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《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(10):853-856
Protected Pu production (P3) is a recently developed concept to enhance the proliferation resistance properties of Pu by increasing the fraction of even-mass-number Pu isotopes thus leading to the denaturing of Pu. The present paper deals with the possibility of denaturing Pu by consideration of Pu and minor actinides (MAs) multicycling in medium-size fast breeder reactors (FBRs). It was found that multicycling of Pu and MAs in FBRs enhances the proliferation resistance of Pu by increasing the fraction of evenmass-number Pu isotopes. The proliferation resistance of Pu in P3 recycling options satisfied criteria based on Kessler's proposal, i.e., 6% 238Pu content, and Pellaud's proposal, i.e., 30% 240Pu content. The normalized attractiveness of Pu in P3 recycling options satisfied both criteria in the core as well as in the blanket with the combination of even-mass-number Pu isotopes. At the initial introduction, two P3 FBRs (714 MWth class) with the addition of 5 wt% MA into the blanket can be operated using the annual discharged spent fuel in Japan. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(7):759-770
In the case of severe accidents, the radionuclides release from fuel could mostly occur at high temperature under elevated pressure. The effect of temperature on the release has been clarified in many previous studies while the pressure influence has been scarcely investigated so far due to difficulty in the experimental operation. To investigate the effect of pressure on the release, two tests under the same conditions except for the system pressure were performed in the VEGA program at JAERI by heating up the irradiated UO2fuels up to 2,773 K in inert helium. The test results uniquely showed that the release rate of cesium for the temperatures below 2,773 K at 1.0 MPa could be suppressed by about 30% compared with that at 0.1 MPa. This article describes the outlines of the two tests and the observed effects of system pressure on cesium release as well as the results of various post-irradiation examinations. Moreover, the mechanisms and models that explain the pressure effect are discussed. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(6):431-441
Reactivity decrease due to temperature rise of a single fuel rod sample was measured in the SHE-14 core using a sample heating device with purpose to verify the calculation accuracy of the Doppler effect for resonance neutron absorption in a Very High Temperature Reactor. The fuel rod sample was a stuck of coated particle fuel compacts containing 4% enriched UO2 kernels, and it was heated up to about 700°C in a sample heating tube which was placed along the axis of the core. The difference of reactivity decrease between the two same size samples of fuel rod and graphite rod due to temperature rise can be interpreted as the increased resonance neutron capture of 238U, i.e. Doppler effect. The SRAC code system was applied to the Doppler effect calculation where the collision probability method was used in the cell calculation and the one-dimensional, multi-group diffusion approximations were adopted in the core calculation. The results gave a ratio of the calculated to the measured Doppler effect of 0.93. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(4):345-350
The fabrication method of an annular pellet with highly precise diametric tolerances, same dimensions, and various sintered densities has been investigated. To examine the in-pile densification and swelling of the annular pellet, 5 different types of annular pellet were prepared for a HANARO irradiation test. In order to obtain annular fuel pellets with the same dimensions and various sintered densities, we control the green density of an annular compact, the sintering temperatures, and the sintering time. For a diametric tolerance control, we have introduced a new compaction process that combines the usual double-acting pressing and cold isostatic pressing. Annular fuel pellets with the same dimensions and various sintered densities were fabricated successfully, and all the pellets satisfied the pellet specification of the HANARO irradiation test. Sintered annular pellets show an excellent inner diametric tolerance of less than ±12 μm without an inner surface grinding. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(11):618-632
Abstract The behavior of neutrons in a highly heterogeneous unit cell consisting of D2O moderator, H2O coolant and a 28-pin fuel cluster contained in a pressure tube has been studied through lattice parameter measurements covering three different 235U enrichments, four coolant void fractions and two lattice pitches. A single-region core configuration was adopted, with which measurements were made to determine—in relation to coolant void fraction—the critical D2O level, as well as various lattice parameters A strong dependence on coolant void was observed for the critical level and the lattice parameters, in the case of the smaller 22.5 cm pitch lattice, due to the positive effect on core reactivity exerted by the slowing-down faculty of H2O in the epithermal energy region. With the larger 25.0 cm pitch, however, no meaningful dependence on void fraction was shown by any of the measured values, and this was ascribed to a compensating negative effect due to enhanced thermal neutron self-shielding in the fuel region produced by the H2O coolant. The results of cell calculations obtained by means of the METHUSELAH-II code showed generally good agreement with experimentally determined data, for both critical D2O levels and lattice parameters, in the case of coolant-filled lattices (0, 30 and 70% void fractions). For lattices devoid of coolant (100% void fraction), however, discrepancies in lattice parameters—particularly in p 28—produced corresponding deviations in core reactivity amounting to 1% in excess of those incurred with other void fractions. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(9):505-511
The release rate of fission-gas from U02 was continuously measured during irradiation in the Hitachi Training Reactor. The U02 specimen was heated electrically in in-core assemblies by tungsten heaters, either arranged axially transversing the specimen (producing radial temperature gradient) or cylindrically outside the specimen (uniform heating). In a case of the axially heated annular U02 pellets with radial temperature gradient, the rate of fission-gas release increased with time under constant temperature and flux. This experimental result was explained by considering as fission gas release mechanism a combination of diffusion and pore migration processes. On the other hand, when U02 pellets were heated isothermally up to 2,000°C, the fission-gas release rate could be explained in terms of diffusion process alone. No effect of equiaxial grain growth was observed on the rate of fission-gas release. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(4):146-152
Grain growth in sol-gel urania compacts was determined as a function of temperature by observing with scanning electron microscope the fractured surface of compacts heated up to predetermined temperatures at a constant rate of heating. Rapid grain growth, unexplainable by currently accepted square or cubic growth kinetics, was observed to occur in the sintered compact when the density reached 70 to 75%T.D., which was attained at about 1,000°C in the case of heating rate of 5°C/min. It was considered that this rapid grain growth proceeded by plastic flow of which driving force was the surface tension of the grains, when a large number of primary grains were closely packed against each other, i.e., arranged in quite high coordination number. A rough estimation showed that the rate of coalescence of grains was dependent on the temperature and the grain size or the surface tension of the material, and that the multi-grain-coalescence model, which was previously reported for the case of sintering of BeO, could also be applied to sol-gel urania. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(4):397-404
Thermal diffusion factor for diatomic gas mixture was expressed in a practical form applicable to multi- component mixture. Thermal diffusion factor for diatomic gas mixtures was obtained directly from thermal diffusion coefficient in multicomponent mixture by using the relation between thermal diffusion coefficient and thermal diffusion factor, and was shown to be the same as that derived by Mason et al. through a “generalized Stefan-Maxwell equation”. The present expression gives a theoretical proof of the previously reported rough estimate of thermal diffusion factor for hydrogen binary mixtures. Comparing with the present expression for H2-HT binary gas mixture, we have found that the previously reported expression for thermal diffusion factor overestimates in a temperature range from 50 to 1,200 K, but the difference between the previous and the present expressions is small. The present expression is essential to the separative analyses of thermal diffusion column for diatomic gas mixture in multicomponent system, and is consistent with the rough estimate for binary mixture of diatomic gases. 相似文献
亚化学计量UO2-x芯块是一种设计新颖的特殊核反应堆用核燃料,很难采用传统压水堆超化学计量UO2+x+U芯块工艺进行制造。本工作采用UO2+x+U混合粉末为原料制备了UO2-x芯块,研究了铀粉表面包覆处理方法、铀粉含量、成型压力、烧结气氛等工艺参数对芯块O/U比、烧结密度和微观结构的影响,探讨了UO2-x环形芯块的亚化学计量形成机理。研究表明,当铀粉加入量(质量分数)分别为0、3%、6%时,芯块O/U比分别为2.010、1.991、1.982,平均晶粒尺寸分别为10、15、20μm;当铀粉加入量为50%时,O/U比为1.943,样品发生熔化。亚化学计量UO2-x芯块必须在干燥惰性气氛中密封保存。 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(12):1090-1099
The effects of temperature cycling and heating rate on the release behavior of 85Kr have been studied for U02 pellets irradiated in a commercial BWR during 3 and 4 cycles (burn-up: 23 and 28GWd/t), by using a post irradiation annealing technique. In addition, characteristics of intergranular bubbles in base-irradiated and annealed specimens (burn-up: 6~28GWd/t) have been examined by SEM fractography. No significant difference in the release of 85Kr was observed between the cyclic heating from 700 to 1,400°C and isothermal heating at 1,400°C. The maximum release rate of 85Kr during heating up to 1,800°C became lower with decreasing heating rate in the range of 0.03–10°C/s, while its cumulative fractional releases were about 20~30%, almost independent of heating rate. The fractional coverage of the grain face area occupied by intergranular bubbles saturated around 40~50 for the specimens annealed at 1,600-1,800°C, independent of specimen burn-up and heating conditions (temperature, heating rate and duration). A relationship between intergranular bubble concentration Ng per unit area of grain face and average bubble diameter dg was expressed as Ng∝dg 2.1 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(7):811-815
In order to examine influences of coexistent hydrogen isotopes on diffusion behavior of tritium in niobium, tracer diffusion coefficients Dt of tritium in alpha phase of hydrogenated and deuterized niobium (α-NbHxTy and α-NbDxTy (x<0,8,y<<x)) have been measured at 473 K, 493 K and 553 K. The data on Dt show typical hydrogen concentration dependence: Dt of tritium for both α-NbHxTy, and α-NbDxTy, decreases with hydrogen concentration under all experimental conditions. The obtained concentration dependence of Dt of tritium differs from that of Dt of protium in α-NbHx or of deuterium in α-NbHxTy. On the other hand, no appreciable differences in the concentration dependence of Dt of tritium between α-NbHxTy, and α-NbDxTy, are observed: there are no definite isotope effects due to the coexisting hydrogen isotopes. This result suggests that Dt of tritium for a tritiated niobium (α-NbTx) is not very different from that for α-NbHxTy and α-NbDxTy. The chemical diffusion coefficient D* of tritium is also evaluated on the basis of the obtained Dt of tritium and of a literature value of a thermodynamic factor F for Nb-H and Nb-D systems. 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(11):1020-1022
《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(7):391-395
The throium nitrides (ThN and Th3N4) were prepared by solid-gas reaction with thorium hydride and nitrogen. The heat capacity of these samples were measured from 450 to 850K by a high-temperature double- adiabatic calorimeter and were determined as functions of temperature as follows: Th3N4: C p=41.30–8.47×10?3 T-6.37×105 T ?2 ThN: C p=12.50–2.66×10?3 T-2.44×105 T ?2 相似文献