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A method is presented for controlling the temperature of specimens during capsule irradiation. A narrow gas gap layer is provided in the capsule between the outer and inner cans to serve as thermal resistance barrier. The value of thermal resistance is regulated by varying the vacuum pressure in the gas gap from a control device placed outside the reactor.

The present new method has been based on data obtained from preliminary experiments to determine the relation between pressure and thermal resistance in the gas gap, and an original arrangement for controlling the gap pressure from outside the reactor through a long thin tube. Automatic temperature control has been realized through feed-back regulation governing the gap pressure.

A discussion is given of theoretical analyses made on the characteristics, the effectiveness and the limits of this temperature control mechanism, backed by experimental data from mock-up and in-pile experiments, demonstrating the practical utility of the method.

This new method of temperature control can be expected to find wide application also in other fields.  相似文献   

介绍在高通量工程试验堆(HFETR)中进行高温材料辐照试验的温度控制技术。利用哈氏合金材料辐照试验的测量结果与CFX程序的模拟分析结果进行检验,证明了相关温度控制技术的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对采用传统简化模型计算反应堆辐照监督管快中子注量率出现的计算结果与实测值误差较大问题,对计算模型进行改进,建立堆芯燃料组件内部结构的精细化计算模型,并将传统简化模型、改进的精细化模型的计算结果与实测值进行比较.结果表明,辐照监督管改进的精细化计算模型的计算结果相对于实测值的误差大幅降低.  相似文献   

HFETR辐照靶件设计程序开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟发杰 《核动力工程》1998,19(2):184-187
针对高通量工程试验堆(HFETR)燃料材料考验的辐照靶件设计,开发了GENGTC-C程序,可用它进行辐照靶件设计和温度分布计算,程序可对多层包壳材料传热,间隙层(液体或气体介质)传热,气体介质层传热进行了计算,同时,对热导膜率随温度的变化和靶件结构材料的几何尺寸因热膨胀的改变进行修正,原程序由美国ORNL编制,见长于结构严谨流畅和良好的适用性,因此,GENGTC-C是在原程序的基础上并结合HFET  相似文献   

对3款同种型号不同公司生产的双极电压比较器进行了高、低剂量率及变温辐照的60Co γ辐照实验。结果表明:偏置电流和电源电流为双极电压比较器辐射敏感参数,失调电压仅在工作偏置条件下为辐射敏感参数;由于工艺不同,不同公司的双极电压比较器存在辐射响应差异,而同一公司的双极电压比较器在不同偏置条件下的辐照损伤趋势亦不同;变温辐照加速评估方法不仅可鉴别上述不同公司的双极电压比较器在不同偏置条件下的剂量率效应,而且能很好地模拟和保守地评估其低剂量率下的辐照损伤。  相似文献   

A new operating phantom was studied for obtaining the true distribution of the radiation field of the gamma irradiation facility and the dose field in the cargo container. An effective and usable simulated radiation field was constructed based on the parameter of the real gamma irradiation facility. The design method for the structure and padding of new operating phantom was proposed. The Monte Carlo method and random filling method (RCS) were adopted to simulate the distribution law of the main factor affecting the dosimetry parameters of the phantom body, such as the dosimeter sleeve material and wall thickness, filler ball size, hollow filler ball size and wall thickness, ball filling method, etc. Under the premise of satisfying the calculation confidence level, the optimization ranges of parameters are as follows: Aluminum tube with wall thickness of 3-5 mm is used as the sleeve, which interferes with the radiation field no more than 4.372 23%; Polypropylene sphere with outer diameter of 1-4 cm, wall thickness of 1.1-11.5 mm, cargo density simulating range of 0.1-0.5 g/cm3, and good material equivalence is selected as the phantom padding, which interferes with the radiation field no more than 9.998 44%; The interference level of the uniform and random filling modes on the radiation field is almost the same, and both are less than 10%. The results show that the current design is feasible and effective, with low investment, more parameters and wider range, and it is suitable for popularization and application.  相似文献   

依托硝酸盐熔盐实验装置,基于半实物仿真方法,优化熔盐回路原有的比例、积分、微分(PID)控制,研究模糊控制方法在熔盐回路系统的适用性。结果表明:经过控制逻辑的优化,改进的PID控制器调节时间更短,超调更小,达到目标值后运行更加稳定;模糊控制方法也能满足预定的控制指标和性能要求,可作为大惯性熔盐系统温度控制的一种方法。  相似文献   

A new method of temperature compensation for a dc logarithmic amplifier is presented. By this method temperature effect on both parallel shift and slope variance of log I vs. VBE curve can be compensated easily by using only one compensating resistor of copper wire wound type. (hereafter called parallel and slope compensations.) An absolute compensation condition can be determined for each type of logarithmic transistors, like silicon NPN, germanium PNP irrespective of current measuring range. The temperature dependence of the logarithmic amplifier is reduced to 0.01 decade for the temperature range from 0°C to 50°C and the current range from 10-11 to 10-3A.  相似文献   

石墨加热器是测量球床堆芯等效导热系数实验的关键部件,加热器温度场对系统安全及数据准确性有重要影响。本文基于Fluent计算平台,分别采用DTRM模型、P1模型、ROSSELAND模型、DO模型对真空保护环境下的石墨加热器温度场进行数值模拟,确定适合真空保护石墨加热器温度场的计算方法并讨论石墨导热系数、表面发射率对温度场分布的影响。比较分析表明:DO模型计算得到的温度分布较为接近真实情况,导热系数小于35W/(m•K)时,最高温度对其敏感;导热系数大于35W/(m•K)时,其对加热体最高温度影响较小,最高温度较为稳定。  相似文献   

为满足HIRFL-CSR工程对HIRFL真空系统的要求,达到远程监测控制的目的,提高整体运行效率,设计实现了一套这样的远程控制系统。文章简要介绍了以MSP430F149为核心设计的真空控制模块,及其在HIRFL真空远程控制系统中的应用。着重介绍了控制模块的硬件组成以及软件控制程序设计。该系统通过Intranet网络连接各种设备,实现了对HIRFL真空系统的远程监测与控制。  相似文献   

正Low temperature neutron irradiation test on base and weld metal of X21 steel were carried out at 49-2 swimming pool test reactor in CIAE.Then tensile and impact properties were test on the before and post irradiation specimens.And then irradiation hardening and embrittlement were analyzed according to the test result.  相似文献   

对3个公司生产的同一型号双极线性稳压器LM317进行了工作和零偏偏置下高、低剂量率辐照,变温恒剂量率辐照及美军标恒高温恒剂量率辐照的对比实验。结果表明,与恒高温恒剂量率辐照相比,变温恒剂量率辐照不仅能非常准确、快速地评估出在不同偏置条件下3款双极线性稳压器的剂量率效应,还可较好地模拟双极线性稳压器在低剂量率辐照下的损伤。实验结果验证了变温恒剂量率辐照加速评估方法在双极线性稳压器上应用的可行性。  相似文献   

The dependences of radiation induced defects on irradiation temperature up to 700℃ at 15 dpa and on irradiation dose up to 85 dpa at room temperature have been investigated by the heavy ion irradiation and the positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy for the CLAM. A void size peak is observed at -500℃ where the vacancy cluster contains 9 vacancies and has an average diameter of 0.59 nm. The size of the vacancy clusters increases with the increase of irradiation dose at room temperature, and the vacancy cluster at 85 dpa consists of 9 vacancies and reaches a size of 0.60 nm in diameter. The absolute values of the void size at the peak and the increase of void size with dose in the CLAM steel are negligible compared to those of the normal stainless steels, indicating that the CLAM steel has good radiation resistant property.  相似文献   

漯河辐照加速器是1台用于食品杀菌与保鲜等的8MeV电子直线加速器。文章从硬件组成、软件设计及辐照剂量控制等方面介绍漯河辐照加速器控制系统。近9个月的连续运行表明,该控制系统操作简便、运行稳定可靠。  相似文献   

核弹头的拆卸认证是核裁军和军控核查中的一项重要研究内容。核弹头拆卸后,核查方将对拆卸出的特殊核材料和高爆炸药进行探测和认证,确保两者来源于核弹头。本文着重研究铀弹头(基于武器级铀的核弹头)内部拆卸出的炸药的认证方法,提出基于中子辐照法的炸药认证方案,并建立基于Geant4软件的数值模拟计算平台,利用该平台对该方案的可行性和效果进行模拟计算研究。研究结果表明,核查方应单方面设定辐照时间,设置适当的核弹头拆卸时间,并探测拆卸出的炸药中13N和11C核素的β+衰变,即可区分真实铀弹头中拆卸出的炸药和炸药赝品,进而为判断炸药是否来源于铀弹头提供重要依据。  相似文献   

介绍了一种变温辐照加速评估双极电路低剂量率辐照损伤增强效应的新实验方法,并对各种实验现象的潜在机理进行了分析。结果显示,阶跃降低辐照温度的变温辐照法,不仅能较好地模拟双极运放电路实际空间低剂量率的辐照损伤,且比美军标的恒高温辐照法的总剂量评估范围明显增大,还可作为快速鉴别器件是否具有低剂量率辐照损伤增强效应的有效实验方法。  相似文献   

为实现材料堆内650±50℃的高温辐照考验,提高辐照温度的均匀性,进行了高温材料辐照考验装置的设计研究。通过筛选合适的材料进行辐照考验装置的加工制造,提高了辐照考验装置的耐高温性能。以条件辐照试验结果为基础,对辐照考验装置进行了热工分析,提出了阴阳面温度独立控制技术和阶梯间隙温度补偿技术,确定了辐照考验装置的关键尺寸,实现了650±50℃的辐照温度,减小了辐照温度的差异。  相似文献   

10 MeV辐照电子直线加速器控制系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本工作为1台10 MeV辐照用电子直线加速器研制控制系统。该控制系统采用分布式网络控制,由多个子系统构成。硬件采用SIEMENS PLC芯片和监控计算机,PLC间采用PROFIBUS、MPI等高速总线进行连接,与监控计算机采用以太网连接,使用TCP/IP协议,能在互联网上远程监视和维护,进行网络控制。软件采用STEP 7和C语言等编写,对各子系统及子系统间连接均采用独立的数据块和功能函数块。部分硬件功能由软件来实现,使得整个系统更易于测试、制造和维护升级。  相似文献   

高温气冷堆(HTGR)是国际核能界公认的一种具有良好安全特性的堆型,具有第四代核能系统的技术特征,其核蒸汽供应系统(NSSS)复杂的非线性特性,对控制策略的设计提出了挑战。另一方面,T-S模糊控制方法在复杂非线性系统的控制方面存在巨大优势,因此在高温气冷堆核蒸汽供应系统中应用T-S模糊控制方法,可能会获得较传统线性控制方法更好的控制性能。本文提出了一种T-S模糊控制器的系统化设计方法,首先建立高温气冷堆核蒸汽供应系统出口蒸汽温度的T-S模糊控制系统模型;然后基于李雅普诺夫方法,得到T-S模糊控制系统的双线性矩阵不等式(BMI)形式的全局渐近稳定条件;最后通过局部最小化算法求解双线性矩阵不等式,得到T-S模糊控制器的参数。仿真结果表明,按照这一系统化方法设计的T-S模糊控制器较传统的线性PI控制器表现出更好的控制特性。  相似文献   

刘燕 《同位素》2008,21(3):189-192
放射性同位素辐照靶件在堆内辐照过程中能否保持其完整性,受到诸多因素的影响,其中辐照靶件包装容器外壁温度和内腔温度是辐照安全的重要参数.本工作着重研究了测温用热电偶在放射性同位素辐照靶件包装容器外壁上的安装技术,并在重水研究堆上进行模拟试验.将测量数据与理论计算结果进行比较,用以校核辐照靶件温度理论计算的准确度,为放射性同位素辐照靶件和包装容器的设计提供可靠依据.  相似文献   

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