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Ultra-low-power 2.4 GHz image-rejection low-noise amplifier   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ultra-low-power image-rejection low-noise amplifier (IR-LNA) for 2.4 GHz ZigBee applications based on 0.18 /spl mu/m CMOS technology is presented. By using the third-order active notch filter the proposed IR-LNA can achieve high image-rejection ratio. Measurements show 12 dB gain, 1.8 dB noise figure, 38 dB image-rejection, -3 dBm input third-order intercept point, -18 and -19 dB input and output return loss while dissipating 0.6 mA from a supply voltage of 1.5 V.  相似文献   

低噪声放大器包括输入匹配网络、微波晶体管放大器和输出匹配网络.微波晶体管放大器是设计中的核心部分.根据低噪声放大器设计的原理,提出技术指标要求,设计一个5GHz单级低噪声放大器,经过技术指标分析,采用Fujitsu公司的FHX35LG型HEMT场效应管晶体管.阐述了如何利用Agilent公司的ADS软件进行分析和优化设...  相似文献   

传统结构的低噪声放大器的噪声系数较高,增益平坦性较差。为了解决该问题,设计了可变增益低噪声放大器,其由高增益模块、中间增益模块和低增益模块构成。将有源负反馈低噪声放大器作为放大器的高增益放大模块,采集微弱的输入信号。中间增益模块通过电阻分压衰减器实现输入信号的衰减处理,确保总体放大器具有较高的线性度。低增益模块通过衰减器完成相关工作,可采集到强信号,避免三阶交调量对系统信噪比的不利干扰。实验结果说明,设计的低噪声放大器在电压增益、噪声系数和三阶交调量三方面的性能都较优。  相似文献   

The pin-to-pin electrostatic discharge (ESD) stress was one of the most critical ESD events for differential input pads. The pin-to-pin ESD issue for a differential low-noise amplifier (LNA) was studied in this work. A new ESD protection scheme for differential input pads, which was realized with cross-coupled silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR), was proposed to protect the differential LNA. The cross-coupled-SCR ESD protection scheme was modified from the conventional double-diode ESD protection scheme without adding any extra device. The SCR path was established directly from one differential input pad to the other differential input pad in this cross-coupled-SCR ESD protection scheme, so the pin-to-pin ESD robustness can be improved. The test circuits had been fabricated in a 130-nm CMOS process. Under pin-to-pin ESD stresses, the human-body-model (HBM) and machine-model (MM) ESD levels of the differential LNA with the cross-coupled-SCR ESD protection scheme are >8 kV and 800 V, respectively. Experimental results had shown that the new proposed ESD protection scheme for the differential LNA can achieve excellent ESD robustness and good RF performances.  相似文献   

低噪声放大器是射频接收系统的关键组成部分,决定了系统的噪声特性,直接影响接收灵敏度。提出一种利用自适应遗传算法设计低噪声放大器匹配电路的思路,自动优化交叉概率和变异概率,避免了易早熟的缺点。采用这一算法进行了放大器设计实验,放大器具有较低的噪声系数、较高的放大增益,以及较好的带外抑制效果。实验结果表明实测和软件仿真性能吻合较好,证明了自适应遗传算法设计的可靠性。  相似文献   

Shi  B. Chia  Y.W. 《Electronics letters》2006,42(8):462-463
A low-noise amplifier (LNA) for ultra-wideband (UWB) is presented. The LNA, consisting of two gain stages in multiple feedback loops, achieves a flat power gain of a nominal 20 dB and a noise figure of 2.8-4.7 dB over the 3.1-10.6 GHz UWB band. Implemented in a 0.25 /spl mu/m SiGe BiCMOS process, the amplifier occupies 0.34 mm/sup 2/ and draws 11 mA from a 2.7 V supply.  相似文献   

The operation of a high-dynamic-range parametric amplifier is described. The varactor is a GaAs p?n junction with an n type layer suitable for operation as a K band transferred-electron oscillator (t.e.o.). A dynamic range of approximately 177 dB/Hz and a noise figure of less than 2 dB were measured at C band. The tests were made to show the feasibility of high-dynamic-range low-noise microwave amplification for radar-receiver applications, and to establish the feasibility of high-performance monolithic multifunction chips from the material standpoint.  相似文献   

In this work, a low-power single-ended-to-differential low-noise amplifier (LNA) is reported. The circuit has been designed and optimized to be included in an IEEE 802.15.4 standard receiver. In order to minimize power consumption, active loads and currents mirrors have been replaced by optimized inductors and transformers. Moreover, an exhaustive study of the mixed-mode parameters has been carried out, enabling the definition of single-ended figures of merits in terms of mixed-mode S-parameters. The LNA has been implemented using a 0.35 μm RFCMOS technology. Performances are a noise figure of 4.3 dB, a power gain of 21 dB, and a phase balance of 180±1°. Regarding non-linear behaviour, the obtained 1 dB-compression point obtained is −9.5 dB m while intermodulation intercept point is −3 dB m, dissipating 6 mA from 1.5 V supply voltage.  相似文献   

Low-noise transistor performance is achieved by paralleling a number of general-purpose integrated transistors. The primary effect of paralleling is to reduce the equivalent base resistance. A noise figure of 2.5 dB with a 50-/spl Omega/ source impedance is measured.  相似文献   

A wideband low-noise pseudomorphic HEMT MMIC variable-gain amplifier has been designed and fabricated. The amplifier has a nominal gain of 13 dB across the band 2-20 GHz, with gain flatness better than ±0.4 dB. The noise figure is less than 3 dB across the band 6-16 GHz. An on-chip temperature-sensing diode is used to provide a linear temperature correction which has been used to reduce the gain variation of the amplifier by a factor of 2 across the temperature range -50°C to +95°C  相似文献   

A low-noise high-precision operational amplifier has recently been fabricated in monolithic form with dielectric isolation. The amplifier exhibits a V/SUB OS/ of 10 /spl mu/V, V/SUB OS/T/SUB c/ of 0.3 /spl mu/V//spl deg/C, voltage gain of 140 dB with a 600 /spl Omega/ load, and an input noise voltage of 9 nV//spl radic/Hz. The settling time to within 0.01 percent of final value is 15 /spl mu/s for a 10 V pulse.  相似文献   

NMOS operational amplifiers are known to have low-voltage gain and a poor noise performance. A new circuit technique is described which improves these parameters to achieve a typical DC voltage gain of 40000 and an average noise of 57 (nV/Hz/SUP 1/2/) over a 3 kHz bandwidth, with a total power dissipation of 6 mW.  相似文献   

文中介绍了一种低噪声的零中频放大器的设计与实现,通过选用合适的集成运算放大器芯片,完成低噪声、高增益并具备滤波效果的零中频放大器的设计.阐述了运放芯片的选择依据,电路的工作原理并使用Cadence制板软件完成了电路板的设计.实际测试结果表明,该电路工作稳定,噪声、增益、滤波特性等效果均很好.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and performance of a low-noise amplifier used with virtual phase charge-coupled devices. Topology of the detection node, details of the operation, and computer simulations for critical device parameters are presented. Attention is focused on the noise performance and charge-detection sensitivity. A simple noise model is developed and used to derive an expression for the noise equivalent number of electronsN_eewhich is then used to optimize the amplifier design. Finally, predictions obtained from the model are compared with measurements, and conclusions are drawn for the maximum attainable performance. In addition to the thermally generated noise, usually measured in buried-channel MOS transistors, an excess noise is sometimes seen at moderate to large drain biases. This phenomenon is also observed in this amplifier. However, an explanation for the effect, confirmed by measurement, is presented and a method to avoid degradation of the amplifier performance is found.  相似文献   

文章主要研究低噪声放大器在宽频带范围内增益平坦度低、阻抗匹配差的问题。选用Avago公司生产的具有高动态范围和低噪声特性的PHEMT器件ATF-38143晶体管,采用自给偏置共源,负反馈结构,基于ADS仿真设计完成一款两级级联的宽带低噪声放大器。该放大器利用源极串联反馈电感和输入端接双支节微带线的匹配方法。仿真结果显示放大器在1.0~3.0 GHz的频带范围内,输入输出回波损耗均小于-10 dB;系统稳定性因子K> 1;噪声系数为(1.6±0.4)dB;最大增益为26.5 dB,增益平坦度缩小到±0.5 dB。  相似文献   

A capacitor cross-coupled common-gate low-noise amplifier   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The conventional common-gate low-noise amplifier (CGLNA) exhibits a relatively high noise figure (NF) at low operating frequencies relative to the MOSFET f/sub T/, which has limited its adoption notwithstanding its superior linearity, input matching, and stability compared to the inductively degenerated common-source LNA (CSLNA). A capacitor cross-coupled g/sub m/-boosting scheme is described that improves the NF and retains the advantages of the CGLNA topology. The technique also enables a significant reduction in current consumption. A fully integrated capacitor cross-coupled CGLNA implemented in 180-nm CMOS validates the g/sub m/-boosting technique. It achieves a measured NF of 3.0 dB at 6.0 GHz and consumes only 3.6 mA from 1.8 V; the measured input-referred third-order intercept ( IIP3) value is 11.4 dBm. The capacitor cross-coupled g/sub m/-boosted CGLNA is attractive for low-power fully integrated applications in fine-line CMOS technologies.  相似文献   

A low-voltage CMOS low-noise amplifier (LNA) architecture is presented. A planar-interleaved transformer is used to couple the RF signal between cascode transistors in a conventional LNA topology. Based on the modified RF MOS model, a 5.2 GHz CMOS LNA with fully on-chip input/output matching was designed to verify the low-voltage LNA architecture. The measurement results show that it can be operated with 1 V supply voltage  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》2008,44(25):1434-1436
A new operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) is proposed, which is based on the flipped voltage follower and source degeneration techniques. The OTA is simulated in a standard TSMC 0.18 μm CMOS process with a 1.8 V supply voltage. The simulation results show that the total harmonic distortion of the proposed OTA is less than 1% up to 0.85 Vp-p.  相似文献   

A transimpedance amplifier with nominal 200-MHz bandwidth, 6.6-k/spl Omega/ gain, and 33-nA RMS-equivalent input noise current is described. The circuit is realized in silicon-bipolar-monolithic technology and functions with source capacitances ranging from zero to several picofarads.  相似文献   

Describes the design, fabrication, and performance of GaAs monolithic low-noise broad-band amplifiers intended for broadcast receiver antenna amplifier, IF amplifier, and instrumentation applications. The process technology includes the use of Czochralski-grown semiinsulating substrates, localized implantation of ohmic and FET channel regions, and silicon nitride for passivation and MIM capacitors. The amplifiers employ shunt feedback to obtain input matching and flat broad-band response. One amplifier provides a gain of 24 dB, bandwidth of 930 Mhz, and noise figure of 5.0 dB. A second amplifier provides a gain of 17 dB, bandwidth of 1400 MHz, and noise figure of 5.6 dB. Input and output VSWR's are typically less than 2:1 and the third-order intercept points are 28 and 32 dB, respectively. Improved noise figure and intercept point can be achieved by the use of external RF chokes.  相似文献   

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