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和朋友一起K歌,画面上俗不可耐的泳装女郎或是镜头沉闷的风光是否让你们大煞风景?作品制作自己个性化的卡拉OK视频吧,可是随音乐节拍变色的字幕如何制作呢?是否一定要使用操作复杂而又价格昂贵的外国字幕软件呢?其实国产的小灰熊插件可以让Premiere轻松制作出带卡拉OK字幕的视频文件。小灰熊3.5(KBuilder)是一套专门生成卡拉OK字幕视频素材的工具,它主要由两部分组成:一是歌词脚本生成器(主程序),另一部分是KBuilderFor Premiere插件。利用歌词脚本生成器可以用简单的操作生成卡拉OK字幕脚本,这个脚本定义了歌词显示时间,变色的起始…  相似文献   

在视频制作中,添加字幕一直是一个让人头痛的问题。因为常用的会声会影等视频编辑软件都没有提供很好的字幕制作功能,添加字幕非常麻烦。卡拉字幕精灵(Sayatoo)则是一款制作视频字幕的专业软件,它采用高效智能的字幕制作方法,快速而精确地制作出专业效果的视频字幕,并且提供插件支持,可以将制作好的字幕直接导入会声会影等视频编辑软件中使用,是制作视频字幕的极佳选择。  相似文献   

所谓“同期声字幕”,是指电视片中与人物同期声同步切换的字幕。如果用Premiere自带的字幕工具来制作“同期声字幕”,其难以置信的工作量和麻烦程度会让人发疯。而现在,用KBuilder 3.5配合Premiere 6,制作“同期声字幕”已成为一件很轻松的事情。  相似文献   

“翻唱”现在是网络上的大热门,说到翻唱,其实还是放着卡拉OK影碟跟着字幕唱最方便,这种方式咱们在KTV里已经演练得很纯熟了。只是这样唱得有卡拉OK影碟,如果没有,咱们不妨自己动手制作,这样翻唱起来更有意思。卡拉OK视频制作的关键是字幕,它的字幕需要变色,也就是要随着歌曲的推进,一个字一个字的变色以引导演唱者演唱。这种字幕可以手工制作,不过手工制作太麻烦、最好用Kbuilder Tools来制作。  相似文献   

字幕是影视剧本制作中一种重要的视觉元素,而Premiere是一个功能极其强大的影视作品编辑软件,本文主要介绍了如何灵活运用Premiere软件的功能、图像动画制作软件及专业字幕软件或第三方字幕插件来制作Premiere字幕的方法和技巧。  相似文献   

对于喜欢在电脑里唱卡拉O K的朋友来说,要想使用带滚动字幕的卡拉OK视频文件,一般都要从VCD光盘里拷贝或是从网上下载专门的卡拉O K视频文件,操作麻烦不说,而且也不是什么歌曲的卡拉O K视频都能找到。“E a s y O K”是一款专为演唱卡拉O K设计的播放器软件,只要有音乐、L R C歌词、图片或视频文件,就可以轻松拼装出带滚动字幕效果的卡拉O K。准备素材首先要准备好拼装卡拉O K歌曲的伴奏音乐、歌词和背景(图片或视频)素材。伴奏音乐可以去“W O99.c o m”等网站上免费下载,也可以直接使用原唱音乐,因为“EasyOK”具有消除原唱人…  相似文献   

在我们编辑的影片中,如果需要加上一些简单字幕,就可以利用Premiere的字幕工具来制作了。下面我们就实战练习一部片子中的3个字幕——片名、摄影制作人、滚动字幕(内容介绍)。一、片名字幕我们制作的片名例子为“三峡之旅”。运行Premiere6,并调入相应的视频素材文件。在Project窗口的下边,点一下“Create Item”图标,  相似文献   

利用Premiere5.1可以将视频、音频、动画等元素有机地组合在一起,赋予课件的视频作品丰富的视觉美感。现在在PC机上使用视频编辑软件Premiere5.1就能实现字幕编辑工作,下面介绍制作滚动字幕的两种方法。一、在Premiere中制作字幕文件(扩展名为.ptl),利用自带的“Title”窗口建立垂直滚动(Roll)或水平滚动(Crawl)的字幕,文字移动速度取决于该片段在“Timeline”窗口中的长度。  相似文献   

肖勇  冯玉芬 《福建电脑》2008,(2):165-166
远程教育中,视频媒体若配有同步字幕,在讲解专业性词语、教师方言偏重和学生听力有障碍等情况下会起到很好的辅助教学效果.但是常用制作字幕软件的效率并不高。本文提出了利用雷特视频TGA唱词生成系统快速制作同步字幕.同时将制作的字幕导入到非线性编辑软件Premiere中进行同步适配,从而高效低价地给远程视频加上同步字幕,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

王兰富 《玩电脑》2005,(2):122-123
载取电影中的精华片段,可以作为经典收藏或者制作特效的绝佳素材;而邦些搞笑的桥段,也可以为你的论坛签名吸引不少眼球,剪机视频本来并不复杂,比如利用Premiere的直观图形操作可以让你想怎么“切”就怎么“节”,不过,如果片源是那些带有外挂字幕的DVDRip呢?这就需要由“梦工厂”为大家指点迷津了。  相似文献   

探讨了如何用Visual C++ 6.0 设计Windows 环境下的Socket网络通信程序,重点介绍了利用WinSock进行网络通信程序设计的方法和特点.  相似文献   

PARC++ is a system that supports object-oriented parallel programming in C++. PARC++ provides the user with a set of predefined C++ classes that can easily be used for the construction of parallel C++ programs. With the help of PARC++ objects, the programmer is able to create and start new processes (threads), to synchronize their activities (Blocklock, Monitor) and to manage communication via message passing (Mailbox). PARC++ is written in C++ and currently runs on top of the EMEX operating system on a FORCE machine with 11 processing elements and an EDS (European Declarative System) with 28 processing elements. The paper also contains information about the run-time system model, the implementation and some performance measurements.  相似文献   

R++: adding path-based rules to C++   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Object-oriented languages and rule-based languages offer two distinct and useful programming abstractions. However, previous attempts to integrate data-driven rules into object-oriented languages have typically achieved an uneasy union at best. R++ is a new, closer integration of the rule-based and object-oriented paradigms that extends C++ with a single programming construct, the path-based rule, as a new kind of class member. Path-based rules-data-driven rules that are restricted to following pointers between objects-are like automatic methods that are triggered by changes to the objects they monitor. Path-based rules provide a useful level of abstraction that encourages a more declarative style of programming and are valuable in object-oriented designs as a means of modeling dynamic collections of interdependent objects. Unlike more traditional pattern-matching rules, path-based rules are not at odds with the object-oriented paradigm and offer performance advantages for many natural applications  相似文献   

介绍了VC++中使用MatlabC++数学函数库的方法,将VC++与Matlab结合用户发挥这两大软件的优势。  相似文献   

提出一种对C++进行并发扩充的语言ConC++.ConC++是一个并发面向对象语言,它采用并发类和保护类的机制支持并发,并发类有一个主动函数,一旦对象被创建,这个主动函数就开始执行;保护类封装了一组数据和对数据的操作,它没有自己的线程,而且是用来实现对并发类对象的同步、互斥和通信,这种集中控制对象的并发的方法体现了对象的自治性特点,减少了上下切换和死锁发生的可能,从而提高了程序的性能。  相似文献   

Animation 2000++     
In the next millennium, computer animation will be both the same as now and also very different. Animators will always have tools that allow specifying and controlling, through manual interactive interfaces, every nuance of shape, movement, and parameter settings. Whether for skilled animators or novices, the future of animation will present a fantastically expanded palette of possibilities: techniques, resources, and libraries for creating and controlling movements. The author discusses motion capture, natural language, evolving systems and digital clones  相似文献   

程序优化是提高程序运行效率的重要步骤,程序剖析是程序优化的第一步。对于串行语言,程序剖析代码是由编译器通过一个命令行开关自动插入。但是,大部分并行语言编译器都不具有这个功能。该文以并行C++语言的可移植的动态剖析程序(profiler)为例,从两方面对问题进行了论述:首先给出实现可移植动态剖析程序的一般方法;然后分析一个用于pC++插桩(Instrumentation)工具。  相似文献   

Diffraction calculations, such as the angular spectrum method and Fresnel diffractions, are used for calculating scalar light propagation. The calculations are used in wide-ranging optics fields: for example, Computer Generated Holograms (CGHs), digital holography, diffractive optical elements, microscopy, image encryption and decryption, three-dimensional analysis for optical devices and so on. However, increasing demands made by large-scale diffraction calculations have rendered the computational power of recent computers insufficient. We have already developed a numerical library for diffraction calculations using a Graphic Processing Unit (GPU), which was named the GWO library. However, this GWO library is not user-friendly, since it is based on C language and was also run only on a GPU. In this paper, we develop a new C++ class library for diffraction and CGH calculations, which is referred to as a CWO++ library, running on a CPU and GPU. We also describe the structure, performance, and usage examples of the CWO++ library.Program summaryProgram title: CWO++Catalogue identifier: AELL_v1_0Program summary URL: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AELL_v1_0.htmlProgram obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen?s University, Belfast, N. IrelandLicensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/licence/licence.htmlNo. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 109 809No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 4 181 911Distribution format: tar.gzProgramming language: C++Computer: General computers and general computers with NVIDIA GPUsOperating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7Has the code been vectorized or parallelized?: Yes. 1 core processor used in CPU and many cores in GPU.RAM: 256 M bytesClassification: 18External routines: CImg, FFTWNature of problem: The CWO++ library provides diffraction calculations which are useful for Computer Generated Holograms (CGHs), digital holography, diffractive optical elements, microscopy, image encryption and decryption and three-dimensional analysis for optical devices.Solution method: FFT-based diffraction calculations, computer generated holograms by direct integration.Running time: The sample runs provided take approximately 5 minutes for the C++ version and 5 seconds for the C++ with GPUs version.  相似文献   

Local search is an emerging paradigm for combinatorial search which has recently been shown to be very effective for a large number of combinatorial problems. It is based on the idea of navigating the search space by iteratively stepping from one solution to one of its neighbors, which are obtained by applying a simple local change to it. In this paper we present LOCAL++, an object‐oriented framework to be used as a general tool for the development and implementation of local search algorithms in C++. The framework comprises a hierarchy of abstract template classes, one for each local search technique taken into account (i.e. hill‐climbing, simulated annealing and tabu search). Each class specifies and implements the invariant part of the algorithm built according to the technique, and is supposed to be specialized by a concrete class once a given search problem is considered, so as to implement the problem‐dependent part of the algorithm. LOCAL++ comprises also a set of abstract classes for creating new techniques by combining different search techniques and different neighborhood relations. The architecture of LOCAL++ provides a principled modularization for the solution of combinatorial search problems, and helps the designer deriving a neat conceptual scheme of the application, thus facilitating the development and debugging phases. LOCAL++ proved to be flexible enough for the implementation of the algorithms solving various scheduling problems. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

介绍了SNMP 的特点及其在VC 7.1中的配置方法,并给出了基于SNMP 的常用SNMP操作的应用程序实例.  相似文献   

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