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As part of studies on plasma-wall interactions of fusion reactors, the effect of Ar ion sputtering of both the upstream side and the downstream side surfaces of a V coupon upon its H2 permeability has been studied. The H2 permeability measuring apparatus has been modified to install another ion gun for the use in sputtering the downstream side specimen surface. The H2 permeation rates were measured at 673K by changing the H2 pressure and sputtering mode. The downstream side sputtering has been observed to enhance the H2 permeability, though its degree was smaller than that due to the upstream side sputtering. The both side sputtering resulted in the largest H2 permeability value ever obtained for V. The rate of H2 permeation through V seemed to be determined by the surface processes including the downstream side rather than the bulk diffusion even after the both side sputtering. Based on AES measurements, the enhancement of H2 permeability caused by sputtering was attributed to the diminishing of the surface O impurity.  相似文献   

The poloidal distribution of the first wall 14 MeV neutron flux and the tritium breeding ratio in a Tokamak fusion reactor were calculated using Monte Carlo method. The poloidal distribution of the 14 MeV neutron flux in the first wall was found to be quite different from that of the primary incident flux. The tritium breeding ratio calculated by the Monte Carlo method became about 5% larger than the value obtained from SN transport calculations.  相似文献   

低活化铁素体/马氏体钢(RAFM钢)作为聚变堆结构材料中最有前景的候选材料,其氢同位素渗透行为备受关注。采用氢同位素气相驱动渗透的方法,对中国低活化铁素体/马氏体钢CLF-1的氢同位素渗透行为进行了研究,研究了温度、气体压强、样品表面状态等因素对其渗透行为的影响。结果表明:氢、氘在RAFM CLF-1钢中渗透扩散过程为体扩散控制,渗透率与温度的关系式均遵循Arrhenius关系;在实验测试过程中,由于样品表面发生氧化现象和缺陷捕获造成H2和D2渗透实验中渗透通量出现下降的现象。  相似文献   

PdY合金膜因其具有良好的透氢性能与机械性能,有望应用于聚变堆氢同位素纯化工艺。基于PdY合金膜的服役参数及氚安全要求,有必要研究在低氢压下PdY合金膜的氢同位素渗透特性,为后续设计氢同位素纯化组件提供数据支撑。本工作基于直管外压式PdY扩散器,研究了低氢压(<50 kPa)、工作温度为350~450℃条件下,厚度为80μm的PdY合金薄膜管的氢渗透速率与膜两侧压力、工作温度的关系。结果表明,低氢压下,PdY合金膜的氢渗透规律符合■,且压力指数n等于0.9,渗透速率控制机制主要表现为表面过程控速;提高工作温度使得合金膜的渗透通量增大,且温度对扩散过程的影响更大,使渗透过程更加趋于表面控速。此外,计算了该工作温度范围下的渗透系数,并通过阿伦尼乌斯公式推导求得渗透活化能约为24.54 kJ/mol,渗透常数Φ0为5.86×10-6 mol/(m·s·kPa0.9)。低氢压下,该厚度膜的渗透系数可由5.86×10-6e~(-24.54/(RT)) mol/(m·s·kPa0.9...  相似文献   

Outdoor 222Rn concentrations were measured with electrostatic integrating radon monitors (EIRM) at 40 points around Nagoya, in which 15 sets of 2-month-exposure data over 2.5 yr were obtained. Seasonal variation of 222Rn concentration showed a clear pattern which had a spring-to-summer minimum and an autumn-to-winter maximum. Annual means 222Rn concentration ranged 3.5~11.7 Bq·m?3 depending on locations. Higher concentrations were obtained in mountainous regions while lower concentrations were obtained near the sea. The relation between atmospheric 222Rn concentration and uranium content of granitic rocks was also discussed. High level 222Rn concentrations were obtained over areas of granitic rocks which were comparatively uranium-rich. As an almost linear relationship was recognized between the 222Rn concentration and exposure rate due to external natural radiation, a close correlation was anticipated between the concentration and 226Ra content of soil. From the obtained regional distribution of 222Rn concentration, per caput lung dose in the area was estimated to be about 0.44±0.11 mSv·yr?1.  相似文献   

An analytical approximation of the Doppler broadening function ψ(ξ,x) is proposed. This approximation is based on the solution of the differential equation for ψ(ξ,x) using the methods of Frobenius and parameters variation. The analytical form derived for ψ(ξ,x) in terms of elementary functions is very simple and precise. It can be useful for applications related to the treatment of nuclear resonances, mainly for calculations of multigroup parameters and resonances self-protection factors, the latter being used to correct microscopic cross section measurements by the activation technique.  相似文献   

Molybdenum, V and 316 stainless steel were irradiated with 50~150 keV He ions at the temperatures between 413 and 1,298K for total doses ranging 1× 1022~10×23 m?2, and the characteristics of the surface damage were compared. Severe exfoliation was observed in all of these materials for the irradiation at 413±110 and 748±25K. The number of exfoliated skins was larger than that in literature, and increased nearly in proportion with the total dose. It increased in the order Mo<316SS<. When the dose was low, the amount of erosion increased rapidly with total dose, but tended to be saturated for higher doses than 3×1022 m?2. It increased in the order Mo<V<316SS at 413±110K, while in the order 316SS<Mo<V at 748±25K. At higher temperatures than 923 K, blisters and porous surface were formed and the exfoliation of skins ceased. The amount of erosion increased with increasing incident ion energy in the energy range between 50 and 150 keV at 413±110K for a total dose of 1×1022 m?2.  相似文献   

采用直流/射频耦合反应磁控溅射法在Si(100)衬底上成功制备出类金刚石(DLC)薄膜。利用表面轮廓仪、Raman光谱仪、X射线光电子能谱仪表征所制备薄膜在不同氢气流量下的沉积速率和化学结构,讨论了氢气流量对薄膜沉积速率和化学结构的影响;利用纳米压痕技术及曲率弯曲法表征薄膜的力学性能;利用扫描电镜和原子力显微镜表征薄膜的表面形貌与粗糙度。研究表明:随着氢气流量的增加,所制备薄膜的沉积速率逐渐减小,而薄膜中sp3键的含量逐渐增大。当氢气流量为25 mL/min时,薄膜中sp3键的含量为36.3%,薄膜的硬度和体弹性模量分别达到最大值17.5 GPa和137 GPa。同时,所制备薄膜的内应力均低于0.5 GPa,有望成功制备出低内应力的高质量DLC厚膜。随着氢气流量的增加,DLC薄膜的表面变得更致密光滑,且表面均方根粗糙度由5.40 nm降为1.46 nm。  相似文献   

利用Ar+离子束混合技术在不锈钢基体上沉积C-SiC涂层,然后对部分样品进行加热去氩处理(400℃,30min),再用5keV氢离子源辐照样品。通过扫描电镜(SEM)的表面形貌观察、二次离子质谱仪(SIMS)的H与Ar元素深度分布和正离子质谱分析,研究去氩处理对氢离子辐照的C-SiC涂层的形貌和阻氢性能的影响。结果表明,经去氩处理,样品中不锈钢基体内的氢浓度降低了80%,显示出去氩处理的C-SiC涂层具有更高的阻氢性能。研究结果将为该技术应用于不锈钢基体上C-SiC涂层制备工艺的进一步改善提供依据。  相似文献   

Zirconium alloy sheets were prepared with varying Fe, Cr and Ni systematically. The corrosion and hydrogen pickup property were estimated in steam at 673 K, in water at 633 K and in super critical water at 673 K. The effect of the SPP and the oxide film on the hydrogen pick-up was studied from the hydrogen pick-up route using D2O and the microstructure of the oxide film and secondary phase particle (SPP) in the oxide film. The hydrogen pick-up ratio decreased with increase of Fe and decrease of Ni. It was affected by Fe/Ni ratio of the matrix. The hydrogen pickup was not related to SPP but was related to the oxide film when the oxide film was relatively thick. The tetragonal ZrO2 is considered to act as a barrier for hydrogen pick-up.  相似文献   

Copper nitride thin films were deposited on glass substrates by reactive direct current (DC) magnetron sputtering at various N2-gas partial pressures and room temperature. Xray diffraction measurements showed that the films were composed of Cu3N crystallites and exhibited a preferential orientation of the [111] direction at a low nitrogen gas (N2) partial pressure. The film growth preferred the [111] and the [100] direction at a high N2 partial pressure. Such preferential film growth is interpreted as being due to the variation in the Copper (Cu) nitrification rate with the N2 pressure. The N2 partial pressure affects not only the crystal structure of the film but also the deposition rate and the resistivity of the Cu3N film. In our experiment, the deposition rate of Cu3N films was 18 nm/min to 30 nm/min and increased with the N2 partial pressure. The resistivity of the Cu3N films increased sharply with the increasing N2 partial pressure. At a low N2 partial pressure, the Cu3N films showed a metallic conduction mechanism through the Cu path, and at a high N2 partial pressure, the conductivity of the Cu3N films showed a semiconductor conduction mechanism.  相似文献   

Polyisoprene was irradiated in hydrogen atmosphere by 60Co γ-rays. The evolved gases were methane, ethane, ethylene, propane, propylene and butane. With respect to saturated hydrocarbons, the yields increased with increasing pressure of hydrogen. On the contrary, the yields of unsaturated hydrocarbons decreased. The G-value of methane in hydrogen of 1 MPa was about four times larger than that in vacuum for irradiation of cis-polyisoprene (Cis) at 160 kGy. The gas evolution from trans-isomer (Trans) was about the same as that from Cis. The yields of gases from gloves made of natural rubber were smaller than those from Cis or Trans.  相似文献   

In order to carry out deuterium plasma experiments on the Large Helical Device (LHD), the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) is planning to install a system for the recovery of tritium from exhaust gas and effluent liquid. As well as adopting proven conventional tritium recovery systems, NIFS is planning to apply the latest technologies such as proton-conducting ceramics and membrane-type dehumidifiers in an overall strategy to ensure minimal risk in the tritium recovery process. Application of these new technologies to the tritium recovery system for the LHD deuterium plasma experiment is evaluated quantitatively using recent experimental data.  相似文献   

The difference in electrochemical corrosion potential of stainless steel exposed to high temperature pure water containing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and oxygen (O2)is caused by differences in chemical form of oxide films. In order to identify differences in oxide film structures on stainless steel after exposure to H2O2 and O2 environments, characteristics of the oxide films have been examined by multilateral surface analyses, e.g., X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rutherford back scattering spectroscopy (RBS), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Preliminary characterization results of oxide films confirmed that the oxide film formed under the H2O2 environment consists mainly of hematite (α-Fe2O2), while that under the O2 environment consists of magnetite (Fe3O4). Furthermore oxidation at the very surface of the film is much more enhanced under the H2O2 environment than that under the O2 environment. It was speculated that metal hydroxide plays an important role in oxidation of stainless steel in the presence of H2O2. The difference in electric resistance of oxide film causes the difference in anodic polarization properties. It is recommended that several anodic polarization curves for specimens with differently oxidized films should be prepared to calculate ECP based on the Evans diagram.  相似文献   

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