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现行的陶瓷材料断裂韧性测试方法有多种,其中常用的是单边预裂纹梁法(SEPB)和单边V型切口梁法(SVENB)。本文比较了采用SEPB法和SEVNB法测量断裂韧性的三种标准(国际标准化组织ISO 23146、美国材料与试验协会ASTM C1421和中国国家标准GB/T 23806)的异同。三种标准在试样规定、加载测试和结果计算方面差异不大,不同形状因子计算相对差值低于1%。现行国标因采用非国际基本单位mm会造成断裂韧性计算结果错误,需要经过校正系数k修订后,才能获得正确的断裂韧性值(MPa·m0.5)。 相似文献
杨海涛;赵梦洁;邱嘉昊;张帆;向兴 《陶瓷》2024,(5):9-13+20
近几年新兴陶瓷产业不断拓展,如芯片用高导热陶瓷基板等,推动着材料性能测试技术走向批量化和高效化。断裂韧性是陶瓷材料的一个重要力学性能指标,但现有测试技术存在测试结果误差较大、制样过程繁琐、效率低等问题,使其在工业研发设计及生产中受到一定程度的限制。笔者综述了材料韧性的相关测试技术及对应测试指标包括断裂韧性、断裂能、J积分、冲击韧性等,对比分析了常见陶瓷材料的断裂韧性及其相关力学性能指标,以寻求一种高效的准确的评价方法;考量了陶瓷材料的抗弯强度的适用依据和适用范围,并通过相关文献数据验证其准确性。而笔者将为批量化工业研发设计和陶瓷材料生产过程中的韧性评价提供新的思路。 相似文献
针对非金属陶瓷材料的空气耦合超声波检测问题,建立空气耦合超声波经空气入射非金属陶瓷材料的数学模型及非金属陶瓷材料的空气耦合超声波检测有限元模型,通过matlab软件和ANSYS有限元软件联合仿真得到了非金属陶瓷材料的空气耦合超声波检测的频散曲线和各节点的接收信号,研究了空气耦合超声波在非金属陶瓷材料中的传播特性.结果表明,当频厚积小于2 MHz· mm,空气耦合超声波在非金属陶瓷材料氮化硅材料中存在A0,S0,SH0三种模态;当频厚积大于2 MHz· mm时,材料中存在较多的模态.随着声波传播距离越远,所接收到的A0模态和S0模态的信号幅值越小,且A0模态较S0模态幅值大,因此宜激发A0模态的空气耦合超声波检测和评价非金属陶瓷材料. 相似文献
高正源;李昱志;翟帅;汪松林;孙鹏飞 《涂料工业》2024,(8):76-81
陶瓷涂层因其优异的耐磨、隔热等性能,被应用于各工程领域,但其断裂韧性差、质脆的特点严重限制了其推广应用。为了改善陶瓷涂层质脆的缺陷,研究人员采用了多种方法对其进行增韧改性,文中论述了陶瓷涂层的增韧方法以及对应机制,综述了磁控溅射原理以及调控其工艺参数、掺杂其他元素等方法对陶瓷涂层结构、应力、晶界等的影响。总结了目前陶瓷涂层断裂韧性与硬度不可兼得、增韧机制受涂层尺寸影响等研究难点,并从磁控溅射工艺参数、多种工艺和增韧机制协同增韧等方面对提高陶瓷涂层断裂韧性进行了展望。 相似文献
提出一种采用激光切割技术在Si3N4陶瓷表面预制微小切口,并结合SENB法测定陶瓷材料断裂韧性的新方法。利用连续激光束在陶瓷表面加工出切口,在三点弯曲实验前后分别运用激光共聚焦显微镜(LSCM)和扫描电镜(SEM)测量切口宽度和深度,而后计算陶瓷材料断裂韧性。在此基础上分析激光输出功率P、激光辐照光斑直径D和激光切割速率Vw与材料断裂韧性值的内在联系。结果表明:输出的激光能量密度达到陶瓷切割加工阈值后,光束在试件表面制得对应切口;切口深宽比为4.3~4.8时测得的Si3N4陶瓷断裂韧性值具有较高精度。 相似文献
Evaluation of Fracture Toughness for Ceramic Materials by a Single-Edge-Precracked-Beam Method 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
As a substitute for the fatigue-cracked-beam method prescribed in ASTM E399 A2, a recently devised precracking method was applied to the evaluation of fracture toughness of ceramic materials. Straight-through precracks proved to be easily introduced into rectangular beams of several ceramic materials. This method gives Kic values almost identical with those of the fatigue-cracked-beam method. The Kic values are almost constant over wide ranges of the pop-in precrack length and the loading rate of the three-point bend test. The test can be easily performed even at elevated temperatures although its validity should be further examined. 相似文献
Mixed-Mode Fracture Toughness of Ceramic Materials 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
S. Suresh C. F. Shih A. Morrone N. P. O'Dowd 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(5):1257-1267
An experimental technique whereby pure mode I, mode II, and combined mode I-mode II fracture toughness values of ceramic materials can be determined using four-point bend specimens containing sharp, through-thickness precracks is discussed. In this method, notched and fatigue-precracked specimens of brittle solids are subjected to combined mode I-mode II and pure mode II fracture under asymmetric four-point bend loading and to pure mode I under symmetric bend loading. A detailed finite element analysis of the test specimen is performed to obtain stress intensity factor calibrations for a wide range of loading states. The effectiveness of this method to provide reproducible combined mode I-mode II fracture toughness values is demonstrated with experimental results obtained for a polycrystalline Al2 O3 . Multiaxial fracture mechanics of the Al2 O3 ceramic in combined modes I, II, and III are also described in conjunction with the recent experimental study of Suresh and Tschegg (1987). While the mode II fracture toughness of the alumina ceramic is comparable to the mode I fracture toughness K Ic , the mode III fracture initiation toughness is 2.3 times higher than K Ic . The predictions of fracture toughness and crack path based on various mixed-mode fracture theories are critically examined in the context of experimental observations, and possible effects of fracture abrasion on the apparent mixed-mode fracture resistance are highlighted. The significance and implications of the experimental methods used in this study are evaluated in the light of available techniques for multiaxial fracture testing of brittle solids. 相似文献
JOHN J. PETROVIC 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1983,66(4):277-283
Fracture toughness values obtained using both Knoop and Vickers-indentation-produced controlled surface flaws were compared as a function of indentation load for a well-characterized glass-ceramic material. At the same indentation load, Knoop cracks were larger than Vickers. As-indented Kc values calculated from fracture mechanics expressions for surface flaws were higher for Knoop flaws than Vickers, but both types gave low Kc values due to indentation residual stress effects. Analysis suggested that theoretical formalisms for indentation residual stress effects based on fracture mechanics solutions for a center-loaded penny crack in an infinite medium should apply to both indentation types. Kc values calculated using the residual stress approach were identical for Knoop and Vickers controlled surface flaws when a "calibration" value for a constant term in the expression for Kc was used for both indentation types. 相似文献
D. K. SHEITY A. R. ROSENFIELD W. H. DUCKWORTH 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1985,68(10):282-C
Shapes of cracks associated with Vickers indenter flaws in a glass-ceramic were assessed by stepwise polishing and measuring surface traces as a function of depth. The cracks were of the Palmqvist type even at200-N indentation load. The toad dependence of crack lengths and fracture toughness estimates were examined in terms of relations proposed for Palmqvist and half-penny cracks. Estimates based on the half-penny crack analogy were in closer agreement with bulk fracture toughness measurements despite the Palmqvist nature of the cracks. 相似文献
Fracture Toughness Measurement of Glass and Ceramic Materials Using Chevron-Notched Specimens 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
K. Pattabhi Rami Reddy Eugene H. Fontana Jchn D. Helfinstine 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1988,71(6):310-C
Fracture toughness of several different materials was measured using chevronnotched short bar and four-point bend specimens For glass-ceramic and ceramic samples both specimens gave valid results. Fracture toughness values measured with bend specimens are 5% to 10% higher compared to those of the short bar. Consistent results for glass could be obtained only with short bar specimens. The notch width of the bend specimen affected the stability of crack growth in glass samples. Fracture toughness values measured in the present study are in good agreement with those of the previous studies. 相似文献
The fracture toughness of several ceramic materials has been measured using a miniaturized disk-bend test apparatus and methodology based on small disk-shaped samples 3 mm in diameter. The method involves the Vickers indentation of specimens ranging in thickness from 300 to 700 μm, and testing them in a ring-on-ring bending mode. New experiments on a glass-ceramic (GC) and Si3 N4 have been performed to demonstrate the validity of the technique, supplementing the original work on ZnS. The fracture resistances of these materials increase with increasing crack length ( R -curve behavior). The data are analyzed using a specific model for the relationship between fracture resistance and crack length; this model enables the R -curve behavior to be treated analytically, and the fracture resistance at "infinite" crack length to be evaluated using a straightforward graphical procedure. The resulting values of the fracture toughness for ZnS, GC, and Si3 N4 are 0.74 ± 0.02, 2.18 ± 0.09, and 4.97 ± 0.07 MPa-m1/2 , respectively, which are all in very good agreement with values obtained from conventional fracture toughness tests on large specimens. The results verify the utility of the miniaturized diskbend method for measuring the fracture toughness of brittle materials. 相似文献
Fracture Toughness of Ceramic Precracked Bend Bars 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Isa Bar-On James T. Beals Gary L. Leatherman Catherine M. Murray 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1990,73(8):2519-2522
Fracture toughness was measured for four ceramic materials using precracked bend bar specimens. The effect of the precracking parameters, used for the bridge indentation method on fracture toughness values, was determined. Excellent agreement was obtained between fracture toughness values measured by this method and values obtained by other techniques. 相似文献
Effective Fracture Toughness of Microcracked Materials 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
L. R. F. ROSE 《Journal of the American Ceramic Society》1986,69(3):212-214
Explicit analytical formulas are derived for the stress intensity factors at the tips of a main crack and of a microcrack for the two-dimensional case of a collinear microcrack. This configuration is used to derive an estimate of the toughness degradation due to microcracks linking up with an advancing main crack. The implications of this estimate for theoretical predictions of the toughening due to stress-induced micro-cracking are discussed. 相似文献