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通过对一起汽车火灾事故的深入调查,以及对轿车风扇电路工作原理的详细阐述,全面分析了汽车风扇线路因接点不实导致局部电阻过大、过热,引燃接头包敷物及线路绝缘,继而形成导线的二次短路,引起汽车着火的全过程。  相似文献   

介绍了“3·7”荆州市实现商贸有限公司仓库火灾起火部位、起火点的认定依据,剖析了火灾原因的认定过程,并结合调查中遇到的问题,阐述了调查体会,供同行商榷。  相似文献   

通过对一起非典型的汽车火灾事故认定,探讨汽车火灾事故调查的具体方法和思维方式,分析事故原因与定性要素.  相似文献   

介绍甘肃省张掖市肃南裕固族自治县的一起火灾事故调查与认定过程。通过现场勘验、调查询问,对火灾原因进行认定,从中得到几点体会,供同行对类似的火灾事故调查与认定借鉴。  相似文献   

在分析汽车火灾原因的基础下,对其火灾原因调查方法作了介绍。  相似文献   

在对一起汽车火灾调查的基础上 ,根据普通烟道火星的引燃性能、空气滤清器滤纸的燃烧性能、滤清器内空气的流动状况 ,从理论上分析了烟道火星被吸进滤清器并引燃滤纸的可能性 ,同时根据汽车的运动状况 ,分析了燃着的滤纸引起汽车着火的可能性  相似文献   

在一起汽油蒸汽爆燃火灾事故的认定过程中,通过细致勘验、调查、分析,排除了静电及其它起火源可能,认定现场塑料焊枪的电机火花或电热丝高温为火灾事故的起火源,为类似易燃液体蒸汽爆燃事故的火灾调查认定提供了思路。  相似文献   

对一起农村火灾进行调查,通过火灾现场勘查和调查、走访、询问等火灾事故调查手段,在综合分析的基础上,认定了起火时间、起火部位,分析了此起火灾事故的起火原因,总结了火灾调查经验,分析了灾害成因,并提出了预防和减少此类火灾的措施和建议.  相似文献   

通过调查某餐厅的火灾,介绍了火灾事故调查勘验过程及火灾原因的认定过程,并分析了火灾的灾害原因,为类似火灾调查提供了一些方法。  相似文献   

结合一起化工火灾事故介绍火灾事故调查的程序。上海化工园区某公司低温罐区乙烯管道发生泄漏,引发爆炸燃烧,未造成人员伤亡。通过多方人证询问,首先排除人为破坏因素。录像分析表明首先发生了可燃物的泄漏,而后瞬间爆炸产生了亮光,发生火灾。由破坏痕迹轻重、可燃气体探测仪DCS分析、平台南侧管廊管道裂口朝向、平台区域管道裂口朝向确定泄漏部位;由录像比对分析阀门阀盖缺失情况,结合鉴定分析,确定泄漏点为超临界乙烯操作平台底层东南侧超临界乙烯计量器旁路阀处。引火源有三种可能,事故定性为设备缺陷引发的安全生产事故。应进一步研究分析新技术的安全风险,制定相关技术标准。应加强对化工设备的监管,细化部分电气设施的控制权限。  相似文献   

王征 《消防科学与技术》2020,39(11):1612-1614
通过对一起汽车火灾事故的调查与取证,根据当事人和发现人提供的信息了解事故的基本状况,如起火时间、起火点、事故和维修情况。根据现场勘验的车辆行驶路线、行驶环境等,对事故车辆燃烧痕迹特征、火灾蔓延发展、发动机舱机械故障的发现、鉴别等多方面信息进行了详细阐述,就此起汽车火灾原因认定的事实和依据作了充分说明,为类似火灾的调查提供参考。  相似文献   

以一起汽车火灾的调查和技术鉴定工作为线索,根据现场调查汽车火灾的基本程序和方法,在确定起火部位和起火点的基础上,查找可能的起火源,通过对调查工作进程的了解,以及时火灾原因的鉴定分析方法和结果的认识,期望对从事火灾调查工作的同仁有指导作用。  相似文献   

介绍了因发动机进水导致的车辆火灾,包括乘用车及专用车火灾的火灾调查分析过程。分析认为,此类火灾直接起火原因为发动机缸体破损机油泄漏被烤燃,根本原因为发动机进水后吸入气缸,高温气化的水蒸气积存于活塞顶部空间,导致连杆弯曲断裂,打破气缸体。在此基础上总结出涉水车辆火灾的特点和调查方法。  相似文献   

针对新能源电动汽车常见的4 类火灾原因,提出了火灾调查的询问方法和询问重点,分析新能源电动汽车火灾现场勘察步骤及各部位的勘验要点,总结电动汽车火灾调查方法。通过分析电池故障火灾蔓延痕迹,认定汽车起火部位、确定起火电池单体,总结电池单体燃烧痕迹的鉴定方法。此研究对电动汽车火灾调查具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents findings obtained by CFD modelling for simulating the effects of fire due to different vehicle types in a bi-directional road tunnel. Four different burning vehicles placed in the centre of the driving lane at tunnel middle length were considered. Peaks of the heat release rate (HRR) of: 8, 30, 50, and 100 MW were simulated for the two cars, the bus, the heavy goods vehicle (HGV), and the petrol tanker, respectively. The fire effects on tunnel structure and on environmental conditions along people evacuation path were especially evaluated. The effects of the traffic jam, in contrast with the isolated vehicles, on temperatures, radiant heat flux, visibility distance, and toxic gases concentrations, were also investigated. The worst scenario was identified to be that pertaining to the petrol tanker and more critical conditions were also found when the tunnel was full of vehicles. The maximum gas temperatures reached in the presence of traffic at the side wall (and at the tunnel ceiling reported in brackets) were found to be: 360 °C (170 °C) for the two cars; 740 °C (465 °C) for the bus; 835 °C (735 °C) for the HGV and 1305 °C (1145 °C) for the petrol tanker, respectively. The presence of the traffic, in contrast with the isolated vehicle, involved an increase in the maximum temperatures equal to 16–17% for the two cars, and contained in the range 12–29% with percentages increasing starting from the tanker, to the HGV and to the bus. In other words when the maximum temperatures produced by the isolated vehicle are very high (e.g. for the tanker), the presence of the traffic had a minor effect. With reference to environmental conditions along the evacuation path, the results showed that in the case of petrol tanker fire the emergency ventilation ensures a tenable level of temperature, radiant heat flux, and toxic gases concentrations up to 5 min from the fire starting. This time increases up to 6.5 min for the HGV and 8 min for the bus. This means that the tunnel users in order to be safe in all scenarios should leave the tunnel within 5 min after the fire starting. Toxic gases concentrations, however, were found to be below the limit values in all cases and also in the presence of traffic. In the light of the aforementioned results, tunnel occupants should be promptly informed of the fire risk and guided to the exit portals. This might be done by equipping the tunnel with illuminated emergency signs located along the tunnel length and by installing traffic lights before the entrances so that the tunnel can be closed in case of emergency. By activating the traffic lights at the portals and the emergency signs (more especially those at the ceiling) at the same time as the emergency ventilation is activated, safer conditions for the people evacuation are expected.  相似文献   

隧道火灾的排烟实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对火灾时隧道内烟气的排出进行了实验性研究。实验是在 1∶ 2 0倍的隧道模型内进行的 ,模型内在火源的两边设置了两根机械排烟管。首先对排烟管道的位置和通风口形状对系统效能的影响进行了研究 ,然后又测定了不同火灾释热率下排烟系统的效能 ,直到烟气被限制在两根排烟管道内时效能达到 10 0 %。  相似文献   

《Fire Safety Journal》2002,37(5):525-533
Smoke extraction in the case of a fire in a tunnel is investigated here experimentally. Experiments are carried out on a 1:20th tunnel scale model. The tunnel is equipped with two mechanical exhaust ducts, on both sides of the fire source. The influence of their location and the shape of the outlets is studied in the first instance. Next, the exhaust system efficiency is determined for different fire heat release rates, until the value of 100% is achieved which is related to smoke confinement between both ducts.  相似文献   

车用消防泵在消防车设计中的应用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从发动机和水泵特性着手,定性分析了如何协调它们的关系,提出了根据消防水泵额定工况选择确定消防车发动机运行工况的原则。  相似文献   

Five large-scale fire tests, including one pool fire test and four HGV mock-up fire tests, were carried out in the Runehamar tunnel in Norway in year 2003. New data and new analyzes are presented in this paper, together with a short summary of previous work on these tests. Heat release rate (HRR), radiation, fire spread, gas production, backside wall temperature, visibility, backlayering, fire growth rate, gas temperature, flame length, ventilation and pulsation are investigated. Simple theoretical models are developed to estimate and predict these parameters. The correlations developed can be used by engineers working on fire safety in tunnels.  相似文献   

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