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Quotient structures of intuitionistic fuzzy finite state machines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quotient structures of intuitionistic fuzzy finite state machines are discussed. We give congruence relations which can be naturally introduced in such a way that each associates a semigroup with an intuitionistic fuzzy finite state machine. We also introduce the notion of intuitionistic admissible relation, and give its characterization. An isomorphism between an intuitionistic fuzzy finite state machine and the quotient structure of another intuitionistic fuzzy finite state machine is established.  相似文献   

Approximation and universality of fuzzy Turing machines   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Fuzzy Turing machines are the formal models of fuzzy algorithms or fuzzy computations. In this paper we give several different formulations of fuzzy Turing machine, which correspond to nondeterministic fuzzy Turing machine using max-* composition for some t-norm* (or NFTM*, for short), nondeterministic fuzzy Turing machine (or NFTM), deterministic fuzzy Turing machine (or DFTM), and multi-tape versions of fuzzy Turing machines. Some distinct results compared to those of ordinary Turing machines are obtained. First, it is shown that NFTM*, NFTM, and DFTM are not necessarily equivalent in the power of recognizing fuzzy languages if the t-norm* does not satisfy finite generated condition, but are equivalent in the approximation sense. That is to say, we can approximate an NFTM* by some NFTM with any given accuracy; the related constructions are also presented. The level characterization of fuzzy recursively enumerable languages and fuzzy recursive languages are exploited by ordinary r.e. languages and recursive languages. Second, we show that universal fuzzy Turing machine exists in the approximated sense. There is a universal fuzzy Turing machine that can simulate any NFTM* on it with a given accuracy.  相似文献   

Rough sets, proposed by Pawlak and rough fuzzy sets proposed by Dubois and Prade were expressed with the different computing formulas that were more complex and not conducive to computer operations. In this paper, we use the composition of a fuzzy matrix and fuzzy vectors in a given non-empty finite universal, constitute an algebraic system composed of finite dimensional fuzzy vectors and discuss some properties of the algebraic system about a basis and operations. We give an effective calculation representation of rough fuzzy sets by the inner and outer products that unify computing of rough sets and rough fuzzy sets with a formula. The basis of the algebraic system play a key role in this paper. We give some essential properties of the lower and upper approximation operators generated by reflexive, symmetric, and transitive fuzzy relations. The reflexive, symmetric, and transitive fuzzy relations are characterized by the basis of the algebraic system. A set of axioms, as the axiomatic approach, has been constructed to characterize the upper approximation of fuzzy sets on the basis of the algebraic system.  相似文献   

Goal Programming (GP) is one of the most powerful Multiple Objective Decision Making (MODM) methods for Industrial Engineering. In practical MODM problems, many GP models involve a large number of 0–1 decision variables and special structures in the system constraints. In this paper, an efficient algorithm for solving large-scale 0–1 GP problem is proposed, introducing the fuzziness due to judgement of goal accomplishments, with the generalized upper bound structure. Also, the optimization problem of system reliability with several failure modes is demonstrated by using the proposed algorithm. Finally, the effectiveness of the algorithm is illustrated.  相似文献   

模糊偏好关系是处理决策问题的一种有效工具。针对模糊偏好关系,研究了加性一致性模糊偏好关系的若干判定条件,构造了满足加性一致性的特征模糊偏好关系,并提出一致性指数、满意加性一致性等概念。在此基础上,构建了不满足加性一致性模糊偏好关系的改进算法,论证了算法的收敛性,该算法使得改进后的模糊偏好关系具有满意一致性条件,进而使得决策者获得合理可靠的决策结果。最后建立了基于模糊偏好关系加性一致性的决策模型。实例分析说明提出的模糊偏好关系决策模型是可行和有效的。  相似文献   

研究一类直觉模糊线性规划及其应用.首先,定义直觉模糊不等式,给出直觉模糊线性规划模型;然后,提出一种基于总精确函数的直觉模糊线性规划求解方法,并给出其求解步骤;最后,建立证劵投资组合的直觉模糊线性规划模型.数值算例表明了所提出理论是合理有效的.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of T-reduction of binary fuzzy relations and establishes its properties. It presents an approach to providing the one-valued restoration of any boundary transitive and T-asymmetric binary fuzzy relation by its T-reduction. A theoretical basis for this approach is established, showing that T-reduction is the smallest fuzzy relation whose T-transitive closure coincides with the given binary fuzzy relation and where an (n × n) fuzzy relation on a finite universe with cardinality n can be represented by n − 1 values. This approach opens up an original way for constructing the membership functions of certain binary fuzzy relations. Important examples for the application of this concept are given.  相似文献   

改进FCM聚类算法及其在入侵检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对模糊C-均值(FCM)算法的局限性,提出了一种具有两阶段的模糊FCM聚类改进算法。通过加入点密度函数加权系数和样本特征矢量权重对FCM聚类算法中的目标函数进行改造,进而给出迭代推导公式和算法描述。该算法克服了样本分布不均匀和样本特征矢量对分类贡献不均衡的情况,有效地提高了聚类精度。最后利用KDD CUP 99数据集进行实验,结果表明该算法具有良好的可靠性和可行性。  相似文献   

Recently Dengfeng and Chuntian defined the first operational definition of a similarity measure for intuitionistic fuzzy sets and showed how it may be used in pattern recognition problems. Unfortunately the Dengfeng and Chuntian operator may give counter-intuitive results. We show how a simple modification of the Dengfeng–Chuntian operator may correct this problem. We illustrate the application of the modified similarity measure on a simple pattern recognition problem.  相似文献   

提出了区间值直觉模糊集的区间直觉模糊交叉熵,这种交叉熵充分考虑了区间值直觉模糊集的隶属度,非隶属度以及犹豫度。给出一种区间值直觉模糊集的区间直觉模糊熵的公理化体系,并且基于直觉模糊交叉熵公式给出一种区间直觉模糊熵的具体测度公式。利用区间值直觉模糊集的加权相关系数,将提出的熵公式应用于解决属性权重完全未知的区间直觉模糊多属性决策问题。  相似文献   

This paper presents an improved method to compute the degree of similarity between generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. The proposed similarity measure contains many features of fuzzy numbers such as geometric distance, center of gravity (COG), area, perimeter, and height. The previous methods are criticized via presenting some examples. In addition, the performance of the proposed methods is compared by the existing similarity measures using twenty different sets of generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Furthermore, the proposed method is used for fuzzy risk analysis based on similarity measures. Finally, an example is introduced to illustrate the fuzzy risk analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define some Einstein operations on cubic fuzzy set (CFS) and develop three arithmetic averaging operators, which are cubic fuzzy Einstein weighted averaging (CFEWA) operator, cubic fuzzy Einstein ordered weighted averaging (CFEOWA) operator and cubic fuzzy Einstein hybrid weighted averaging (CFEHWA) operator, for aggregating cubic fuzzy data. The CFEHWA operator generalises both the CFEWA and CFEOWA operators. Furthermore, we develop various properties of these operators and derive the relationship between the proposed operators and the exiting aggregation operators. We apply CFEHWA operator to multiple attribute decision-making with cubic fuzzy data. Finally, a numerical example is constructed to demonstrate the established approach.  相似文献   

在广义模糊软集和犹豫模糊软集的基础上给出广义犹豫模糊软集的概念,并研究广义犹豫模糊软集的相似度量。首先利用三种犹豫模糊集合的包含度,构造犹豫模糊集间的相似度量公式。然后在犹豫模糊集相似度基础上给出广义犹豫模糊软集相似度量的公理化定义,并构造广义犹豫模糊软集的相似度量公式,这些公式可以计算参数集不同时两个广义犹豫模糊软集间的相似度。最后利用广义犹豫模糊软集相似度量方法构造了一种决策方法,并将这个决策方法应用于环境治理问题中。通过实例验证了所提出方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

针对应急救援演练控制的复杂性和难以量化问题,为实现多人参演系统的有效控制,基于分析分层过程法(analytic hierarchy process,AHP),建立一种模糊粗糙集知识测度的综合建模方法.首先,分析模糊粗糙集各类知识测度相关概念、相互联系和各自特点,通过AHP方法,建立模糊规则的分层度量模型并给出了对比矩阵的构造示例,对模糊规则进行更加精细的度量.其次,在分析应急演练知识构成的基础上,提出预案知识提取和模糊关系粗糙集的构建方法;设计了演练过程控制流程和基于本文知识综合测度方法形成的核心控制流程;通过对规则重要性排序,提高规则判别精度,提供规则选择的手段和一种规则冲突消解方法.最终,通过一个简单案例,验证了本文所提的研究工作的可行性.  相似文献   

一类正则模糊神经网络及在沉积微相识别中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
考虑一种5层结构的正则化模糊神经网络模型,针对网络结构的优化问题给出了该网络模型规则层节点的选取方法和相应的反传学习规则;针对样本筛选问题,提出一种按模糊隶属函数值相近样本向量类别矫正策略。将正则模糊神经网络用于油藏沉积微相的识别,可自动提取测井曲线与微相类型之间复杂的映射关系,实现沉积微相的连续识别。实际资料处理结果表明,该方法对解决沉积微相识别问题具有良好的适应性和实用性。  相似文献   

支持向量机(SVM)和模糊推理系统(FIS)分别源于统计学习理论(SLT)和认知学两个不同的领域.在一定约束条件下,提出并证明了SVM 和一类基于规则的FIS的函数等效性定理.在此基础上,提出基于SVM 学习过程的FIS(MBFIS)的设计方法.MBFIS继承了SVM 良好的泛化能力和对“维数灾难”的避免能力,也继承了基于规则的FIS的显式推理能力.Benchmark数据实验表明,MBFIS具有良好的分类性能.  相似文献   

Triangular fuzzy reciprocal preference relations (TFRPRs) are powerful tools to denoting decision-makers’ fuzzy judgments, which permit the decision-makers to apply triangular fuzzy ratio rather than real numbers to express their judgements. Consistency analysis is one of the most crucial issues in preference relations that can guarantee the reasonable ranking order. However, all previous consistency concepts cannot well address this type of preference relations. Based on the operational laws on triangular fuzzy numbers, this paper introduces an additive consistency concept for TFRPRs by using quasi TFRPRs, which can be seen as a natural extension of the crisp case. Using this consistency concept, models to judging the additive consistency of TFRPRs and to estimating missing values in complete TFRPRs are constructed. Then, an algorithm to decision-making with TFRPRs is developed. Finally, two numerical examples are offered to illustrate the application of the proposed procedure, and comparison analysis is performed.  相似文献   

依据软集、Vague集、Vague软集现有理论,参考Vague集模糊熵度量方法,对Vague 软集模糊熵的公理化定义进行了补充,修正了原有公理化定义中不完整的地方;提出了一种新的计算Vague 软集模糊熵的公式,并给出了其在决策中的应用实例及分析。实例分析表明该Vague 软集模糊熵公式具有良好的应用效果。  相似文献   

针对故障诊断中存在的重复诊断问题和不确定性因素,提出了一种基于故障树的模糊故障诊断改进方法。该方法将模糊理论融入到故障诊断中,综合考虑了系统故障树的最小割集和基本组成单元两方面的因素,重点设计了故障树的诊断流程,改进了以往故障诊断中出现的重复诊断的缺陷,优化了诊断过程。以飞机液压子系统为平台,与其他方法进行比较,得出该方法可以保证结果的正确性,并能节省诊断时间。  相似文献   

针对直觉模糊集的熵的公理化定义中存在的问题,修正了直觉模糊熵的公理化定义,给出了一个新的直觉模糊集的熵的计算公式,证明了其正确性。给出了一个基于直觉模糊数的熵的多属性决策算法,应用实例表明其合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

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