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Joint QoS optimization for layered computational grid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many existing grid resource allocation and scheduling algorithms mainly focus on isolated layers of the grid architecture. The inflexibility of the strict layering structure results in an inefficient utilization of the grid resources. This paper takes a system view of the computational grid and aims to jointly optimize global QoS by adopting cross-layer design. Cross-layer design is based on information exchange and joint optimization among multiple grid layers. Parameters from different layers are provided to a cross-layer optimizer, which selects the values of the layer specific parameters maximizing joint global QoS. The objective of the paper is to jointly optimize the parameters of all layers in a decentralized optimization problem and decompose joint QoS optimization into three sub problems at fabric layer, collective layer and application layer. In simulation part, we compare the performance of the global joint QoS optimization approach with application layer local optimization and resource layer local optimization approach, respectively.  相似文献   

The paper presents a multi-level scheduling algorithm for global optimization in grid computing. This algorithm provides a global optimization through a cross-layer optimization realized by decomposing the optimization problem in different sub-problems each of them corresponding to one among the grid layers such as application layer, collective layer and fabric layer. The QoS of an abstraction level is a utility function that assigns at every level a different value and that depends on the kind of task that is executed on the grid. The global QoS is given by processing of the utility function values of the three different levels, using the Lagrangian method. Multi-level QoS scheduling algorithm is evaluated in terms of system efficiency and their economic efficiency, respectively. Economic efficiency includes user utility, service provider’s revenue and grid global utility. System efficiency includes execution success ratio and resource allocation ratio.  相似文献   

针对当前网格工作流调度算法中大多只考虑DAG结构的网格工作流,涉及QoS参数较少或将多QoS参数聚合成一个单目标函数进行优化调度,提出了一种多QoS约束的双目标最优的网格工作流调度算法。该算法是基于AGWL网格工作流模型和改进的MOPSO算法,其目标是在满足可靠性、可利用性和声誉这三维QoS参数约束下,同时最小化两个冲突目标,即响应时间和服务费用。通过与原MOPSO所设计的网格工作流调度算法比较,该算法能获得更优的优化解。  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider multiple QoS based grid resource scheduling. Each of grid task agent's diverse requirements is modeled as a quality of service (QoS) dimension, associated with each QoS dimension is a utility function that defines the benefit that is perceived by a user with respect to QoS choices in that dimension. The objective of multiple QoS based grid resource scheduling is to maximize the global utility of the scheduling system.  相似文献   

本文从跨层目标出发,分析了OSTBC-OFDM下行链路中支持多业务混合传输的特性与质量要求,提出一种兼顾媒体业务传输质量(QoS)保障及最大化传输效率的动态BER/PER目标调整算法.该算法根据无线传输系统的容量和信道质量,调整传输手段,并根据媒体业务包的质量要求,为发送缓冲区的各个业务包指定不同等级的BER/PER要求,并加载于各个子信道中,从而达到兼顾媒体业务传输质量和最大化传输效率的目的.  相似文献   

多目标蚁群优化网格调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出基于蚁群算法的网格调度算法,优化作业完成时间。同时局部升级和全局升级采用不同策略,解决资源负载均衡问题,满足网格的多目标优化。最后通过Gridsim仿真环境和其他算法进行比较分析。  相似文献   

针对数据网格环境下的多QoS约束任务调度问题,提出了一种基于最早完成时间与QoS相识度的数据网格任务调度算法(data grid task scheduling algorithm based on Min-min and QoS similarity,MS-GTSA).该算法将最早完成时间与S-GTSA算法相结合,在任务调度过程中,选取任务QoS约束与资源QoS匹配最佳,且完成时间最早的一项优先进行调度.在满足任务最佳QoS匹配的同时,时间跨度得到了较大的改善.仿真结果表明,该算法有效降低了任务调度的时间跨度,在综合性能上较S-GTSA算法有所提高.  相似文献   

This paper is to solve efficient QoS based resource scheduling in computational grid. It defines a set of QoS dimensions with utility function for each dimensions, uses a market model for distributed optimization to maximize the global utility. The user specifies its requirement by a utility function. A utility function can be specified for each QoS dimension. In the grid, grid task agent acted as consumer pay for the grid resource and resource providers get profits from task agents. The task agent' utility can then be defined as a weighted sum of single-dimensional QoS utility function. QoS based grid resource scheduling optimization is decomposed to two subproblems: joint optimization of resource user and resource provider in grid market. An iterative multiple QoS scheduling algorithm that is used to perform optimal multiple QoS based resource scheduling. The grid users propose payment for the resource providers, while the resource providers set a price for each resource. The experiments show that optimal QoS based resource scheduling involves less overhead and leads to more efficient resource allocation than no optimal resource allocation.  相似文献   

QoS guided Min-Min heuristic for grid task scheduling   总被引:74,自引:1,他引:74       下载免费PDF全文
Task scheduling is an integrated component of computing.With the emergence of Grid and ubiquitous computing,new challenges appear in task scheduling based on properties such as security,quality of service,and lack of central control within distributed administrative domains.A Grid task scheduling framework must be able to deal with these issues.One of the goals of Grid task scheduling is to achivev high system throughput while matching applications with the available computing resources.This matching of resources in a non-deterministically shared heterogeneous environment leads to concerns over Quality of Service (QoS).In this paper a novel QoS guided task scheduling algorithm for Grid computing is introduced.The proposed novel algorithm is based on a general adaptive scheduling heuristics that includes QoS guidance.The algorithm is evaluated within a simulated Grid environment.The experimental results show that the nwe QoS guided Min-Min heuristic can lead to significant performance gain for a variety of applications.The approach is compared with others based on the quality of the prediction formulated by inaccurate information.  相似文献   

可信禁忌粒子群优化网格任务调度算法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
网格任务调度是典型的NP(Non-Polynomial)难题,基于粒子群优化智能算法,提出一种新的任务调度算法,目标是使所有任务整体完成时间最小。算法首先随机产生一群粒子,然后对粒子的位置和速度不断迭代,获得可以接受的任务调度方案,并从中选择一组信任度最高的作为较优解,再利用禁忌搜索算法由较优解获得最优解。仿真实验结果表明,与遗传算法相比更适合于求解规模较大的网格任务调度问题。  相似文献   

基于多QoS需求驱动的网格资源调度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫赞  谢娜  贾功祥  赵洁 《计算机应用研究》2012,29(10):3904-3907
为解决网格用户多QoS需求的资源调度问题,引入了满意度函数模型和经典Min-Min算法。将众多网格QoS分为性能和信任两类,选取性能QoS中的优先级、时效性、精度性和信任QoS中的安全性、可靠性共五个指标,分别构建每一维QoS参数的满意度函数模型并形成QoS综合满意度函数模型,由此设计多QoS约束的网格资源调度(Q-Min-Min)算法,以期将Min-Min算法中按照期待执行时间(ETC)进行调度改为按照服务质量综合满意度(QSM)进行调度。仿真实验表明,改进的Q-Min-Min算法在任务的跨度和成本两项性能指标上均比Min-Min算法更具优势,取得了较为理想的结果,证明了基于多QoS需求驱动的网格资源调度的有效性。  相似文献   

Grid applications with stringent security requirements introduce challenging concerns because the schedule devised by nonsecurity‐aware scheduling algorithms may suffer in scheduling security constraints tasks. To make security‐aware scheduling, estimation and quantification of security overhead is necessary. The proposed model quantifies security, in the form of security levels, on the basis of the negotiated cipher suite between task and the grid‐node and incorporates it into existing heuristics MinMin and MaxMin to make it security‐aware MinMin(SA) and MaxMin(SA). It also proposes SPMaxMin (Security Prioritized MinMin) and its comparison with three heuristics MinMin(SA), MaxMin(SA), and SPMinMin on heterogeneous grid/task environment. Extensive computer simulation results reveal that the performance of the various heuristics varies with the variation in computational and security heterogeneity. Its analysis over nine heterogeneous grid/task workload situations indicates that an algorithm that performs better for one workload degrades in another. It is conspicuous that for a particular workload one algorithm gives better makespan while another gives better response time. Finally, a security‐aware scheduling model is proposed, which adapts itself to the dynamic nature of the grid and picks the best suited algorithm among the four analyzed heuristics on the basis of job characteristics, grid characteristics, and desired performance metric. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

网格工作流中的调度问题是一个复杂且具有挑战性的问题,它影响着网格工作流执行成功与否及效率的高低.针对具有时序和因果约束关系的网格工作流优化调度问题进行了研究,建立了网格工作流的任务调度模型和调度问题的目标模型,并应用微粒群算法来优化网格工作流中任务的调度.实验结果证明该算法优于传统的调度算法.  相似文献   

一种网格资源调度中QoS的最大化匹配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对网格资源选择中复杂的QoS参数处理和精确匹配导致的资源调度率低下问题,将QoS参数按性质分类,定义了QoS参数距离,实现QoS参数相似性判断,由此提出了一种软化的参数处理模型,给出了一种最大化匹配调度算法。实验表明,该算法提高了系统吞吐量、任务满足率、资源调度率和整个系统资源利用率。  相似文献   

简要介绍了Ad hoc网格的特点和调度目标;在调度算法分类的基础上,重点研究了Ad hoc网格的五种调度算法,包括静态调度算法,动态调度算法,基于QoS的调度算法,基于信任机制的调度算法,以及基于经济模型的调度算法,并对算法的优缺点和适用环境作了比较分析;最后总结了Ad hoc网格调度进一步的研究难题。  相似文献   

针对当前网格工作流调度算法中大多只考虑DAG结构的网格工作流、涉及QoS参数较少及将多QoS参数聚合成一个单目标函数进行优化调度的现状,提出了一种新颖的网格工作流调度算法。该算法基于表达结构丰富的AGWL语言建模网格工作流,且基于MOPSO算法所设计的带多QoS约束的多目标优化的网格工作流调度算法。通过与基于NSGA-Ⅱ算法的网格工作流调度算法比较,表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

All existing fault-tolerance job scheduling algorithms for computational grids were proposed under the assumption that all sites apply the same fault-tolerance strategy. They all ignored that each grid site may have its own fault-tolerance strategy because each site is itself an autonomous domain. In fact, it is very common that there are multiple fault-tolerance strategies adopted at the same time in a large-scale computational grid. Various fault-tolerance strategies may have different hardware and software requirements. For instance, if a grid site employs the job checkpointing mechanism, each computation node must have the following ability. Periodically, the computational node transmits the transient state of the job execution to the server. If a job fails, it will migrate to another computational node and resume from the last stored checkpoint. Therefore, in this paper we propose a genetic algorithm for job scheduling to address the heterogeneity of fault-tolerance mechanisms problem in a computational grid. We assume that the system supports four kinds fault-tolerance mechanisms, including the job retry, the job migration without checkpointing, the job migration with checkpointing, and the job replication mechanisms. Because each fault-tolerance mechanism has different requirements for gene encoding, we also propose a new chromosome encoding approach to integrate the four kinds of mechanisms in a chromosome. The risk nature of the grid environment is also taken into account in the algorithm. The risk relationship between jobs and nodes are defined by the security demand and the trust level. Simulation results show that our algorithm has shorter makespan and more excellent efficiencies on improving the job failure rate than the Min–Min and sufferage algorithms.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于HSDPA系统的跨层分组调度方案,以支持实时业务QoS要求.在调度过程中,按照业务类型和实时要求将其排入分组队列,引入实时吞吐量和信道信息估算调度概率,实现实时业务质量和系统整体性能之间的平衡.仿真结果表明,该方案在数据吞吐量、传输时延等方面具有更好的性能.  相似文献   

一种基于效用最优的计算网格资源调度算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对具有时间和费用约束的网格资源调度问题,通过分析任务的执行时间和执行费用与用户效用函数的关系,建立了效用函数模型,在此基础上提出了一种针对task farming应用程序模式的基于效用函数最优的启发式调度算法——效用最优调度算法。实验表明,与费用 时间均衡调度算法相比,本算法能给用户带来更高的效用。  相似文献   

刘波涛 《计算机应用研究》2010,27(11):4122-4123
提出了一种基于免疫计算的异构网格任务调度算法。设计了异构网格独立任务调度问题的数学模型,给出了免疫调度算法的框架、基于实数编码的克隆变异算子和浓度抑制算子,并在仿真环境下进行了实验。实验结果表明,算法能有效地解决异构网格任务调度问题,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

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