surfaces post-evisceration. Isolates were characterised by serotype, phage type and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns. Of the swabs taken from the trucks, lairage and slaughterline, before the pigs entered, 4.3% (3/70), 80% (64/80) and 16.7% (4/27) were positive for Salmonella spp., respectively. The proportion of pigs showing serological evidence of infection was 3.1% (4/128). Salmonella spp. were isolated from the ileocaecal lymph nodes and caecal contents of 14.8% (19/128) and 11.7% (15/128) of pigs, respectively, and 13/128 (10.2%), 5/128 (3.9%), 2/111 (1.8%) and 8/111 (7.2%) carcass swabs pre wash, post wash, post chill and belly-strip samples, respectively, were Salmonella-positive. There was only slight agreement between serological and bacteriological data at the pig level. Salmonella isolates from 45% of all positive pig samples and 82% of positive carcass samples were indistinguishable, based on PFGE patterns, from salmonellae isolated from the lairage and slaughterline. Based on these results it is concluded that the lairage and the slaughterline provide a substantial source for Salmonella contamination of pigs and carcasses.  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare Salmonella enterica prevalence in sows held in a holding pen at the abattoir for approximately 2 h (hold sows) with sows slaughtered immediately after transport to the abattoir (no-hold sows). Cull sows (n = 160) were sampled from four sampling periods over 8 weeks (February to March 2002) at the abattoir. Sows originated from an integrated swine farm and were sent to a live-hog market and then to the slaughter facility. Before testing, sows entered the abattoir pen and four 100-cm2 four-ply gauze squares were placed randomly on the pen floor for S. enterica culture. Sows were alternatively assigned to the hold or no-hold group. Samples collected from sows during slaughter were ileocecal lymph node, cecal contents, transverse colon contents, subiliac lymph node, sponge swabs of the left and right carcass section (300 cm2), and chopped meat. Overall, S. enterica was isolated from 44% (35 of 80) of the no-hold sows, which was significantly less (P < 0.05) than 59% (47 of 80) of the held sows. Also, no-hold sows had a lower cecal content prevalence (39%, 31 of 80) compared with that (55%, 44 of 80) of held sows (P < 0.05). S. enterica serovars isolated from no-hold sows were Brandenburg (n = 16), Derby (n = 12), Hadar (n = 8), Infantis (n = 6), Johannesburg (n = 3), 6,7:z10-monophasic (n = 3), and Typhimurium (n = 1). S. enterica serovars isolated from held sows (n = 61 isolates) were Derby (n = 19), 6,7: z10-monophasic (n = 15), Brandenburg (n = 10), Infantis (n = 6), Hadar (n = 5), Johannesburg (n = 4), and Tennessee (n = 2). Serovars recovered from the pen were Reading (n = 6), Derby (n = 4), Uganda (n = 2), and Manhattan (n = 2). Results of this study suggest that holding pens contribute to increased S. enterica carriage in cull sows. Abattoir holding pens might be an important control point for S. enterica in the ground pork production chain.  相似文献   

From December 1999 to December 2000, 150 pigs were randomly selected in two large abattoirs of northern Italy. Caecal material and carcass swabs were collected and examined for Salmonella, Yersinia enterocolitica, and Escherichia coli O157. Tonsils were examined for Salmonella and Y. enterocolitica. Salmonella was isolated from the intestinal content of 55 (36.7%) specimens, from 8 (5.3%) tonsils, and from 9 (6.0%) carcasses. Ten different serotypes were detected; the more common were Salmonella derby (37.8%), Salmonella bredeney (21.6%), and Salmonella typhimurium (14.8%). S. typhimurium isolates that belonged to phage-types DT104 and DT208 were 45% and 27.3%, respectively; 18.2% belonged to U302 and 9.1% were non-typeable. Y. enterocolitica was detected in the intestinal matter of 6 (4.0%) slaughtered pigs and in 22 (14.7%) tonsils; however, this pathogen was not found on carcasses. The majority of Y. enterocolitica isolates (82.1%) belonged to serotype O:3 biotype 4, one (3.6%) belonged to serotype O:9, and 13% did not belong to any known biotype. Verocytotoxin-producing E. coli (VTEC) O157 was isolated from the intestinal content of one (0.7%) slaughtered pig and from one (0.7%) carcass; four (2.7%) faecal samples contained E. coli O157 strains negative for the presence of both eae and VT genes.  相似文献   

Nonthermal plasma has been shown to be effective in reducing pathogens on the surface of a range of fresh produce products. The research presented here investigated the effectiveness of nonthermal dielectric barrier discharge plasma on Salmonella enterica and Campylobacter jejuni inoculated onto the surface of boneless skinless chicken breast and chicken thigh with skin. Chicken samples were inoculated with antibiotic-resistant strains of S. enterica and C. jejuni at levels of 10(1) to 10(4) CFU and exposed to plasma for a range of time points (0 to 180 s in 15-s intervals). Surviving antibiotic-resistant pathogens were recovered and counted on appropriate agar. In order to determine the effect of plasma on background microflora, noninoculated skinless chicken breast and thighs with skin were exposed to air plasma at ambient pressure. Treatment with plasma resulted in elimination of low levels (10(1) CFU) of both S. enterica and C. jejuni on chicken breasts and C. jejuni from chicken skin, but viable S. enterica cells remained on chicken skin even after 20 s of exposure to plasma. Inoculum levels of 10(2), 10(3), and 10(4) CFU of S. enterica on chicken breast and chicken skin resulted in maximum reduction levels of 1.85, 2.61, and 2.54 log, respectively, on chicken breast and 1.25, 1.08, and 1.31 log, respectively, on chicken skin following 3 min of plasma exposure. Inoculum levels of 10(2), 10(3), and 10(4) CFU of C. jejuni on chicken breast and chicken skin resulted in maximum reduction levels of 1.65, 2.45, and 2.45 log, respectively, on chicken breast and 1.42, 1.87, and 3.11 log, respectively, on chicken skin following 3 min of plasma exposure. Plasma exposure for 30 s reduced background microflora on breast and skin by an average of 0.85 and 0.21 log, respectively. This research demonstrates the feasibility of nonthermal dielectric barrier discharge plasma as an intervention to help reduce foodborne pathogens on the surface of raw poultry.  相似文献   

Today there are recognized global "hot spots" that are areas in which nontyphoid Salmonella serotypes have been reported to have a high prevalence of quinolone resistance. There is concern that resistant strains can be disseminated from these localized geographical areas by travelers or via commercial food products. The objective of this article is to report a high frequency of reduced susceptibility to first- and second-generation quinolones among nontyphoid Salmonella isolates from poultry at slaughter in two processing plants belonging to the largest poultry integration companies in Zulia State, Venezuela. Nearly all (74 of 77; 96.1%) of the isolated strains were resistant to nalidixic acid, and 3.7% were resistant to ciprofloxacin; most (45 of 77; 58%) exhibited reduced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin (15 of 77; 19.5%). In contrast, all of the isolates were susceptible to beta-lactamic antimicrobial drugs. Ninety-three percent (72 of 77) of the isolates were either Salmonella Parathyphi B or Salmonella Heidelberg, which have been reported as invasive Salmonella. The predominant serotypes in each slaughter plant showed different antimicrobial susceptibilities, only having in common their high resistance to nalidixic acid, suggesting that different clones disseminated in each commercial integration. The detection of high frequency of reduced susceptibility to first- and second-generation quinolones among nontyphoid Salmonella isolates from fresh poultry during processing is noteworthy. Resistance to quinolone drugs will not only make antimicrobial therapy more complicated if foodborne disease results, but also these quinolone-resistant strains can disseminate from this local hot spot to other geographical areas, spreading the resistance against this important antimicrobial drug.  相似文献   

Lameness in dairy cattle remains a significant welfare concern for the UK dairy industry. Farms were recruited into a 3-yr study evaluating novel intervention approaches designed to encourage farmers to implement husbandry changes targeted toward reducing lameness. All farms completing the study were visited at least annually and received either monitoring only (MO, n=72) or monitoring and additional support (MS, n = 117) from the research team. The additional support included traditional technical advice on farm-specific solutions, facilitation techniques to encourage farmer participation, and application of social marketing principles to promote implementation of change. Lameness prevalence was lower in the MO (27.0 ± 1.94 SEM) and MS (21.4 ± 1.28) farms at the final visit compared with the same MO (38.9 ± 2.06) and MS (33.3 ± 1.76) farms on the initial visit. After accounting for initial lameness, intervention group status, and year of visit within a multilevel model, we observed an interaction between year and provision of support, with the reduction in lameness over time being greater in the MS group compared with the MO group. Farms in the MS group made a greater number of changes to their husbandry practices over the duration of the project (8.2 ± 0.39) compared with those farms in the MO group (6.5 ± 0.54). Because the lameness prevalence was lower in the MS group than the MO group at the start of the study, the contribution of the additional support was difficult to define. Lameness can be reduced on UK dairy farms although further work is needed to identify the optimum approaches.  相似文献   

A series of four field trials were conducted to evaluate the ability of a cleaning and disinfection procedure in swine lairage pens to reduce the prevalence of Salmonella enterica in slaughtered pigs. A cleaning and disinfection procedure was applied to lairage pens at a large Midwest abattoir. Each trial consisted of a cleaned (alkaline chloride detergent) and disinfected (H2O2 plus peracetic acid sanitizer) pen (treated) and a control pen, each holding 90 to 95 pigs for 2 to 3 h before slaughter. Ileocecal lymph nodes, cecal contents, and rectal contents were collected from 45 pigs from each study pen at harvest and cultured for S. enterica. In all trials, cleaning and disinfection reduced the prevalence of S. enterica-positive floor swabs in the treated pen (P < 0.05). However, the postharvest prevalence of S. enterica-positive pigs varied between trials. In trial 1, there was no significant difference in the prevalence of S. enterica in pigs between treatment and control groups. In trials 2 and 3, the prevalence of S. enterica was higher in pigs from treated pens versus pigs from control pens (91% versus 40%, P < 0.0001, and 91% versus 24%, P < 0.0001, respectively). In trial 4, the prevalence of S. enterica was lower in pigs from treated pens compared with pigs from control pens (5% versus 42%, P < 0.0001). This study indicates that cleaning and disinfection effectively reduces the amount of culturable S. enterica in lairage pens, but the ability of cleaned and disinfected pens to reduce the prevalence of S. enterica in market-weight pigs remains inconclusive.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the prevalence of Salmonella enterica in cull sows at various stages from the farm to the abattoir. Cull sows (n=181) were sampled over 10 weeks. Fecal samples (10 g each) were collected on the farm ca. 24 h before loading and at the live-hog market ca. 3 h before loading. Samples (ileocecal lymph nodes, cecal contents, feces from the transverse colon, ventral thoracic lymph nodes, subiliac lymph nodes, sponge swabs of the left and right carcass sections, and chopped meat) were collected at the abattoir. The percentages of positive fecal samples on the farm and at the live-hog market were 3% (5 of 181 samples) and 2% (3 of 181 samples), respectively. After transport from the live-hog market (10 h) and holding at the abattoir (6 h), 41% (74 of 180) of cull sows yielded S. enterica in one or more sampled tissues. The isolation rate for total cecal contents (33%; 60 of 180 samples) was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those for ileocecal lymph nodes (7%; 12 of 181 samples), feces (11%; 20 of 181 samples), and ventral thoracic and subiliac lymph nodes (2%; 4 of 181 samples). Before a 2% lactic acid carcass wash (lasting 8 to 9 s), 14% (25 of 180) of carcasses were positive, compared with 7% (12 of 179) after the wash (P<0.05). Two S. enterica serotypes, Derby and Infantis, were found on the farm and at the live-hog market. At the abattoir, 12 serotypes that had not previously been found on the farm or at the live-hog market were recovered. The results of this study demonstrate that transport and holding practices may contribute to an increase in S. enterica infection prior to slaughter to levels much higher than those found on the farm.  相似文献   

Gade PB  Christensen L 《Meat science》1998,48(3-4):237-247
Four stocking densities (0.35, 0.39, 0.42 and 0.50 m2 per 100 kg pig) were investigated under Danish early Autumn conditions (16–24 ° C) in a study of the effect of transport conditions on pig welfare and meat quality. Two transports were carried out for each stocking density, the two producers concerned delivering pigs to the upper and lower tiers, respectively, of a specialist pig transport vehicle. Total average journey time was 2 hr 39 min and total average transport time 1 hr 47 min. After arrival at the factory pigs were lairaged in groups of 15 for about hr and then slaughtered using minimal stress with group CO2-stunning. Pig behaviour was monitored during transport in the front compartment of the lower tier. Blood samples were taken at slaughter for analysis of creatine phosphokinase, lactate and cortisol and carcasses were evaluated for skin damage and meat quality. Stocking density, as such, had relatively little effect on blood profile or meat quality. Creatine phosphokinase levels were lowest with a stocking density of 0.50 m2 and the incidence of unacceptable skin damage was generally lowest with a stocking density of 0.35 m2 and highest with 0.42 m2. The main source of variation in this experiment was day of transport/slaughter within stocking density so that factors other than stocking density have affected the results obtained. Stocking density had a direct effect on pig behaviour during transport. Giving pigs more space during the short transport did not result in them lying down. On the contrary there was continuous disturbance from other pigs and at 0.42 and 0.50 m2 pigs had difficulty maintaining balance, when the vehicle negotiated bends or poor road surfaces. Variations in pig behaviour during transport could account for the observed differences in skin damage.  相似文献   

Muscle fibre type composition and glycogen depletion pattern at slaughter as related to meat quality, were studied in M. longissimus dorsi of halothane-gene-free Swedish Yorkshire pigs fed a high (n=19; 10 entire males and 9 gilts) or a low (n=18; 10 entire males and 8 gilts) protein diet. The muscle consisted of, on average, 8% type I, 9% type IIA and 83% type IIB fibres. Muscle fibre areas were significantly smaller in entire male pigs than in gilts irrespective of fibre type. There were no marked differences in muscle characteristics between pigs fed the low and high protein diets. Low glycogen concentrations were found in most type I and type IIA muscle fibres, while a greater variation in glycogen content was evident in type IIB fibres. The pigs were divided into two groups according to the proportion of glycogen depleted IIB fibres (more or less than 30% depleted IIB fibres). In the group where 30% or more of the type IIB fibres were glycogen depleted, a tendency toward DFD meat (dry, firm, dark) was seen, as the meat had higher ultimate pH (5·62 vs 5·52; p=0·02), lower drip loss (2·7% vs 4·4%; p=0·007) and lower reflectance value (darker meat; 16·5 vs 20·6 EEL units; p=0·0005), compared with the group with less than 30% depleted IIB fibres. No difference in total glycogen content was found between these two groups. This indicates that the distribution of glycogen in different fibre types seems to be of importance for the ultimate meat quality.  相似文献   

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