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A heuristic is presented for the two-dimensional arbitrary stock-size cutting stock problem, where a set of rectangular items with specified demand are cut from plates of arbitrary sizes that confirm to the supplier’s provisions, such that the plate cost is minimized. The supplier’s provisions include: the lengths and widths of the plates must be in the specified ranges; the total area of the plates with the same size must reach the area threshold. The proposed algorithm uses a pattern-generation procedure with all-capacity property to obtain the patterns, and combines it with a sequential heuristic procedure to obtain the cutting plan, from which the purchasing decision can be made. Practical and random instances are used to compare the algorithm with a published approach. The results indicate that the trim loss can be reduced by more than half if the algorithm is used in the purchasing decision of the plates.  相似文献   

A rectangular two-dimensional cutting stock problem in the steel bridge construction is discussed. It is the problem of cutting a set of rectangular items from plates with arbitrary sizes that lie in the supplier specified ranges, such that the necessary plate area is minimized. Several types of cutting patterns are used to compose the cutting plan. All of them are easy to generate and cut except the last one. The algorithm uses both recursive and dynamic programming techniques to generate patterns of the last type. The computational results of 22 practical instances indicate that the algorithm can produce solutions close to optimal, and the computation time is reasonable for practical use.  相似文献   

T-shape patterns are often used in dividing stock plates into rectangular pieces, because they make good balance between plate cost and cutting complexity. A dividing cut separates the plate into two segments, each of which contains parallel strips, and the strip orientations of the two segments are perpendicular to each other. This paper presents a heuristic algorithm for constrained T-shape patterns, where the optimization objective is to maximize the pattern value, and the frequency of each piece type does not exceed the demand. The algorithm considers many dividing-cut positions, determines the pattern value associated to each position using a layout-generation procedure, and selects the one with the maximum pattern value as the solution. Pseudo upper bounds are used to skip some non-promising positions. The computational results show that the algorithm is fast and able to get solutions better than those of the optimal two-staged patterns in terms of material utilization.  相似文献   

We consider a Two-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem (2DCSP) where stock of different sizes is available, and a set of rectangular items has to be obtained through two-stage guillotine cuts. We propose and computationally compare three Mixed-Integer Programming models for the 2DCSP developing formulations from the literature. The first two models have a polynomial and pseudo-polynomial number of variables, respectively, and can be solved with a general-purpose MIP solver. The third model, having an exponential number of variables, is solved via branch-and-price techniques. We conclude the paper describing the results of extensive computational experiments on a set of benchmark instances from the literature.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm for generating unconstrained guillotine-cutting patterns for rectangular blanks. A pattern includes at most two sections, each of which consists of strips of the same length and direction. The sizes and strip directions of the sections must be determined optimally to maximize the value of the blanks cut. The algorithm uses an implicit enumeration method to consider all possible section sizes, from which the optimal sizes are selected. It may solve all the benchmark problems listed in the OR-Library to optimality. The computational results indicate that the algorithm is efficient both in computation time and in material utilization. Finally, solutions to some problems are given.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a category of two dimensional NP-hard knapsack problem in which a given convex/non-convex planner items (polygons) have to be cut out of a single convex/non-convex master surface (stock). This cutting process is found in many industrial applications such as sheet metal processes, home-textile, garment, wood, leather and paper industries. An approach is proposed to solve this problem, which depends on the concept of the difference between the area of a collection of polygons and the area of their convex hull. The polygon assignment inside the stock is subjected to feasibility tests to avoid overlapping, namely, angle test, bound test, point inclusion and polygon intersection test. An iterative scheme is used to generate different polygon placements while optimizing the objective function. Computer software is developed to solve and optimize the problem under consideration. Few examples are conducted for different combinations of convex, non-convex items and stocks. Well-known benchmark problems from the literature are tested and compared with our approach. The results of our algorithm have an interesting computational time and can compete with the results of previous work in some particular problems. The computational performance of the developed software indicates the efficiency of the algorithm for solving 2-D irregular cutting of non-convex polygons out of non-convex stock.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a new version of the algorithm proposed in Hifi (Computers and Operations Research 24/8 (1997) 727–736) for solving exactly some variants of (un)weighted constrained two-dimensional cutting stock problems. Performance of branch-and-bound procedure depends highly on particular implementation of that algorithm. Programs of this kind are often accelerated drastically by employing sophisticated techniques. In the new version of the algorithm, we start by enhancing the initial lower bound to limit initially the space search. This initial lower bound has already been used in Fayard et al. 1998 (Journal of the Operational Research Society, 49, 1270–1277), as a heuristic for solving the constrained and unconstrained cutting stock problems. Also, we try to improve the upper bound at each internal node of the developed tree, by applying some simple and effcient combinations. Finally, we introduce some new symmetric-strategies used for neglecting some unnecessary duplicate patterns . The performance of our algorithm is evaluated on some problem instances of the literature and other hard-randomly generated problem instances.  相似文献   

P. Y. Wang's classic bottom-up two-dimensional cutting stock algorithm generates cutting patterns by building rectangles both horizontally and vertically. This algorithm uses a parameter β 1 to tradeoff the number of rectangles generated by the algorithm and hence the quality of the cutting pattern solution obtained versus the amount of computer resources required. Several researchers have made relatively straightforward modifications to Wang's basic algorithm resulting in improved computational times. However, even with these modifications, Wang's approach tends to require large amounts of computer resources in order to optimally or near-optimally solve difficult two-dimensional guillotine cutting stock problems. In this paper, we present an iterative approach that judiciously uses Wang's basic algorithm (with some previously defined modifications) to obtain optimal cutting patterns to difficult two-dimensional cutting stock problems in reasonable computer run times.  相似文献   

刘睿  严玄  许道云  崔耀东 《计算机应用》2009,29(4):1180-1181
使用了一种改进的顺序启发式算法,在排样方式的生成过程中不断修正当前排入毛坯的价值,使之趋于合理,依次选取求解背包函数获得的最大单位价值的排样方式组成当前排样方案,迭代调用该过程多次,最终选取最优的排样方案。在保证较高材料利用率的同时考虑减少排样方式,增加最后一根材料余料长度等多个优化目标。通过多组实验结果比较,证实了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the classical one-dimensional integer cutting stock problem, which consists of cutting a set of available stock lengths in order to produce smaller ordered items. This process is carried out in order to optimize a given objective function (e.g., minimizing waste). Our study deals with a case in which there are several stock lengths available in limited quantities. Moreover, we have focused on problems of low demand. Some heuristic methods are proposed in order to obtain an integer solution and compared with others. The heuristic methods are empirically analyzed by solving a set of randomly generated instances and a set of instances from the literature. Concerning the latter, most of the optimal solutions of these instances are known, therefore it was possible to compare the solutions. The proposed methods presented very small objective function value gaps.  相似文献   

The conventional assignment-based first/best fit decreasing algorithms (FFD/BFD) are not polynomial in the one-dimensional cutting stock input size in its most common format. Therefore, even for small instances with large demands, it is difficult to compute FFD/BFD solutions. We present pattern-based methods that overcome the main problems of conventional heuristics in cutting stock problems by representing the solution in a much more compact format. Using our pattern-based heuristics, FFD/BFD solutions for extremely large cutting stock instances, with billions of items, can be found in a very short amount of time.  相似文献   

A sequential value correction heuristic is presented for the two-dimensional cutting stock problem with three-staged homogenous patterns, considering both input-minimization and simplicity of the cutting process. The heuristic constructs many cutting plans iteratively and selects the best one as the solution. The patterns in each cutting plan are generated sequentially using simple recursive techniques. The values of the item types are corrected after the generation of each pattern to diversify the cutting plans. Computational results indicate that the proposed heuristic is more effective in input minimization than published algorithms and commercial stock cutting software packages that use three-staged general or exact patterns.  相似文献   

In this paper, a genetic algorithm approach is developed for solving the rectangular cutting stock problem. The performance measure is the minimization of the waste. Simulation results obtained from the genetic algorithm-based approach are compared with one heuristic based on partial enumeration of all feasible patterns, and another heuristic based on a genetic neuro-nesting approach. Some test problems taken from the literature were used for the experimentation. Finally, the genetic algorithm approach was applied to test problems generated randomly. The simulation results of the proposed approach in terms of solution quality are encouraging when compared to the partial enumeration-based heuristic and the genetic neuro-nesting approach.  相似文献   

Due to lack of efficient approaches of mixed production, the present production approach of the TFT-LCD industry is batch production that each glass substrate is cut into LCD plates of one size only. This study proposes an optimization algorithm for cutting stock problems of the TFT-LCD industry. The proposed algorithm minimizes the number of glass substrates required to satisfy the orders, therefore reducing the production costs. Additionally, the solution of the proposed algorithm is a global optimum which is different from a local optimum or a feasible solution that is found by the heuristic algorithm. Numerical examples are also presented to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper introduces two new one-dimensional cutting stock models: the generalized assortment problem (GAP) and the best cutting stock length (BSL) problem. These new models provide the potential to reduce waste to values lower than the optimum of current models, under the right management circumstances. In the GAP, management has a standard length and can select one or more of any additional custom stock lengths, and management wishes to minimize cutting stock waste. This model is different from existing models that assume that the selection is from a small fixed set of stock lengths. In the BSL problem, management chooses any number of custom stock lengths, but wishes to find the fewest custom stock lengths in order to have zero waste. Results show waste reductions of 80% with just one custom stock length compared with solutions from standard cutting stock formulations, when item lengths are long relative to the stock length. The models are most effective when the item lengths are nearly as long as the stock length. Solutions from the model have been implemented for a manufacturer. The model is easily generalized to allow multiple existing stock lengths and different costs.  相似文献   

Both the material usage and the complexity of the cutting process should be considered in generating cutting patterns. This paper presents an exact algorithm for constrained two-dimensional guillotine-cutting problems of rectangles. It uses homogenous T-shape patterns to simplify the cutting process. Only homogenous strips are allowed, each of which contains rectangular blanks of the same size and direction. The sheet is divided into two segments. Each segment consists of strips of the same length and direction. The strip directions of the two segments are perpendicular to each other. The algorithm is based on branch and bound procedure combined with dynamic programming techniques. It is a bottom-up tree-search approach that searches the solution tree from the branches to the root. Tighter bounds are established to shorten the searching space. The computational results indicate that the algorithm is efficient both in computation time and in material usage.  相似文献   

An approach is proposed for generating homogenous three-staged cutting patterns for the constrained two-dimensional guillotine-cutting problems of rectangles. It is based on branch-and-bound procedure combined with dynamic programming techniques. The stock plate is divided into segments. Each segment consists of strips with the same direction. Only homogenous strips are allowed, each of which contains rectangles of the same size. The approach uses a tree-search procedure. It starts from an initial lower bound, implicitly generates all possible segments through the builds of strips, and constructs all possible patterns through the builds of segments. Tighter bounds are established to discard non-promising segments and patterns. Both heuristic and exact algorithms are proposed. The computational results indicate that the algorithms are capable of dealing with problems of larger scale. Finally, the solution to a cutting problem taken from a factory that makes passenger cars is given.  相似文献   

曾志阳  陈燕  王珂 《计算机应用》2020,40(2):392-397
针对制造行业中的圆片下料问题,为了在合理的计算时间内使材料的利用率尽可能高,提出并行遗传下料算法(PGBA),以下料方案的材料利用率作为优化目标函数,将下料方案作为个体,采用多线程的方式对多个子种群并行进行遗传操作。首先,在并行遗传算法的基础上设计特定的个体编码方式,采用启发式方法生成种群的个体,以提高算法的搜索能力和效率,避免早熟现象的发生;然后,采用性能较好的遗传算子进行自适应的遗传操作,搜索出一种近似最优的下料方案;最后,通过多种实验验证算法的有效性。结果表明,与启发式算法相比,PGBA的计算时间有所增加,但材料利用率得到了较大的提高,能有效提高企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

The cutting stock problem (CSP) is a particular case of the set‐covering problem. Similarly we introduce another class of combinatorial optimization problems called the skiving stock problem (SSP) as a particular case of the set‐packing problem. The SSP shares many properties and solving techniques with the CSP. When these two problem spaces are contrasted they illuminate one another in that they form a ‘dual’ relationship where techniques once thought to be applicable in one domain can be applied in the other. Furthermore the SSP, like the CSP, may have numerous applications in business and industry.  相似文献   

We propose a hybrid procedure to obtain a reduced number of different patterns in cutting stock problems. Initially, we generate patterns with limited waste that fulfill the demands of at least two items when the patterns are repeatedly cut as much as possible but without overproducing any of the items. The problem is reduced and the residual problem is solved. Then, pattern reduction techniques (local search) are applied starting with the generated solution. The scheme is straightforward and can be used in cutting stock problems of any dimension. Variations of the procedure are also indicated. Computational tests performed indicated that the proposed scheme provides alternative solutions to the pattern reduction problem which are not dominated by other solutions obtained using procedures previously suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

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