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A compact 200 kV Cockcraft type pulsed neutron source was designed and constructed as a versatile tool for various pulsed neutron experiments in thermal reactor physics. Special care was taken to obtain the maximum peak intensity of pulsed neutrons against the average background neutrons induced from accelerator operation. To this end, two particular design features have been adopted. One is pulsing of the R-F ion source probe voltage combined with pulsing of the deflector voltage of the post accelerated D+ ion beam. The other feature is the use of a beam analyzing magnet to the accelerated beam. With these devices, a peak to background ratio of 105 was obtained.

Pulsed neutrons of 14 MeV can be generated at pulse widths from 0.13 μs 500 ms, with a neutron yield of 3.7×104–2×109 n/pulse. The repetition rate of the pulses can be changed independently of the pulse width. An arrangement for long focusing beam adjustment provides for selection of the target position in a wide range.  相似文献   

Lithium carbonate pellets are frequently used for estimation of tritium production rate in irradiated samples in fusion blanket neutronics experiment and the activity is measured by liquid scintillation counting technique. In this measurement, it is essential to solve the lithium carbonate pellet as much as possible and to mix the pellet solution into scintillation cocktail homogeneously at stable condition. For this purpose, a novel binary-acid method has been developed to solve lithium carbonate and to mix the pellet solution into scintillation cocktail. High solubility is attained by adopting two acids, HNO3 and CH3COOH, and a good compatibility of the pellet solution with scintillator is obtained by emulsion cocktail resulting in high counting efficiency. Defining a product of dissolved mass and counting efficiency as a Figure of Merit (FOM), the present method has higher FOM value than the conventional method and is extremely simple in a sample preparation procedure. In the present work, solubility, compatibility and counting efficiency were systematically examined for different mixing ratios of two acids, and the condition for a maximum FOM was determined. The FOM value of a factor of two higher than the conventional method was finally attained.  相似文献   

以Au、Zr和Fe为活化探测器,采用裸探测器法测量中国原子能科学研究院微型中子源反应堆的中子谱参数f、α、fF和φth。内辐照座的α、f和fF分别为-0.007±0.003、20.8±0.4、5.5±0.2。该方法对φth的测量结果与4πβ-γ符合法的一致,相对偏差小于2%。与SLOWPOKE相比,微堆有较高的α、fF值。与已有测量数据的比较表明,微堆中子谱在很长一个时期内是稳定的,利用微堆作为中子源的k0法中子活化分析不需中子注量率监测器,且比较器一经照射和测量后,可用于其后较长时间内所有分析的计算标准。  相似文献   

反应堆启动中子源设计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用蒙特卡罗程序(MCNP)对岭澳二期核电厂的反应堆启动中子源设计方法进行研究.研究结果表明,MCNP程序的计算结果与法国设计方案符合情况良好.通过调整启动中子源的布置位置,能够进一步降低中子源强,提高经济效益.  相似文献   

瞬发中子衰减常数α是核系统的重要标志性特征参数,该值的准确测量对于核临界安全具有重要意义。本工作采用单次脉冲中子源的方法测量了某次临界核系统的瞬发中子衰减常数,获得了几种不同次临界状态下的瞬发中子衰减常数,测量结果与252Cf随机脉冲源法测量结果一致。  相似文献   

本文利用蒙特卡罗方法和离散坐标法设计了满足器件辐照效应研究的脉冲堆快中子实验装置.采用SAND-Ⅱ多箔活化法和热释光剂量片法对装置参数进行了测试分析,验证了装置设计参数与实验测量值符合一致.  相似文献   

A rapid-cycling 800 MeV proton synchrotron is proposed for the Rutherford Laboratory as the basis of a high intensity, pulsed, spallation neutron source (SNS) to be used for thermal neutron scattering research. The facility will be generally complementary to existing high flux sources but its effective source brightness will be at least an order of magnitude greater than these at neutron wavelengths of 1? (~ 100 meV) and below, with an increasing advantage (100-1000 times) over the best reactor source at wavelengths approaching O.3? (1 eV).  相似文献   

252Cf 随机脉冲源法测量深次临界瞬发中子衰减常数   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
运用252Cf 随机脉冲源法时幅变换(TAC)方式测量系统,实验获得高浓缩铀椭球壳核系统的瞬发中子衰减常数α。采用单指数和双指数最小二乘法拟合,α值均为100μs-1。用蒙特卡罗方法模拟实验过程,α计算值为110μs-1。结果表明,该系统对深次临界α的测量是有效的。  相似文献   

聚变-裂变混合堆(FFHR)作为聚变驱动次临界系统(FDS),具有良好的物理性能,能够实现产能、氚增殖、嬗变核废料等功能。采用COUPLE程序研究了水冷混合堆包层的铀水比和中子倍增剂对中子源效率的影响。结果表明:包层能谱越硬,外中子源效率越高;适当加入中子倍增剂Be可使外中子源效率增加。研究结果对进一步改进聚变-裂变混合堆的概念设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

微堆安全监督系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在深圳大学微堆上建立了计算机安全监督系统。通过计算机和有关的探测器,对影响核燃料元件包壳腐蚀和反应堆安全的pH、电导率和堆水净化柱的γ放射性活度等参数进行实时监督测。系统包括缓发中子测铀装置,一旦核燃料元件包壳破损,系统即将时发出警报。  相似文献   

建立超热中子束孔道筛选的三维扩散型,并用蒙特卡罗程序MCNP/4B验证了热柱孔道是实现超热中子束的佳孔道,还建立了硼中子俘获治疗(BNCT)所需超热中子束的理论设计方法,对超热中子束过滤材料的特性进行了分析,提出了将西安脉冲堆热柱孔道改造成超热中子束孔道的3种材料组合方案。  相似文献   

冷中子源装置利用14.5 K的低温氦气作为制冷剂。通过制冷系统的不停运转,将冷源氢系统内的氢液化。液态的氢充满着整个堆内部件系统的慢化剂室,使得其周围的热中子与液氢慢化剂进行能量交换,变为冷中子,再通过中子导管将冷中子输送到散射大厅各台谱仪上。冷源装置所有子系统调试运行的成功是获得冷中子的基础。在冷源调试中,氦制冷系统调试运行最为繁琐。着重介绍氦制冷系统在调试过程中遇到的问题及解决措施。  相似文献   

文章采用蒙特卡罗程序耦合抽样技巧,对西安脉冲堆中子照相孔道外的屏蔽体进行改建设计计算,确定了中子照相孔道口出射束流参数和多种材料组合的屏蔽参数。实验测试结果表明,理论计算可靠,达到了改建指标。  相似文献   

研究堆冷中子源装置的研究现状   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
介绍了研究堆冷中子源(CNS)慢化中子的原理和研究现状,并对国外CNS装置的慢化剂、冷包材料及形状、冷却方式及主要组成系统的特性进行了比较和分析。  相似文献   

介绍了西安脉冲堆中子照相系统的组成以及对该系统进行性能测试的方法与结果。结果表明,所用BAS-ND中子屏的固有不锐度为0.15mm;在稳态堆芯及脉冲堆芯布置中,中子照相孔道射线束中的有效热中子含量偏低,而有效γ射线含量偏高;在孔道中采用铅来过滤射线束能明显降低有效γ射线含量。  相似文献   

西安脉冲反应堆源区测量仪表是源区低端测量的关键仪表,同时也是反应堆堆外中子通量监测仪表系统的重要组成部分,该仪表在同类型反应堆仪表的基础上进行了研制改进和更新,使仪表在测量灵敏度、测量范围、抗干扰能力、可靠性及可维修性等主要性能指标方面有了较大提高。简要介绍了该仪表的设计思想、构成、工作原理、主要技术指标、应用效果及特点等。  相似文献   

数据处理过程是应用252Cf随机脉冲源系统测量获得瞬发中子衰减常数的重要环节.通过对模拟数据和实验结果的分析比较,认为应该使用单指数最小二乘法拟合数据.拟合起始道应避开高次项衰减影响,且必需有足够的统计计数.  相似文献   

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