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海盐塘桥为国内首座主缆、吊杆采用光圆钢绞线的自锚式悬索桥,其主缆、吊杆设计构造与普通悬索桥不同。本介绍确定主缆、吊杆索力的有效措施及塔帽主缆部分真空压浆技术。 相似文献
以某悬索桥为例介绍了自锚式悬索桥的缆索体系施工技术,对包括索鞍施工、主缆架设、主缆调整、紧缆、索夹安装、吊索安装及吊索进行了阐述,在类似结构桥梁施工中具有一定的借鉴作用. 相似文献
自锚式悬索桥缆索系统的施工完成了结构的体系转换,也将影响结构的成桥及运营状态。以湟水河自锚式悬索桥为背景,介绍了缆索系统施工的主要工序及关键技术;结合施工控制方法,提出了精确索鞍、索夹位置安装,吊索无接长杆张拉施工,索鞍一次顶推到位等施工方案。施工结果表明,采用精细缆索系统施工技术提高了结构的施工效率和精度。 相似文献
随着交通事业的快速发展,大量复杂桥梁快速兴建。桥梁结构的动力分析是桥梁安全健康监测的重要保障。有限元建模是桥梁结构动力分析的重要研究方向。以自锚式悬索桥天津市富民桥为实例,应用有限元建模并进行动力分析,获得了该桥的前5阶模态振型。研究表明,该方法可行可靠,且可视化,有一定的应用性和适用性。 相似文献
本文以某跨径为(50m+150m+150m+50m)的两跨独塔钢箱梁自锚式悬索桥为工程背景,通过非线性有限元仿真模拟对体系转换施工控制关键技术进行研究,研究结果表明:通过正装模型和倒装模型反复迭代来确立的自锚式悬索桥正装施工过程模型,能较为准确地模拟自锚式悬索桥的施工过程。基于有限元分析结果,综合考虑施工过程结构安全性、经济性等因素确立了最优体系转换方案,并通过实际施工过程的控制验证了该方法的可行性,为类似工程提供借鉴。 相似文献
结合自锚式悬索桥的锚碇部分受力较为复杂,设计要求较高的特点,依托几个工程实例,阐述了自锚式悬索桥锚碇部分的合理结构,用计算数据加以证明,并提出建议,对今后自锚式悬索桥的设计具有现实意义。 相似文献
结合具体工程实例,阐述了悬索桥的主塔大体积高强混凝土施工、钢加劲梁现场制作安装、环氧沥青混凝土和悬索安装的监理要点,以确保自锚式悬索桥的施工质量,同时积累相关经验。 相似文献
Non-linear shape-finding analysis of a self-anchored suspension bridge 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
A non-linear shape-finding analysis is proposed for a self-anchored suspension bridge, the Yongjong Grand Bridge, the main cable of which is three-dimensional in shape. The proposed procedure consists of two successive steps of non-linear analysis. The first step focuses on the cable-only system and the second on the total bridge system. A trial profile of a three-dimensional main cable was calculated based on the conventional method utilizing a simplified force equilibrium at each node of the main cable. The non-linear analysis is then repeated for this cable-only system until the profile converges to the target configuration that satisfies the vertical design sag at the mid-point of the main span. Even when the best efforts were made to determine the configuration of the cable-only system, the initial deformation of the stiffening truss is not avoidable due to the huge axial force that originates from the main cable. Therefore, the initial frame forces are predicted and included in calculating the unbalance loads for the non-linear analysis of the total bridge system so as to prevent dead load deformation. The possible differences between the conventional and the proposed method are examined through numerical applications. 相似文献
本文根据已建以及待建自锚式悬索桥工程实例,将自锚式悬索桥工程中主缆在加劲梁梁端的锚固方案进行了总结分析,从施工方面、经济性以及美观性等方面指出了各种锚固方式的优缺点以及适应性。按照锚体材料的不同将现有锚固方式重新进行了分类,综合现有的分类方式提出了一套锚固系统方案设计流程。这种设计流程条理清楚、直观易理解,为今后的自锚式悬索桥主缆锚固系统设计提供指导,快速的形成锚固系统方案,提高设计效率,并获得更好的经济性和美观性。 相似文献
自锚式悬索桥是以承受拉力的缆索或链索作为主要承重构件的桥梁,由悬索、索塔、锚碇、吊杆、桥面系等部分组成。本文结合固镇浍河二桥(徐窑渡改桥工程)工程实例,全面系统地介绍了单塔双跨自锚式悬索桥悬索系统的施工技术和施工工艺,为以后同类型桥梁施工提供了借鉴和经验。 相似文献
Yan Han Zhengqing Chen Shidong Luo Shankui Yang 《Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China》2009,3(2):165-172
Based on the spatial model, a reliable and accurate calculation method on the shape finding of self-anchored suspension bridge
with spatial cables was studied in this paper. On the principle that the shape of the main cables between hangers is catenary,
the iteration method of calculating the shapes of the spatial main cables under the load of hanger forces was deduced. The
reasonable position of the saddle was determined according to the shape and the theoretical joint point of the main cables.
The shapes of the main cables at completed cable stage were calculated based on the unchanging principle of the zero-stress
lengths of the main cables. By using a numerical method combining with the finite element method, one self-anchored suspension
bridge with spatial cables was analyzed. The zero-stress length of the main cables, the position of the saddle, and the pre-offsetting
of the saddle of the self-anchored suspension bridge were given. The reasonable shapes of the main cables at bridge completion
stage and completed cable stage were presented. The results show that the shape-finding calculation method is effective and
Translated from Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), 2007, 34(12): 20–25 [译自: 湖南大学学报(自然科学版)] 相似文献
自锚式悬索桥主缆锚固结构研究 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
自锚式悬索桥以其结构造型美观和对地形和地质状况适应性强等优点,成为城市里100~400m跨径范围内极具竞争力的桥梁方案。三汊矶湘江大桥是一座主跨328m的大跨度自锚式悬索桥,主缆通过钢锚箱锚固在加劲梁两端。由于主缆直接锚固在加劲梁的两端,设置合理的锚固结构以保证主缆与加劲梁连接的强度、刚度、稳定性和主缆的轴力平顺传递,成为自锚式悬索桥设计的关键问题之一。总结钢自锚式悬索桥主缆的三种锚固型式:混凝土结构锚固、钢结构锚固和环形锚固,分析各自的优缺点和适用范围。对三汊矶湘江大桥的主缆锚固结构进行空间有限元分析和13∶.2大比例模型试验。计算和试验结果都表明,在设计索力状态下,锚固结构各构件的应力在70~130MPa之间;在1.6倍超载索力状态下,应力都在200MPa以下。验证大桥锚箱式锚固结构的安全性和可靠性,为自锚式悬索桥锚固结构的设计提供直接的指导。 相似文献