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Grundwasser - Die Gebirge des Landes Salzburg sind in wesentlichen Teilen von verkarstungsfähigen Gesteinen aufgebaut. Zwischen 1967 und 1981 erfolgten zahlreiche Färbeversuche, um...  相似文献   

A contribution to the calculation of the deflection of reinforced concrete members. Stated below you will find a calculation of the deflection of reinforced concrete. It differs from former calculations of the deflection according to the Austrian standard ÖNORM B4700 – reinforced concrete structures (EUROCODE-based calculation, dimensioning and constructive design) – and Austrian standard ÖNORM B4200/8 in that it takes into consideration, among others, the results of tests and represents the processes realistically. The load-bearing structures in Austria which were calculated according to the above-mentioned Austrian standards and feature a precamber still have a camber after decades. This may be regarded, among others, as an indication for an incorrect calculation of the deflection. It is therefore requested that the calculation method for the deflection of reinforced concrete specified in ÖNORM B4700 – reinforced concrete structures – firstly, be removed from this standard because it is not correct, as will be shown; secondly, restrict itself to stating the slendernesses, as is the case with DIN 1045, and to calculate the deflection according to the considerations contained in this paper, for example; and thirdly, to leave the calculation method to the structural engineers, which would also put an end to their anguish. Since the standards also represent the state of the art and have to be observed, this additionally poses a legal problem. As will be shown, the method for calculating the deflection according to ÖNORM B4700 contains serious errors of thought and wrong presuppositions in its basic approach, already.  相似文献   

Von einer Abweichung von den Vertragsbestimmungen der ?NORM B 2110 "in einzelnen Punkten" kann nicht gesprochen werden, wenn die Bestimmungen der ?NORM B 2110 überhaupt nur vereinzelt "in Randbereichen" gelten sollen.  相似文献   

Heldmann  Claus-Dieter  Sass  Ingo  Schäffer  Rafael 《Grundwasser》2020,25(2):137-154
Grundwasser - Europas höchste Thermalquellen in Hintertux, Tirol, sind bis zu 22,5 °C warm und werden zu etwa 30 % genutzt. Bisher lag kein detailliertes konzeptionelles...  相似文献   



?ffentliches Recht  相似文献   



?ffentliches Recht  相似文献   

Scheibe  Cornelia 《Grundwasser》2022,27(3):171-185
Grundwasser - Die Östliche Bodenwöhrer Senke in der Oberpfalz, Bayern, bietet aufgrund ihrer besonderen geologischen Situation ergiebige Grundwasservorkommen in Keuper- und...  相似文献   

Ufrecht  Wolfgang 《Grundwasser》2017,22(3):197-208
Grundwasser - Im süddeutschen Schichtstufenland wird der bis zu 120?m mächtige Gipskeuper (Trias, Grabfeld-Formation) aus Tonsteinen mit einzelnen karbonatischen, zumeist...  相似文献   

Im Stadtgebiet Stuttgart tritt aus dem Oberen Muschelkalk unterschiedlich hoch konzentriertes und Kohlens?ure führendes Mineralwasser mit einer Schüttung von ca. 500 l/s artesisch aus. Zur Kl?rung seiner Herkunft und Genese liefern die stabilen Umweltisotope δ 18 O und δ 2 H wichtige Erkenntnisse über das regionale Str?mungsgeschehen im Muschelkalk und zur geochemischen Entwicklung der W?sser.  相似文献   

In the city of Stuttgart, several artesian springs discharge carbonic acid enriched mineral water of variable total mineralization at a rate of about 500 l/s. The springs are part of the regional aquifer system in the karstified Upper Muschelkalk. To clarify their genesis and origin, measurements of the stable isotopes δ 18 O and δ 2 H were used. They allow conclusions on the regional groundwater flow system and on the geochemical evolution of the mineral water. Mainly responsible for contrasts in isotope measurements of the 4500 km 2 area is the altitude effect. It was determined for δ 18 O with a depletion of about ?0.4‰ per 100 m increasing altitude. Similar isotope values in western parts of the Fildergraben (recharge area) and in Stuttgart are explained with a low mineralized groundwater flow. The higher mineralized water which is strongly depleted in δ 18 O is a result of a mixing process with other aquifers in the discharge area.  相似文献   

Design Approach for effective Strength of Column-Slab Joints between Columns of High-Strength Concrete At present the German concrete construction standard contains no approach for the prediction of the load transfer mechanism from columns of high strength concrete (HPC) through floor slabs of normal strength concrete (NSC). In this paper a design approach due to test results with high slab loads is presented. Because of the small amount of the conducted tests in this and in other published programs, the proposed equation appears to be on the safe side, compared with the design approach in the ACI code, that is based on experiments with unloaded slabs.  相似文献   

Where to with the Slab?: Past, Present and Future of Building Fabric made of Precast Concrete Slabs in Eastern Germany Since the fifties of the 20th century a multiplicity of accommodations in Germany, mainly in Eastern Germany, has been constructed with precast concrete slabs. This basic fabric was extensively reconstructed and modernised in the range of the “city rebuilding east” project. Today predominantly deconstruction and demolition work is being done to reduce the vacancy of accommodations. The removed construction materials and elements of the support structure and the technical equipment have to be efficiently recycled.  相似文献   

Owing to its different concentrations in groundwater and river water, the naturally occuring isotope radon-222 can be used as a natural tacer to determine the residence time of freshly infiltrated water and the infiltration velocity. In the study area, predominant correlation was found between the radon activity concentration of groundwater and the lithologic structure of the aquifer. Misinterpretation of low radon activity concentration measured near surface waters due to geological inhomogeneities can result in false assumptions about groundwater flow paths. The infiltration of river water into the adjacent aquifer during a flood wave was also ascertained by measuring radon activity concentration. Further the residence time of infiltrated water was determined at a sampling point installed beneath the river Elbe and infiltration velocity was calculated.  相似文献   

In the course of a groundwater investigation program in east Schleswig-Holstein, groundwater temperature measurements were performed in groundwater observation wells. First, the heat flux density of the investigation area was determined. The heat flow ranged from 20 to 77?mW?m?2. Near the boundaries of the area, subsurface salt structures cause an increase in heat flow to the earth’s surface. In the centre of this region the heat flow is due to convective processes, and is somewhat low. Here the groundwater recharge as well as the influx from top to bottom affects the temperature field. By means of heat flux densities and the measured temperature gradients, the thermal conductivity was estimated. For clays in the study area the thermal conductivity averaged 1.4?W?m?1?K?1 ranging between 1.1 and 1.7?W?m?1?K?1. For the coarse grained sand the conductivity was 3.0?W?m?1?K?1 and for the fine sands it was 2.8?W?m?1?K?1. Due to its heterogeneity, the thermal conductivity of the till ranged between 1.6 and 2.8?W?m?1?K?1, depending on the mineralogical composition, the bulk density and the water content of the till. The average thermal conductivity was 2.1?W?m?1?K?1.  相似文献   

Grundwasser - Erratum zu: Grundwasser – Zeitschrift der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie 2019 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00767-019-00436-9 Im Beitrag, S. 2 im Abschnitt Untersuchungsgebiet,...  相似文献   

This article demonstrates an application of fuzzy geostatistics in spatial regionalization of imprecise hydrogeological data. The regionalization was carried out for hydraulic condictivity values of a major aquifer in northwestern Germany. The original data set consists of 557 borehole points with known (crisp) hydraulic conductivities. This data set was supplemented by 30 additional data points, placed in areas with lowest borehole density. At these points, hydraulic conductivities were estimated based on subjective expert knowledge of regional geology, and entered the regionalization procedure as fuzzy (imprecise) numbers. By utilizing the expert knowledge, which cannot be implemented in conventional geostatistics, the reliability of regionalization has been improved. The imprecision of fuzzy-regionalization is fully quantifiable, so that it can be easily accounted for when evaluating the results.  相似文献   

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