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The thermal neutron capture cross sections and the neutron capture resonance integrals of 241Am leading to the production of the isomer 242Am and the ground-state 242gAm were measured radiochemically by the Cd-ratio technique with neutron flux monitors of Co/Al and Au/Al alloy. Highly-purified 241Am targets were irradiated in an aluminum capsule by using JMTR. The neutron fluxes and their epithermal neutron fractions were determined by measuring γ-rays of 60Co and 198Au. The yields of 242mAm and 242gAm were decided by analyzing growth and decay curves of the α-ray activity ratios 242Cm/241Am. The resultant thermal neutron capture cross sections are 85.7 ± 6.3 b and 768 ± 58 b for 242mAm and 242gAm, and the resonance integrals 114±7 b and 1,694±146 b, respectively. The differences between the present results and the evaluated values by Mughabghab are 38–59%. The isomeric ratios, g/(m+g), of 0.90±0.09 for thermal neutrons and 0.94±0.11 for epithermal neutrons are, however, almost consistent with evaluated values.  相似文献   

Calculation procedures have been developed to evaluate the performance of the multistage counter current extraction of transuranics (TRU) from spent molten salt into liquid metal, taking into account stage efficiency and also the scrub stage. The following results, which supplement previous papers, were derived using these procedures. When Cd is used as the liquid metal and the stage efficiency is assumed to be 100%, at least four stages are necessary to recover 99% of TRU from the salt with a decontamination factor (DF) higher than five. A stage efficiency of the extraction better than 80% is desirable for a practical application. The scrub stage is not very effective in improving the DF when the total number of extractions is less than five. The DF slightly increases with higher TRU concentration in the salt since the accompanying lanthanide FP extracted into the Cd in the later stages works as a mild reducing agent in the earlier stages. Although the extraction process has high separation capability, it is very difficult to separate Np, Am, or Cm from Pu due to their similar separation factors. Therefore, the extraction process has inherent proliferation resistance.  相似文献   

The helium embrittlement behavior of 316FR austenitic stainless steel was investigated by a tensile test at 750°C using miniature tensile specimens, which were helium-implanted below 100°C up to 5, 30, and 100 appm using a cyclotron accelerator, and were post-implantation-annealed at 750°C for 10 and 100 h. The helium-implanted specimens showed a fully intergranular fracture regardless of the helium concentration and annealing time. No microstructural changes in the as-implanted specimen up to 30 appm and formation of a small number of helium bubbles due to the post-implantation annealing were observed. The gradual release of the helium during the tensile test started after the yielding, and a sharp peak of the helium release was detected in the final fracture phase. The total number of helium atoms released was strongly dependent on the implanted helium concentration, rather than on the annealing time.  相似文献   

Some test calculations were carried out to demonstrate the usefulness of double-differential cross sections for neutron transport calculations including anisotropic scattering. A transport code system NITRAN was applied for the purpose. In NITRAN, the anisotropy of elastic and inelastic scattering can be treated in a general form by double-differential total neutron-emission cross sections, which are generated from single-differential and/or original double-differential cross section data base.

The test calculations were performed for neutron flux spectra in aluminum and lead slabs, and also for tritium production rates in a natural lithium sphere. Since the treatment free from collision kinematics is possible by using the double-differential cross sections in the Sncalculations, the discretization of secondary neutron energy distribution becomes independent of the segmentation of angular distribution. A significant improvement due to this independence can be seen in calculating the anisotropy of general inelastic scattering and the extreme anisotropy of elastic scattering by heavy nuclei. For precise anisotropic transport calculations, it is therefore concluded that the nuclear data of double-differential type are more suitable than those of single-differential type.  相似文献   

An evaluation was made on the neutron cross sections, resonance parameters and average neutron yield in fission for 232Th in the energy range from thermal energy to 20 MeV. The fission and capture cross sections were evaluated on the basis of the experimental data by converting the relative ratio data into cross section values by making use of recent evaluations for reference cross sections. The total cross section was determined from experimental data in the region from 24 keV to 15 MeV and then extrapolated to lower and higher energies by using the optical model whose parameters had been adjusted as so to reproduce the measured data. The elastic and inelastic scattering, (n, 2n) and (n, 3n) reaction cross sections were calculated by means of the statistical model combined with the optical model. A set of resonance parameters were recommended in the energy range below 3.5 keV and average resonance parameters were deduced in the unresolved resonance region. A value of 7.40 b was chosen for the capture cross section at 0.025 eV, and the picket-fence negative-energy levels were introduced so as to reproduce the non-l/v behavior of the capture cross section in the epithermal region.

The results were incorporated in the Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, Version 2 (JENDL-2). Comparison was made between the present and other evaluations such as ENDF/B-V and possible reasons for the discrepancy were discussed.  相似文献   


The results of the 239Pu high resolution neutron transmission measurements of Harvey et al. and of the 239Pu high resolution fission cross section measurements of Weston & Todd performed at the Oak Ridge Electron Linear Accelerator (ORELA) were analysed in the energy range from 1 keV to 2. 5 keV by the Bayesian code SAMMY using the Reich-Moore approximation of the R-matrix theory. The results obtained in a previous analysis in the energy range from thermal to 1 keV were updated by taking into account the recent renormalization of the experimental fission data by Weston & Todd. The statistical properties of the parameters of the resonances identified in the energy range from thermal to 2. 5 keV were examined and improved values of the average parameters were obtained. The resonance parameters are given in an ENDF-6 format file available from JAERI Nuclear Data Center and from NEA Data Bank (OECD).  相似文献   

Neutron nuclear data of natural nickel and its isotopes have been evaluated. Evaluated are the total, elastic and inelastic scattering, capture, (n, 2n), (n, 3n), (n, p), (n, α),(n, n'p) and (n, n'α) reaction cross sections, the resonance parameters, the angular and energy distributions of secondary neutrons in the energy range of 10?5 eV~20 MeV. The evaluation has been made on the basis of recently measured data with the aid of the spherical optical model and statistical model. The results of the benchmark tests of JENDL-1 have been also taken into consideration. Special care has been taken on the background cross sections in the resonance region, the remaining resonance structure in the unresolved resonance region up to a few MeV, and grouping of the inelastic scattering levels in the natural nickel file. The problems left for future work are also discussed. The results of the present evaluation were adopted in JENDL-2.  相似文献   

Neutron nuclear data of 233U have been evaluated in the energy range from 10-5 eV to 20 MeV. Evaluated quantities are the total, fission, capture, elastic and inelastic scattering, (n,2n) and (n,3n) reaction cross sections, and the average numbers of prompt and delayed neutrons emitted per fission. The thermal and resonance cross sections have been evaluated on the basis of the measured data. The resolved resonance parameters are given up to 100 eV and the unresolved resonance parameters between 100 eV and 30keV. The total and fission cross sections have been evaluated in the higher energy region on the basis of the recently measured data, while the theoretical calculation with the optical, statistical and evaporation models has been used for evaluation of the other cross sections. The presently adopted optical potential parameters have reproduced well the experimental total cross section in the entire energy range as well as the measured data of the s-wave strength function. The structure observed in the vp values below 1 MeV is reproduced by the semi-empirical formula based on the fission fragment kinematics. The presently evaluated fission cross section is considerably lower than that of ENDF/B-IV between 10 and 50keV. This low fission cross section is expected to resolve the Keff discrepancy pointed out from the benchmark tests in 233U critical assemblies.  相似文献   

Neutron nuclear data on 79,81Br and 78,80,82,83,84,85,86Kr have been evaluated for the evaluated nuclear data library JENDL-4.0 in the energy region from 10?5 eV to 20 MeV. The resolved resonance parameters were adjusted so as to reproduce recommended or measured thermal capture cross sections for some isotopes. The statistical model was applied to calculate the cross sections above the resolved resonance region. In the calculations, coupled-channel optical model parameters were used for neutrons. Preequilibrium and direct-reaction processes were taken into account in addition to the compound process. The present evaluation is consistent with available experimental data. The evaluated results were compiled into JENDL-4.0.  相似文献   

Neutron-induced reaction cross sections of 55Mn are calculated for the evaluated nuclear data libraries, ENDF/B-VI and JENDL-3. Simultaneously calculated are the inelastic scattering, (n,2n), (n,p), (n,α), (n,np), (n,nα) and (n,γ) reaction cross sections, the angular distributions of emitted neutrons and protons, and the energy distributions of emitted particles and γ-rays. A unified Hauser-Feshbach code is applied to calculate these quantities. Precompound and direct-reaction processes are taken into consideration, in addition to the compound process. The calculated results reproduce the experimental data very well. Forward-peaked angular distributions of continuous neutrons are obtained from the calculation, and found to be consistent with the measurements at 14MeV.  相似文献   

Total neutron cross sections of Mg, Al, Si, Zr, Nb and Mo at room temperature have been measured in the energy range of 0.001–0.3 eV using a chopper and TOF facility of the Musashi Institute of Technology Research Reactor. The experiments were performed for solid and powdered samples. For these samples inelastic and elastic scattering cross sections were respectively calculated with the THRUSH code assuming Debye-type frequency spectrum and with the UNCLE-TOM code using crystal structure and lattice constants of each sample.

For solid samples the measured cross sections agreed well with the calculations below the Bragg cut-off energies. For the powdered samples there were good agreements above the Bragg cut-off, and the measurements were larger than the calculations below the Bragg cut-off.

The experimental cross section, adopting the results of powdered and solid samples for energy ranges above and below the Bragg cut-off respectively, agreed well with the calculation which was performed for the samples in perfect polycrystalline state.  相似文献   

为建立缺乏实验测量数据的热能点裂变截面的评价方法和手段,本文从裂变理论基本公式出发,提出了其系统学公式的基本形式。在推荐热能点裂变截面以及单峰裂变位垒高度的基础上,研究了热能点裂变截面与鞍点态激发能之间的关系,发现了核素的热能点裂变截面与激发能之间的对数关系,通过拟合得到了质子数Z对应的系统学参数。进一步研究这些参数随Z的变化规律,发现了参数与Z的奇偶的关系,并通过拟合建立了全局的系统学公式。研究结果表明,热能点裂变截面与Z相关。  相似文献   

The neutron capture cross sections of 93Nb, 115In, 127I, 165Ho, 181Ta, 232Th and 238U were measured using the Fe-filtered beam. A 15-cm thick Fe filter was placed in the neutron beam produced by the KUR 46-MeV electron Linac and capture prays were detected by two C6F6 scintillation detectors located at an 11.7 m-flight path. The pulse-height weighting technique was used to determine the relative capture pray detection efficiency. The neutron flux was measured by the same detectors, whose detection efficiency for the 480-keV pray from the 10B(n, α1) reaction was calibrated by the saturated resonance capture in Ag at 5.2-eV. Self-shielding and multiple scattering corrections were applied to the data. The results of 24-keV capture cross sections are 340, 770, 780, 1,280, 880, 520 and 520 mb for 93Nb, 115In, 127I, 165Ho, 181Ta, 232Th and 238U, respectively. Total errors are 5 to 8%, with an estimated systematic error of 4%. The discrepancy between the present results and other data measured recently is within 10%.  相似文献   

Fast cross section sets are prepared for the analysis of fast critical assemblies to test the agreement of calculated and measured integral parameters. Modifications are brought to fissile element cross sections making use of recently measured cross section data, and these updated cross section data are utilized to compare the calculated integral parameters of these assemblies, and to determine the effect brought to the calculated results by the differences between the data. The results are presented for the eigenvalue, central fission ratios and centra] sample reactivity in the 239Pu fueled assemblies ZPR- 3-48, 49, 50 and ZEBRA-6A, whose spectra simulate those of large fast reactors. In addition, for ZPR- 6-7 and ZPPR-2, which are large fast critical assemblies intended for testing the calcul ational procedures of practical demonstration reactor design, the results of analysis obtained with the updated cross section set are compared with experiments. It is found that the cross section for 241Pu recommended here satisfactorily agrees with the experimental reactivity worth.  相似文献   

When uranium vapor is generated with an electron beam evaporator, a uranium plasma is formed on the evaporating surface. This plasma rises and expands with the vapor. Propagation behavior of this plasma was investigated by measuring plasma parameters, drift energy of ions and vapor flux along the propagation path. Over the range of 20-50 cm from the evaporation surface, the plasma density decreased from 3 × 109 cm?3 to 3 × 108 cm?3, while the electron temperature had a constant value of 0.29 eV. When the space potential was lowered from 1.48 to 0.80 V, the plasma ions were accelerated to increase the drift energy from 1.50 to 2.14 eV. Validity of the Boltzmann electron distribution was checked by comparing the space potential distribution with the plasma density distribution, and also the floating potential distribution with the ion flux distribution. These results confirm that the ambipolar diffusion governs the plasma propagation behavior. The change in the plasma density during its propagation occurred not only by an increase of plasma volume, but by the ion acceleration toward the propagation direction as well.  相似文献   


Neutron moderation in an infinite homogeneous medium with constant cross sections, which is traditionally treated by Taylor series approximation methods, bears a close correspondence with the exact transcendental equation approach, as has been demonstrated by reducing the exact result to approximate forms. In this paper we give an alternative approach in which the convergence of the approximations to the exact result is derived by allowing the order of approximation to increase indefinitely. The approach is based on the fact that the usual approximations do not give a self consistent definition of the effective mass parameter. The present result can hence be considered as the slowing down counterpart of Davison's treatment of the one speed equation in the Pl approximation.  相似文献   

The measurement of angular neutron spectrum in a quasi-spherical pile of Ti was carried out by the linac time-of-flight method for the assessment of neutron cross sections for Ti in the energy range from a few keV to a few MeV. The measured spectrum in the pile is generally in good agreement with the calculated one from ENDF/B-IV (MAT = 1,286 for Ti) except in the energy range from about 60 keV to a few 100 keV, where the calculation gives considerably lower neutron flux than the measurement.

In order to investigate the cause of this discrepancy between the measured and calculated spectra, the total cross sections for Ti were measured by the transmission method. The results give larger values of total cross sections for Ti by about 30% than ENDF/B-IV below 200 keV, and smaller values by about 10% above 200 keV. These results were ensured at 55 and 147 keV by the measurement using a Si-filtered neutron beam. The calculation based on the measured cross sections shows better agreement with the measured spectrum than that based on ENDF/B-IV. The discrepancy is still observed around 100 keV.

The sensitivity analysis shows the importance of cross sections above 1 MeV and elastic cross sections in the resonance energy region to solve the disagreement between the measured spectrum and the calculated one.  相似文献   

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