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袁琳 《城市规划》2020,(1):63-71
当代生态文明的发展为数千年积累的中国本土人居生态实践思想的再认识与再利用带来了难得的外部条件,这些思想可以解释中国历史上人与自然和谐的人居环境实践模式,也可启发当代城乡规划的发展,促使人们沿着某些思路更好地应对当前的难题。本文结合都江堰灌区这一典型范例,从洪水灾害与区域格局、人工水系统与社会系统、山水环境与城乡人居等三对代表“天人关系”的实践范畴剖析了都江堰灌区人居生态实践特征与思想要旨,进一步阐释了中国本土人居生态实践的思想基础;认为生态文明时代城乡规划的作用和定位需要发展,要关注人与自然共同作用的生命共同体,要成为引导地区人与自然长期调适的有力工具,要能对多种关键生态问题提供综合的解决方案。  相似文献   

通过分析当今国际上以英国等国为例的城市规划应对气候变化的适应发展方法与策略,论述城市规划作为发展战略的重要专业工具,需要在规划的政策管理体系、规划编制的内容与方法、场地规划的基础设施适应设计三个方面进一步深化研究适应发展战略,以提高城市系统的恢复能力。  相似文献   

1949-2019年中国城市更新的发展与回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市更新一直是国际城市规划学术界关注的重要课题。中国城市更新自1949年发展至今,内涵日益丰富,外延不断拓展,对其70年发展历程的回顾,有助于理解中国城市更新特定的诞生逻辑、阶段问题与经验教训。根据我国城镇化进程和城市建设宏观政策变化,将中国城市更新分为相应的4个重要发展阶段。并且,对每一个阶段城市更新的政策背景、代表性案例、更新思想、学术活动以及更新制度建设进行总结分析,归纳中国城市更新的阶段性特征。最后,在历史演化与经验总结的基础上,提出中国城市更新应倡导多元价值观、多元更新模式、多学科交叉与合作、多元主体参与和共同治理的方向转型。未来,建设科学化、系统化和制度化的城市更新体系,将成为规划工作的重点内容。  相似文献   

The fringes between urban areas and their surrounding territory usually concentrate strains of transformation and urban growth. Equally, planning strategies that promote the adaptation of urban development to the identity of territory contribute to the resilience of these urban fringes. This paper aims to illustrate this idea through the analysis of three of Spain’s inland medium-sized cities during the period of intense urban growth that started in the eighties and concluded in 2008. The cases of Vitoria, Zaragoza, and Valladolid clearly show the negative consequences of an expansive urban model in their urban fringes, but also the alternatives that slowly emerged over this period. While the main urban planning tools enabled an unsustainable urban expansion, other planning proposals introduced an alternative approach that mitigated the effects of the real estate boom and have paved the way towards a better future: Vitoria with its green infrastructure, Zaragoza with its integrated development effort that took advantage of an International Exhibition and Valladolid with its coordinated planning. These different tools have a key feature in common: a deep comprehension of their territories as the strongest foundation for conducting urban development in more sustainable ways.  相似文献   

李鑫  张琰 《中国园林》2020,36(4):73
长期气候变化和极端天气事件给中国城乡可持续发展带来考验,而城乡地区自身的适应性规划体系不完善及生态环境恶化让城市适应性提升面临压力。因此,以"无悔"设计和可持续发展为基础的生态适应性(Ecological-based Adaptation,EbA)理念和措施逐渐引起国内学者的研究和关注。在收集和总结相关国际案例及应用的基础上,对Eb A理论、理念及研究进展进行深入分析和探讨。以生态适应性规划为着眼点,对分析的成果进行归纳,从研究和决策2个方面提出新的本地化解读、未来研究趋势及应用特点。同时结合中国开放空间规划体系的改革现状,提出适用于中国城乡可持续发展及韧性体系构建的本土化理念框架和相关建议。  相似文献   

:城市生态廊道建设是国土空间规划体系下城市生态 空间规划落地实施的重要途径。生态要素及廊道概念的界定、 研究对象及研究层级的梳理、生态廊道功能的定位是当前城市 生态廊道研究中的关键问题。在梳理城市生态廊道相关概念演 化发展的基础上,提出了3个新概念——城市生态空间廊道、 城市绿地生态廊道及城市复合生态廊道,阐述概念产生的背 景、内涵和外延层面的差异性及概念衍生的必要性,聚焦概念 辨析、要素明晰、地类衔接、规划对接、管控实施等方面,为 国土空间规划体系下市域层面的生态空间规划、功能分区和用 途分类衔接、复合生态空间管控等提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Based on index data during 2005-2015, evaluation index system of ecological resilience was established based on concept analysis of ecological resilience. Shenzhen, Dongguan and Zhuhai in the Pearl River Delta were taken as research objects in this paper. Using principal component analysis, error brought by artificial subjectivity could be eliminated, and the selected 6 indexes were simplified into 3 indexes for comparative analysis. The research results showed that ecological resilience at Shenzhen, Dongguan and Zhuhai in research period rose in the fluctuation. Moreover, its change cause was analyzed simply, and some countermeasures of maintaining and improving ecological resilience were proposed. The research could provide basis for making relevant policies and regulations of urban planning and expansion.  相似文献   

Ecological resilience and resilient cities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The urban realm is changing rapidly and becoming increasingly interconnected across continents, and across contrasting types of land covers, while at the same time facing new environmental threats and experiencing new demographic and social pressures. The urban component of the global ecosystem can be made more sustainable by incorporating the ecological understanding of resilience into the discourse. Sustainability is seen as a social, normative goal, which can be promoted using the mechanisms of ecological resilience. Ecological resilience differs from engineering resilience. Ecological resilience emphasizes the capacity of a site to adjust to external shocks and changes in controlling interactions, while engineering resilience emphasizes its ability to return to a state that existed before perturbation. Ecological resilience is particularly appropriate to urban systems, given the extent and open-ended nature of the changes and challenges they face. Adaptive processes are explored as contributions to the achievement of a successful adaptive cycle in urban socio-ecological systems. Key tools for incorporating the ecological thinking about resilience into the social discourse include landscape or patch ecology, the novel idea of the metacity, an assessment of ecological and design models, and the use of designs as experiments.  相似文献   

This paper sets forth a set of four principles that define and operationalise the concept of urban resilience. Using these four principles, 105 registered planners with the Ghana Institute of Planners were interviewed and five most recent and relevant national planning documents (four legislation, and one policy) were evaluated to determine how well planning practice advances resilience planning. Findings indicate limited appreciation of the concept amongst planners, despite the national planning documents stating an intention to integrate urban resilience. In addition, these national planning documents do not provide balanced support for all four urban resilience principles, as they advance some principles significantly more than others. More importantly, there is a disconnect between these national planning documents on the one hand, and planning practice on the other, as planning actions are not consistent with the legislation and policies. This paper recommends education of planners on urban resilience issues, credentialing of the concept in the local context, and reconsideration of international agencies' role in resilience planning in Ghanaian cities.  相似文献   

立足于城市规划的空间规划途径,将城市生态安全作为应对城市空间增长和生态环境保护的整体性对策,通过景观生态学理论的增补,厘清城市生态安全的概念及城市生态安全格局的空间模型,分析城市生态安全格局规划的特点,研究城市生态安全格局规划的定量分析方法以及格局优化、干扰分析、预案研究等空间规划途径.首先以文献综述的方式梳理了城市生态安全格局的概念、特点及城市生态安全格局规划的主要内容与原则,而后又针对4种研究方法列举了一些案例研究及目前我国研究的动态.  相似文献   

赵建平 《山西建筑》2010,36(35):30-31
针对城市规划设计中生态优先的方法进行了探讨,简单介绍了生态优先的涵义及生态优先理念的形成,从城市规模和布局,可持续发展理念及相关政策三方面具体阐述了城市规划中实现生态优先的方法,以呼吁大家加强对生态环境的重视。  相似文献   

在多学科视角梳理韧性概念内涵的基础上,综述了国内城市与区域语境下的韧性研究进展。文献分析结果显示国内相关研究形成了5个主要领域,韧性城市及其相应的规划策略、治理措施、评价方法等已经成为了目前国内城市与区域语境下韧性研究的新前沿。将国内城市与区域语境下的韧性研究划分为萌发阶段(2006—2012年)、成长阶段(2013—2016年)和繁荣阶段(2017—2019年);分别对三个阶段的理论研究、实证研究和学术事件进行了分析,总结了研究的成果与不足,并对韧性研究的尺度、焦点、方法和应用等关键议题进行了解析;提出未来可以从城市与区域韧性的测度方法和模型的系统化、韧性演变的历史路径和空间分异、韧性与现有规划体制和法律体系的结合、基于韧性的管治网络与决策机制等方面进行深入研究。  相似文献   

荷兰空间规划中的韧性理念及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种战略性、基础性的规划手段,空间规划可以通过影响城市结构或土地利用等降低城市面对的多重风险及影响。传统规划对于空间如何应对变化、冲击及不确定性的关注有待提高,"韧性理念"在规划中的引入为协调城市发展目标和城市安全底线提供了一个新的视角。荷兰空间规划在应对气候变化、环境挑战和灾害风险方面取得了较大的成绩,本文结合荷兰空间规划实践,探讨空间规划政策中的韧性理念和特征,以及如何通过规划应对风险和挑战。研究表明,虽然不是所有的韧性特征均能在荷兰空间规划中得到体现,但韧性理念始终贯穿于各级空间规划,且不同层级空间规划所关注的韧性侧重点不同。在研究基础上,建议将韧性理念应用于我国空间规划,为我国在生态文明建设与安全发展背景下完善和优化空间规划提供思考与借鉴。  相似文献   

王登嵘  李樱  梁婉琳  陈仪 《城市规划》2007,31(11):33-36
按照对城市规划政策的不同的影响程度,将其他相关部门的政策分为最相关政策、次相关政策、一般性相关政策和特别政策四类,结合规划实践,对政策如何影响城市规划编制,以及如何在规划中利用有利政策增强规划边际效益进行了阐述。认为城市规划并非单向响应政策的要求,城市规划对其他部门空间政策制定的导向作用也需要在城市编制中予以明确,使规划的实效性最终体现于"从政策中来,到政策中去"。  相似文献   

城市规划与规划环评融合的思考与实践   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从城市规划生态化和规划环境影响评价的现状与问题出发,探讨了城市规划与规划环评融合的思路和方法,并通过案例分析了它们融合的可能性和可行性.结果表明,城市规划与规划环评的融合不仅能够有效解决规划环评现状存在的问题,而且能够有效促进城市规划的生态化,促进城市的可持续发展.  相似文献   

绿色基础设施是城市韧性研究的重要组成部分,是城市韧性的重要支撑。城市公园绿地通过提供多种生态系统服务功能来增强城市的可持续性和韧性。对城市公园绿地韧性的测度研究是探索城市韧性研究的微观路径。从生态智慧研究中获得启发,重新理解"社会生态系统韧性""干扰"等含义,尝试将"社会生态系统韧性"与"生态系统服务"理论进行关联研究,通过生态系统服务来表征社会生态系统韧性的本质内涵,基于生态系统服务供需匹配构建城市公园绿地韧性测度的体系框架,并提出通过多情景规划的路径达到"供需动态匹配",进而实现城市韧性提升的目标。通过生态系统服务供需匹配构建城市公园绿地韧性的测度体系,为城市韧性提供了一种新的研究思路和方法途径。  相似文献   

针对我国城市空间增长出现高速低效、整体结构失衡、整体容量控制失效的问题,城市增长边界作为城市增长管理的重要工具在我国并没有发挥真正的效用。本文立足于城市增长边界在我国的规划实践,结合典型发达国家对城市空间增长管理的分析,试追溯城市增长边界基本内涵,对城市增长边界与我国现有空间管制工具——"三区四线"、"规划区"、"城市建设用地边界"、"城市开发边界"的关系进行辨析。提出我国城市增长边界应具有双重内涵——基于区域发展观和城乡统筹原则,体现"底线"思维和城市最终远景规模特征的"永久性"城市增长边界,和基于"分期规划"的理念,体现城市阶段性发展特征的、保证过程紧凑的"阶段性"城市增长边界。最终通过对国外多年实践经验的总结提出城市增长边界的实施需要结合切实有效的控制技术和管理政策,从而实现保护区域生态环境与城市建设的平衡的最终目标。  相似文献   

吴熙 《城市建筑》2014,(11):297-297
城市滨水区在城市生态环境和城市生活文化中饰演着不可替代的重要角色。目前,“城市滨水区景观规划”也受到越来越多国家和地区的关心。本文就对当前城市滨水区景观规划的现状和发展进行了简要分析。  相似文献   


Climate change impacts, especially on coastal cities, can no longer be ignored and in order to avoid significant losses in the built environment, the economy, and, by consequence, human health and life, it is imperative to address these impacts. We extrapolate the three pathways to urban resilience (persistence, adaptation, and transformation), as a function of the interrelations among the design of built forms (urban and landscape design), blue and green infrastructure (ecosystems), and knowledge-to-action (inclusion of local people and their knowledge). Accordingly, four urban and landscape design theories that integrate urban ecosystems are identified and linked to urban resilience and to the local ecological knowledge (LEK) through an inclusive design process (the charrette). The model is then applied to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, a city that is increasingly subjected to intense storm surges and to sea level rise in Atlantic Canada, where a series of design charrettes integrated the LEK into urban climate resilience proposals that serve as policy recommendations for future action.  相似文献   

以城市生态带为样本,探讨基于生态安全的城市生态功能区的规划方法。指出生态承载力的保护和用地增长界线的划定是城市生态功能区规划的重要内容,并对城市生态安全目标的实现具有重要意义。以杭州市西北部生态带为例,设计基于生态承载力平衡的城市生态带规划的技术路线和人口规模计算模型,通过生态承载力的定量测度和生态敏感性分析,重点从人口规模、用地格局以及控制导则等方面探讨城市生态带规划的具体方法与内容。  相似文献   

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