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Economic clusters have been recognised as important elements of urban and regional economic strategies, but their role in spatial planning is under-appreciated. This paper examines the initiatives and outcomes of economic clusters in relation to urban spatial planning in the periods of planned and market economies in China. Through an examination of the planning and development practices in Beijing, the effect of economic clusters in facilitating local growth and shaping urban spatial structure is revealed. The significance of economic clusters in achieving synergy between economic and spatial policies is discussed.  相似文献   

The design process of any major architectural project requires continuous interaction between architectural concepts and structural system developments. For a building like the 100-storey John Hancock Center in Chicago the structure played a dominant role and eventually became the apparent architectural expression. The author describes the process of interaction between architecture and engineering and illustrates how purity of engineering systems needs to be maintained in order to strengthen the final architectural expression of such a building.  相似文献   

Pioneering psychology and co-design research has highlighted the potential that multi-user virtual environment (MUVE) may help architects’ exploratory creativity that is a recursive search to discover an optimal match of novel and appropriate solutions. However, it has been not reported hitherto in what ways MUVE helps or obstructs architects’ exploratory creativity in individual and collaborative modes of collaboration. To investigate this issue, we compared MUVE and sketching media in face-to-face and remote collaboration modes, involving 22 pairs of architecture major students. Based on interview and video-observation, we discovered that (1) in MUVE, anthropomorphic avatars, which other media do not have, enabled individual and collaborative explorations to discover unexpected affordances of new solutions, with evaluation on physical properties and layouts of solutions. In addition, (2) co-presence with collaborator’s avatars enabled inspiration on new ways of problem-solving and puzzle-making through shared design processes and events, with co-evaluation on social aspects of design solutions. (3) Co-presence in a shared environment also allowed mutual co-exploration that promotes emerging creative solutions, with co-modification on design errors. As barriers of MUVE, (4) avatar’s immersion caused inconvenient perception to explore large-scaled environments and track collaborators’ different experiences, but the barriers were not reported in remote collaboration.  相似文献   

This article reports an assessment of the spatial and temporal loss of wetlands to development projects (DPs) in the Kampala–Mukono Corridor (KMC). Four sets of satellite images (1974–2013), historical and field data sets were used to assess changes in the spatial extent of wetland land cover types. Through unsupervised classification, wetland cover types and DPs were delineated and future wetland losses to DPs projected through the IDRISI Selva-based Markov Chain model. The KMC wetlands have shrunk by almost a half (47%) since 1974, with DPs accounting for 56% of the total loss. The main drivers of wetland loss are inadequate development planning and the preference for Kampala as an industrial zone. Projections indicate that 61% of the gross KMC wetland loss (42.7%) by 2040 will accrue to more DPs. Wetlands along major transport arteries need conservation by proactive measures.  相似文献   

Computation-based approaches in design have emerged in the last decades and rapidly became popular among architects and other designers. Design professionals and researchers adopted different terminologies to address these approaches. However, some terms are used ambiguously and inconsistently, and different terms are commonly used to express the same concept. This paper discusses computational design (CD) and proposes an improved and sound taxonomy for a set of key CD terms, namely, parametric, generative, and algorithmic design, based on an extensive literature review from which different definitions by various authors were collected, analyzed, and compared.  相似文献   


The dynamic relationship of people to landscapes changes according to the context; as regimes change the balance of power shifts, resulting in different values arising where landscapes are perceived in different ways and new landscape uses examined. Changing landscapes can bring a restoration of hope to a place. This paper examines the role that an evolving landscape, both physically and culturally, in a small, rural Latvian community played in the formation of a revitalised landscape identity. By combining new and old traditions, self-esteem rose and in turn contributed to further changes to the landscape with influence rippling outwards to neighbouring areas. We have used observation, workshops and ongoing dialogue as data collection methods at the site. We draw on historical and individual narratives to tell the story of the landscape and then draw some conclusions regarding the transformative actions upon the communities and the landscape.  相似文献   

为保证黄山市徽州区自来水二厂出厂水水质达到《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749—2006)要求,采用强化常规处理工艺,并对排泥水进行回收与处理。主要介绍了水厂各构筑物设计参数的工艺参数及关键技术。该水厂运行结果表明,净水工艺设计合理,出水水质达到了设计标准,出水浊度控制在0.05-0.25 NTU。  相似文献   

毕业设计是对建筑学专业五年本科教学的综合性检阅,也是全面提升学生综合能力的重要环节。本研究通过对毕业设计教学的思考与优化,关注毕业生的发展需求、培养学生的综合素质,力求探索一种多学科协作、研究和教学互为促进的毕业设计教学模式,以满足当前毕业生去向多元化和提升学生综合素质的需求。文章通过"生产性要素融入的绿色社区研究与设计"课题对"有农社区"这一学科前沿领域进行研究,对多学科联合的研究性毕业设计进行了教学实践,并总结了教学中的经验与不足。  相似文献   

This naturalistic study focuses on how the co-design of educational software is an activity mediated by and through communicative resources. The aim is to identify how design suggestions and the use of resources emerge in co-design. This study contributes to the growing interest in understanding aspects of collaboration in design. To understand the phenomenon of collaboration in design, we apply interaction analysis, dialogism and the sociocultural perspective to show which resources the participants use and how they negotiate design suggestions. We argue that such understanding is only visible through detailed analysis of naturally occurring co-design activities. We find that the design trajectory varies in how the participants orient themselves to each other and in relation to the design artefacts. Tensions make visible which communicative resources are sensitive to what the participants interpret as relevant in the context of their institutional norms and values. Their different positions must be negotiated. Together, these aspects orient the design and mediate the emerging consensus and design artefact.  相似文献   

Co-creation as a concept has won terrain over the past 10 years. In practice as well as in literature, co-creation is climbing the agenda in relation to contemporary opportunities and challenges within management, organisation design and change initiatives. This paper aims to build an overview of the literature on co-creation to explore what the existing literature relates to and indeed to pinpoint if any patterns or streams can be identified. The paper illustrates how the use of the concept of co-creation suggests a necessity for focusing further on specific co-creation-related issues and challenges of significance to business and society. The paper highlights new co-creation-related issues and challenges. Further, the paper crystallises an emerging design trajectory in theory and practice.  相似文献   

引智聚力特色办学——哈尔滨工业大学建筑教育新思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区位限制、信息闭塞、经济滞后给哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院办学带来许多障碍,但哈工大建筑人不断探索,寻求突破地域劣势、摆脱资源束缚的创新机制.本文即介绍了新世纪以来,哈工大建筑教育走出的一条以"外部引智、内部聚力、特色办学"为支撑的发展新路.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s, architecture has been interpreted by Structuralism as a system of signs, which results in the problem that architecture is isolated from humans and the world. In contrast with this idea, this paper demonstrates that architecture is designed as spatial storytelling to mediate human knowledge of the world, humans and architecture. The research method consists of an original survey of meaning and interpretation drawn from the fields of philosophy, linguistics, hermeneutics, humanistic geography, narrative theory, psychology, architectural theory and museology, in combination with the researcher’s personal perception and experience. By employing three elements e materials, configuration and time e to conduct parallel analysis of components of the world, humans and architecture, this paper contributes to an original theoretical model for analysing the idea of architecture as spatial storytelling. Moreover, this study concludes that, since it is constructed of meaningful materials, meaningful configuration and meaningful time, architecture is a form of spatial storytelling, which mediates human knowledge of the world, humans and architecture, thus shaping human intellectual record both tangibly and intuitively. Therefore, the fact that architecture is connected with humans and the world has been demonstrated by spatial storytelling, while also being carried forward from generation to generation.  相似文献   

《Material Religion》2013,9(3):354-379

This essay explores the art world of ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal—in order to better understand the role of particular material practices in creating a distinctive religious experience and community. One attractive characteristic of Jewish Renewal is its invitation to play artistically with Jewish canonical texts, practices, and traditions. While some might argue that play leads necessarily to a limited and fragmentary Judaism, and that more rigorous study and practice is required, others see both practice and play as routes to a deeper religious experience. Artistic play with Jewish texts and traditions is seen by Renewal Jews as experiential learning, a variety of midrash (biblical interpretation). Artistic adornment of ritual objects and garb may also be understood as hiddur mitzvah (beautifying the religious precepts). Through an examination of the work of five artists (two painters, two fabric artists, and a weaver), the essay engages the concept of “handmade midrash” (artistic works as interpretations of sacred texts); creative reinterpretations of such traditions as counting the Omer and celebrating the New Moon; and the meaning of Torah and of prayer. This essay argues that through artistic engagement with Judaism, Renewal Jews practice play.  相似文献   

Southern Cross Station is one of the largest public–private partnership (PPP) projects undertaken in Australia. In this project the architects played a significant role in developing an iconic design which has received international professional design awards and much media attention. In the media the architects' design was perceived as having impacted negatively on capital costs. Given these contradictory perceptions, the aim of this study was to better understand perceptions of the architects' role in relation to project risks arising out of their design. A survey of key project executives working in the PPP consortium responsible for delivering the project was undertaken. The survey was structured by a framework combining the PPP life cycle, project risks and the idea that architectural design can be viewed as a research and development activity rather than simply as a problem‐solving activity. The survey responses point to the fact that the architects mitigated technical and operating risks and their activities had little bearing on the project's substantial write‐downs. This counters media perceptions of the project that the design activities of the architects created more risks than they mitigated.  相似文献   

The accommodation of client expectations in a construction project is challenging. This is, in part, because a client is rarely a single individual and their expectations are rarely static. This paper uses the actor–network theory (ANT) concepts of problematization, enrolment and durability to explore client engagement. The contribution of ANT lies in its (ontological) model of distributed agency, fluid heterogeneous networks and associated effects. A pilot study of a single building project provides an opportunity to theorize the different ways that clients engage in the development of a building. Client engagement differs with the direct versus mediated presence of different client actors, with the devices used to mediate negotiations and with the relative materiality of the network. The findings move the discussion of client engagement beyond the usual calls for better integration to an awareness of the mechanisms by which clients engage. Some decisions are fixed in material objects, while others remain open to ongoing negotiation. There is a need for explicit and continuous interaction and better awareness of when and how decisions are fixed. This would help all participants to deal with the complex and dynamic landscape of people, organizations and interests usually labelled as ‘client’.  相似文献   


Participatory design (PD) has proven successful in the design of technologies in Western markets and shows promise as a method for humanitarian technology development. However, there have been few studies of PD in developing markets. In general, these studies have noted several process challenges due to cultural, societal and geographical differences. These challenges are restricting the widespread use of PD approaches for, and with underserved communities, and in turn reducing the long-term impact each project could make. This article presents findings from the implementation of creative capacity building workshops in rural Cambodia. Findings include suggested refinements to the design process; the need for flexible delivery methods; and the development of guiding questions for understanding the participant and ensuring appropriate educational content. The workshops show promise as a methodology for enhancing designer–participant collaboration in PD.  相似文献   

结合最新颁布的《混凝土结构耐久性设计标准》(GB/T 50476—2019)综述混凝土结构耐久性的总体设计原则、方法和规定。结合混凝土结构耐久性的定义,分析耐久性设计的三要素:性能劣化、耐久性极限状态以及设计使用年限,强调耐久性设计需要向全寿命耐久性规划拓展。结合标准规定,解析使用环境分类和等级划分表示性能劣化、耐久性极限状态以及设计使用年限针对整体结构与构件的不同含义。然后,结合定性设计方法分析典型环境下材料和构件层次上耐久性规定以及耐久性指标,针对防腐蚀附加措施和后张法预应力体系分析耐久性多重保护的理念。综述表明,标准最大程度总结了我国混凝土结构耐久性科学认识与工程实践,发展基于模型的性能化设计、设计阶段系统开展维护设计、推动耐久性多屏障设计理念是耐久性标准将来的发展方向。  相似文献   

The Building Research & Information special issue titled ‘Regenerative Design and Development’ (2012, volume 40, number 1) describes the evolving theory and practices for this new field. This commentary briefly explores the opportunities and challenges for the advocated changes in the way society conceptualizes the built environment, specifically in the relationship between the built environment, human and ecological systems. In terms of stakeholder participation, it offers a positive view of the future and new potential for forming and maintaining consensus. The regenerative approach provides a new set of principles to guide design excellence and to realign the skills and attributes required of built environment professionals. It will push practitioners' thinking further on natural systems and social, cultural and economic issues, embracing a far wider set of objectives than the ‘green building’ agenda. The challenges will be how to educate and train the next generation of practitioners: in addition to the current technical skills, expanded capabilities are needed to embrace ecological and human systems; transdisciplinary working and public mediating skills.

Le numéro spécial de Building Research & Information intitulé « Conception et Développement Régénérateurs » (2012, volume 40, numéro 1) décrit la théorie et les pratiques en pleine évolution de ce nouveau domaine. Le présent commentaire explore brièvement les opportunités et les défis liés aux changements préconisés dans la manière dont la société conceptualise le cadre bâti, tout particulièrement s'agissant des relations entre le cadre bâti et les systèmes humains et écologiques. En termes de participation des parties prenantes, il propose une optique positive des possibilités futures et nouvelles de formation et de maintien d'un consensus. L'approche régénératrice apporte un nouvel ensemble de principes pour piloter l'excellence dans la conception et réaligner les compétences et les attributs exigés des professionnels du cadre bâti. Cela amènera à une réflexion plus approfondie des praticiens sur les systèmes naturels et les problèmes sociaux, culturels et économiques, en englobant un ensemble d'objectifs nettement plus élargis que ceux figurant au programme de la « construction verte ». Le défi qui se pose est de savoir comment éduquer et former la prochaine génération de praticiens : outre les compétences techniques actuelles, il est nécessaire de disposer de capacités accrues pour englober les systèmes écologiques et humains, d'aptitudes au travail transdisciplinaire et à la médiation publique.

Mots clés: cadre bâti, formation en conception, cadre de conception, pratiques de conception, conception régénératrice, bâtiment durable, développement durable  相似文献   


Engaging marginalised children, such as disabled children, in Participatory Design (PD) entails particular challenges. The processes can effect social changes by decidedly attending to their lived experience as expertise. However, involving marginalised children in research also requires maintaining a delicate balance between ensuring their right to participation as well as their protection from harm. The resulting tensions are politically charged, affected by myriads of power differences and create moral dilemmas. We present seven case studies, drawing from two participatory design research projects. They illustrate the in-situ judgements taken to address specific dilemmas and provide nuanced insights into the trade-offs required by child-led participatory design processes. Subsequently, we identify three challenges: positioning our work to the children’s carers’ values, protecting ourselves, and enabling the (relative) risk-taking associated with participation for children. We call for this micro-ethical approach to be used when reporting research ethics in practice, and as a guidance for the training of researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

该书对城市设计的过程和结果展开了广泛的讨论,旨在形成对城市设计的完整认识,作者强调了对城市物质空间的社会、心理属性的关注。  相似文献   

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