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As coastal infrastructure systems are continuously exposed to deterioration, it is increasingly crucial to analyse their current and future serviceability performance. This paper investigates effects of chloride corrosion on the lateral force capacity and ductility of a wharf-supporting prestressed concrete marine pile and provides new insights into the state of marine structures. A probabilistically generated finite element modelling approach is developed for piles, which includes discrete concrete pile cross-sectional models connected to steel tendon non-linear elements via a series of non-linear springs that simulate bonding behaviour. Moreover, a prestressed material model is established that incorporates alternate failure modes including stress corrosion cracking and brittle failure to capture chloride-induced pitting corrosion in piles. It is shown that various failure modes cause an overall decrease in the maximum force capacity as piles age. Specifically, the alternate failure modes result in 31 and 56% reductions in the maximum capacity of the pile and associated top pile displacement, respectively, as the age of the pile increases from 25 years to 75 years. The presented methodology and results can greatly assist in decision-making for repair or replacement of wharves and aid in the design of new wharves considering their future performance.  相似文献   

Infrastructure systems in coastal areas are exposed to episodic flooding exacerbated by sea‐level rise stressors. To enable assessing the long‐term resilience of infrastructure to such chronic impacts of sea‐level rise, the present study created a novel complex system modeling framework that integrates: (i) stochastic simulation of sea‐level rise stressors, based on the data obtained from downscaled climate studies pertaining to future projections of sea level and precipitation; (ii) dynamic modeling of infrastructure conditions by considering regular decay of infrastructure, as well as structural damages caused by flooding; and (iii) a decision‐theoretic modeling of infrastructure management and adaptation processes based on bounded rationality and regret theories. Using the proposed framework and data collected from a road network in Miami, a multiagent computational simulation model was created to assess the long‐term cost and performance of the road network under various sea‐level rise scenarios, adaptation approaches, and network degradation effects. The results showed the capabilities of the proposed computational model for robust planning and scenario analysis to enhance the resilience of infrastructure systems to sea‐level rise impacts.  相似文献   

圣彼得堡斯托克曼商业中心采用逆作法施工.基坑围护结构采用三面钢板桩、一面地下连续墙,深24m.在基坑施工过程中,对钢板桩倾斜、周边建筑沉降及地下水位变化进行监测.监测结果证明:钢板桩倾斜程度随土方开挖逐步增加,且与挖土时间和楼板实施时间成正比,钢板桩处监测点水平位移约为地下连续墙处的2倍;在基础拆除和钢板桩实施阶段采取分段实施、提高设备频率、基础桩间隔跳打等措施,将周边建筑沉降控制在允许范围内;随基坑开挖,地下水位持续下降,但总体趋势趋于平缓,基本符合设计下降曲线.  相似文献   

对水的另一种态度:荷兰建筑师欧道斯访谈及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在荷兰,水不仅成为独具特色的景观要素,更是生存攸关的国家课题.荷兰国土有相当部分低于海平面,不得不通过建设巨大的拦海工程来确保国家的安全,但随着全球气候变暖现象的发生,荷兰对水的态度正在发生从“抗争”到“共生”的重大转变.长期致力于研究“水与建设”关系的建筑师科恩·欧道斯便是“共生”观念的代表人物之一.通过对科恩·欧道斯进行访谈,了解其设计理念与发展轨迹,并以此作为可持续发展观念的借鉴与思考.  相似文献   

锈蚀引起的粘结性能退化导致钢筋与混凝土之间的协同工作性能降低,跨中的钢筋应变较混凝土应变滞后,当构件严重锈蚀时,钢筋与混凝土间的粘结力基本丧失,可能在钢筋达到屈服应变前受压区混凝土先行压坏,形成粘结失效超筋梁。通过严重锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的模拟试验和有限元分析,研究在完全无粘结的极限情况下影响钢筋应力水平的因素及其影响规律,并建立了无粘结状态混凝土梁受拉钢筋应力与配筋指标的关系,为严重锈蚀混凝土构件的承载力计算提供依据,同时也为研究一般锈蚀钢筋混凝土构件的性能退化机理与承载力计算方法奠定基础。  相似文献   

土质酸性是导致钢桩腐蚀的主要原因之一。服役于酸性土中的钢桩将会被侵蚀,导致桩身材料劣化,影响了桩基的安全性和耐久性。为了了解腐蚀桩的承载性能,通过中性和模拟酸性土两种环境下的桩基室内模型试验,测得腐蚀前后承台沉降量和桩端阻力值随桩顶加卸载的变化规律以及地面堆载固结过程中各土层沉降量、桩端阻力值、桩身轴力值以及桩侧摩阻力的变化情况。研究表明,由于腐蚀钢桩表面产生大量疏松的锈蚀产物,使桩–土界面的黏着力大大降低。桩顶承台的沉降量较未腐蚀桩大,腐蚀桩的桩端阻力值比未腐蚀桩大。而在堆载固结条件下,由于堆载作用不仅加速了桩间土体的固结,桩–土界面再次挤密,单桩以及群桩中各桩的桩端阻力值减小。腐蚀桩的中性点位置明显下移,腐蚀率越大的桩,桩侧负摩阻力的增加值越大,腐蚀前后中性点位置处桩身轴力变化率越大。研究成果可以为腐蚀条件下各类桩基载荷性能研究提供参考。  相似文献   

结合足尺抗弯性能试验,对比研究了高低预应力混凝土实心方桩在抗裂性能、抗弯承载力、变形能力、破坏形式等方面的差异.结果 表明:减小张拉控制应力可以降低预应力混凝土实心方桩的抗裂性能,提高变形能力,而桩身极限抗弯承载力基本保持不变;低预应力混凝土实心方桩破坏形式为预应力钢棒被拉断,高预应力混凝土实心方桩破坏形式为预应力钢棒...  相似文献   

箍筋位于纵筋外侧,往往更早发生锈蚀而且锈蚀更加严重,使梁的剪切性能比弯曲性能退化更快,梁的破坏模式可能由未锈时的弯曲破坏转为锈蚀后的剪切破坏。通过对海洋大气环境下钢筋混凝土梁的时变性能进行分析,研究了锈蚀梁承载力退化和破坏模式转换,并分析起锈时间、箍筋直径和混凝土强度等因素的影响。分析结果表明:随着服役时间的增加,梁中箍筋会先于纵筋发生锈蚀,从而使梁的破坏模式从弯曲破坏向剪切破坏转换;延长钢筋起锈时间、增大箍筋直径、提高混凝土强度均能延缓梁的受力性能退化,并延缓锈蚀梁破坏模式转换的时间。  相似文献   

The causes and physiological-biochemical mechanisms of migration of marine species of hydrobionts to fresh waters of the Dnieper River and the cascade of its reservoirs have been investigated. The possible adaptation of marine fish species and invertebrates is related to the economic human activity: regulation of river runoff, creation of a cascade of reservoirs with large water-surface area, anthropogenic pollution of natural water, and also changes of climate conditions on the Earth (global warming). It is presumed that these processes result in significant change of physicochemical indicators of aquatic medium. One can observe the rise of mineralization, increase of the number of biogenic compounds, variation of their ratio in fresh water that, in turn, allows the marine species of hydrobionts to adapt to new conditions and advance upstream.  相似文献   

钢结构腐蚀是影响钢结构耐久性的一个重要问题,也是建筑物安全鉴定过程中经常遇到的问题。在对钢结构建筑物进行安全鉴定的过程中,常常会遇到钢结构由于表面氧化生锈而引起钢结构局部截面减少结构承载力下降,有些甚至危及安全,必须引起各方的高度重视。本文论述了钢结构腐蚀的原因及其检测原理和方法。  相似文献   

周春  赵闯 《钢结构》2005,20(4):95-97
为了确保钢板桩闸室室壁的使用安全,最大限度地延长其使用寿命,根据当地的环境条件和运行工况(化学、电化学、微生物及摩擦等),采用先进的防腐蚀技术、优质的防腐蚀材料、科学的防腐蚀体系、严谨而可行的涂装工艺,使钢板桩表面形成合理的防腐蚀涂层,从而达到减少维修工作量,延长使用时间的目的。  相似文献   

由于复杂杂填土地基发生不均匀沉降引起某住宅楼裙房结构发生破坏,根据结构破坏特点,提出了适用于地基土质较差的新型钢管后压浆预压桩托换法。本文根据新型桩体桩侧注浆扩散范围,对桩体受力机理进行分析,并提出钢管预压托换桩承载力修正公式,结合现场单桩静载荷试验得到的荷载-沉降曲线,研究分析钢筋混凝土托换桩、钢管托换桩及钢管后注浆预压托换桩的承载性能,结果发现该新型桩改善了桩土接触界面,增强了土体刚度,减小桩体沉降量,提高了桩体的单桩承载力,可较好地对土性较差的地基基础进行加固,并有效阻止上部结构的持续破坏,保证上部建筑结构的安全使用。  相似文献   

目前对于黄土填方场地微型钢管桩桩基性能的研究非常匮乏。依托某实际加固纠偏工程,在黄土填方场地制作三根微型钢管桩试桩,在试桩桩身混凝土中布置混凝土应变计,进行现场单桩静载试验。实测结果研究表明:(1)在一些特定场合,尤其是在施工场地狭小,工程条件复杂的情况下,微型钢管桩可用于黄土填方场地较大荷载的建筑物基础纠偏加固中,并且在黄土填方场地具有较高的承载力。(2)黄土填方地基中微型钢管桩的Q–s曲线呈缓变型,当加载至最大荷载时,都没有出现明显向下的弯折段。(3)微型钢管桩在黄土填方场地其承载力介于材料破坏和失稳破坏之间,约为材料破坏的62%,是失稳破坏的1.76倍,桩身挠曲而产生过大沉降是导致试桩破坏的主要原因。(4)在黄土填方地基中确定30~40m长的微型钢管桩单桩竖向极限承载力时,建议将Q–s曲线和s–lgt曲线相结合,同时考虑桩顶沉降值,这样才较为合理。  相似文献   

冯潇 《中国园林》2012,28(1):10-13
随着全球变暖,未来海平面将呈加速上升的趋势。海平面上升所引起的淹没海岸湿地和低地、加剧海岸侵蚀、增加盐水入侵强度等一系列环境效应必将给海岸地带造成严重影响。同时,海平面上升也是一种机遇,风景园林师应根据其规律与特征,用科学理性的方式转化这种自然力量,如在设计中引入上涨海面所引发的动态景观,从自然现象中寻找顺应海潮的新的景观形式等,以应对海平面上涨所导致的一系列环境问题,并且引发人们对全球气候变化的深思,创造与上升海面和谐共存的景观。  相似文献   

结合某紧邻高桩码头的大型水上客运综合体深基坑工程的方案设计,提出一种既满足围护结构水上施工作业条件,又能最大限度减少前方码头结构设计变更的复合钢板桩基坑围护方案。针对地下连续墙和复合钢板桩两种水上基坑围护方案,采用Plaxis软件分别建立平面应变有限元计算模型,分析了不同施工工况下两种方案围护结构的变形及受力特性。研究表明,复合钢板桩能与前方码头结构同步进行水上施工,该方案减小了码头后方接岸斜坡堤回填与基坑开挖工程量,基坑开挖阶段降低了作用于围护结构的土压力,对基坑变形控制及稳定均有利。基坑开挖至坑底时复合钢板桩最大侧向变形仅为地下连续墙的1/3,变形性态也明显优于地下连续墙。此复合钢板桩基坑围护方案可为类似基坑工程的设计和施工提供有益参考。  相似文献   

Mark G. Stewart   《Structural Safety》2004,26(4):1326-470
A stochastic process for assessing the effect of spatial variability of pitting corrosion on structural reliability and fragility is developed for singly reinforced simply supported reinforced concrete (RC) beams in flexure. A distribution of pitting corrosion is inferred from existing literature. The RC beam is discretised into a series of elements and maximum pit depths are generated for each reinforcing steel bar in each element. The analysis considered various member spans, loading ratios, bar diameters and number of bars in a given cross-section. Comparisons made with general corrosion showed that pitting corrosion is more critical for smaller diameter reinforcing steel bars. It was also found that up to a three-fold increase in 50-year probabilities of failure were observed if spatial variability of pitting corrosion are included in the analysis when compared to probabilities of failure based on the mid-span limit states only. This strongly suggests that the inclusion of spatial variability of pitting corrosion can lead to significant decreases in structural reliability for flexural RC members.  相似文献   

地震作用是产生震陷的主要动荷因素 ;多种自然、人为因素引起的温室效应会造成地下水位上升 ,而地下水位上升又会对震陷产生较大的影响。在给出地震作用下考虑地下水位上升而影响震陷的简化分析方法的同时 ,指出了地下水位上升对震陷量影响的规律。  相似文献   

For environmental and for economic reasons, there is increased emphasis on extending the life of existing infrastructure and to design new infrastructure for longer, safe and effective service lives. Increasing use is being made of monitoring of performance and estimation of long-term reliability and safety, allowing also for the likelihood of long-term deterioration. To obtain optimal decision outcomes, reliance should be placed not only on data but also on accumulated scientific and engineering knowledge. In engineering, this is embodied in mathematical models. Ideally, these are of good quality, calibrated to ‘real world’ data and have prediction capabilities. Recently, developed models of this type are described for the corrosion of steel in marine environments and simplified to models suitable for engineering applications. An example is given of the prediction of the expected corrosion loss and of the likely future rate of corrosion for a mild steel structural element exposed to temperate seawater.  相似文献   

A series of tests was conducted on six 2.7 m×3.7 m shear wall specimens consisting of cold-formed steel framing sheathed on one side with sheet steel adhered to gypsum board and on the opposite side with plain gypsum board. The specimens were subjected to various sequences of simulated seismic shear deformation and fire exposure to study the influence of multi-hazard interactions on the lateral load resistance of the walls. The test program was designed to complement a parallel effort at the University of California, San Diego to investigate a six-story building subjected to earthquakes and fires. The test results reported here indicate that the fire exposure caused a shift in the failure mode of the walls from local buckling of the sheet steel in cases without fire exposure, to global buckling of the sheet steel with an accompanying 35% reduction in lateral load capacity after the wall had been exposed to fire. This behavior appears to be predictable, which is encouraging from the standpoint of residual lateral load capacity under these severe multi-hazard actions.  相似文献   

陈崇贤  刘京一 《风景园林》2020,27(12):32-37
如何应对全球气候变化引发的海平面上升是沿海城市未来发展需要解决的重要问题之一。基于文献研究和对比分析,梳理海平面上升的影响及国外沿海城市制定的适应性发展框架。结果发现:不同城市景观应对策略方面的探索和研究主要涉及土地利用、防御基础设施建设、自然动态过程及景观技术应用四大方面,不同适应性策略的优劣势和适宜情景具有差异性。研究结果对中国沿海城市未来在制定景观适应性策略、探索景观工程的新技术和新方法以及加强景观风险评估和监测等方面具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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