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改革开放后,为尽快在人造板产品质量上缩小与国外先进水平的差距,我国大量引进了各种人造板生产设备与生产工艺技术,进口各类人造板生产线均有四、五十套之多。胶合板生产设备  相似文献   

1 引言 众所周知,最近几年人造板生产设备和生产线发展很迅速,尤其是刨花板和中密度纤维板设备。 目前为止,在人造板的生产中,概括起来有三种主要的压机型式:  相似文献   

美卓人造板机械公司(Metso Panelboard)是目前世界上唯一能提供全套人造板生产线设备和工艺技术以及全面的工艺解决方案的供应商,技术领先、设备集成度高。凭借这些优势,美卓可以帮助用户最大限度地创造盈利空间。  相似文献   

过去的一年,德国迪芬巴赫机械制造有限公司继续在中国人造板设备市场上取得傲人的业绩,共销售4条连续压机生产线,其中3条为中密度生产线,1条刨花板生产线。  相似文献   

国外人造板机械发展状况与技术特点   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
介绍国外人造板机械发展状况和技术特点。目前国际人造板机械行业呈现出三大巨头公司—Metso、Dieffenbacher和Siempelkamp引领潮流的局面,他们所交货的人造板机械成套设备,已占全世界总生产能力的80%以上。针对目前世界人造板的发展趋势,以中密度纤维板(MDF)生产线为例,论述了主机设备的发展与技术创新特点,并对如何发展我国人造板工业和人造板机械制造业提出新的看法和见解。  相似文献   

在木材加工行业中,干燥设备是人造板生产线中必不可少的重要设备,同时也是人造板生产中耗能最大的设备。如何降低干燥机的能耗在能源十分短缺的今天,显得尤为重要。本文以木材加工行业生产二次加工贴面纸的浸渍纸干燥生产线为例,计算了该生产线使用热管式空气预热器能够回收的热量,进行了经济性分析,得到热管式空气预热器可用于回收低品位热量并具有较好的经济性的结论。  相似文献   

<正>近10年来,我国人造板行业高速发展,人造板产量居世界第一。然而,木材资源的匮乏与传统生产设备自动化程度和生产效率的低下,始终制约着我国人造板质量和企业经济效益的提高。面对从人造板生产大国到人造板生产强国的角色转变,以及顺应国家淘汰落后产能的政策方向,我国人造板生产企业急需进行设备改造和技术升级。如今,代表着人造板机械设备最先进水平的连续压机生产线逐渐成为市场主流。德国迪芬巴赫机械  相似文献   

作为世界人造板行业设备制造与供应的领跑者,意玛-帕尔(IMAL-PAL)集团主要向全球刨花板、中密度纤维板、定向刨花板、保温绝缘板、木质颗粒及托盘垫脚等厂家提供成套生产线、设备和系统;也能为现有生产线的现代化升级改造提供技术支持以及灵活、高端的  相似文献   

当今世界人造板制造基地发生转移,预示中国人造板装备市场将有突飞猛进的发展。我国人造板生产线劳动生产率的提高是永恒课题,节能环保是人造板装备的研发方向,人造板生产线无人化是未来技术进步的理想目标。  相似文献   

1999年以来,我国的人造板市场呈现出快速增长的好势头。这新一轮的设备投资特点为大产量、高技术含量、国产与进口并重,多家企业新上了年产10万m3的连续压机生产线或年产5至8万m3多层压机生产线,今年内将陆续投入生产运行。随着人造板素板产量的大幅度增加,二次加工的原有生产能力将不再适应新的要求,许多人造板厂家正在计划上新的二次加工生产线。  相似文献   

倪士敏 《纺织器材》2013,40(3):44-51
阐述棉纺牵伸胶辊、胶圈的应用技术和牵伸原理,重点探讨了胶辊、胶圈的牵伸工艺特性及其合理配置、胶辊制作、周期管理、质量管理、使用管理、产品缺陷与其机械波分析、纺纱环境和挡车工操作水平对纺纱性能的影响,提出胶辊、胶圈有关机件的质量要求等。  相似文献   

As part of the project “Religious slaughter (DIALREL): improving knowledge and expertise through dialogue and debate on issues of welfare, legislation and socio-economic aspects”, this paper discusses an evaluation of current practices during Halal and Shechita slaughter in cattle, sheep, goats and poultry. During religious slaughter, animals are killed with and without stunning by a transverse incision across the neck that is cutting the skin, muscles (brachiocephalic, sternocephalic, sternohyoid, and sternothyroid), trachea, esophagus, carotid arteries, jugular veins and the major, superficial and deep nerves of the cervical plexus. In this report, the restraint methods, stunning, neck cutting, exsanguination, slaughter techniques and postcut handling in the abattoir were assessed for religious slaughter. Information about the procedures used during religious slaughter in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, Turkey and Australia was collected by means of spot visits to abattoirs. To standardize the information gathered during the spot visits three guidelines were designed, one for each species, and translated into the national languages of the countries involved. The document included questions on the handling and restraint methods (stunning, neck cutting/exsanguination/slaughter techniques and postcut handling performed under religious practices) and for pain and distress of the animal during the restraint, neck cutting and induction to death in each abattoir. Results showed differences in the time from restraining to stun and to cut in the neck cutting procedures and in the time from cut to death.  相似文献   

康素敏 《中国造纸》2016,35(4):67-72
通过对纸质文献保存和修复领域专利技术文献的收集、分析、标引和梳理,分析了该领域专利技术分布及专利申请情况,分别探析了脱酸、修补、加固、装裱4种技术的专利技术演进路线,最后对该领域专利技术进行了总结。  相似文献   

The concept of toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) has been developed to facilitate risk assessment and regulatory control of exposure to complex PCDD, PCDF and PCB mixtures. Recently the European Centre for Environment and Health of the World Health Organization (WHO-ECEH) and the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) jointly reevaluated the TEFs of PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs for mammals and derived consensus TEFs for birds and fish (Stockholm, 1997). From a mechanistic point of view it can be concluded that, although the quantitative response will vary depending on the congener involved, the occurrence of a common mechanism (binding to the Ah receptor) legitimates the use of the TEF concept across species. But there also is criticism regarding the TEF concept. Pharmacokinetic differences between species can significantly influence the TEF value, and uncertainties due to additive or nonadditive interactions, to differences in species responsiveness and to differences in the shape of the dose response curve might hamper the derivation of consensus TEF values. In this context it should be noted, however, that using TCDD alone, as the only measure of exposure to dioxin-like PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs, would severely underestimate the risk from exposure to these compounds. Therefore, it can be concluded that, for pragmatic reasons, the TEF concept remains the most feasible approach for risk assessment purposes, in spite of the uncertainties associated with its use.  相似文献   

通过貂绒纤维与山羊绒、骆驼绒纤维的对比,着重就貂绒的形态结构、密度、长度、细度、摩擦性能、卷曲、强力以及纤维的保暖性能等进行了研究。研究表明:貂绒纤维不同于山羊绒纤维,貂绒纤维含有髓质层,进而使得纤维的密度和断裂强度比山羊绒和驼绒小;而对于貂绒的其他基本性能:长度、细度、卷曲度和保暖性等均与山羊绒纤维类似,但与驼绒纤维却有着较大差异。由此可知,貂绒纤维与山羊绒纤维有类似的优良性能,在毛纺上有很高的利用价值。  相似文献   

浅析我国液体牛奶市场消费状况   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
分析了2001年全国液体牛奶的市场状态和消费结构。在对液体牛奶的市场分析中,叙述了各知名品牌的市场占有率变化;消费者对最佳品牌的认同情况;市场集中度的变化趋势以及WTO对中国液体牛奶市场的影响等。在对液本牛奶的消费分析中,着重阐述了消费者的购买决策影响因素、购物场所的选择、消费频次、饮用类型、饮用时段、饮用场合、饮用目的等方面观点。  相似文献   

Hydrocolloids (gums) have a good functional characteristic such as emulsifying, gelling, solubility, and textural improvement. In the bakery products, hydrocolloids were used to improving dough performance, bread and cake characteristics, sensorial quality, and extension the products shelf life. Several studies reported the potential use of hydrocolloids in breads, biscuits, cakes, and pasta formulation. The present review summarized the effect of the most common and new hydrocolloids (xanthan, guar, Arabic, carrageenan, karaya, alginate, acacia, methylcellulose, carboxy methyl cellulose, hydroxyl propyl methyl cellulose, locust bean, balangu seed, wild sage seed, basil seed, and cress seed gums) on the rheological, physicochemical, textural, and quality characteristics of bakery products. Gums addition improved volume and porosity of the breads and cakes. Gums influence on the gelatinization and retrogradation of starch and decreased the retrogradation of starch. In the bakery products, hydrocolloids were used to improving mixing and increasing the shelf life of the products through moisture preservation and avoidance of syneresis in some frozen foods. This study summarized the influence of the most common and new hydrocolloids on the rheological, physicochemical, textural, and quality characteristics of bakery products. Addition of seeds gum to the breads, biscuits, cakes, and pasta formula led to an increase in the viscosity of the batter. Also, the firmness of bakery products showed that they became softer with increasing gum levels.  相似文献   

为解决苎麻氧化脱胶中纤维容易被过度氧化而性能受损的问题,在氧化脱胶液中添加了具有纤维素和半纤维素保护效果的试剂 1,8-二羟基蒽醌(丹蒽醌),并通过调节1,8-二羟基蒽醌的用量实现了对苎麻纤维理化性能(强伸性能、聚合度、半纤维素含量、制成率等)的调控。结果表明,1,8-二羟基蒽醌用量越高,纤维中半纤维素含量、制成率越高;但纤维强伸性能随1,8-二羟基蒽醌含量先升高后降低;当1,8-二羟基蒽醌的用量为2 %时,脱胶的综合效果最佳,此时纤维的断裂功、聚合度、半纤维素含量、制成率比不使用1,8-二羟基蒽醌时分别提高了41.0%、2.0%、17.3%、7.0%;此外,使用1,8-二羟基蒽醌后,脱胶废水的COD值降低了40%,大幅度提高了氧化脱胶工艺的环保性。  相似文献   

Enhancement of Food Processes by Ultrasound: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In food processing, the applications of ultrasound can be divided into two categories, namely replacing traditional technologies and assisting traditional technologies. In the latter case, the processing efficiency is enhanced and the disadvantageous of traditional technologies during processing are improved. These ultrasonic effects can be defined as ultrasonic enhancement of food processes. This review is focused on the use of ultrasound to enhance various food processes, including extraction, freezing, thawing, brining, oxidation, filtration, and drying/dehydration. The major functions of ultrasound in enhancing these processes and the factors which can affect the ultrasonic enhancement are elucidated. In the meantime, the strategies of modeling these processes enhanced by ultrasound are provided. Future studies should pay more attention to elucidate the ultrasonic effects during freezing, thawing, brining, oxidation, and filtration processes. Furthermore, when it comes to design the ultrasound equipment at the industrial level, it is better to quantify the ultrasonic effects through numerical stimulation.  相似文献   

采用单因素二次回归正交试验研究了乙烯基类聚合物鞣剂共单体种类、配比与应用性能的相关性,通过比较不同共单体及其不同配比的乙烯基聚合物鞣剂复鞣革样与对比革样的性能,得到了不同共单体对鞣剂应用性能的贡献。结果表明:含极性基团的共单体有利于复鞣革样抗张强度、耐湿热稳定性的提高,但影响革样的柔软性和革样胶原纤维的柔韧性;共单体丙烯酰胺对复鞣革样的丰满性具有特殊的贡献,鞣剂分子中引入丙烯酸酯类共单体有利于复鞣  相似文献   

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