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The 7B2 protein is widely distributed in neural and endocrine tissues. Its biological function was found to be related to the processing enzyme proprotein convertase 2 (PC2), a mammalian subtilisin/kexin-like endoproteinase that cleaves at specific single or multiple basic amino-acid residues. In order to examine the proposed function of 7B2 on PC2 in in vivo models, we first compared the distribution of 7B2 and PC2 mRNAs in the rat brain. Expression of 7B2 mRNA was found to be pan-neuronal, but additionally, we observed 7B2 mRNA in ependymal cells and in the subcommissural organ. Although the expression of PC2 mRNA was exclusively neuronal, it was more restricted, sparing some regions expressing high levels of 7B2. This finding suggests that 7B2 has an additional function in non-PC2-expressing cells. No evidence of PC2-positive/7B2-negative cells could be obtained in the adult rat brain. However, in the developing rat brain (E17), such regions were easily observed, showing higher levels of pro-PC2 (75 kD). Similarly, in the animal model of insulin-induced hypoglycemic shock, where adrenomedullary 7B2 expression is decreased, the ratio of pro-PC2 to mature PC2 (75 kD:68 kD) was observed to be increased. Finally, the human neuroepithelioma SK-N-MCIXC expresses PC2 but not 7B2. Accordingly, only inactive pro-PC2 forms were observed: 75-kD intracellular and 71-kD extracellular. After stable transfection of SK-N-MCIXC cells with 27-kD pro-7B2, mature and active (68-kD) PC2 was secreted into the medium. Our data demonstrate a critical role of 7B2 in the proteolytic conversion and activation of PC2 in vivo.  相似文献   

Phototransduction in Drosophila occurs through the ubiquitous phosphoinositide-mediated signal transduction system. Major unresolved questions in this pathway are the identity and role of the internal calcium stores in light excitation and the mechanism underlying regulation of Ca2+ release from internal stores. Treatment of Drosophila photoreceptors with ryanodine and caffeine disrupted the current induced by light, whereas subsequent application of calcium-calmodulin (Ca-CaM) rescued the inactivated photoresponse. In calcium-deprived wild-type Drosophila and in calmodulin-deficient transgenic flies, the current induced by light was disrupted by a specific inhibitor of Ca-CaM. Furthermore, inhibition of Ca-CaM revealed light-induced release of calcium from intracellular stores. It appears that functional ryanodine-sensitive stores are essential for the photoresponse. Moreover, calcium release from these stores appears to be a component of Drosophila phototransduction, and Ca-CaM regulates this process.  相似文献   

An early event in Drosophila eye development is the division of the eye disc into dorsoventral domains. The dorsoventral pattern is displayed in the adult compound eye as a distinct mirror symmetry across the dorsoventral midline or equator. The dorsoventral axis is also implicated in organizing early development of the eye, as retinal differentiation is initiated at the posterior dorsoventral midline. Here we show that Fringe is expressed specifically in the ventral half of the undifferentiated eye disc, thus creating a dorsoventral boundary. Ectopic Fringe borders that are generated by clones of fringe cells can reverse the planar polarity of photoreceptor clusters, indicating that the Fringe boundary is crucial for the induction of mirror symmetry. Lack of a Fringe boundary disrupts equatorial expression of Notch signalling proteins and causes a complete failure of eye development. Our results indicate that the formation of the Fringe boundary and subsequent Notch signalling at the equator are essential for organizing mirror symmetry and eye morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Drosophila vision involves a G protein-coupled phospholipase C-mediated signaling pathway that leads to membrane depolarization through activation of Na+ and Ca2+ channels. InaD mutant flies have a M442K point mutation and display a slow recovery of the Ca2+ dependent current. We report that anti-INAD antibodies coimmunoprecipitate TRP, identified by its electrophoretic mobility, cross reactivity with anti-TRP antibody, and absence in a null allele trp mutant. This interaction is abolished by the InaD point mutation in vitro and in vivo. Interaction was localized to the 19 amino acid C-terminus of TRP by overlay assays, and to the PDZ domain of INAD, encompassing the point mutation. Given the impaired electrophysiology of the InaD mutant, this novel interaction suggests that INAD functions as a regulatory subunit of the TRP Ca2+ channel.  相似文献   

Overexpression of many growth factor receptors, as well as growth factors, has been shown to confer varying degrees of estrogen-independent growth on estrogen receptor (ER) positive breast cancer cells. The proto-oncogene Raf-1 is a key intermediate in the signal transduction pathway of many of these growth factor receptors, and when constitutively activated in fibroblasts is transforming. To examine the effects of Raf-1 kinase activity on the estrogen-dependent growth of human breast cancer cells, ER + MCF-7 breast cancer cells were stably transfected with an expression construct directing the expression of an amino-truncated protein having constitutive kinase activity. Expression of constitutively activated Raf in MCF-7 cells is incompatible with growth in the presence of estrogen; that is, cells down-regulate expression of the transfected Raf. Constitutive Raf activity does allow for growth of the cells in the absence of estrogen, suggesting that activation of growth factor signaling pathways through Raf may confer a selective advantage for growth of breast cancer cells under estrogen-deprived conditions. In addition, the high levels of Raf activity induce apoptosis in cells grown under either condition. This is a novel activity for Raf, and may occur because the levels of the constitutive Raf are extremely high in these cells.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) has been reported to have affinity for the estrogen receptor (ER). Observations reported here reveal a direct physical interaction between purified CaM and ER. This direct ER-CaM interaction may be an initial event preceding the assembly of ER plus auxiliary proteins into the active ER complex with its DNA motif, the estrogen response element. We demonstrate that CaM is an integral component of this complex by using a system reconstituted from purified ER and nuclear extract from ER-negative breast cancer cells and also with ER-depleted nuclear extract of an ER-positive breast cancer cell line. Although CaM is essential for formation of this complex, it is not sufficient, suggesting roles also of auxiliary proteins. CaM also is functionally required for activation of an ER-responsive promoter, in the 17beta-estradiol-ER pathway of hormone action and regulation of 17beta-estradiol-responsive gene expression that is associated with proliferation of mammary epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The presence of at least 2.5 mM Na during the first several min after insemination is required for the activation of sea urchin eggs. Of those chemical species examined that exist entirely as cations, and which did not activate the unfertilized egg, only Li substitutes for Na. Ammonium and other amines, with pKa values between 9 and 10.8, in the complete absence of Na (a) can induce nuclear activation of unfertilized eggs, and (b) permit the development of the early fertilized egg through the stage that normally requires Na.  相似文献   

Complete activation of most cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs) requires phosphorylation by the CDK-activating kinase (CAK). In the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the major CAK is a 44-kDa protein kinase known as Cak1. Cak1 is required for the phosphorylation and activation of Cdc28, a major CDK involved in cell cycle control. We addressed the possibility that Cak1 is also required for the activation of other yeast CDKs, such as Kin28, Pho85, and Srb10. We generated three new temperature-sensitive cak1 mutant strains, which arrested at the restrictive temperature with nonuniform budding morphology. All three cak1 mutants displayed significant synthetic interactions with loss-of-function mutations in CDC28 and KIN28. Loss of Cak1 function reduced the phosphorylation and activity of both Cdc28 and Kin28 but did not affect the activity of Pho85 or Srb10. In the presence of the Kin28 regulatory subunits Ccl1 and Tfb3, Kin28 was phosphorylated and activated when coexpressed with Cak1 in insect cells. We conclude that Cak1 is required for the activating phosphorylation of Kin28 as well as that of Cdc28.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present studies was to investigate the role of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the acquisition of estrogen (E) and progestin (P) responsiveness in the mouse mammary gland in vivo. Using the Elvax 40P implant technique to introduce bioactive molecules directly into the mammary gland to produce a localized effect, we have made the novel observation that EGF implanted into glands of pubertal mice followed by E treatment resulted in the precocious acquisition of E-inducible progesterone receptors (PR). In sexually mature mice, EGF implants alone were able to increase PR. A neutralizing antibody specific for EGF blocked E-dependent stimulation of end-bud development and PR induction. Furthermore, the antiestrogen ICI 182,780 blocked the EGF-induced stimulation end-buds and PR induction, indicating that these EGF effects are mediated via estrogen receptors (ER). Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the endogenous EGF content of mammary glands of mature mice was higher than pubertal mice, that E implants caused a localized increase in mammary gland EGF content in both pubertal and mature mice, and that in mature mice E caused an increase in stromal cell EGF content. We have previously shown that the acquisition of E-inducible PR can be modulated by mammary stroma, and the present results indicate that mammary stroma could modulate hormonal responsiveness through control of local growth factor concentration. Taken together, these results provide evidence that E-dependent responses of mouse mammary gland in vivo, such as end-bud proliferation and PR regulation, may be mediated by EGF through an ER-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

During Drosophila neural development, neuroblasts delaminate from the neuroectoderm of each hemisegment in a stereotypic orthogonal array of five rows and three columns (ventral, intermediate, and dorsal). Prevailing evidence indicates that the individual neuroblast fate is determined by the domain-specific expression of genes along the dorsoventral and anteroposterior axis. Here, we analyze the role of Vnd, a NK-2 homeodomain protein, expressed initially in the ventral neuroectoderm adjacent to the ventral midline, in the dorsoventral patterning of the neuroectoderm and the neuroblasts. We show that in vnd null mutants most ventral neuroblasts do not form and the few that form do not develop ventral fates, but instead develop intermediate-like fates. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Vnd influences the gene expression patterns in the ventral proneural clusters and neuroectoderm, and that its action in neuroblast formation includes, but is not exclusive to the activation of proneural AS-C genes. Through the use of GAL4/UAS gene-expression system we show that ectopic Vnd expression can promote ventral-like fates in intermediate and dorsal neuroblasts and can suppress certain normal characteristics of the intermediate and dorsal neuroectoderm. Our results are discussed in the context of the current evidence in dorsoventral patterning in the Drosophila neuroectoderm.  相似文献   

We produced defined isogenic Helicobacter pylori ureI mutants to investigate the function of UreI, the product of one of the genes of the urease cluster. The insertion of a cat cassette had a strong polar effect on the expression of the downstream urease genes, resulting in very weak urease activity. Urease activity, measured in vitro, was normal in a strain in which ureI was almost completely deleted and replaced with a nonpolar cassette. In contrast to previous reports, we thus found that the product of ureI was not necessary for the synthesis of active urease. Experiments with the mouse-adapted H. pylori SS1 strain carrying the nonpolar ureI deletion showed that UreI is essential for H. pylori survival in vivo and/or colonization of the mouse stomach. The replacement of ureI with the nonpolar cassette strongly reduced H. pylori survival in acidic conditions (1-h incubation in phosphate-buffered saline solution at pH 2.2) in the presence of 10 mM urea. UreI is predicted to be an integral membrane protein and may therefore be involved in a transport process essential for H. pylori survival in vivo.  相似文献   

The interaction of Neisseria gonorrhoeae with human phagocytes is a hallmark of gonococcal infections. Recently, CD66 molecules have been characterized as receptors for Opa52-expressing gonococci on human neutrophils. Here we show that Opa52-expressing gonococci or Escherichia coli or F(ab) fragments directed against CD66, respectively, activate a signalling cascade from CD66 via Src-like protein tyrosine kinases, Rac1 and PAK to Jun-N-terminal kinase. The induced signal is distinct from Fcgamma-receptor-mediated signalling and is specific for Opa52, since piliated Opa- gonococci, commensal Neisseria cinerea or E.coli do not stimulate this signalling pathway. Inhibition of Src-like kinases or Rac1 prevents the uptake of Opa52 bacteria, demonstrating the crucial role of this signalling cascade for the opsonin-independent, Opa52/CD66-mediated phagocytosis of pathogenic Neisseria.  相似文献   

Experimental glomerulonephritis was induced in rats to investigate the consequence of the antigen-antibody interaction on the surface of glomerular endothelial cells (GENs). A lectin, Lens culinaris hemoagglutinin (LCH), was first planted in the left kidney by isolated perfusion of a left kidney, and then the circulation was reestablished. Rabbit anti-LCH antibodies were injected from the tail vein 3 minutes after the recirculation of the left kidney, and acute glomerulonephritis ensued. Fifteen minutes after the injection, rabbit immunoglobulin G (IgG), rat C3, and LCH were observed exclusively on the surface of GENs. Accumulation of platelets was prominent. Three hours later, the immune deposits were seen in the subendothelial space, and the polymorphonuclear cells were the dominant infiltrate in the glomeruli. Up to the seventh day, immune deposits were seen in the subendothelial space, and the widening of this area was increasingly observed. Fourteen days later, immune deposits containing rat IgG were observed in the subepithelial area, but they were only occasionally seen in the subendothelial space and in the mesangial area. No crescent formation was seen at day 14, but the mesangial area was expanded, with an increased number of cells. The number of nuclei in the cross-section of a glomerulus increased after the induction of glomerulonephritis, but the number of leukocyte common antigen-positive cells (infiltrating cells) decreased gradually from day 4 to day 14. The staining of Thy-1.1, a marker of mesangial cell, was markedly enlarged in the glomerulus at day 14. These data suggest that mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis can be induced by the antigen-antibody interaction on the surface of GENs.  相似文献   

Differences in body size and shape can cause large variances in the results of in vivo neutron activation analysis. Preliminary body-size correction data were obtained for the delayed-gamma neutron activation facility (DGNA) at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), based on phantom standards of different sizes, used in combination with computer simulations on the effect of different body sizes.  相似文献   

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