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The throughput performance of a broadcast DS/SSMA packet radio network using adaptive error control is investigated. Simulated results for the network throughput against offered load are presented and show that adaptive error control significantly increases the throughput performance at all offered loads  相似文献   

We address an issue of channel sharing among users by using a random assignment/transmitter-oriented (RA/T) code scheme which permits the contention mode only in the transmission of a header while avoiding collision during the data packet transmission. Once the header is successfully received, the data packet is ready for reception by switching to one of the programmable matched-filters. But the reception may be blocked due to a limited number of matched-filters so that this effect is taken into account in our analysis. We also consider an acknowledgment scheme to notify whether the header is correctly detected and the data packet can be processed continuously, which aims at reducing the interference caused by unwanted data transmission. For a realistic analysis, we integrate the detection performance at the physical level with the channel activity at the link level through a Markov chain model. It is shown that compared to classical code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems, a reduction in the receiver complexity of a half is allowed by choosing a proper number of RA/T codes without losing the performance quality in view of the normalized throughput  相似文献   

Exact expressions for the probabilities P(l,m-l/k) of l correct packet receptions and m-l erroneous ones, out of total k packets contending in a slot, are presented for the case of frequency-hopped spread-spectrum random-access slotted networks employing random frequency hopping patterns. These expressions are difficult to evaluate numerically for values of m>3. However, their numerical analysis indicates that under light traffic conditions these probability values are very close to the ones provided by the independent receiver operation assumption, under which the distribution of multireception obeys the binomial law  相似文献   

Song  J. Kim  M. 《Electronics letters》1990,26(3):182-183
An improved idle-signal casting protocol that exploits a collision reduction scheme and a concept of the virtual time protocol simultaneously is proposed and its performance is analysed. Compared to the existing nonpersistent, 1-persistent and virtual time schemes, the proposed protocol exhibits higher throughput and lower packet failure probability.<>  相似文献   

The effects of bit-interleaving on the performance of convolutional codes and turbo codes in fast frequency- hop/spread-spectrum multiple-access systems with M-FSK modulation are investigated. It is observed that bit-interleaving induces two counter-acting forces on decoder performance. On the one hand, bit-interleaving disperses consecutive error bits caused by a noisy M-ary signal and makes the errors more correctable. On the other hand, the same measure makes it difficult for the decoder to make use of the bit dependency information. Both theoretical upper bounds and simulation results show that bit- interleaving degrades the performance of soft-decision decoded convolutional codes and turbo codes.  相似文献   

A multistation packet radio network with m stations and a finite number of nodes n that uses a conflict-free protocol to access the backbone network of stations through a shared channel is discussed. The goal is to derive an allocation of the channel time slots (time-division multiplexing cycle), so that all transmissions will be conflict-free and some measure of performance (e.g., the expected total weighted throughput, the expected weighted holding cost) will be optimized. The methodology that is used is to bound the performance and to allocate the slots according to the golden ratio policy  相似文献   

A fully connected radio network is considered in which packets are sent using slow frequency-hop (FH) modulation, slotted ALOHA random access, and Reed-Solomon (RS) error-control coding. For this network, the dependence of throughput, delay, and drift on the code rate and block length is examined. It is shown that the drift approaches a simple limiting form as the block length becomes large. This form suggests that, in a bistable FH network, the undesirable stable point can usually be eliminated without increasing the delay or reducing the throughput at the desirable stable point. In particular, bistability can be eliminated by increasing the code block length and retransmission delay, and does not require the use of decentralized control or channel traffic estimates  相似文献   

Spatial reuse in multihop packet radio networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Multihop packet radio networks present many challenging problems to the network analyst and designer. The communication channel, which must be shared by all of the network users, is the critical system resource. In order to make efficient use of this shared resource, a variety of channel access protocols to promote organized sharing have been investigated. Sharing can occur in three domains: frequency, time, and space. This paper is mostly concerned with sharing and channel reuse in the spatial domain. A survey of results on approaches to topological design and associated channel access protocols that attempt to optimize system performance by spatial reuse of the communication channel is presented.  相似文献   

MUCH WORK HAS been done in the areas of packet switching, packet radio, and random communication channels. However, efforts combining these areas are not as plentiful. There are several reasons for this. One reason is, the packet communications area is relatively young. Much of the research into packet communications has been accomplished by computer scientists rather then communications engineers, with a resulting emphasis on architecture, protocols, software, and so on. Even the development of packet radio has not fostered extensive examination of link effects on system performances. The UHF line-of-sight links and SHF satellite links have been assumed to be perfect with packet collisions as the dominant error source, which is a good assumption under normal circumstances. However, abnormal circumstances including ionospheric scintillations and multipath fading are another source of error on degraded packet radio links, which characterize Mobile Packet Radio Networks (MPRNET). In this paper we define and discuss Mobile Packet Radio Networks and presend their channel characteristics. The performance avaluation of some channel access protocols for a Mobile Packet Radio Network link, which is a typical example of a degraded packet radio channel, is descirbed.  相似文献   

Adaptive modulation in ad hoc DS/CDMA packet radio networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper investigates the benefit of adaptive modulation based on channel state information (CSI) in direct-sequence/ code-division multiple-access (DS/CDMA) multihop packet radio networks. By exploiting varying channel conditions, adaptive modulation can be used in ad hoc networks to provide upper layers with higher capacity links over which to relay traffic. Using the /spl alpha/-stable interference model, the distribution of the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) is obtained for a slotted system of randomly, uniformly distributed nodes using multilevel coherent modulation schemes. Performance is evaluated in terms of the information efficiency, which is a new progress-related measure for multihop networks. Three types of adaptivity are analyzed, differing in the level of CSI available: 1) full knowledge of the SIR at the receiver; 2) knowledge of only the signal attenuation due to fading; and 3) knowledge of only the slow fading component of the signal attenuation. The effect of imperfect channel information is also investigated. Sample results are given for interference-limited networks experiencing fourth-power path loss with distance, Ricean fading, and lognormal shadowing.  相似文献   

The performance of frequency-hop transmission in a packet communication network is analyzed. Satellite multiple-access broadcast channels for packet switching and terrestrial packet radio networks are the primary examples of the type of network considered. An analysis of the effects of multiple-access interference in frequency-hop radio networks is presented. New measures of "local" performance are defined and evaluated for networks of this type, and new concepts that are important in the design of these networks are introduced. In particular, error probabilities and local throughput are evaluated for a frequency-hop radio network which incorporates the standard slotted and unslotted ALOHA channel-access protocols, asynchronous frequency hopping, and Reed-Solomon error-control coding. The performance of frequency-hop multiple access with error-control coding is compared with the performance of conventional ALOHA random access using narrow-band radios.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种跳频/多载波频率分集/扩频多址(FH/MCFD/SSMA)无线通信系统,给出了FH/MCFD/SSMA系统的发送和接收模型,对判惟变量统计特性进行了分析,然后对峰窝系统反向链路在理想定时和信道估计条件下用户平均接收误码率进行了仿真。结果表明,FH/MCFD/SSMA蜂窝通信系统具有较好的抗多径衰落能力,同单载波FH/SSMA系统相比其误码性能和频谱效率有显著改善。  相似文献   

The properties of a packet radio network in the presence of active interference are discussed. Both the jammer and the network nodes are subject to an average power constraint. The network uses slotted ALOHA multiple access schemes and some simple fixed routing strategies with constant transmitter power. By using a game-theoretic approach the situation is considered as a two-person constant-sum game. The author defines network performance as the values of the game in terms of the expected forward progress of a packet. Both the performance and the optimum strategies for access and jamming are investigated  相似文献   

Research in adaptive, decentralized routing for frequency-hop packet radio networks with mobile partial-band jamming. A routing technique called least-resistance routing (LRR) is developed, and various versions of this routing method are examined. LRR uses a quantitative assessment of the interference environment experienced by a radio's receiver to determine a resistance value for that radio. Two components for the interference environment are considered: transmissions from other radios and partial-band jamming. The resistances for each of the radios in a particular path are combined to form the path resistance, and packets are forwarded on the path with the smallest resistance. Comparisons are made between different versions of LRR and between LRR and previously developed adaptive routing techniques. It is found that LRR is an effective way for dealing with mobile jamming in a frequency-hop packet radio network. Significant increases in throughput and end-to-end probability of success are obtained with LRR  相似文献   

The probability qi of successful reception in a nonfading mobile radio channel with i contending mobiles transmitting to a central base station is studied for a number of different capture and spatial distribution models. It is shown that a generalized capture model can be used to estimate qi's for a simplified example system which uses noncoherent frequency shift keying modulation. This model can be applied to other systems as well. An example of the use of the qi 's in the throughput evaluation of a finite population slotted ALOHA system is given. In most practical systems, the mobiles cannot get arbitrarily close to the base station. The effect of this constraint on qi is examined. Finally, the dependence of the capture probability for a test mobile on its distance from the base station is obtained  相似文献   

Joint delay-power capture in spread-spectrum packet radio networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Capture phenomena in slotted ALOHA packet radio networks employing spread-spectrum modulation is considered. Probability of capture with both delay and power capture mechanisms are derived and compared with power- and delay-only capture models. Significant improvements in the capture probability is observed. The improvement over the delay-only capture model increases with decreasing arrival-time randomization overhead  相似文献   

Topology control for multihop packet radio networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A distributed topology-control algorithm has been developed for each node in a packet radio network (PRN) to control its transmitting power and logical neighbors for a reliable high-throughput topology. The algorithm first constructs a planar triangulation from locations of all nodes as a starting topology. Then, the minimum angles of all triangles in the planar triangulation are maximized by means of edge switching to improve connectivity and throughput. The resulting triangulation at this stage, the Delaunay triangulation, can be determined locally at each node. The topology is modified by negotiating among neighbors to satisfy a design requirement on the nodal degree parameter. Simulations show that the final topology is degree-bounded, has a rather regular and uniform structure, and has throughput and reliability that are greater than that of a number of alternative topologies  相似文献   

In this paper, multiple-phase deterministic protocols for packet radio networks are introduced and analysed. Two modes of information transfer are considered, namely (a) broadcasting and (b) point-to-point transmission. We explore systematic ways of designing multiple-phase protocols and apply them on Manhattan networks. The proposed protocols are studied primarily from the point of view of throughput efficiency. Delay analysis is also presented.  相似文献   

The performance of digital data transmission over frequency-selective fading channels is investigated. For statistically independent diversity paths, estimates of average attainable error rates and outage probabilities as functions of system parameters are provided. The dependences among the important system parameters are exhibited graphically for several examples, including quaternary phase-shift keying (QPSK). In the optimized uncoded QPSK with 1.5 b/s/Hz, two orders of magnitude in outage probability can be gained by diversity reception. When one compares the uncoded average probability of error for the optimized mean squared error (MSE) systems one finds at most an order-of-magnitude difference among the different equalizers investigated except for the zero-forcing equalizer, whose performance is drastically inferior to the others. Again, dual diversity can provide two orders of magnitude improvement in the average error rate or in outage probability for the uncoded optimized systems  相似文献   

Modeling and performance analysis of multihop packet radio networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The design of packet radio networks involves a large number of issues which interact in a very complex fashion. Many of these pertain to the RF channel and its use, others pertain to the operational protocols. Clearly, no single model can be formulated which incorporates all the necessary parameters and leads to the optimum solution. The one essential element which complicates matters is that, contrary to point-to-point networks in which each channel is utilized by a single pair of nodes, the radio channel in packet radio networks is a multiaccess broadcast resource: i) in a given locality determined by radio connectivity, the channel is shared by many contending users, hence the need for channel access protocols; ii) radio is a broadcast medium and thus the action taken by a node has an effect on the actions taken by neighboring nodes and their outcome. Despite the complexity of the problem, there has been significant progress worth reporting on. The work accomplished so far has been either the analysis of specific examples of networks or an attempt to create models that would be useful in the design of general networks. The purpose of this paper is to survey the various modeling techniques that have been used for the performance analysis of packet radio networks, and to discuss the assumptions underlying these models, their scope of applicability, and some of the results obtained.  相似文献   

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