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软件行业从进入中国开始,就成为国际化程度最高、科技含量最高的行业之一。软件业是关系到国家安全和国际竞争的战略性先导产业,它的发展已进入我国产业发展的快车道。2006年末,我们去整理一下整个软件业的热门词汇。SOA、虚拟化、web2.0、反流氓软件、JAVA开源、外包、SAAS、IT服务管理、可信计算、64位……成为这个行业的关键词,正是他们,给软件产业的规模化发展注入新的力量,不断地为中国软件行业的蓬勃发展添枝加叶。  相似文献   

Semantic Web 2.0     
The Web 2.0 phenomena is poised to set the creative tone for software developers for years. It could even become a technology wave--one that the Semantic Web would do well to catch.  相似文献   

Understanding Web 2.0   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《IT Professional》2007,9(4):34-41
Web 2.0, the second phase in the Web's evolution, is attracting the attention of IT professionals, businesses, and Web users. Web 2.0 is also called the wisdom Web, people-centric Web, participative Web, and read/write Web. Web 2.0 harnesses the Web in a more interactive and collaborative manner, emphasizing peers' social interaction and collective intelligence, and presents new opportunities for leveraging the Web and engaging its users more effectively. Within the last two to three years, Web 2.0, ignited by successful Web 2.0 based social applications such as MySpace, Flickr, and YouTube, has been forging new applications that were previously unimaginable.  相似文献   

Web1.0和Web2.0分别代表了互联网发展的两大重要阶段及相应的技术与应用模式.系统地对比研究两大类互联网应用对深刻理解互联网发展方式具有重要意义.本文以Web1.0和Web2.0的基本形式与特点为切入点,深入对比了两者的技术实现,商业盈利模式,发展状况等方面的情况,并对Web1.0和Web2.0发展与趋势提出了合理的预测.  相似文献   

《IT Professional》2007,9(3):62-64
Consumers rely on the Internet for commerce, banking, email, instant messaging, and a variety of other daily tasks. This current evolution is often referred to as Web 2.0. In this paper service-oriented architecture (SOA) is presented as the important part of increasing software efficiency in Web 2.0 with a basic concept of providing a basic set of services that each application can access to provide this common functionality  相似文献   

Web2.0教育应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bkog与Web2.0 Blog是Web2.0的核心成员. Web2.0以产品版本命名形式命名网络应用,是一种创意,体现了当前网络应用的一些共性特征,这些特征具体表现在若干被称为Web2.0的相互关联的软件工具与应用技术中.换言之,Web2.0正是这些软件工具与应用技术的特征概括,以此刻画了网络应用发展的总体趋势.  相似文献   

Web 2.0 Creates Security Challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lawton  G. 《Computer》2007,40(10):13-16
By its very nature, Web 2.0 is interactive, allowing users to add input such as participatory book reviews, blogs, wikis, social net works, and video- and photo sharing services to Web sites. Web 2.0 has consequently become very popular with users and Web site operators. However, the approach's interactivity has also made it popular with hackers. This paper discusses some security challenges in Web 2.0.  相似文献   

The power of the Web is enhanced through the network effect produced as resources link to each other with the value determined by Metcalfe's law. In Web 2.0 applications, much of that effect is delivered through social linkages realized via social networks online. Unfortunately, the associated semantics for Web 2.0 applications, delivered through tagging, is generally minimally hierarchical and sparsely linked. The Semantic Web suffers from the opposite problem. Semantic information, delivered through ontologies of varying amounts of expressivity, is linked to other terms (within or between resources) creating a link space in the semantic realm. However, the use of the Semantic Web has yet to fully realize the social schemes that provide the network of users. In this article, we discuss putting these together, with linked semantics coupled to linked social networks, to deliver a much greater effect.  相似文献   

随着Web2.0技术在互联网中的广泛应用,电子商务正在经历着一个根本性的转变与发展,预示着电子商务2.0时代正在悄然兴起。Web2.0技术以及其引起的以"交互"为核心的互联网创新的不断研究,探索电子商务2.0成了必然趋势。文章阐述了Web2.0和电子商务2.0的理念及对电子商务2.0的趋势进行浅析等,相信不久的将来Web2.0与电子商务2.0相结合的应用网站会出现在不同的领域。  相似文献   

Web2.0下的Ajax及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统的网络应用是按照"输入-提交-等待-重新显示"的过程设计的,动辄需要重新刷新全部界面、缺乏互动性、资源浪费严重是其最大的弊端,随着进入web2.0的时代,网络应用需要更好的交互性和更快的响应速度.Ajax异步通讯概念,综合XML、JavaScript、DOM、CSS几大技术的优势,提出无刷新更新页面的概念,不会打断交互流程.在用户和服务器之间加了一个中间层,只有需要从服务器读取新数据时才由Ajax引擎代为向服务器提交请求,按需取数据.Ajax的提出,能够创建更接近桌面应用、更直接、更丰富、更动态的web用户界面.  相似文献   

Web2.0及其对互联网的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从近期互联网上出现的新名词"Web2.0"展开,回顾了40余年来互联网模式的演进;对互联网出现的新应用和模式进行了讨论和阐述;总结了Web2.0的概念和内涵并指出Web2.0有可能成为未来Internet的一个发展方向;最后,以Web2.0的特点出发,详细讨论了在Web2.0的影响下,互联网可能发生的变化和未来的特点.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce our experiences in applying the Web 2.0 philosophy to build a TV guide system for Interactive Digital TV (IDTV) platforms. Subscribers give their opinion about TV content and, informally, a folksonomy is progressively built. Based on this shared knowledge, the TV guide obtains personal recommendations and allows users to browse among the multimedia content. Additionally, and over this collaborative layer, a more formal vision enables applying semantic reasoning to supplement the knowledge informally inferred.  相似文献   


Web 2.0 defines a changing trend in the use of World Wide Web application development and web design technology. Web 2.0 design concepts have led to the evolution of a web culture that has allowed social-networking and ease of design use of non-secure component applications to enter the business domain of the enterprise. These Web 2.0 component applications are then commingled with other business legacy applications including databases. This article focuses on the taxonomy of the injection infection class of vulnerabilities associated with Web 2.0 application security issues.  相似文献   

我一直担心在进入Web2.0时代后.视觉设计师们能否一如既往的享受其中。随着这种网络规范的渐渐成行.设计师们开始有束手束脚的感觉。  相似文献   

This paper reports several key challenges and solutions when we apply Web 2.0 mashup technology to build a university-oriented services portal. A two-layer mashup service model is proposed as the underlying basis to support multiple granularities of services mashup. We explore a caching technique to facilitate personalizable services requests. We also report our study of mashing up Facebook as a social relationship data source.  相似文献   

基于Web2.0的Ajax技术的开发   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Web2.0是目前正在兴起的Web技术,包括流行的博客和Ajax等技术。Ajax技术是多种以往技术的综合,是有着广泛应用的新技术。Ajax在大多数浏览器中都能使用,而且不需要任何专门的软件或硬件。它是一种客户端方法,可以与.NET,J2EE,PHP,CGI和Ruby等脚本交互。Ajax在众多地方得到应用,如:GoogleMaps,Gmail和Google Suggest。文中主要通过分析Ajax技术原理,将Ajax技术应用在项目开发中的级联菜单上。  相似文献   

Carrero  Miguel 《Computer》2009,42(11):96-98
Open innovation enables today's companies to share the costs of research while capitalizing on the creativity they harness.  相似文献   

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