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本文基于能耗模拟软件DeST,详细描述了武汉琴台大剧院的建筑构造,进行了全面的负荷计算,从而指导了空调系统的设计,最后还对建筑物进行了全年的空调能耗分析。  相似文献   

分别按照德国被动式房屋设计标准与我国北京节能居住建筑设计标准,在相同的室内环境参数、不同的通风模式及围护结构设置下建立模型,利用DeST软件对其进行全年逐时动态模拟分析,结果显示,在建筑暖通空调能耗需求方面,被动式房屋与节能居住建筑相比,冬季节能潜力巨大,考虑热回收技术后,节能率为94.5%,全年综合节能率为60%。  相似文献   

为验证DeST人行为仿真建筑能耗模拟软件计算结果的准确性,在夏热冬冷地区开展了居民采暖及制冷的空调用能行为实测,将调研得到的居民用能行为参数及建筑围护结构信息代入到DeST人行为模拟软件中进行计算。将计算结果与实测空调能耗进行对比后,结果显示,原始软件制冷能耗平均绝对计算误差为37.9%;制热能耗平均绝对计算误差为128.2%。与原始软件相比,DeST人行为模拟软件制冷能耗计算误差减少了13.8%,采暖能耗计算误差减少了94.1%。人行为能耗模拟软件的计算结果更接近实测值,空调全年运行时长、启停概率与实测结果符合性也较好。嵌入人行为模块后的DeST将为模拟实际运行状况下建筑的能耗提供很好的计算平台。  相似文献   

刘烨  燕达  江亿 《暖通空调》2005,35(5):60-70,78
暖通空调方案的经济性评价是暖通空调设计过程中必不可少的环节,它必须针对暖通空调系统设计由浅入深、逐步深化的过程,在设计的不同阶段,尽可能准确地评价拟采用的暖通空调方案的经济性,从而为优化设计、比较方案提供经济方面的依据。详细阐述了DeST中暖通空调方案经济性分析所选用的模型与模拟方法。以一商用办公写字楼为例,针对暖通空调系统设计过程中的不同阶段,进行了方案的可行性分析和经济性分析,以此介绍经济性分析的方法和如何解决实际问题。  相似文献   

本文论述使用DeST软件和EnergyPlus软件对比验证河南省某园区一栋办公建筑全年逐时负荷和能耗。通过相同的工况设置及空调能效,计算建筑综合节能率,应用能耗模拟软件来分析被动式建筑相对于一般建筑的节能优势。  相似文献   

模拟技术自上世纪60年代应用于建筑业以来,取得了许多重要的成果,形成了若干建筑模拟软件。清华大学建筑技术科学系自80年代开始开发具有自己鲜明特点的建筑环境设计模拟分析软件-DeST(designer’s simulation toolkits)。DeST可用于建筑能耗模拟和环境控制系统的设计校核,起到提高设计质量、保证设计可靠性和降低系统能源消耗的作用。介绍了建筑模拟技术的发展历史,总结比较了各类模拟软件的特点,介绍了DeST的整体思想和构架,以及DeST可应用的领域。  相似文献   

随着建筑能耗模拟技术的广泛应用,越来越地需要多个具有不同功能与独立知识产权的软件工具来实现联合模拟计算,因此要求模拟软件平台应该具有标准外部扩展接口,以实现对多个外部模块的联合仿真。本文根据对功能模型接口(FMI)、联合仿真(Co-Simulation)技术的研究,以及所具有的DeST建筑负荷软件开发基础,开展建筑负荷多模块联合仿真技术研究,建立了建筑负荷多模块联合仿真软件架构,开发完成了基于DeST软件的外部扩展功能接口、以及独立人行为(开关空调)功能模型单元(FMU),由此构建了建筑负荷多模块联合仿真系统,实现了建筑负荷与独立人行为功能模型单元的联合仿真;并通过建筑人行为空调开关操控算例,说明了多模块建筑负荷模拟平台的联合仿真方法与适用性。  相似文献   

近年来,夏热冬暖地区的建筑节能研究多集中在住宅建筑和办公建筑,而对单位建筑面积能耗最高的大型商业建筑研究较少。且现有的对商业建筑的节能研究多集中在空调系统,对围护结构的研究基本停留在定性分析的层面。为了更好地了解夏热冬暖地区商业建筑节能设计中围护结构优化设计的节能潜力和重要意义,本研究利用建筑能耗模拟软件DeST,并采用其它软件作为辅助,以广州某大型商业建筑为例,对其围护结构热工性能进行了数值模拟和分析。计算结果表明,遮阳和通风对其节能设计起到了极为重要的作用。在此基础上,对其围护结构优化设计的方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

为更好地掌握我国严寒地区建筑空调系统节能潜力,以沈阳地区某近零能耗建筑为研究对象进行能耗研究分析。该近零能耗建筑在设计过程中采用了绿色建筑与被动式建筑双重设计理念,综合应用了相变蓄能、排风热回收、地道风、Low-e玻璃、外墙保温等诸多建筑节能技术。运用DeST软件建立物理模型,对建筑空调系统冷、热负荷进行模拟,研究空调系统负荷变化规律及影响因素,并与同类型常规建筑能耗进行对比分析。近零能耗建筑冬季采暖负荷比常规建筑节能73.7%,全年综合节能率达到55.2%,仅空调系统一项就有巨大的节能潜力。  相似文献   

姜方  李鹏  李永强  李磊 《商品混凝土》2013,(7):221-222,216
本着节约能源,降低能耗与经济的宗旨,本文对徐州某商业办公综合楼的空调负荷进行计算与DeST动态模拟,从而实现了建筑负荷计算的准确性:对该建筑的空调系统采用了排风、回风热量回收设计,并对其进行了热回收计算,可使冷热源选择满足经济性、高效性和节能性。  相似文献   

DeST — An integrated building simulation toolkit Part I: Fundamentals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many building simulation programs have been developed all over the world since the computer-aided simulation technology was first applied in the 1960s. In early 1980s, Tsinghua University has started to develop a new building simulation tool DeST with the aims to benefit for practical and research use of building simulation related applications in China. DeST can be used to simulate and analyze both building energy consumption and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-conditioning) system. It has been designed to aim improving the reliability of system design, to ensure the quality of the system performance, and to reduce energy consumption of buildings. This paper reviews the development history, state-of-the-art on the development of building simulation technology and introduces the main objective, structure, and core programs of DeST. The analytical verifications, inter-program comparisons, and empirical validations of DeST are also presented in this paper. The application of DeST will be introduced in part II of the companion paper.  相似文献   

夏建军  燕达  江亿 《暖通空调》2005,35(3):56-64,120
冷热源系统是整个集中空调系统的核心,完全决定了系统能否保障用户的冷热需求,是投资和能源消耗的主要部分。因此冷热源的选择和运行方式直接关系到空调系统的运行效果,并影响到空调系统的运行能耗的大小。综述了目前模拟计算中的制冷设备的各种建模方法,并结合建筑能耗模拟计算的特点,详细阐述了DeST模拟软件中冷源和水系统模拟过程中所用到的制冷设备半经验模型以及冷源模拟分析方法,为冷热源和水系统的全工况优化运行设计计算奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Building energy modeling programs (BEMPs) are effective tools for evaluating the energy savings potential of building technologies and optimizing building design. However, large discrepancies in simulated results from different BEMPs have raised wide concern. Therefore, it is strongly needed to identify, understand, and quantify the main elements that contribute towards the discrepancies in simulation results. ASHRAE Standard 140 provides methods and test cases for building thermal load simulations. This article describes a new process with various methods to look inside and outside the HVAC models of three BEMPs—EnergyPlus, DeST, and DOE-2.1E—and compare them in depth to ascertain their similarities and differences. The article summarizes methodologies, processes, and the main modeling assumptions of the three BEMPs in HVAC calculations. Test cases of energy models are designed to capture and analyze the calculation process in detail. The main findings are: (1) the three BEMPs are capable of simulating conventional HVAC systems, (2) matching user inputs is key to reducing discrepancies in simulation results, (3) different HVAC models can be used and sometimes there is no way to directly map between them, and (4) different HVAC control strategies are often used in different BEMPs, which is a driving factor of some major discrepancies in simulation results from various BEMPs. The findings of this article shed some light on how to compare HVAC calculations and how to control key factors in order to obtain consistent results from various BEMPs. This directly serves building energy modelers and policy makers in selecting BEMPs for building design, retrofit, code development, code compliance, and performance ratings.  相似文献   

冷热源系统是整个集中空调系统的核心,它决定了系统能否保障用户的冷热需求,是投资的主要部分,也是能源消耗的主要部分。同时冷热源产生的冷热量主要依靠水系统输配到各末端用户中去。因此冷热源与水系统的联合优化设计是整个空调系统设计过程中至关重要的环节。综述了目前冷热源与水系统联合模拟的现状,详细阐述了DeST模拟软件中冷源和水系统模拟所采用的的模型与模拟方法。通过介绍一个设计实例,指出了冷热源与水系统全工况模拟的应用范围和实际意义。  相似文献   

Building energy simulation is widely used to help design energy efficient building envelopes and HVAC systems, develop and demonstrate compliance of building energy codes, and implement building energy rating programs. However, large discrepancies exist between simulation results from different building energy modeling programs (BEMPs). This leads many users and stakeholders to lack confidence in the results from BEMPs and building simulation methods. This paper compared the building thermal load modeling capabilities and simulation results of three BEMPs: EnergyPlus, DeST and DOE-2.1E. Test cases, based upon the ASHRAE Standard 140 tests, were designed to isolate and evaluate the key influencing factors responsible for the discrepancies in results between EnergyPlus and DeST. This included the load algorithms and some of the default input parameters. It was concluded that there is little difference between the results from EnergyPlus and DeST if the input values are the same or equivalent despite there being many discrepancies between the heat balance algorithms. DOE-2.1E can produce large errors for cases when adjacent zones have very different conditions, or if a zone is conditioned part-time while adjacent zones are unconditioned. This was due to the lack of a strict zonal heat balance routine in DOE-2.1E, and the steady state handling of heat flow through interior walls and partitions. This comparison study did not produce another test suite, but rather a methodology to design tests that can be used to identify and isolate key influencing factors that drive the building thermal loads, and a process with which to carry them out.  相似文献   

建筑环境设计模拟分析软件DeST第2讲建筑动态热过程模型   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
介绍了DeST中基于状态空间法建立的建筑动态热过程模型。首先介绍了建立建筑热过程模型中的主要问题和基本方程,指出建立建筑热动态模型必须求解壁体传热的偏微分方程,必须同时考虑构成房间的各个部件的影响以及房间之间的相互影响。以此为前提,详细介绍了DeST对这些问题的处理方法和具体算法,并以实例阐明DeST对建筑热环境的模拟分析。最后为了突出状态空间法的特点,从算法和建立动态热过程模型的方式上对该方法与其他几种方法进行了比较。  相似文献   

建筑通风对建筑环境的影响是直接而迅速的,因此对建筑热环境的模拟必须解决建筑通风的模拟问题。建筑的通风包括自然通风和机械通风,二者本质相同并且经常是同时发生的,计算时应该一起考虑,而不是分离开来。详细介绍了建筑热环境模拟软件DeST中根据多区域网络模型和管道流体网络模型发展出来的建筑通风的统一的网络模型,介绍其求解方法,并给出了建筑中常见的通风支路阻力模型,实现了建筑热环境和自然通风真正的耦合模拟。通过介绍几个利用通风模拟来分析解决设计中问题的实例,指出了建筑通风模拟的应用范围和实际意义。  相似文献   

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