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温晋媛 《山西建筑》2013,(34):33-34
在介绍住宅群体空间构成的基础上,阐述了住宅群体的空间组合形式,并指出住宅群体的空间效果是通过其间多种空间构成要素的整合达成的,为今后进一步研究住宅群体空间环境组织与居住环境的关系提供了参考。  相似文献   

刘原平  李强 《山西建筑》2012,38(12):8-10
针对我国旧居住区外部空间景观环境存在的问题,指出合理、美观、人性化是旧居住区外部空间景观环境更新改造的主要目标,提出了更新改造景观绿化,优化停车设施,改造公共配套服务设施等关于旧居住区外部空间景观环境更新改造的策略,以提高居住品质,保持环境可持续发展。  相似文献   

The nature of ethnic residential clustering involves diverse population segments which through their location decisions influence the spatial patterns of ethnic settlements. While residential location is in part determined by outside constraints, choice plays a role too, making the study of preferences an important research topic. Along with differences in socio-economic characteristics, literature often emphasizes the role of unobserved (behavioural) elements in the formation of preferences for ethnic neighbourhood composition. This paper tests the potential of latent class choice models to examine both observed and unobserved heterogeneity in residential choices across ethnic groups. The empirical example is estimated on stated preferences data from Lugano, Switzerland. The results indicate different ethnic attributes as key choice drivers for households belonging to three latent classes, where the origin of households is the best predictor of class membership. Swiss citizens are mainly concerned about high shares of foreigners, advantaged foreigners favour their co-nationals, while disadvantaged foreigners hold both of such preferences.  相似文献   

对城市居住区空间分异问题的产生及其表现出的危害作了较为深刻的分析,从经济收入的差距入手对居住空间分异现象进行了论述,探讨了城市规划在缓解空间分异问题中的重要作用,指出适度混合居住模式有利于不同阶层的和谐相处。  相似文献   


Immigrants’ neighbourhood choices are key to understanding today’s dominant socio-territorial dynamics, especially in urban areas. We analysed the factors involved in the housing search at the early stages of the economic migrant influx in Seville, Spain (Andalusia region, Europe’s southern border) and their impact on the development of residential segregation in this city. Using a qualitative methodology approach based on focus groups, unstructured interviews and discourse analysis, the implicit and explicit social determinants that influence economic migrants’ residential behaviours were examined. In line with previous studies, the results highlight the importance of socio-economic determinants and a trend towards self-segregation. Social discourse analysis reveals how the host society’s ethnoracial preferences and prejudices – from the outset of the economic migrant influx – translate into barriers to accessing the housing market, which plays a crucial role in understanding economic migrant residential mobility and its impact on and consequences for the residential segregation process.  相似文献   

In a given social environment, what is theimpact of housing status, of the socialperception and identification of residentialareas on its actual population make-up? Underwhat conditions do these perceptions change?These questions have led us to determine foursynthetic variables of residential space:the socio-residential status of housingtypes (symbolic links between thecharacteristics of the housing unit and theposition of its occupant in society); the ``housing zones'' (impact of the composition ofthe housing stock on the social markersdefining a residential area); the residential areas (actual ``social marker'');and the local impact (social markers thatare not directly linked to the nature of thehousing stock).This article describes the methods and modelsused to construct these variables. They areused to understand the links betweenresidential movements and changes in thepopulation make-up in the area of Douai (inNorthern France), located in a formercoal-mining field which was gradually closed,beginning in the 1970s. We used secondaryprocessing of the 1990 partial census surveysof one-quarter of the French population, and wecarried out 1,344 surveys with households whichhad moved in 1994.Results show that mobility is often linked to``crisis'' situations: these are moves which donot aim to improve one's socio-residentialstatus. In the end, most households remainwithin the same housing category, in the sameresidential area, and in the same housingzone.  相似文献   

A survey of Bosnian, Afghan and Iraqi humanitarian entrants to Australia showed that the location of public accommodation and of sponsors crucially determined initial and secondary migration locations and reinforced the concentration of non-English speakers in certain areas. The lack of access to priority public housing causes severe housing stress for such emerging communities.  相似文献   

Z. T. Ai  C. M. Mak  J. L. Niu 《Indoor air》2013,23(5):417-429
Compared with the buoyancy‐dominated upward spread, the interunit dispersion of pollutants in wind‐dominated conditions is expected to be more complex and multiple. The aim of this study is to investigate the wind‐induced airflow and interunit pollutant dispersion in typical multistory residential buildings using computational fluid dynamics. The mathematical model used is the nonstandard k–ε model incorporated with a two‐layer near‐wall modification, which is validated against experiments of previous investigators. Using tracer gas technique, the reentry of exhaust air from each distinct unit to other units on the same building, under different practical conditions, is quantified, and then, the possible dispersion routes are revealed. The units on the floor immediately below the source on the windward side, and vertically above it on the leeward side, where the reentry ratios are up to 4.8% and 14.9%, respectively, should be included on the high‐infection list. It is also found that the presence of balconies results in a more turbulent near‐wall flow field, which in turn significantly changes the reentry characteristics. Comparison of the dispersion characteristics of the slab‐like building and the more complicated building in cross (#) floorplan concludes that distinctive infectious control measures should be implemented in these two types of buildings.  相似文献   


A survey of Bosnian, Afghan and Iraqi humanitarian entrants to Australia showed that the location of public accommodation and of sponsors crucially determined initial and secondary migration locations and reinforced the concentration of non‐English speakers in certain areas. The lack of access to priority public housing causes severe housing stress for such emerging communities.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the institutional mechanism behind increasing local government debts and default risk in the last decade in China. Using prefectural-level data from 2010 to 2017, we study the default risk on local government debts through the lens of spatial interactions. Empirical results identify positive spatial interactions of default risk among political neighbouring cities, but not for merely geographic or economic neighbours. Moreover, the spatial interactions vary with local leader's political incentives. These findings altogether suggest the spatial interactions of default risk is driven by political competition among local leaders. The study also rules out alternative explanations such as resource flow effects.  相似文献   

The morphology of urban residential blocks in China, which is strictly affected by regulations, can potentially improve or deteriorate microclimates. This paper first proposes a framework for identifying typical residential block typologies using Nanjing as an example. A thorough investigation, consisting of 114 samples, was conducted, and 18 typical residential block typologies were summarized. Second, 3D non-isothermal numerical simulations were performed on the hottest days of summer using the ENVI-met. The effect of morphological indices on the microclimate at the pedestrian level was explored using statistical methods and a novel graphic method named m-SpaceMate. The results revealed a strong correlation between the urban heat island intensity (UHII), mean radiation temperature, and universal thermal climate index (UTCI) and floor area ratio (FAR), as well as between wind velocity (U) and building coverage ratio (BCR). A significant increase in FAR (by approximately 1.0) can result in a low UTCI that was driven by MRT and shading conditions. Six-floor blocks, with FAR between 1.8 and 2.1, had a better overall thermal environment (except for lower U) than that of 11-floor blocks. When considering a similar BCR, blocks with slab-type buildings tended to have a U that was higher by approximately 30%.  相似文献   

Increased outdoor concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and oxides of nitrogen (NO2, NOx) are associated with respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity in adults and children. However, people spend most of their time indoors and this is particularly true for individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Both outdoor and indoor air pollution may accelerate lung function loss in individuals with COPD, but it is not feasible to measure indoor pollutant concentrations in all participants in large cohort studies. We aimed to understand indoor exposures in a cohort of adults (SPIROMICS Air, the SubPopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study of Air pollution). We developed models for the entire cohort based on monitoring in a subset of homes, to predict mean 2-week–measured concentrations of PM2.5, NO2, NOx, and nicotine, using home and behavioral questionnaire responses available in the full cohort. Models incorporating socioeconomic, meteorological, behavioral, and residential information together explained about 60% of the variation in indoor concentration of each pollutant. Cross-validated R2 for best indoor prediction models ranged from 0.43 (NOx) to 0.51 (NO2). Models based on questionnaire responses and estimated outdoor concentrations successfully explained most variation in indoor PM2.5, NO2, NOx, and nicotine concentrations.  相似文献   

Environmental, social and cultural factors are increasingly recognized as affecting the long‐term viability of development initiatives. The application of selected ecological concepts and a “systems approach” to resource assessment is suggested to improve understanding of environmental constraints and impacts, while providing a more realistic framework for comprehensive land evaluation. This approach includes the analysis of socio‐economic, technological, and cultural indicators in a spatial and temporal framework supported by geographic information systems and relevant performance or risk/impact assessment models. To provide a spatial comparative perspective, the use of a single, composite indicator is suggested, reflecting economic development opportunities, realistic constraints and impacts. The derived comparative index may be used to provide a long‐term, spatial and comparative perspective of economic development opportunities by improving project appraisals and the selection of viable and sustainable development strategies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in different indoor microenvironments of residential homes and hostels in an academic institute, in New Delhi, during March–May 2011. Eleven VOCs (aromatic and halogenated) were assessed. Sampling and analytical procedure were based on National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) standard method. The lifetime cancer and non‐cancer risk were calculated for targeted VOCs using US Environmental Protection Agency guidelines. The mean concentrations of ∑ VOCs (sum of monitored VOCs) and individual VOC were found to be higher indoors as compared to outdoors at both types of premises. Indoor to outdoor (I/O) ratios of the targeted VOCs exceeded 1.0, suggesting the significant presence of indoor sources. Strong correlations between I/O concentrations of VOCs in the current study suggest the presence of common sources. Factor analysis (FA) was used for source evaluation separately at two premise types. The estimated lifetime cancer risks in the current study for all occupants at both premises exceeded 10?6.  相似文献   

We estimate a regional spatial panel simultaneous‐equations growth model, using a five‐step new estimation strategy that generalizes an approach outlined in Kelejian and Prucha. The study region consists of the 418 Appalachian counties 1980?2000. Estimates show feedback simultaneities among the endogenous variables, conditional convergence with respect to the respective endogenous variables, and spatial autoregressive lag and spatial cross‐regressive lag effects with respect to the endogenous variables. A key policy conclusion is that sector‐specific programs should be integrated and harmonized and that regionally differentiated development policies may yield greater returns than treating all locations the same. Estimamos un modelo de crecimiento de panel espacial regional por ecuaciones simultaneas, utilizando una nueva estrategia de estimación de cinco pasos que generaliza una enfoque descrito en Kelejian y Prucha. La región de estudio comprende los 418 condados Apalaches 1980‐2000. Las estimaciones muestran simultaneidades de retroalimentación entre las variables endógenas, convergencia condicional con respecto a las variables endógenas respectivas, y un retardo espacial autorregresivo y efectos de retardo regresivos cruzados espaciales con respecto a las variables endógenas. Una conclusión clave sobre políticas es que los programas sectoriales específicos deberían estar integrados y armonizados, y que las políticas de desarrollo diferenciadas regionalmente podrían producir mejores retornos que si se tratasen todas las localizaciones del mismo modo.   相似文献   

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