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The behaviors of CH3He+ and C2H5He+ formed by the decay of CH3T and C2H5T were studied theoretically using the STO-3G molecular orbital method and was compared with that of HHe+ in the decay of HT. It was clearly shown that the ground state daughter ions CH3He+ and C2H5He+ dissociate instantly to give CH3 + and C2H5 + because their potential energy curves are repulsive, whereas the daughter ion HHe+ in the ground state does not dissociate. The transition probability to the ground state ions of CH3He+ and of C2H5He+ are computed to be 66.5 and 64.8%, respectively. These values are in fairly good accordance with those obtained experimentally.  相似文献   

Activation cross sections of the natYb(p,xn)169Lu reaction have been measured for the first time up to 70 MeV to investigate the production possibility of the radionuclide 169Yb through decay of its parent 169Lu. The cross sections were measured using the stacked foil irradiation technique and gamma spectrometry. The experimental data were compared with the results of the ALICE-IPPE theoretical model code. Different production routes were compared for the internal radiotherapy related radioisotope 169Yb. Above 30 MeV proton energy the integral yield of the natYb(p,xn)169Lu reaction is higher than that of the earlier investigated 169Tm(p,n)169Yb, 169Tm(d,2n)169Yb, natEr(α,xn)169Yb, natYb(α,x)169Lu and natHf(p,x)169Lu reactions at the equivalent particle energies.  相似文献   

Production cross-sections of the 105g+m,106mAg, 100,101Pd, and 100g+m,101m,105g+mRh radionuclides through proton-induced reactions on natural palladium were measured up to 40 MeV by using a stacked-foil activation technique combined with high-resolution γ-ray spectrometry. The production cross-sections of 101Pd and 100g+m,105g+mRh radionuclides have been reported here for the first time from the natPd(p,x) nuclear processes. The present results are compared with the available literature values as well as the theoretical data calculated by the TALYS and the ALICE-IPPE computer codes. A quantitative comparison of the present results with the theoretical data has also been done with several deviation factor definitions. Optimal production pathways of the therapeutic 105gRh radionuclide with minimal contamination using cyclotrons are discussed elaborately.  相似文献   

The 17O(n, a)14C cross section has been evaluated for incident neutron energies from 10?5eV to 20MeV for accurate calculation on the 14C production in nuclear reactors. Evaluation was based on the single-level Breit-Wigner formula for the thermal to resonance energy regions. In the higher energy region, a multi-step evaporation model code PEGASUS was used, and the results were normalized using the 16O(n, a) cross section ratio of JENDL-3 evaluation to PEGASUS calculation. Results are given in tabular and graphical forms, and also as one-group cross sections using typical BWR, PWR and FBR spectra of ORIGEN-2.  相似文献   

Two groups of 129I and 127I targets were analyzed using a gas quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) to determine the transmutation rates via the melting method. Sodium iodide was chosen to make the target. The iodine composition in the 129I targets is 82.7% 129I and 17.3% 127I. The transmutation rate of the 129I(n, γ)130I reaction was determined by measuring the 130Xe with QMS. An equivalent corrective method was brought out to correct the 129I(n, 2n)128I branch which is interfered with by the 127I(n, γ)128I reaction. And the correction formula was deduced in theory. For very little 128Xe from the 129I(n, 2n)128I reaction, the equivalent corrective method could not be suitable here. However, it is suitable for the mass of 128Xe from 129I(n,2n)128I reaction that reaches the accurately detective level of the mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

The exchange reactions of n-octyl(pheny1)-N, N-diisobutylcarbamoylmethylphosphine oxide (CMPO) in La(III), Nd(III), and U(VI) nitrate complexes with CMPO (La(III)-, Nd(III)-, and U(VI)-CMPO complexes) have been studied in CD3COCD3 by means of 31P NMR method. The number of CMPO coordinated to the first coordination sphere of La(III) ion was directly determined to be 3 by the area integrations of 31P NMR signals of free and coordinated CMPO molecules. The same coordination number of 3 was also obtained for the U(VI)-CMPO complex. The coordination number was not determined for the Nd(III)-CMPO complex, because of its paramagnetic behavior. The exchange rate constants of CMPO in La(III)- and U(VI)- CMPO complexes were obtained by the two-site exchange model. Paramagnetic line broadening was observed in the Nd(III)-CMPO complex and the rate constant for the exchange of CMPO was determined by the line-broadening method. The exchange rates of CMPO in La(III)- and Nd(III)-CMPO complexes depend on the free CMPO concentration ([CMPO]), while that in U(VI)-CMPO complex is independent of [CMPO]. The dissociative (D) and dissociative interchange (Id ) mechanisms were proposed for the exchange reactions in the La(III)- and Nd(III)-CMPO complexes, and dissociative (D) or Id mechanism was proposed for the U(VI)-CMPO complex. The dissociative rate constants (s?1) at 25°C and activation parameters ΔH# (kJ·mol?1) and ΔS# (J·K?1·mol?1) are 4.76x103, 28.7±0.1, ?78.4±0.2 for La(III)-CMPO complex, 4.72x103, 42.6±0.4, ?31.7±1.3 for Nd(III)-CMPO complex, and 3.20x103, 46.9±0.6, ?20.5±2.2 for U(VI)-CMPO complex, respectively.  相似文献   

The phase equilibrium of non-stoichiometric U3O8-x has been studied by thermogravimetry in the range 765°≦T≦995°C and 10?4Po2≦1 atm. The results suggest the presence of six phases within U3O8-x the phase, separated by second (or higher) order transitions. The relative partial molar free energies, enthalpies and entropies within an each of the six phases, as well as the standard free energies, enthalpies and entropies for the phase changes are calculated and compared with previous works.  相似文献   

Electrical conductivity and X-ray diffraction studies on non-stoichiometric U3O8-x phase were carried out simultaneously in the range 765°≦T≦995°C and 10?4Po2≦1 atm. The plot of logσ vs. logPo2 showed many refractions which corresponded with the phase transitions determined by thermogravimetry reported in the preceding paper. Based on the data of both electrical conductivity and thermogravimetry, the non-stoichiometric defect structures of various U3O8-x phases are interpreted as consisting of singly charged oxygen interstitials (Ol′) and doubly charged oxygen vacancies (Vo.)? Some of the X-ray diffraction lines were found to undergo splitting with decreasing oxygen partial pressure. These splits are qualitatively discussed in reference to the out-of-step structure model. The mechanism of electrical conduction in the high temperature hexagonal U3O8-x phases is surmised to be the hopping of small polarons.  相似文献   


In connection with the accuracy of the 10B(n, α) cross section in the thermal- and epithermal-neutron energy regions, criticality calculation results were examined for six benchmark sets of light-water-moderation critical experiments of UO2 and MOX fuel lattice cores with un-borated and borated water. Two of the benchmark sets were those implemented in the Tank-Type Critical Assembly (TCA). The others were taken from the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments (ICSBEP), and the International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPhEP). The enrichments of the UO2 fuel range from 1.9 wt% to 2.6 wt%, and the Pu contents of the MOX fuel do from 2.0 to 6.6 wt%. The boron concentrations in water are up to 1511 ppm. The effective neutron multiplication factors (keff ) were taken from the published documents. They were calculated with continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation codes in combination with JENDL-4.0, and other evaluated nuclear data libraries. It was confirmed that the keff values of the critical cores increased with the boron concentrations, which indicates that the 10B(n, α) cross section in the thermal- and epithermal-neutron energy regions should be larger than those in JENDL-4.0 and other libraries.  相似文献   

Using molecular dynamics simulations (MD), this contribution compares the interaction of three energetic clusters (Au3, Au400 and C60) with a hybrid surface of crystalline polyethylene (PE) covered by a layer of gold nanoparticles. This model system mimics the situation encountered in metal-assisted secondary ion mass spectrometry. The chosen impact points are representative of the PE surface, the metal particles and the frontier between the metal and the polymer. The simulations show the differences between the impact over the Au nanoparticle and the polymer surface, in terms of projectile penetration, crater formation and sputtering yield of PE and gold species. For C60 and Au3 projectiles, a simple correlation is found between the quantity of energy deposited in the top polymeric layers and the quantity of sputtered polymer material, including all the impact points. The results obtained with Au400 do not fit on this line, indicating that other physical parameters are prevalent. The mechanistic view of the interaction provided by the MD helps explain the differences. In short, while C60 and Au3 quickly break apart, creating energetic recoils and severing many bonds in the surface, Au400, with the largest total momentum by far (∼10 times larger than the others) and the lowest energy per atom (25 eV), tends to act and implant in the solid as a single entity, pushing the polymeric material downwards and breaking few bonds in the surface.  相似文献   

Major efforts in the recent JT-60 experiments have been concentrated on the improved confinement of plasmas with profile control and on the steady state operation study. Peaked density profiles were produced with the successive pellet injection. The energy confinement time was improved by 40% as large as that with the gas fuelled discharges. The fusion products n e(0)τET i(0)reached 1.2 × 1020m?3·s·keV, which was twice that of gas fuelled discharges. High-βp, plasmas were obtained in low-I p discharges with improved confinement and a high ion temperature T i, (0) of 12 keV. The bootstrap current reached 80% of the total plasma current at βp=3.2. The new concept of a steady-state tokamak power reactor has been proposed on the basis of this result. The maximum current drive efficiency ηCD of 3.4 × 1019m?2·MA/MW was obtained in the LH current drive experiments. Helium ash exhaust experiments using He-beam injection into H+ plasmas showed promising results for α-particle exhaust in a fusion power reactor.  相似文献   

The structure of uranyl nitrato complex with CMPO [n-Octyl(phenyl)-N,N-diisobutylcarbamoylmethylphosphine oxide] in solid state and in non-aqueous solvents without containing free CR/IPO has been studied by using IR spectrophotometer, 13C- and 31P-NMR. The carbonyl(vcO) and phosphoryl(vpO) stretching bands of coordinated CMPO were observed at lower wavenumber than the corresponding bands of free CMPO in both the states. The 13C and 31P peaks assigned to the carbonyl carbon and phosphoryl phosphine of coordinated CMPO was detected in the lower field than that of free CMPO. From these results, it was concluded that the uranyl nitrato complex with CMPO in both the states has the structure with two nitrate and one CMPO coordinated as bidentate in the equatorial plane of uranyl ion, i.e., UO2(NO3)2·CMPO. Furthermore, the electrochemical studies of UO2(NO3)2·CMPO complex in CH3CN have been carried out using cyclic and normal pulse voltammetric methods. It was found that the UO2(NO3)2·CMPO complex is reduced to U(V) complex at around ?1.22V vs. Fc/Fc+ (ferrocene/ferrocenium) and that the resulting reductant is oxidized to U(VI) at around +0.04V vs. Fc/Fc+.  相似文献   

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