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姚群峰 《电信科学》2004,20(5):7-10
3G移动运营商进行终端定制将成为趋势.根据用户需求和业务属性进行手机定制,移动运营商就可以提供良好的客户体验.运营商要与合作伙伴共同研究客户需求,共同进行业务规划,共同制定手机的标准规范,进行联合市场营销.终端定制模式有运营商推荐、初级定制、一般定制、合作研发与推广、完全定制、消费者定制等6种.建议中国3G运营商在初期实行"一般定制"模式,并尽快过渡到"合作研发与推广"模式.  相似文献   

黄逸珺 《移动通信》2004,28(9):25-27
本文分析了终端定制对下游产业链各主体的利弊得失关系,并得到了系统仿真结果的验证,得出终端定制与不定制模式将在一定时期内共存,且定制方式在一定范围内有利于产业链及相关各方的平衡与稳定。  相似文献   

刘东明 《世界电信》2007,20(9):8-11
3G时代的到来开创了移动终端发展的新局面。为了满足不同人群的不同需求,各种功能集移动终端于一身,数字化智能代产品如雨后春笋般萌芽于通信市场中,以逼人的气垫快速发展着,并将逐渐成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。专家指出,随着3G技术的确立,移动通信市场的空间更为广阔,从而为移动终端的发展提供了更好的条件。 在这种形势下,移动终端产品将进行怎样的演变才有利于其抢占更大的市场,终端技术将会有怎样的革新,终端用户的需求会如何变化,国内外3G终端市场中会有怎样的行情等待都将在本专题中一一进行探讨、解读与分析。 从这些文章的观点中,我们不难看到,3G为移动终端的发展提供了更加广阔的天地,移动终端也随着各种新技术的不断成熟和应用而渗透到人们生活的方方面面,3G终端终将朝着多模、智能、安全的方向发展,让我们拭目以待。[编者按]  相似文献   

常嘉岳 《世界电信》2006,19(3):39-42
移动终端的体系结构主要包括通信、操作系统、内存、应用、多媒体、安全和电源管理等子系统。3G终端的发展趋势将主要支持如视频通信、在线浏览、即时通信、互动游戏、高速下载等更多种类和更丰富的数据业务应用,计算速度更快,存储能力更强。而目前作为核心功能的通信将会变为从属地位,成为移动终端的标准配置。  相似文献   

姚群峰 《世界电信》2004,17(4):16-19
随着移动数据业务广泛开展,终端独立发展模式不再适用.运营商定制终端成为趋势。运营商定制终端面临的挑战有:没有能力控制终端销售渠道、难以解决终端应用平台的兼容性、内容应用开发商与终端厂商整合不足、杀手级业务不明确、研定实力不足等。介绍了国外运营商定制手机的做法以及国内运营商定制终端的尝试。  相似文献   

3G时代的移动终端发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在移动通信从2G/2.5G向3G的发展过程中,移动终端日益焕发出无尽的活力和巨大的市场潜力,也越来越凸显出其左右移动通信行业发展的重要地位.移动终端是移动通信系统中最直接与用户的接口设备,普通用户对移动通信的认识很天程度上来源于对移动终端的认识,移动终端的功能好坏、性能优劣、价格高低甚至成为判断一个移动网络技术先进与否、运营商运营水平如何的关键指标.  相似文献   

刘易  李太君 《通信技术》2011,44(3):123-124,128
3G网络通信数据增值业务的迅速发展,使得无线流媒体应用越来越受到人们的关注。因此在移动网络环境中,针对手机终端的流媒体解码播放技术正成为研究热点。在对3G网络中移动终端的视频解码技术进行探讨基础上,设计了从PC端向移动终端发送音、视频内容的无线流媒体的具体应用系统,实现了在Symbian平台手机终端的H.264协议的解码播放,解码效果良好基本满足实时解码的要求。  相似文献   

张新  姜涌  苏放  纪阳  张平 《无线电工程》2004,34(10):4-6,31
3GPP定义的虚拟归属环境概念让用户在跨越网络或是切换终端时,仍可以个性化的保持其终端业务环境的 设置,获得一致的业务服务。移动多媒体业务的大规模应用对终端技术提出了新的要求。本文在此基础之上提出了统一业 务终端的分层体系结构以及终端重构的设计框架,研究了实现的关键技术,分析了对新一代信息网络发展的影响。  相似文献   

3G终端的发展被认为是3G产业发展的一个瓶颈。因为3G终端不仅需要全面解决芯片、存储、操作系统及软件标准等方面的问题,还要解决终端款式少、价格高、待机时间短等问题。在国外,3G业务初期发展缓慢的主要原因就是终端的发展跟不上3G业务的发展脚步。  相似文献   

柴雪芳 《移动通信》2011,35(5):36-40
随着3G和移动互联网时代的到来,智能终端在全球范围内快速普及。文章通过详实的国外数据分析,从正反两方面阐述了智能终端对3G和移动互联网发展的影响,以期能对国内运营商有所启示,有所借鉴。  相似文献   

描述了移动互联网及3G增值业务的特点,结合移动互联网当前飞速发展的现状,参考移动互联网年度数据,从产业链角度对移动互联网的发展趋势作出详细分析。得出互联网必然向移动互联网产业转变的结论,并从电信运营商角度给出对策建议。  相似文献   

张龙 《电信快报》2004,(4):37-40
文章阐述第三代移动通信系统中建设移动数据业务平台(MDSP)的重要性及面临的挑战和需要解决的问题,并提出一种移动数据业务平台架构及解决方案。  相似文献   

基于3G手机的气象服务分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了使气象部门充分利用3G手机进行气象信息服务,对3G手机气象服务中经常采用的短信(彩信)、WAP、手机网站和手机软件4种方式,从交互性、传送及时性、视音频等方面进行了比较,并就当前手机信息推送方法的2种技术:短信推送和长连接进行了分析,结合公共气象服务的今后发展趋势,说明发送气象预警信息采用3G手机软件进行及时性传输是比较可行的。  相似文献   

介绍了 Turbo码的基本构造原理及其在第三代移动通信系统中的应用  相似文献   

1 Introduction Future wireless cellular communication networks areexpected to fully support multi-media services on a real-ti me basis ,therefore pose a challengingissue of develop-ing high-speed access and high data-rate transmissiontechnologies , which are not satisfied by current 2nd-and3rd-generation cellular mobile communications net-works[1]. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) has become a popular technique for high datarate wirelesstransmission duetoits many advantagesfo…  相似文献   

Wireless systems migrate towards the era of ‘Beyond the 3rd Generation’ (B3G). A fundamental facilitator of this vision is the evolution of high speed, adaptive networks, needed for better handling the offered demand and improving resource utilization. Adaptive networks dynamically select their configuration, in order to optimally adapt to the changing environment requirements and conditions. This paper presents optimization functionality that can be used to support network adaptability (cognition‐reconfigurability) in a B3G context. The paper starts from the business case that justifies the need for placing research onto adaptive networks and then continues with the management functionality for (re)configuration decisions, which is targeted to the dynamic selection of the appropriate radio access technologies (RATs). RAT selection is modelled through an optimization problem called (RAT, Demand and QoS‐Assignment problem—RDQ‐A), the solution of which assigns in a distributed manner the available RATs to adaptive Base Station transceivers and the demand (users) to these transceivers and to QoS levels, respectively. The RDQ‐A optimization problem is decoupled in several sub‐problems and is implemented in phases corresponding to the aforementioned assignments, while efficient custom greedy algorithms are mobilized in each phase for obtaining the optimum assignment. Finally, indicative results from the application of the proposed functionality to a simulated network are presented. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a universally applicable 3D‐printed external light trap for enhanced absorption in solar cells. The macroscopic external light trap is placed at the sun‐facing surface of the solar cell and retro‐reflects the light that would otherwise escape. The light trap consists of a reflective parabolic concentrator placed on top of a reflective cage. Upon placement of the light trap, an improvement of 15% of both the photocurrent and the power conversion efficiency in a thin‐film nanocrystalline silicon (nc‐Si:H) solar cell is measured. The trapped light traverses the solar cell several times within the reflective cage thereby increasing the total absorption in the cell. Consequently, the trap reduces optical losses and enhances the absorption over the entire spectrum. The components of the light trap are 3D printed and made of smoothened, silver‐coated thermoplastic. In contrast to conventional light trapping methods, external light trapping leaves the material quality and the electrical properties of the solar cell unaffected. To explain the theoretical operation of the external light trap, we introduce a model that predicts the absorption enhancement in the solar cell by the external light trap. The corresponding calculated path length enhancement shows good agreement with the empirically derived value from the opto‐electrical data of the solar cell. Moreover, we analyze the influence of the angle of incidence on the parasitic absorptance to obtain full understanding of the trap performance. © 2015 The Authors. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hysteresis is induced in paraelectric (Ba,Sr)TiO3 (BST) thin‐film capacitors by inserting an Al2O3 barrier layer of a few nanometers in thickness between the BST layer and the electrode. The observed hysteresis is explained by ambipolar charge carrier injection through the Al2O3 layer and charge storage at the BST/Al2O3 interface. The magnitude of the hysteresis can be directly adjusted by manipulating the thickness ratio between BST and Al2O3. Taking into account the low loss of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 capacitors, the observed switching and retention characteristics are suitable for application as non‐volatile programmable high‐frequency devices, e.g., in radio‐frequency identification.  相似文献   

The effect of space accessible to electrolyte ions on the electrochemical activity is studied for a system of transition‐metal hydroxide‐based pseudocapacitors. Layered α‐Co(OH)2 with various intercalated anions is used as a model material. Three types of layered α‐Co(OH)2 with intercalated anions of dodecyl sulfate, benzoate, or nitrate, are prepared by a simple reflux and an anion‐exchange process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations and X‐ray diffraction (XRD) data show the formation of layered α‐Co(OH)2 nanocones with interlayer spacing between adjacent Co(OH)2 single sheets of 1.6, 0.7, and 0.09 nm, corresponding to the anions as listed above. Electrochemical characterization reveals that interlayer space has a great effect on the electrochemical activity of α‐Co(OH)2 nanocones as an electrode material. For the interlayer spacing of 1.6 nm, in the case of dodecyl sulfate‐intercalated α‐Co(OH)2, the Faradaic reaction takes place more adequately than for benzoate‐ and nitrate‐intercalated α‐Co(OH)2. As a result, a higher specific capacitance and better cycling stability is obtained for the dodecyl sulfate‐intercalated α‐Co(OH)2. The electrochemical activity obviously reduces when the interlayer space decreases to 0.7 nm. Our results suggest the importance of rational designing the interlayer space of layered transition metal hydroxides for high‐performance pseudocapacitors.  相似文献   

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