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Degradation of extracellular matrix takes place in areas of cell-matrix contacts and is partly carried out by the action of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP). MMP-2 is a member of the MMP family that has been associated with breast-cancer metastasis. In the present study, we investigated the association of MMP-2 to the surface of breast-cancer cells and revealed an MMP-2-binding site that is expressed on sparsely plated cells and which is progressively lost as the cells approach confluence. Gelatin zymography, immunostaining and flow cytometry of MDA-MB-231 cells from sparse cultures demonstrated binding both of latent and of activated exogenous MMP-2, while little or no binding of MMP-2 was observed in confluent culture. Analysis of the expression of MTI-MMP, TIMP-2 and alpha(v) integrin, 3 proteins shown to play a role in cell-surface association of MMP-2, revealed enhanced levels of these proteins in confluent MDA-MB-231 cells. Thus, the reduced MMP-2 binding to confluent cells is not related to a deficiency in these MMP-2-binding proteins. Taken together, these studies suggest that MMP-2 binding to the surface of breast-cancer cells is regulated by cell-cell interactions and that tumor cells invading from the main tumor mass can up-regulate their MMP-2-binding capacity to acquire greater invasive capacity.  相似文献   

myo-Inositol monophosphatase (IMP) is a soluble, Li(+)-sensitive protein that catalyzes the removal of a phosphate from myo-inositol phosphate substrates. IMP is required for de novo inositol synthesis from glucose 6-phosphate and for breakdown of inositol trisphosphate, a second messenger generated by the phosphatidylinositol signaling pathway. We cloned the IMP gene from tomato (LeIMP) and show that the plant enzyme is encoded by a small gene family. Three different LeIMP cDNAs encode distinct but highly conserved IMP enzymes that are catalytically active in vitro. Similar to the single IMP from animals, the activities of all three LeIMPs are inhibited by low concentrations of LiCl. LeIMP mRNA levels are developmentally regulated in seedlings and fruit and in response to light. Immunoblot analysis detected three proteins of distinct molecular masses (30, 29, and 28 kD) in tomato; these correspond to the predicted molecular masses of the LeIMPs encoded by the genes. Immunoreactive proteins in the same size range are also present in several other plants. Immunolocalization studies indicated that many cell types within seedlings accumulate LeIMP proteins. In particular, cells associated with the vasculature express high levels of LeIMP protein; this may indicate a coordinate regulation between phloem transport and synthesis of inositol. The presence of three distinct enzymes in tomato most likely reflects the complexity of inositol utilization in higher plants.  相似文献   

We have used an insertional mutagenesis/ gene tagging technique to generate new Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants that are defective in assembly of the uter ynein rm. Among 39 insertional oda mutants characterized, two are alleles of the previously uncloned ODA3 gene, one is an allele of the uncloned ODA10 gene, and one represents a novel ODA gene (termed ODA12). ODA3 is of particular interest because it is essential for assembly of both the outer dynein arm and the outer dynein arm docking complex (ODA-DC) onto flagellar doublet microtubules (Takada, S., and R. Kamiya. 1994. J. Cell Biol. 126:737- 745). Beginning with the inserted DNA as a tag, the ODA3 gene and a full-length cDNA were cloned. The cloned gene rescues the phenotype of oda3 mutants. The cDNA sequence predicts a novel 83. 4-kD protein with extensive coiled-coil domains. The ODA-DC contains three polypeptides; direct amino acid sequencing indicates that the largest of these polypeptides corresponds to ODA3. This protein is likely to have an important role in the precise positioning of the outer dynein arms on the flagellar axoneme.  相似文献   

Assumed oxygen consumption (VO2) is increasingly used as a convenient surrogate for measured VO2 for calculation of cardiac output. This substitution is often based on empirical formulae, previously validated only in relatively young patients. To assess the inaccuracy introduced by extrapolating these formulae to older patients, we compared measured VO2 with assumed VO2 in 57 patients. VO2 was measured using an open circuit analyzer. Assumed VO2 was calculated according to the LaFarge or Bergstra formulae. Agreement between both methods was assessed according to the method of Bland and Altman. The mean difference of measured VO2 minus assumed VO2 was 7.9 ml/min/m2 (P < 0.02) using the LaFarge formula, and -15.6 ml/min/m2 (P < 0.0002) using the Bergstra formula across a range of measured VO2 from 70 to 176 ml/min/m2. A systematic error was introduced by assumed VO2 from both formulae of underestimating higher and overestimating lower values of VO2, resulting in poor overall agreement with measured VO2. The same error and poor agreement was found when analyzing subgroups of patients > or =60 or <70 years of age. In summary, use of assumed VO2 introduces large, unpredictable errors in adult patients, suggesting requirement for measurement of VO2 when calculating cardiac output.  相似文献   

In plant and algal cells, inhibition of the enzyme protoporphyrinogen oxidase (Protox) by the N-phenyl heterocyclic herbicide S-23142 causes massive protoporphyrin IX accumulation, resulting in membrane deterioration and cell lethality in the light. We have identified a 40.4 kb genomic fragment encoding S-23142 resistance by using transformation to screen an indexed cosmid library made from nuclear DNA of the dominant rs-3 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. A 10.0 kb HindIII subclone (Hind10) of this insert yields a high frequency of herbicide-resistant transformants, consistent with frequent non-homologous integration of the complete RS-3 gene. A 3.4 kb XhoI subfragment (Xho3.4) yields rare herbicide-resistant transformants, suggestive of homologous integration of a portion of the coding sequence containing the mutation. Molecular and genetic analysis of the transformants localized the rs-3 mutation conferring S-23142 resistance to the Xho3.4 fragment, which was found to contain five putative exons encoding a protein with identity to the C-terminus of the A rabidopsis Protox enzyme. A cDNA clone containing a 1698 bp ORF that encodes a 563 amino acid peptide with 51% and 53% identity to Arabidopsis and tobacco Protox I, respectively, was isolated from a wild-type C. reinhardtii library. Comparison of the wild-type cDNA sequence with the putative exon sequences present in the mutant Xho3.4 fragment revealed a G-->A change at 291 in the first putative exon, resulting in a Val-->Met substitution at a conserved position equivalent to Val-389 of the wild-type C. reinhardtii cDNA. A sequence comparison of genomic Hind10 fragments from C. reinhardtii rs-3 and its wild-type progenitor CC-407 showed this G-->A change at the equivalent position (5751) within exon 10.  相似文献   

The ratio of free to thylakoid-bound chloroplast ribosomes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii undergoes periodic changes during the synchronous light-dark cycle. In the light, when there is an increase in the chlorophyll content and synthesis of thylakoid membrane proteins, about 20-30% of the chloroplast ribosomes are bound to the thylakoid membranes. On the other hand, only a few or no bound ribosomes are present in the dark when there is no increase in the chlorophyll content. The ribosome-membrane interaction depends not only on the developmental stage of the cell but also on light. Thus, bound ribosomes were converted to the free variety after cultures at 4 h in the light had been transferred to the dark for 10 min. Conversely, a larger number of chloroplast ribosomes became attached to the membranes after cultures at 4 h in the dark had been illuminated for 10 min. Under normal conditions, when there was slow cooling of the cultures during cell harvesting, chloroplast polysomal runoff occurred in vivo leading to low levels of thylakoid-bound ribosomes. This polysomal runoff could be arrested by either rapid cooling of the cells or the addition of chloramphenicol or erythromycin. Each of these treatments prevented polypeptide chain elongation on chloroplast ribosomes and thus allowed the polyosomes to remain bound to the thylakoids. Addition of lincomycin, an inhibitor of chain initiation on 70S ribosomes, inhibited the assembly of polysome-thylakoid membrane complex in the light. These results support a model in which initiation of mRNA translation begins in the chloroplast stroma, and the polysome subsequently becomes attached to the thylakoid membrane. Upon natural chain termination, the chloroplast ribosomes are released from the membrane into the stroma.  相似文献   

Oligoribonuclease, a 3'-to-5' exoribonuclease specific for small oligoribonucleotides, was purified to homogeneity from extracts of Escherichia coli. The purified protein is an alpha2 dimer of 40 kDa. NH2-terminal sequence analysis of the protein identified the gene encoding oligoribonuclease as yjeR (o204a), a previously reported open reading frame located at 94 min on the E. coli chromosome. However, as a consequence of the sequence information, the translation start site of this open reading frame has been revised. Cloning of yjeR led to overexpression of oligoribonuclease activity, and interruption of the cloned gene with a kanamycin resistance cassette eliminated the overexpression. On the basis of these data, we propose that yjeR be renamed orn. Orthologs of oligoribonuclease are present in a wide range of organisms, extending up to humans.  相似文献   

During the early postnatal phase of high neuronal plasticity, an altered visual input leads to great modifications of visual cortex organization [Y. Frégnac, M. Imbert, Development of neuronal selectivity in primary visual cortex of cat, Physiol. Rev., 64 (1984) 375-434; D.H. Hubel, T.N. Wiesel, S. LeVay, Plasticity of ocular dominance columns in monkey striate cortex, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. B, 278 (1977) 377-409.]. We used refined differential screening of an organized cDNA library to identify the genes that may participate in this plasticity. We isolated a candidate plasticity gene encoding for a 163 aa protein that is closely related to the human and yeast Skp1p, a key factor in cell cycle progression [C. Ba?, K. Hofman, L. Ma, M. Goebl, J.W. Harper, S.J. Elledge, SKP1 connects cell cycle regulators to the ubiquitin proteolysis machinery through a novel motif, the F-box, Cell, 86 (1996) 263-274; C. Connelly, P. Hieter, Budding yeast SKP1 encodes an evolutionary conserved kinetochore protein required for cell cycle progression, Cell, 86 (1996) 275-285; H. Zhang, R. Kobayashi, K. Galaktionov, D. Beach, p19Skp1 and p45Skp2 are essential elements of the cyclin A-CDK2 S phase kinase, Cell, 82 (1995) 915-925.]. Northern blot analysis showed that the expression of SKP1 (Skp1p gene) dramatically decreased after 2 h of light stimulation in the visual cortex of young dark-reared rats. This down regulation lasted at least 72 h. It was specific for the critical period as we did not observe any significant regulation of SKP1 mRNA by light in adult dark-reared rat brain. The down regulation was observed in the superior colliculus but also in the frontal cortex and in the hippocampus. The fact that this down regulation was not restricted to the visual system, suggested that it could be produced by dark rearing-induced hormonal changes. The significance of SKP1 expression in the brain and its regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that both salicylic acid and fungal elicitors activate a 48-kDa mitogen-activated protein kinase termed salicylic acid-induced protein kinase (SIPK) in tobacco suspension cells. Here, we show that infiltration of these agents into tobacco leaves also activates SIPK. Of particular interest, infiltration of water alone activated a kinase of the same size, possibly because of wounding and/or osmotic stresses. The kinetics of kinase activation, however, differ for these different treatments. Various mechanical stresses, including cutting and wounding by abrasion, also activated a 48-kDa kinase. By using an immune-complex kinase assay with antibodies specific for SIPK or wounding-induced protein kinase, we demonstrate that this wounding-activated 48-kDa kinase is SIPK, rather than wounding-induced protein kinase, as reported [Seo, S., Okamoto, M., Seto, H., Ishizuka, K., Sano, H. & Ohashi, Y. (1995) Science 270, 1988-1992]. Activation of SIPK after wounding was associated with tyrosine phosphorylation but not with increases in SIPK mRNA or protein levels. Thus, the same mitogen-activated protein kinase, SIPK, appears to facilitate signaling for two distinct pathways that lead to disease resistance responses and wounding responses.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mice treated with the dominant T-cell epitope peptides of allergens were reported to have reduced peptide or allergen-specific T-cell responses on subsequent immunization, but the extent of reduction of allergen-specific antibodies is not clear. OBJECTIVE: This study was done to compare the extent of reduction of T-cell and antibody responses in peptide-treated mice. Two allergens were tested. Bee melittin (Api m 4), an allergen of 26 amino acid residues, has a single dominant T- or B-cell epitope. Hornet antigen 5 (Dol m 5), an allergen of 204 amino acid residues, has multiple dominant T- or B-cell epitopes. METHODS: Mice were treated with T-cell peptides of Api m 4 or Dol m 5 and then immunized biweekly with their respective allergen with alum adjuvant. T-cell peptides tested were residues 7-19 of Api m 4 and residues 41-60, 141-160, and 176-195 of Dol m 5. T-cell responses at week 9 or 11 were assayed by proliferation of spleen cell cultures. Antibody responses of different isotypes were measured biweekly by ELISA. RESULTS: Partial reduction of 30% to 50% of T-cell responses to peptide or allergen was observed in bee and hornet peptide-treated mice. About 65% reduction of Api m 4-specific antibody response was observed early in the immune response but gradually subsided to about 40% late in the response. Partial reduction of about 40% of Dol m 5-specific antibody response was only observed early in the immune response. CONCLUSION: Peptide treatment is partially effective in the reduction of T-cell responses of univalent or multivalent allergens. It is also partially effective in the reduction of antibody response of a univalent allergen, but it is poorly effective for a multivalent allergen.  相似文献   

Flagellar length in the biflagellate alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is under constant and tight regulation. A number of mutants with defects in flagellar length control have been previously identified. Mutations in the three long-flagella (lf) loci result in flagella that are up to three times longer than wild-type length. In this article, we describe the isolation of long-flagellar mutants caused by mutations in a new LF locus, LF4. lf4 mutations were shown to be epistatic to lf1, while lf2 was found to be epistatic to lf4 with regard to the flagellar regeneration defect. Mutations in lf4 were able to suppress the synthetic flagella-less phenotype of the lf1, lf2 double mutant. In addition, we have isolated four extragenic suppressor mutations that suppress the long-flagella phenotype of lf1, lf2, or lf3 double mutants.  相似文献   

Calvin cycle multienzyme complex, consisting of phosphoriboisomerase, phosphoribulokinase and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco), shows ribose-5-phosphate + ATP dependent CO2 fixation activity with a small but discernible lag. Transient time analysis showed that the lag at pH 7 was independent of multienzyme concentration and was significantly lower than the expected transient time calculated from Km and Vmax of the individual enzymes, indicative of channeling of the intermediates in the enzyme complex. Channeling of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate was found to offer a catalytic advantage to Rubisco. Rubisco shows a decrease in activity during catalysis in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate dependent CO2 fixation reaction, due to the formation of the catalytic inhibitor. Such a decrease of Rubisco activity was not observed in ribose-5-phosphate + ATP dependent CO2 fixation reaction and the catalytic inhibitor was also not detected. These results suggested that the intermediates are channeled in the complex and channeling offers a catalytic facilitation to Rubisco.  相似文献   

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