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Shen J 《环境与规划A辑》1993,25(2):245-253
Multiregional life tables at various ages developed by Rogers and Willekins are used to examine the urban and rural dynamics of population (fertility and out-migration expectations) in China. Period-cohort survival rates are used in the calculation of survival probability. A unit radix is assumed in the calculation of the life table for each age. The life expectation of the female population a birth is 73.59 years in urban areas and 72.46 in rural areas. Male life expectancy is 69.73 years in urban areas and 58.99 in rural areas. Life expectancies are higher for rural males aged over 20 years and females aged over 60 years because of urban and rural differences in out-migration and mortality rates. Life expectancy for the rural males over age 60 is 16.55 and for urban males over age 60 is 16.00. Rural females over age 70 have a life expectancy of 12.25 years and urban females over age 70 have a life expectancy of 12.04 years. In the calculation of fertility expectations, the occurrence-exposure fertility rates of period cohorts are estimated from the forward fertility rates of period cohorts by means of forward mortality rates. The occurrence-exposure fertility rate of life table cohort y is calculated from the occurrence-exposure fertility rates of period cohorts r (y) and r(y + 1). A female born in an urban area is expected to have 1.82 children in an urban area and .06 children in a rural area. A female born in a rural area is expected to have 2.10 children in a rural area and .35 children in an urban area. Rural population has a much higher net reproduction rate than urban population. In the calculation of the net migraproduction (spatial out-migration expectation), forward out-migration rates of period cohorts are used for estimation of occurrence-exposure out-migration rates of period cohorts. Mortality rates are included in the calculation of population at risk. Out-migration rates are modified to account for nonsurvival migrants using mortality rates of the destination region. The occurrence-exposure out-migration rate of the life table cohort y is estimated similarly as the fertility rates of life table cohorts. A female born in an urban area is likely to make .0451 migrations out of the region; a female born in a rural region is likely to make .3491 out-migrations. A male born in an urban area is likely to make .0475 out-migrations; a male born in a rural area is likely to make .2903 out-migrations.  相似文献   

Shen J  Spence NA 《环境与规划A辑》1996,28(8):1417-1444
"The population of China is still growing despite a dramatic decline in fertility in the past two decades. There are marked urban-rural differentials in fertility and, as a result, the pace of urbanization has significant effects on population growth. In this research an attempt is made to model urban-rural population growth in China. A demoeconomic model of urban and rural sectors is calibrated to account for the long-term trend of urbanization in China.... An accounts-based urban-rural population model, in which rural to urban migration and transition are driven by the foregoing demoeconomic model, is established.... These models are used to make urban-rural population projections for the period 1988-2087 under various fertility rate assumptions."  相似文献   

Increased access to supercomputers permits entomologists and ecologists to simulate complex models consisting of many state variables representing one or more populations. To explain the dynamics of these populations over time and space, more than the ordinary summary data and two-dimensional graphs are needed. We have developed a set of graphics programs to address the typical concerns.  相似文献   

付彦 《山西建筑》2008,34(18):215-216
通过对我国人口规模结构变化的分析,找出不同时代、不同背景下的城市人口增长方式的内涵规律,提出了不同城市人口规模结构所面临的问题,反思我国过去推行的城市人口规模发展战略的得失,为当今我国城市化人口战略提供借鉴。  相似文献   

针对目前城乡公交一体化进程中存在的问题,从管理体制、资源配置、经营状态等方面进行了论述,提出了针对性的应对措施与方法,并结合实例介绍了城乡公交一体化的实施情况,为推进城乡经济一体化发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   

论述了城乡规划和建设项目的理论内涵,辨析了二者相辅相成、协调发展的关系,并结合工程实际案例,提出若干促进二者协调发展的建议和路径,对城乡建设的健康发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为使各地建设系统更好地贯彻实施《防震减灾法》,住房和城乡建设部近日发出关于贯彻实施《防震减灾法》加强城乡建设抗震防灾工作的通知。通知要求,要健全和落实城乡建设抗震防灾管理制度,防震减灾工作,实行预防为主、防御与救助相结合的方针。各地要结合《防震  相似文献   

Puu T 《环境与规划A辑》1985,17(9):1,263-1,269
This paper is an extension of the model of population growth and migration originally developed by H. Hotelling in 1921. This model consists of two ingredients, a logistic growth function and a linear spatial diffusion term. The author notes that the saturation population can be affected by the development of new technology and that improvements in transportation have increased the possibilities for migration. "Basic nonlinearities are introduced by use of a production technology with increasing-decreasing returns to scale. It is demonstrated how industrial takeoffs, population transitions, and agglomerative spatial patterns can emerge by changing the model parameters."  相似文献   

This study aims to reveal how e-commerce affects the income gap between urban and rural areas in the context of developing world. An empirical examination was carried out by using the panel data of 11 cities in Zhejiang Province, China, from 2011 to 2018. The results show that there is an inverted-U relationship between e-commerce development and urban–rural income gap. Zhejiang is still on the left side of the inverted-U curve, where e-commerce development increases the urban–rural income gap. The government should create more favorable conditions for the popularization of rural e-commerce and advance the turning point.  相似文献   

安·泰维斯的宗教经验研究开辟了新的研究路径;其把宗教扩大化为具有宗教性质的经验,用归因理论研究宗教经验,区分宗教经验数据类型,详述解释宗教经验的具体步骤,倡导宗教经验的比较研究;泰维斯把自己的研究路径称为"积木式研究方法",该研究方法扩展了宗教经验的研究领域,有利于获取有关宗教研究的新洞见。  相似文献   

城镇供水企业安全技术管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自哈尔滨发生松花江水污染事件及随后接连发生的供水突发事件后.使城镇供水安全问题进一步提到了各级政府、供水企业及相关部门的重要议程中。中国城镇供水排水协会(以下简称”中国水协”)作为全国供水行业的社团组织,为保障供水安全做好相关工作.促进整个行业科学、健康地发展,具有义不容辞的责任。为此,中国水协计划在供水安全方面配合政府主管部门做一些工作。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show how the density gradient can be modified to take account of population increase and income growth (reflected in a decline in the slope of the gradient). It is shown that central city densities and the slope of gradient are related exponentially. Given certain assumptions about the income elasticity of demand for space, it is possible to draw inferences about the relative contribution of income growth and population growth. An illustration using four American cities suggested population changes have been more important than income, effects, especially since 1930.  相似文献   

关于城乡统筹发展方面的认识与思考   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
李兵弟 《城市规划》2004,28(6):9-19
根据中国统计年鉴和城市统计年报,到2002年底,全国总人口达到12.8453亿人,其中城镇人口5.0212亿人,城镇化水平39.10%.全国共有设市城市660个,其中市区非农业人口在200万以上的超特大城市16个,100-200万人口的特大城市32个,50-100万人口的大城市65个,20-50万人口的中等城市222个,20万人口以下的小城市325个.小城镇4321 3个,其中,建制镇20601个,集镇22612个.建制镇总人口1.3663亿人.  相似文献   

Ma Z  Liaw KL  Zeng Y 《环境与规划A辑》1997,29(4):707-730
Microdata from the 1987 National Population Survey are used to analyze internal migration in China in the 1980s. The focus is on the impact of migration policies on rural-urban migration. "There are two main findings. First, although the migration policy resulted in a very low migration level and systematic distortions in migration schedules, its encouragement of downward migrations was very ineffective, whereas its control on rural-to-urban migrations was partially weakened by the strong upward aspirations of rural families awakened by recent economic reform. Consequently, net in-migration contributed substantially to the growth both of city and of town populations. Second, although the level of education had a strong positive effect on the migration propensities both of males and of females in general, it had a strong negative effect on the migration propensities of females at the time of marriage, a finding which suggests that the families at subsistence income level tended to marry their daughters to grooms in other communities in order to reduce the risk of familial income shortfalls."  相似文献   

The total, ammonia-oxidizing, and denitrifying Bacteria in a full-scale membrane bioreactor (MBR) were evaluated monthly for over one year. Microbial communities were analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone library analysis of the 16S rRNA and ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) and nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ) genes. The community fingerprints obtained were compared to those from a conventional activated sludge (CAS) process running in parallel treating the same domestic wastewater. Distinct DGGE profiles for all three molecular markers were observed between the two treatment systems, indicating the selection of specific bacterial populations by the contrasting environmental and operational conditions. Comparative 16S rRNA sequencing indicated a diverse bacterial community in the MBR, with phylotypes from the α- and β-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes dominating the gene library. The vast majority of sequences retrieved were not closely related to classified organisms or displayed relatively low levels of similarity with any known 16S rRNA gene sequences and thus represent organisms that constitute new taxa. Similarly, the majority of the recovered nosZ sequences were novel and only moderately related to known denitrifiers from the α- and β-Proteobacteria. In contrast, analysis of the amoA gene showed a remarkably simple ammonia-oxidizing community with the detected members almost exclusively affiliated with the Nitrosomonas oligotropha lineage. Major shifts in total bacteria and denitrifying community were detected and these were associated with change in the external carbon added for denitrification enhancement. In spite of this, the MBR was able to maintain a stable process performance during that period. These results significantly expand our knowledge of the biodiversity and population dynamics of microorganisms in MBRs for wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

为确保城乡供水安全,嘉兴市通过建设水源生态湿地工程提升水源水质、创新水厂净水工艺进行深度处理、加强行业精细化管理,推进城乡一体化供水等工作,在提高城乡供水质量和安全方面成效显著,得到社会各界和人民群众的广泛好评。  相似文献   

陈磊  方振东  高殿森 《山西建筑》2007,33(7):344-346
介绍了城乡一体化的涵义,针对城乡一体化经济发展中造成的土地、水资源等自然资源的污染和浪费问题,分析了城乡一体化经济发展过程中的环境问题,并阐述了城乡一体化中的环境保护思路,以使城乡一体化走可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

从县域城乡层面入手,利用城市规划学和城市经济学的有关理论,通过现状优劣势分析,提出了城镇化发展战略,并总结了相应的管理手段和合理的实施措施,为城乡的有序建设提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

某城乡一体化开发项目投融资方案设计   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
基于京津冀地区某城乡一体化开发项目的实际需求,分析了其区域特点,并对其以“宅基地换房”模式进行的城乡一体化开发项目规划进行了详细解读,提出了房地产企业参与投资的几种投融资方案。在深入探讨各方案适用性及其特点的基础上,提出了一种“村民安置房建设与土地一、二级开发捆绑进行”的推荐模式。在此基础上,对该模式的操作流程和项目结构进行了详细设计,并提出了项目的关键成功因素,以期为我国城乡一体化开发项目提供一定参考。  相似文献   

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