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This paper examines the applicability of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) to measure and evaluate the efficiency of materials management at the regional level. The research has been conducted for Polish regions as a case study. The basis for the calculation of the efficiency scores was a statistically selected set of materials used in a given region and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The results of the analysis reveal that 4 (Łódzkie, Śląskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie, and Zachodniopomorskie) out of 16 Polish regions are relatively efficient. The remaining regions consume too many material resources in the process of generating goods and services.  相似文献   

Planning for dynamic cities is a perennial problem that continues to grow in importance in a rapidly changing world. This paper presents a conceptual framework to understand urban change through a complex adaptive systems approach. This framework includes a process of (1) describing the system through setting boundaries and identifying the properties of the system, (2) identifying the patterns of change across scales and (3) mapping the change over time. The framework firstly, offers a tool to urban planners to approach some of the complexities of urban change and secondly, a foundation to engage with the challenge of developing alternative sustainable development models that are able to deal with the reality of complex, dynamic and interconnected urban systems and to cope with change and uncertainty in ways that build positive resilience and support regenerative design and development.  相似文献   

The high-resolution potentiometric titration was used as a physico-chemical method to study the acid properties of selected biosorbent materials in order to quantify the functional acidic groups for sorption and to determine their affinities by considering their partial or total ionization equilibrium reactions. The Gran's method and the Henderson-Hasselbach's equation were employed in establishing the partition of the total acidity as associated with strong, weak and very weak acidic chemical active groups. The differences in the total organic acidity (A(TO)) for the two selected types of bacteria and two mycelia revealed by this method were explained by the chemical composition of their cell walls. The total organic acidities obtained were 3.87 me g(-1) for Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, 1.31 me g(-1) for Corynebacterium glutamicum, 0.81 me g(-1) for Aspergillus niger and 2.54 me g(-1) for Rhizopus arrhizus. The links between the activity of protons and the sorption capacities of the selected bioorganic matters were established. Sorption of lead by C. glutamicum and R. arrhizus biomass indicated an optimum pH of 6. It appeared that 64% (Pb(uptake)=0.48 me g(-1)) and 38% (Pb(uptake)=0.28 me g(-1)) of A(TO) were involved during lead sorption onto R. arrhizus and C. glutamicum, respectively. The applications of titration techniques become a powerful tool for the characterization of heterogeneous materials involved in biosorption and bioremediation processes.  相似文献   

The call for action to transform the built environment and address the threats of climate change has been clearly made. However, to support the development, implementation and on-going evaluation of energy demand policy, a strong evidence base is needed to identify associations and establish underlying causes behind outcomes and variations in end-use energy demand within the population. A new approach to end-use energy demand research is presented which is founded on the interdisciplinary health sciences research framework of epidemiology, along with the establishment of a research centre. A case is made that through an ‘energy epidemiology’ approach a strong, population-level, empirically based research foundation can be advanced. Energy epidemiology is a whole-system approach that focuses on empirical research and provides a methodological framework for building physicists, engineers, sociologists and economists to engage in interdisciplinary work. The adaptation of the epidemiological approach to end-use energy demand studies will provide the means to observe and describe the trends and patterns of energy demand, to undertake and contextualize interventional studies, and to establish strong associations between factors that lead to an energy demand-related outcome or event. Such an approach would strengthen the evidence base to inform policy decisions and evaluate past intervention programmes or regulatory actions.

Il a été clairement lancé un appel pour mettre en place des mesures propres à transformer le cadre bâti et à faire face aux menaces du changement climatique. Néanmoins, pour soutenir l'élaboration, la mise en ?uvre et l'évaluation en continu de la politique relative à la demande énergétique, il est nécessaire de disposer d'une solide base de données factuelle pour identifier les associations et établir les causes sous-jacentes des résultats et des variations de la demande énergétique des utilisateurs finals au sein de la population. Il est présenté une nouvelle approche pour l'étude de la demande énergétique des utilisateurs finals, qui est fondée sur le cadre interdisciplinaire de l'épidémiologie utilisé pour les recherches dans les sciences de la santé, ainsi que sur l'établissement d'un centre de recherche. Il est fait valoir que, par une approche basée sur une « épidémiologie de l'énergie », il est possible de faire progresser la fondation d'une recherche empirique solide au niveau de la population. L'épidémiologie de l'énergie est une approche systémique globale qui est axée sur la recherche empirique et fournit un cadre méthodologique aux physiciens, ingénieurs, sociologues et économistes du bâtiment afin qu'ils participent à des travaux interdisciplinaires. L'adaptation de l'approche épidémiologique aux études relatives à la demande énergétique des utilisateurs finals donnera les moyens d'observer et de décrire les tendances et les schémas de la demande énergétique, d'entreprendre et de contextualiser des études interventionnelles, et d'établir les associations fortes entre les facteurs qui conduisent à un résultat ou à un événement lié à la demande énergétique. Une telle approche renforcerait la base de données factuelle afin d'éclairer les décisions en matière de politique et d'évaluer les programmes d'intervention passés ou les mesures réglementaires prises.

Mots clés: bâtiments, cadre bâti, demande énergétique, épidémiologie, base factuelle, interdisciplinaire, politique publique, recherche  相似文献   

Different disciplines have landscape as the focal point of their research. They are successful in presenting new findings about landscapes within their specialisation, but collaboration—and thus, transfer of knowledge across disciplinary boundaries—is seldom realised because a common approach that bridges the gaps between disciplines is missing. Instead, different landscape concepts exist side by side. Yet, cooperation is required to tackle the various environmental and social problems related to landscapes. This paper provides an overview of the historical development of landscape concepts originating from different cultural and scientific trends, and presents a new complex concept of landscape, which is designed to enable transdisciplinary landscape research. The transdisciplinary landscape concept is based on five dimensions of landscapes: the spatial entity, the mental entity, the temporal dimension, the nexus of nature and culture, and the systemic properties of landscapes. In contrast to other approaches, it unites dimensions that are usually the domain of individual disciplines and makes it, thus, possible to capitalise on plurality in landscape research. The concept promotes landscape as the combination of the subsystems known as the geo-, bio- and noo-sphere, and is illustrated by the people–landscape interaction model. The concept can be applied to all human–landscape-related research, but is exemplified by two studies that have investigated the relationship between landscape and second-home tourism, and landscape and farming, respectively.  相似文献   

高扬帆  李和平 《华中建筑》2011,29(4):100-104
宜居城市的提出,成为解决城市可持续发展的重要选择之一。该文通过对福建省莆田市宜居性进行分析评价,研究探讨城市的优势特色,进而提出相应的宜居城市规划对策,并结合"十二五"规划编制确定重点建设项目,使城市能既适应经济社会发展的需要,又保留原有的地域与环境特色,实现可持续发展的目标,希望能为其他类似中小城市的宜居城市建设实践提供经验。  相似文献   

I have asked for this opportunity to respond to the Practice Review article by Dr Mees in the September 2003 edition of Urban Policy and Research, as the article contains a number of errors of fact. These are addressed below: Thwaites... was personally committed to planning, but had limited time (one afternoon a week in fact) for the job, due to the much heavier workload in the health portfolio. He addressed this by appointing Professor Lyndsay Neilson Secretary of the Department of Infrastructure... Minister Thwaites did spend an afternoon each week clearing and signing statutory documents and key correspondence, but this was a very small part of his work as Minister for Planning. Both Minister Thwaites and Minister Delahunty, the present Minister for Planning, committed significant time to the development of Melbourne 2030, as did Minister Batchelor with respect to the transport aspects of the Strategy.  相似文献   


In recent decades, there has been a significant revival of interest and growth in numbers of public memorials – sculptures and structures in public spaces that convey information and social attitudes about past persons, events and ideas. This renaissance has been most marked in national capital cities. To better understand this recent revival of interest in memorials, and their potential to reproduce or transform social and spatial relationships within cities, this paper examines the historical evolution of the role and form of memorials within the overall planning and development of Western capital cities, both existing and new, from their origins in Ancient Rome and through their later development from the Renaissance to the beginning of Modernism. It charts memorials’ ongoing contribution to the role of the capital city as a diagram that defines and communicates national history, identity and politics, contrasting this to ways that memorials have adapted to changing technological and political realities of land development and management.  相似文献   

In the first, theoretical part, the paper gives an overview of possible measures of the impact of loops and feedbacks in an input-output structure. In the second part, the paper provides indicators that measure interregional connectedness. Applying the influence graphs theory, a distinction is proposed between partial interconnectedness (between two or three regions, sectors, ...) and global interconnectedness (between all regions, sectors, regional sectors ...). Lastly, this approach is illustrated by a comparison of two French tables (1982 and 1992), computed by a simple method of biproportion, and consisting of 6 large regions and 6 large sectors.Received: December 2000 / Accepted: May 2003  相似文献   

Assessing the reliability of a complex structure requires a deal between reliability algorithms and numerical methods used to model the mechanical behavior. The Response Surface Method (RSM) represents a convenient way to achieve this purpose. The interest of such a method is that the user is allowed to choose and check the computed mechanical experiments. Nevertheless, this choice in an optimal way turns out to be not always an easy task. This paper proposes a response surface method named CQ2RS (Complete Quadratic Response Surface with ReSampling) allowing to take into account the knowledge of the engineer on one hand and to reduce the cost of the reliability analysis using a statistical formulation of the RSM problem on the other hand. Some academic and industrial examples illustrate the efficiency of the method.  相似文献   


Overcoming the dichotomous nature of smart city research is fundamental to providing cities with a clear understanding of how smart city development should be approached. This paper introduces a research methodology for conducting the multiple-case study analyses necessary to meet this challenge. After presenting the methodology, we test the practical feasibility, effectiveness, and logistics of such a methodology by examining the activities that Vienna has implemented in building its smart city development strategy. The results of this pilot study show how the application of the proposed methodology can help smart city researchers codify the knowledge produced from multiple smart city experiences, using a common protocol. This in turn allows them to: (1) coordinate efforts when investigating the strategic principles that drive smart city development and test the divergent hypotheses emerging from the scientific literature; (2) share the results of this investigation and hypothesis testing by conducting extensive cross-case analyses among multiple studies able to capture the generic qualities of the findings; (3) gain consensus on the way to think about, conceptualize, and standardize the analysis of smart city developments; and (4) develop innovative monitoring and evaluation systems for smart city development strategies by reflecting upon the lessons learned from current practices.  相似文献   

Incompatible land use is a major contributor to ecosystem degradation, and is often exacerbated by climate change impacts. We investigate Lake Basotu, Tanzania as a case study where natural lake variability has been affected by agricultural land use. Comparisons between a satellite-derived history of lake surface area, local precipitation records, and corresponding anthropogenic activity show the impacts of agricultural and historical practices. We argue that insufficient consideration to the wider ecological impacts of large agricultural projects has lasting implications. This is particularly true in semi-arid environments where food production demands need to be continuously met. In the future, major conservation strategies should be investigated to maintain the environmental integrity and sustainability of freshwater resources.  相似文献   

中国空前的城市化速度与规模亟需更先进的规划设计策略。探索基于形态学的区域设计研究教学方法,从而制定体现中国大都市区特征的空间策略。在设计课程背景下,介绍了以形态学主题为基础的探索性棋盘博弈这一方法论,并应用到粤港澳大湾区空间转型的场景设计中。评估了香港理工大学设计学院和代尔夫特理工大学城市学系连续4年的一系列合作成果。1)沿着设计课程的流程,阐明了教学轨迹。2)调查了不同形态学主题如何影响学生的设计成果,对比了成果的空间特异性以及设计提案的激进程度。3)探讨了是否部分形态学主题更适用于大湾区社会文化与环境的特殊性。在6次课程中,学生们研究了8个形态学主题:点状、线状、条状、巨型街区、放射状、环状、交叉状和边缘状。实践表明存在冗余的主题,因此对主题的进一步确立值得深入研究。需要指出,2所大学的设计课程存在差异,这似乎也影响了棋盘博弈法在各自课程中扮演的作用。整体而言,此教学方法论可以产生远超传统空间规划的设计策略。因此,以形态学主题为基础的棋盘博弈是一套充满前景的方法论,并且今后有望结合更多利益相关方的参与,进行进一步深化和测试。  相似文献   

Biological treatment of coke and steel-processing wastewaters has to satisfy both industrial economic needs and environmental protection regulations. Nevertheless, as some of the pollutants contained in these waters or produced during the treatment are highly toxic, an effective and safe treatment has proved to be difficult to obtain. This paper reports the study of a biological method for the treatment of wastewaters containing free cyanide, thiocyanate and ammonium (NH4). Laboratory-scale activated-sludge reactors were fed with a synthetic solution reproducing a steel-processing industrial wastewater and inoculated with the same industrial bacterial seeding used on-site (Ecosynergie Inc.). The results demonstrated that free cyanide and thiocyanate were efficiently degraded. Nevertheless, thiocyanate degradation and nitrification processes were actually inhibited by the free ammonia form (NH3) in place of the ionized NH4 form (NH4+) currently dosed and often unproperly named "ammonia" [IUPAC, 1997. In: McNaught, A.D., Wilkinson, A. (compilers). Compendium of Chemical Terminology. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK]. Optimum degradation rates were obtained for very narrow ranges of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) concentrations. This result can be explained by the role of pH, which mainly controls the NH3/NH4 equilibrium. Pollutants and NH3 concentrations influenced degradation rates of main pollutants. This influence was determined and expressed through elementary equations. Although the Michaelis-Menten equation could have been used to describe thiocyanate degradation, a Haldane-inhibition model was used to satisfactorily describe cyanide degradation. On the other hand, a slightly modified Haldane model was applied to describe both NH4 oxidation using NH3-N as substrate and thiocyanate degradation using NH3-N as inhibitor. These findings emphasize the role of pH on degradation rates and allow one to optimize operational conditions in the biological treatment of coke and steel industrial wastewaters.  相似文献   

This paper explores a hybrid wavelet, bootstrap and neural network (WBNN) modeling approach for daily (1, 3 and 5 day) urban water demand forecasting in situations with limited data availability. This method was tested using 3 years of daily water demand and meteorological data for the city of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The performance of the WBNN method was compared to that of three other methods: traditional neural networks (NN), wavelet NNs (WNN), and bootstrap-based NN (BNN) models. While the hybrid WBNN and WNN models equally provided 1-day lead-time forecasts of greater accuracy than those obtained with other methods, for longer lead-time (3- or 5-day) forecasts the WBNN model alone outperformed the other models. The confidence bands generated using the WBNN model displayed the uncertainty associated with the forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper presents a geographic information system (GIS)-based multi-criteria decision making approach for forest conservation planning at a landscape scale. This approach enables decision makers to evaluate the relative priorities of conserving forest areas based on a set of preferences, criteria and indicators for the area. Compromise programming techniques are used to integrate the forest conservation priority maps of decision groups where a separation distance is calculated. A clustering analysis was applied to identify potential conservation areas as the basis of delineating potential new protected areas. The study was conducted in the Kinabalu area, Sabah, Malaysia where two polygons neighboring the Kinabalu Park were delineated. A group of 11 polygons totaling 2050 ha has also been detected in the western part of Kinabalu Park. The study recommends the inclusion of a forest polygon (359 ha) neighboring Kinabalu Park and another (4361 ha) to the west of the park as new protected areas. A green corridor linking the potential new protected areas and Kinabalu Park should also be constructed to facilitate animal movement and interaction. This study reveals that riparian vegetation is an important aspect to forest conservation and the legislation to protect riparian zones should be strengthened.  相似文献   

A comprehensive model based on a new approach was developed to simulate the duckweed growth under controlled conditions. Contrary to other approaches which use the specific growth rate, this approach uses the intrinsic growth rate which permits to differentiate the effect of duckweed mat density from that of temperature, photoperiod and phosphorus-nitrogen concentrations. The model was calibrated using data from laboratory experiments carried out during the present study and validated using other data from two literature sources. In both cases, the results demonstrated that the model was capable of predicting duckweed growth with a reliability of 95%.  相似文献   

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