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Precise measurements of burnup and accumulated transuranium elements were carried out on specimens which were taken out from spent fuel of Japan Power Demonstration Reactor (JPDR)-I, by means of chemical analysis and γ-ray spectrometry. Results of the measurements are summarized numerically. Core configuration and operational history of the reactor are also described.  相似文献   

以田湾核电站(TNPS)2×5排列的贮存格架构成的乏燃料水池为例,研究采用燃耗信任制技术的密集贮存和临界安全问题。采用MONK9A程序计算分析不同富集度、不同燃耗的乏燃料装载情况下系统的keff. 根据系统keff随不同初始富集度燃料的燃耗变化情况给出了水池的参考装载曲线。采用燃耗信任制技术的密集贮存方案能提高贮存能力31%。  相似文献   

A sensitivity study on the fuel cost of an extended burnup BWR core has been carried out on the basis of a realistic model of discharge burnup extension. Full power operating length in months in a refueling cycle and the number of refueling batches are chosen as independent variables in the model to describe extended burnup cores of various types. The reference core for the sensitivity study adopts 9-month full power operation and 4-batch refueling scheme. The difference in the plant cost between the extended burnup core and the reference core, which is referred to as plant capacity factor (PCF) credit, is estimated and combined with the fuel cost to calculate the fuel cost with PCF credit.

The results show that the fuel cost with PCF credit decreases for the extended burnup core with stretched operating length as the burnup extends in cases of constant non-operating length in a cycle, and that it may increase for the extended burnup core with decreased batch number in cases of constant plant capacity factor. It is also suggested that the cost minimum combination of the independent variables can be found to a given discharge burnup for the extended burnup core with decreased batch number in an intermediate case between these two extreme cases. Extended burnup cores with fixed batch number tend to have a lower natural uranium requirement, but larger separative work requirement.

The economic break-even condition for the extended burnup core with decreased batch number is discussed based on the fraction of fixed part in the non-operating length, which is insensitive to the cycle length stretch-out.  相似文献   

The compositions and quantities of minor actinide (MA) and fission product (FP) in spent fuels will be diversified with the use of high discharged burnup fuels and MOX fuels in LWRs which will be a main part of power reactors in future.

In order to investigate above diversities, we have studied on the calculation method to be used in the estimation of spent fuel compositions and adopted the real irradiation calculation in which axial burnup and moderator distribution are considered in the burnup calculation.

On the basis of the calculations, compositions and burnup quantities of various LWR spent fuels (reactor type: PWR and BWR, discharged burnup: 33, 45 and 60 GWd/tHM, fuel type: U02 and MOX) are apparently estimated among various forms of fuels. As an example, it is shown that there are considerable discrepancy in MA burnup between PWR and BWR spent fuels.  相似文献   

In order to assess the feasibility of utilizing plutonium in thermal reactors, build-up and decay of actinide nuclides have been studied for BWR, PWR, HWR, HTGR and LMFBR, which are uranium-oxide fueled or mixed-oxide fueled, and which produce electric power of 1,000MW. The following items were examined;

1. quantities of actinide nuclides build-up in the reactor

2. build-up and decay of activities of actinides in the spent fuel

3. build-up and decay of activities of actinides after reprocessing, and

4. variation of isotopie composition of plutonium with high burn-up.

It is concluded from the calculated results that precautions should be taken against high activities of resultant actinides if plutonium is utilized as a fissile material for thermal reactors. To make reprocessing and high-level waste management easy and practical, it is recommended that a thermal reactor should be fueled with uranium, the plutonium produced in a thermal reactor should be used in a fast reactor, and plutonium produced in the blanket of a fast reactor is more appropriate as fast reactor fuel than that from a thermal reactor.  相似文献   

A study was performed at Los Alamos National Laboratory to explore the accuracy of several reactor analysis codes in calculating 241 Am and 243Am concentrations in light water reactor spent fuel. Calculated higher-actinide concentrations were compared to measured values from the literature for three reactor fuels. The fuel samples were taken from the Mihama Unit 3 pressurized water reactor, the Garigliano boiling water reactor, and a VVER-440. The 241Am and 243Am concentrations were calculated using the HELIOS-1.4 lattice-physics code, the ORIGEN2 burnup code, and a linked MCNP/ORIGEN2 code named Monteburns 3.01. Comparisons were made between the calculated and measured values. It was determined that all codes performed consistently well for the Mihama Unit 3 measurements (within ±5% for 241Am and ±20% for 243Am) and the Garigliano measurements (within ±12% for 241 Am and ±20% for 243Am). It was determined that the ORIGEN2 pressurized water reactor libraries are insufficient for the VVER-440 measurements. The HELIOS and MONTEBURNS codes both demonstrated good ability to calculate these isotopes for VVER-440 fuel (±10% for 241Am and ±12% for 243Am). The accuracies of these codes and the associated radiochemical measurements of these higher-actinide isotopes may be insufficient for safeguards and fuel management purposes; thus, development of new methods and modification to existing data libraries may be necessary in order to enable cost-effective safeguarding of these higher-actinide materials.  相似文献   

为评价国产燃料棒在较高燃耗水平下的辐照性能,在中国原子能科学研究院燃料与材料检验设施(303热室)对燃耗为40 GW•d/tU的国产压水堆核电站乏燃料棒进行了金相检验。检验内容包括芯块宏观与微观组织、包壳水侧腐蚀与氢化物分布、芯块-包壳相互作用状况等。金相检验结果表明:40 GW•d/tU燃耗下,芯块未发生明显的轮廓变化,气孔率为3.3%~5.8%,晶粒组织为等轴晶,平均晶粒尺寸为7.2 μm;Zr合金最大水侧氧化膜厚度为23 μm,氢化物分布和含量正常,最大氢含量约为150 μg/g,同时不同部位的包壳氢含量与水侧氧化膜厚度基本呈线性关系,水侧腐蚀处于正常水平;包壳内壁有局部轻微腐蚀,包壳与芯块之间存在间隙,未发生包壳与芯块相互作用情况。  相似文献   

The burnup of fuel pins in the subassemblies irradiated at the range from 0.003 to 13.28%FIMA in the JOYO MK-II core were measured by the isotope dilution analysis. For the measurement, 75 and 51 specimens were taken from the fuel pins of driver fuel and irradiation test subassemblies, respectively. The data of burnup could be obtained within an experimental error of 4%, and were compared with the ones calculated by 3-dimensional neutron diffusion codes MAGI and ESPRIT-J, which are used for JOYO core management system.

Both data of burnup almost agree with each other within an error of 5%. For the fuel pins loaded at the outer region of the subassembly in the 4th row, which was adjacent to reflectors, however, some of the calculation results were 15% less at most than the measured values. It is suggested from the calculation by a Monte Carlo code MCNP-4A that this difference between the calculated and the measured data attribute from the softening of neutron flux in the region adjacent to the reflector.  相似文献   

A method for classifying benchmark results of criticality calculations according to similarity was proposed in this paper. After formulation of the method utilizing correlation coefficients, it was applied to burnup credit criticality benchmarks Phase III-A and II-A, which were conducted by the Expert Group on Burnup Credit Criticality Safety under auspices of the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD/NEA). Phase III-A benchmark was a series of criticality calculations for irradiated Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) fuel assemblies, whereas Phase II-A benchmark was a suite of criticality calculations for irradiated Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) fuel pins. These benchmark problems and their results were summarized. The correlation coefficients were calculated and sets of benchmark calculation results were classified according to the criterion that the values of the correlation coefficients were no less than 0.15 for Phase III-A and 0.10 for Phase II-A benchmarks. When a couple of benchmark calculation results belonged to the same group, one calculation result was found predictable from the other. An example was shown for each of the Benchmarks. While the evaluated nuclear data seemed the main factor for the classification, further investigations were required for finding other factors.  相似文献   

Destructive analyses for five spent fuel samples taken from a Gd bearing fuel assembly were done. The measured amounts of actinides of 234-238U, 237Np, 238-242pu 241,242m,243Am 242,244Cm, and fission products of 134Cs and 154Eu were used for evaluating the accuracy of calculation made by CASMO-MICBURN and ORIGEN-2 codes. The effect of Gd on the neutron spectrum was taken into account in the CASMO-MICBURN calculation.

The amounts of 235U, 239Pu and 241Pu calculated by CASMO-MICBURN agreed well with the observed values within about 3%. On the other hand, the amounts obtained from ORIGEN-2 calculation showed lower values than those observed, especially by —12% in average in 235U for Gd203U02 fuel. The main cause of this large difference may be attributed to the effect of Gd on the neutron spectrum. The amounts of the other actinides by both calculation codes revealed no significant difference in nearly 10% except for 242mAm, in which a large fluctuation among the samples was observed. About 10% difference between the measured values and the calculated values was also observed for 134Cs, but the calculated values for 154Eu showed a significant difference from measured values.  相似文献   

A practical method is proposed to express few-group effective microscopic cross sections for BWR burnup analysis. A set of few-group cross sections is prepared for an infinite square lattice of fuel rods as a function of the ratios of number density of nuclides such as 235 U, 238U and 239Pu, and the water quantity around a fuel rod. Spatial variation of few-group cross sections in the fuel assembly is taken into account by adjusting the water quantity around a fuel rod.

Numerical studies show that the present method can evaluate effective few-group cross sections within the accuracy of 3% in comparison with a two-dimensional integral transport calculation.  相似文献   

A new fission product (FP) chain model has been studied to be used in a BWR lattice calculation. In attempting to establish the model, two requirements, i.e. the accuracy in predicting burnup reactivity and the easiness in practical application, are simultaneously considered. The resultant FP model consists of 81 explicit FP nuclides and two lumped pseudo nuclides having the absorption cross sections independent of burnup history and fuel composition. For the verification, extensive numerical tests covering over a wide range of operational conditions and fuel compositions have been carried out. The results indicate that the estimated errors in burnup reactivity are within 0.1Δk for exposures up to 100GWd/t. It is concluded that the present model can offer a high degree of accuracy for FP representation in BWR lattice calculation.  相似文献   

Barium and Zr generated in nuclear fuels can precipitate as multi-component oxide with some other fission products. In addition, the solubility of Ba in the fuel depends on the oxygen potential and the temperature and Zr can easily dissolve into the fuel matrix. Therefore, the behavior of the Ba-Zr oxide inclusions during irradiation is rather complex. In this work, the composition of multi-component oxides and the distributions of Ba and Zr as a function of relative radius were evaluated with X-ray microanalysis. As results, the oxide inclusions containing both Ba and Zr and containing only Ba were observed in the fuel irradiated to the burnup of 13.3 and 10.6 at%, respectively. These results were discussed in terms of the solubility of Ba and Zr in the fuel and in terms of the rO2–UO2 phase diagram, together with the radial distributions of Ba and Zr in fuel matrix.  相似文献   

本文在分析了国际乏燃料后处理设计思路、工艺流程、相关关键技术、建造过程和运营经验的基础上,结合我国乏燃料后处理技术现状以及相关配套,就我国乏燃料后处理大厂的建设提出初步的思考.  相似文献   

Solvent extraction is the major unit operation employed in spent nuclear fuel reprocessing. The operation yields three streams; fission product waste, uranium product and plutonium product. Ion exchange is primarily used in reprocessing as a tail-end method to concentrate and isolate the plutonium product stream. This review will describe the details of plutonium recovery and purification by both cation- and anion-exchange processing. A brief overview of miscellaneous uses of ion-exchange employed in reprocessing will also be given.  相似文献   

This paper evaluated the influence of neutron spectrum on characteristics of several equilibrium fuel cycles of pressurized water reactor (PWR). In this study, five kinds of fuel cycles were investigated. Required uranium enrichment, required natural uranium amount, and toxicity of heavy metals (HMs) in spent fuel were presented for comparison. The results showed that the enrichment and the required amount of natural uranium decrease significantly with increasing number of confined heavy nuclides when uranium is discharged from the reactor. On the other hand, when uranium is totally confined, the enrichment becomes extremely high. The confinement of plutonium and minor actinides (MA) seems effective in reducing radio-toxicity of discharged wastes. By confining all heavy nuclides except uranium those three characteristics could be reduced considerably. For this fuel cycle the toxicity of HMs in spent fuel become nearly equal to or less than that of loaded uranium.  相似文献   

Post irradiation examination (PIE) of a high burnt lead fuel assembly, which was irradiated to demonstrate fuel integrity at high burnup, was performed before the start of the full batch loading of high burnup fuel of 48GWd/t maximum fuel assembly burnup.

The lead fuel assembly was 17×17 B-type PWR fuel which was supplied by Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd. (NFI) and achieved the maximum burnup of 45 GWd/t after 4 cycles of irradiation in Ohi Unit 1 of the Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc. (Kansai).

Twelve fuel rods extracted from the lead fuel assembly at the reactor site were examined at the hot-cell facility of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) in Tokai-mura.

Visually, the fuel rods appeared to be in good conditions, but some small spallings were observed at the second span from the top where oxide film was relatively thicker than other spans. Even in this span, the maximum oxide film thickness was less than 50 μm Fission gas release rate was less than 1%, which caused only a small increase in fuel rod internal pressure. Mechanical properties of the fuel cladding were evaluated by tensile tests.

These PIE results were within the range of other PIE data previously obtained from domestic and foreign PWR fuel rods. The data confirmed that the integrity of B-type fuel would be maintained at least up to 48 GWd/t.  相似文献   


A reactivity control method was proposed for a boiling water reactor (BWR) fuel bundle, which has a potential for higher burnup with an increase in fuel enrichment. The new method optimized the distribution and amount of nonboiling water area in a fuel bundle in order to enhance the reactivity control capacity.

Using the method, a 9×9 lattice fuel bundle with a small-sized channel box, large-sized water rods and a reduced fuel rod diameter was proposed for the discharged burnup of 70 GWd/t and the operational cycle length of 18 months. The core, which consists of the proposed fuel bundles with the bundle-averaged enrichment of 5.8% and includes other modifications concerning a neutron low leakage loading pattern, natural uranium axial blankets, and spectral shift with recirculation flow control, has a cold shutdown margin greater than the design limit (1%Δk) with minimum fuel bundle shuffling. Further, it has potentials for natural uranium savings of about 20% per unit power and reduction in the amount of reprocessing of about 60% per unit power, compared with current BWR designs.  相似文献   

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