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A new specimen geometry-the double edge-cracked Brazilian disk and a relevant fracture analysis by weight function method are proposed for the investigation of rock fracture caused by compression-shear loading. Not only can the mixed mode fracture with any ratio of KI /KII be achieved, but also the pure mode n crack extension can be obtained. The combined mode fracture analysis for this geometry shows that diametral compression in the far-field can induce a compression-shear stress state in the singular stress field ahead of crack tips. Experimental investigations conducted on marble specimens show that the pure mode [I crack extension can be obtained when the dimen-sionless crack length a>0. 7 and the inclined crack angle 5°≤ψ≤40°. Normalized mode I and mode II stress intensity factors decrease from -0. 45 and 2. 47 at ψ= 5° to - 1. 65 and 1. 52 at ψ=40°, respectively. The strains at three points of specimen are also measured in order to investigate the influence of stress singularity on initi  相似文献   

Sincethecenter crackedcirculardiskspeci mencanbeavailabledirectlyfromrockcore ,andmixed modefracturerangingfrompuremodeⅠtoanyKⅡ/KⅠ ratiocanbeeasilyachievedusingthisgeometry ,itiswidelyusedinthemixed modefractureinvestigationofbrittlematerials .Theproblemco…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONFracture process zone (FPZ) is very importantto study some physical phenomena, such as nonlin ear behavior of brittle rock and initial angle ofcrack extension which has to be taken into accountin order to predict the initial angle of crack exten sion and the fracture locus. Besides, the structureand size of FPZ ahead of crack tip are crucial forthe application of conventional fracture criteria,since the stress or energy in these criteria shouldbe ca…  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of modeⅡstress intensity factors(SIFs) for the double edge cracked Brazilian disk subjected to different diametral compression is presented using a weight function method. The mode Ⅱ SIFs at crack tips can be obtained by simply calculating an integral of the product of mode Ⅱ weight function and the shear stress on the prospective crack faces of uncracked disk loaded by a diametral compression. A semi-analytical formula for the calculation of normalized mode Ⅱ SIF, fⅡ , is derived for different crack lengths (from 0.1 to 0.7) and inclination angles (from 10^。 to 75^。) with respect to loading direction. Comparison between the obtained results and finite element method solutions shows that the weight function method is of high precision. Combined with the authors‘ previous work on modeⅠfracture analysis, the new specimen geometry can be used to study fracture through any combination of mode Ⅰ and mode Ⅱ loading by a simple alignment of the crack relative to the diameter of compression loading, and to obtain pure mode Ⅱ crack extension. Another advantage of this specimen geometry is that it is available directly from rock core and is also easy to fabricate.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of mode Ⅱ stress intensity factors(SIFs) for the double edge cracked Brazilian disk subjected to different diametral compression is presented using a weight function method. The mode Ⅱ SIFs at crack tips can be obtained by simply calculating an integral of the product of mode Ⅱ weight function and the shear stress on the prospective crack faces of uncracked disk loaded by a diametral compression. A semi-analytical formula for the calculation of normalized mode Ⅱ SIF, fⅡ , is derived for different crack lengths (from 0. 1 to 0.7) and inclination angles (from 10° to 75°) with respect to loading direction. Comparison between the obtained results and finite element method solutions shows that the weight function method is of high precision. Combined with the authors' previous work on mode Ⅰ fracture analysis, the new specimen geometry can be used to study fracture through any combination of mode Ⅰ and mode Ⅱ loading by a simple alignment of the crack relative to the diameter of compression loading, and to obtain pure mode Ⅱ crack extension. Another advantage of this specimen geometry is that it is available directly from rock core and is also easy to fabricate.  相似文献   

脆性材料断裂韧性的单一尺寸试件测定方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脆性或准脆性材料(混凝土,陶瓷,大理石,岩石等)的断裂韧性随试件的大小而改变,具有明显的尺 寸效应.通常情况下描述材料尺寸效应的Bazant尺寸效应律是建立在一系列相似试件的基础上通过实验方 法确定的.提出了一种新的用单一试件测定断裂韧性的实验方法和计算公式,即采用含不同裂缝长度的单一 尺寸试件测定材料的断裂韧性与相似试件测定方法相比,测定结果吻合很好,该方法具有很强的实用性、便 于在实验室环境下用小试件测量,计算方法也很简便.  相似文献   

介绍在线弹性断裂力学基础上单奇异性V形切口脆性断裂准则研究的进展.把复合型V形切口脆性断裂准则分为应力参数型和能量参数型,并重点综述这两类准则的研究现状、适用性和局限性,讨论了特征距离的确定,展望了V形切口断裂准则将来可能的研究方向,指出Ⅱ型成分占主导的复合型V形问题,断裂机制和准则,在理论与实验上还需进一步研究.  相似文献   

基于动态断裂力学的超声振动切削分析与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解释超声振动切削所具有的切削力小等优点的产生原因,进行了超声振动切削的切削机理研究.文中采用动态断裂力学的方法,分析切削过程中由于引入振动所产生的冲击作用,引起了工件内部的动态应力强度因子的变化.利用理论分析与数值仿真相结合的方法,从力学的角度给出切削区产生断裂,从而形成切屑的机理.仿真结果说明了超声振动切削机理:由于振动加入所带来的动态效应使得切削区材料更易发生断裂,导致振动切削力下降.在上述分析基础上,给出了振动切削中正确选择振动参数的方法.  相似文献   

The dynamic stress intensity factor for a semi-infinite crack in an otherwise unbounded elastic body is analyzed The crack is subjected to a pair of suddenly applied point loads on its faces at a distance l away from the crack tip The solution of the problem is obtained by superposition of the solutions of two simpler problems. The first of these problems is Lamb' s problem, while the second problem considers a half space with its surface subjected to the negative of the normal displacement induced by Lamb's problem in the range x>0. The latter is solved by means of integral transforms together with the application of Weiner-Hopf technique and Cagniard-de Hoop method. An exact expression is derived for the mode I stress intensity factor as a function of time for any point along the crack edge. Some features of the solution are discussed.  相似文献   

魏氏组织和氧化物对HRB335钢筋脆断的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对HR335钢发生脆断因素分析发现,魏氏组织和氧化物是导致HRB335钢筋发生脆断主要因素,魏氏体的形成倾向主要与钢的成分(碳及合金元素的含量)奥氏体晶粒度和轧制时的冷却速度密切有关。而氧化物大小和数量取决于钢的氧含量。  相似文献   

复合型加载条件下扁平巴西圆盘应力强度因子计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复合型裂纹的研究具有重要的工程实用价值。使用解析分析与有限元数值分析相结合的方法,对复合型加载条件下扁平巴西圆盘试件的应力强度因子进行了系统的分析。计算结果表明:在一定载荷分布角范围内,可使用分布载荷作用下巴西圆盘应力强度因子的公式去计算扁平巴西圆盘试件的应力强度因子;在断裂力学中圣维南原理依然成立。根据计算结果,推荐在扁平巴西圆盘断裂实验中使用载荷分布角为7.25°的扁平巴西圆盘试件。  相似文献   

含界面裂纹的GFRP沥青混合料巴西盘断裂力学分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究GFRP沥青混合料界面裂尖力学特性,对混合料进行强度分析,设计了含预制界面裂纹的双材料巴西盘试件,实测了加载角度在25°90°之间27个巴西盘试件断裂荷载、裂纹扩展路径和断口形式等试验数据,结合试验数据建立了考虑GFRP正交异性双材料巴西盘有限元模型,采用数值外插法反算了界面应力强度因子,进行了GFRP沥青混合料巴西盘断裂力学性能的理论分析和试验研究.结果表明,含预制界面裂纹的双材料巴西盘试件能全面地反映GFRP沥青混合料的断裂形态,是一种有效的试验方法;以界面应力强度因子作为力学评价指标,能够很好地解释试验现象;含预制界面裂纹的GFRP沥青混合料巴西盘符合椭圆强度准则.  相似文献   

在分析压应力作用下裂纹扩展模型的基础上,指出了目前几种常用的岩石中平面分支裂纹尖端应力强度因子的近似解析式所存在的问题,并给出了应力强度因子的较为简便且合理的近似表达式.  相似文献   

无网格伽辽金法(EFGM)是近年来兴起的无网格法的一种,与传统的有限元等数值计算方法相比,它只需要节点信息和计算域的几何边界.由于不需要网格重构,裂纹扩展只需要通过自由裂纹面的延伸来模拟,这大大简化了裂纹模拟的过程.本文综述了EFGM在疲劳裂纹扩展中的应用,对扩展基的使用、权函数的选择及裂纹扩展的模拟方法和动态应力强度因子的计算进行了论述  相似文献   

为了研究油气输送管道中疲劳裂纹的扩展特性,在疲劳载荷的作用下在试件中导入了倾斜疲劳裂纹,以此模拟油气管道中存在的实际裂纹.实验采用疲劳载荷的应力比为0和-1,疲劳裂纹的倾斜角度为45°.通过测量沿着裂纹开口方向和滑移方向的不连续位移量,计算管道中用作裂纹起裂判据的Ⅰ型应力强度因子(KⅠ)mes,和Ⅱ型应力强度因子(KⅡ)mes,以及抑制裂纹开口和滑移方向位移的应力强度因子(KⅠ)s和(KⅡ)s;讨论了疲劳裂纹的应力强度因子(KⅠ)s和(KⅡ)s的影响因素.其结果是:对于应力比0和-1的疲劳裂纹,(KⅠ)s和(KⅡ)s都小于零;而回火后的裂纹的(KⅠ)s和(KⅡ)s都接近于零,即压缩残余应力将对裂纹起裂(初始扩展)起到限制和阻碍的作用.  相似文献   

为了获得含反射裂缝沥青路面结构的工作性状,基于黏弹性动力学、断裂力学理论和平面应变有限单元法,采用ABAQUS软件,分析了车辆行驶速度、路面结构层的温度和阻尼比对单周期半波正弦荷载作用下含反射裂缝沥青路面结构的动应力强度因子分布规律的影响.结果表明,最大动应力强度因子随行驶速度的增加而减小,当行驶速度由40 km/h增加至120 km/h时,最大动应力强度因子减小了21.6%;不同温度下的最大动应力强度因子出现的时间基本相同,且最大动应力强度因子随温度的升高而减小;路面结构的动应力强度因子曲线随阻尼比的增加而逐渐后移,且最大动应力强度因子值逐渐减小,同时最大动应力强度因子出现的时间向后延迟.  相似文献   

本文对裂纹倾斜角度这一几何参数对砂岩半圆盘试件复合型断裂性质的影响进行了研究。采用含边缘裂纹的四川黑砂岩半圆盘试件(SCB试件)进行三点弯曲实验,结合有限元数值模拟软件ABAQUS计算出复合型断裂韧度,并将最终结果与已提出的多个断裂准则进行比较,得出适用于黑砂岩复合型断裂的断裂准则。结果表明,随着裂纹倾斜角度增加,I型断裂与II型断裂的复合度即二者所占比例发生变化,I型断裂所占比例逐渐减小,应力强度因子KI逐渐减小,同时II型断裂所占比例逐渐增大,应力强度因子KII和T应力逐渐增加。黑砂岩复合型断裂的实验结果与改进的R准则最为吻合,验证了改进的R准则在黑砂岩半圆盘弯曲实验中的准确性和可靠性。  相似文献   

为了优选弹体材料脆性带加工方案,增强弹丸杀伤威力,提高材料利用率,运用有限元软件ANSYS的显示动力学部分,分别对不含脆性带、含有对称分布以及有偏移量的十字形脆性带合金钢试件断裂过程进行了模拟.通过网格和应力波变化图以及冲击过程中锤头所受阻力加速度和能量转化的对比分析,结果表明:含脆性带的试件比不含脆性带的试件冲击时更易断裂;含脆性带试件断裂先产生应力的位置是脆性带附近,断裂沿脆性带发生;将对称分布和有偏移量的脆性带试件断裂过程对比,能量转化值与锤头所受阻力加速度值相近,说明脆性带的偏移量对试件断裂影响不显著.  相似文献   

重力坝坝踵界面裂缝的地震断裂分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对有限元方法计算异弹模界面裂缝程序繁琐的问题,利用特解边界元法,对重力坝坝踵区界面裂缝在地震作用下的应力强度因子变化规律进行了探讨,得出了应力强度因子KI,KⅡ,K0随弹模比的增加而减少,随裂缝长度的增加而增加,地震动水压力对重力坝裂缝影响较大。算例表明,特解边界元法是计算非均质裂缝动态断裂的有效方法。  相似文献   

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