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The mass transfer rates of U (VI), U (N), Pu (N) and Pu (a)nitrates across aqueous/organic interfaces have been measured by a single drop method in solvent extraction. The overall mass transfer coefficients for rising, falling and jetting drops were related to the individual mass transfer coefficients in the dispersed and continuous phases. The Sherwood numbers in the dispersed and continuous phases, which contain the individual mass transfer coefficients, were correlated with the Peclet numbers in the corresponding phases, on the basis of the boundary layer theory, Handlos-Baron's theory and the penetration theory. This paper presents the experimental results of the mass transfer rates that were analyzed in terms of these theoretical findings. The mass transfers of U and Pu were confirmed to be controlled by molecular diffusion through the organic film layer for the rising or falling drops and the aqueous film layer for the jetting drops.  相似文献   

This work has investigated an improvement for the usual batch denitration by formic acid. It studied several destruction characteristics of nitric acid and formic acid in a continuous denitration process newly suggest in this work which consisted of a continuous denitration by formic acid and a residual acid-electrolytic destruction system. Also, the precipitation behaviors of a few metal ions such as Mo, Zr, Nd, and Fe during the denitration were investigated. The continuous denitration by formic acid reached a steady state in 30 min and showed a dependency of the final acidity on the residence time of the feeding solution in the reaction. In a Ti-IrO2 electrolytic cell, the destructive rates of formic acid and nitric acid were 1.37×10-2M-cm2/h-mA and 9.33×10-3 Mcm2/hmA, respectively. The nitric acid was reduced at the Ti cathode and the formic acid was oxidized at the IrO2 anode. The suggested denitration process combining a chemical system and an electrolytic system could treat continuously a feeding nitric acid of 2.0 M below about 0.1 M. The precipitation of the metal ions occurred almost totally in the denitration column.  相似文献   

在内径为0.3 m和高度为5.6 m的折流板脉冲萃取柱中,分别采用内置吹气杯和外置吹气杯对柱重压降信号进行了测量和比较。实验结果表明,两种吹气杯安装方式所测量的结果一致。因此,为了避免由于内置吹气杯所造成的钚纯化循环脉冲萃取柱异形下澄清段的设计和加工难度,推荐可使用外置吹气杯来测量该工段的脉冲萃取柱柱重压降。  相似文献   

本文从理论和实验两方面对吹气法测量中气容和气阻的影响进行了系统研究。结果表明,气容和气阻对压力波动信号有明显的衰减作用,而对压力波动信号的延迟作用可忽略,随着气容体积的增大和气阻内径的减小,衰减作用增强;气容和气阻组合的衰减作用大于相应的单气容或单气阻,先气阻后气容组合方式的衰减作用大于先气容后气阻的衰减作用;气容和气阻的引入对吹气管出口处的气速影响不大,所以对吹气杯的设计没有影响。本文的理论与实验结果为吹气法中气容和气阻的设计应用提供了基础。  相似文献   

当脉冲萃取柱处于液泛操作状态时,理论分析表明,吹气法所测量的柱重时均压降信号随时间延长而增大,这一结果在以30%TBP/煤油溶液和1mol•L-1HHNO3溶液为体系的50mm折流板脉冲萃取柱中得到了验证。在此基础上,给出了工业上应用吹气法直接确定液泛特征的实验步骤。  相似文献   

吹气管长度对脉冲萃取柱柱重瞬间压降信号测量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文从理论和实验两方面对吹气法测量中吹气管长度的影响问题进行系统研究,主要包括吹气管长度对柱重压力波动幅值测量的影响和对柱重压力波动的相位延迟作用两个方面。结果表明,在吹气管长度不大于17 m时,柱重压力波动幅值的变化可忽略,而大于17 m时,则有明显的衰减,需通过模型计算的衰减系数进行实际波动幅值的计算;吹气管长度对压力波动的相位有明显的延迟作用,延迟时间随吹气管长度的增大而增大,这个延迟作用在压差测量中如果吹气管长度不一致,会对测量结果有很大影响。理论计算的气体流速为吹气杯体积的估算提供了一个重要方法,计算表明,本实验中50 mL的吹气杯可满足吹气法要求。本文的理论与实验结果为吹气法的设计应用提供了基础。  相似文献   

实验考察了5个喷嘴板脉冲萃取柱系统吹气条件下的真实振幅与表观振幅之间的关系。实验结果表明:在吹气条件下,由于吹气系统及脉冲萃取柱内气体被压缩,吸收掉了脉冲腿中部分液体的体积变化,使实验测量的柱内真实振幅值与无吹气条件下计算的真实振幅值间的偏差加大。  相似文献   

标准喷嘴板脉冲萃取柱脉冲振幅的在线测量   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
实验考察了5个标准喷嘴板脉冲萃取柱系统在吹气条件下脉冲振幅与柱重瞬间正弦信号1个周期峰面积之间关系。实验结果表明:在吹气条件下,峰面积与脉冲频率无关;流道因子随着脉冲振幅和脉冲频率增加而增大,与脉冲萃取柱柱高、柱径和连续相密度无关。在此基础上,获得了吹气法在线测量脉冲振幅的经验关联式。   相似文献   

氢-水液相催化交换(LPCE)是处理大量含氚废水的有效途径,而疏水性载体苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯共聚物(SDB)是LPCE的关键材料,对活性组分Pt起到承载作用。采用30mm×400mm玻璃柱模拟催化反应床,研究了SDB疏水性载体与填料的填装方式、气体流速、液体流速、温度以及分层装填高度等工艺条件对床层压力降和持液量的影响。结果表明:当不锈钢θ填料与SDB疏水性载体的体积比为4∶1时,无论采用混合装还是分层装,床层压力降均随气体流速、液体流速和温度的增加而升高,而动持液量随气体流速的增加而减小,随液体流速的增加而增大;混合装的压力降低于分层装,不同分层装对应的床层压力降大小为:四层装三层装一层装两层装。  相似文献   

A new calculation code PULCO has been developed to simulate the Purex extraction process in a pulsed column. The model for the PULCO code is based on the mass transfer taking place at the interface between dispersed drops and continuous phase fluid. The following physical quantities of the moving drop are included in the model for each period of drop motion in a pulsed column:

1. Mass transfer coefficient from liquid drop to continuous phase

2. Diameter and velocity of moving drop in the pulsed column

3. Holdup of dispersed and continuous phases in the pulsed column

4. Longitudinal dispersion coefficient in the pulsed column.

To establish the validity of the PULCO code, experiments were performed using a 50 mm diameter pulsed column which had a sieve plate section height of 2 m and plates spaced 50 mm apart. The experiments were performed by CY tests with use of unirradiated U and Pu. The experimental concentration profiles fitted well with the calculated concentration profiles.  相似文献   

脉冲萃取柱中正辛醇-硝酸体系流体力学性能研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了喷嘴板脉冲萃取柱中正辛醇-0.5mol/L硝酸体系的液泛通量、分散相存留分数等流体力学特性.用改进的Pratt公式对两相流体力学参数进行了关联,得到水相连续时的n值为1.15,有机相连续时的K值为5.64.特性速度可用下述经验公式关联Vo(Vo′)=11.7e-0.693Af.有机相连续时柱内液滴以聚集为主,水相连续时柱内液滴以分散为主.在相同的脉冲强度下,该体系水相连续时液泛通量较小,有机相连续时液泛通量较大.经验公式计算得到的水相连续时的液泛通量与实验值的相对误差在±15%以内.  相似文献   

The effects of operation mode and perforated-plate type on axial mixing of mixer-settler region in both dispersed and continuous phases were studied for a 5 cm I. D. pulsed perforated-plate extraction column of pulser feeder type. The axial mixing coefficient was simultaneously measured to both phases by using the “dynamic tracer co-injection method” proposed by the authors. The characteristics of both phases are observed obviously. Relatively to what it was in the continuous phase, the dispersed phase had short reaching time and long retardation time. The superficial axial mixing coefficient for dispersed phase becomes smaller than for the continuous phase. And experimental results showed that a backflow took place only in dispersed phase at a test section of 50 cm in axial length. The values of backflow ratio are observed from 0.5 to 1.8% of the dispersed net flow.  相似文献   

在柱径为38、50和100mm的折流板脉冲萃取柱中,以30%TRPO煤油溶液和1mol/LHNO3溶液为体系,研究吹气法在线测量脉冲萃取柱的脉冲频率和脉冲振幅。实验结果表明:吹气法所得的瞬时压降信号可准确确定脉冲频率,而瞬时压降信号的1个周期面积可确定脉冲振幅。峰面积值与脉冲萃取柱的板数和板开孔率参数成正比,与柱径和脉冲振幅成指数关系。在此基础上,得出了30%TRPO煤油/1mol/LHNO3体系脉冲振幅的经验关联式,并在两相流条件下得到了验证。  相似文献   

以30%TRPO/煤油溶液和1mol/LHNO3溶液为体系,研究气提泵在柱径100mm喷嘴板脉冲萃取柱中的应用规律。实验结果表明:设计的水相进料气提泵、有机相进料气提泵和水相出料气提泵的液体流量和气体流量均满足线性操作;特别是脉冲萃取柱分散相存留分数与水相吹口气提泵的浸没度之间也呈线性关系,并结合吹气法在线测量技术,可实现对脉冲萃取柱稳定操作进行有效控制。  相似文献   

根据脉冲萃取柱界面移动速度和界面位移的特征,以及界面移动速度与控制器输出量之间单值映射规律,提出了以初始界面位置和目标位置之间的中点作为调节首要阶段,利用运动学对称性特点,实现了对界面位置的调节,同时确定了界面移动速度为零时控制器输出量的大小。当接近目标位置时,采用模糊控制来调节界面位置。计算机仿真实验和真实实验验证了上述控制模式的正确性。  相似文献   

建立了电还原脉冲柱分离铀钚的模拟计算模型 ,提出了该模型的数值计算算法。应用该模型对硝酸铀酰在电还原脉冲柱中的电解还原实验进行了模拟计算 ,计算结果和实验结果符合较好  相似文献   

在扩散模型的基础上,对共去污单元脉冲萃取柱"切片"数学处理,建立了数学模型,模型中添加了多组分共存分配比计算模块,编写完成了可用于模拟计算共去污单元脉冲萃取柱萃取HNO3、U(Ⅵ)、Pu(Ⅳ)稳态计算程序。利用文献报道的实验数据,对程序进行了验证。结果表明,程序模拟计算的各组分稳态浓度剖面与实测值符合良好,程序可以实现共去污单元多组分共萃的模拟计算。并在此基础上,利用该程序对1A脉冲萃取柱工艺设计进行了初步研究计算。结果表明,脉冲萃取柱的萃取效率与处理料液组分浓度有关,以往一级混合澄清槽等于若干米脉冲柱的设计方法认识有所偏差,应使用计算机模拟方法整体设计脉冲萃取柱。  相似文献   

在核电厂的安全壳分析中,安全壳比例分析可用于安全壳冷却系统重要现象的确定和试验数据充分性的论证。本文以非能动核电厂为例,应用比例分析方法对安全壳内液滴进行传热传质特性分析,量化了核电厂液滴的传热传质特性对质量、能量和压力变化率(RPC)的影响。通过本比例分析,可确定具体安全壳冷却系统对安全壳压力响应的影响程度。  相似文献   

从压力扩散出发 ,提出了表面张力对相际传质的影响机理 ,并且探索性地给出了表面张力对相际传质影响的数学描述。最后 ,文章还结合工业上应用的情况 ,指出了表面张力在除氧器雾化加热区和鼓泡区对除氧过程的影响 ,在喷雾吸收操作中对吸收过程的影响  相似文献   

30%TBP-煤油/HNO3体系在折流板脉冲萃取柱中的水力学性能   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
在Φ100mm折流板脉冲萃取柱中实验考察了30%TBP-煤油1mol/LHNO3体系下的萃取柱操作参数(脉冲振幅、脉冲频率、流速和流比)、结构参数(板间距)对萃取柱水力学性能(液泛通量、液泛存留分数和正常操作时分散相存留分数)的影响。实验研究结果表明:液泛通量随脉冲强度的减小而增大,与流比和板间距无关,研究给出了液泛通量与脉冲强度间的关联式;操作参数和柱结构参数对液泛存留分数的影响均可忽略;正常操作时分散相存留分数与连续相的流速、流比成正比关系,而与脉冲频率无关,并随板间距和脉冲振幅的增大而增加。   相似文献   

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