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1前言胶接同种或异种材料的过程中,导致粘接失效的因素很多,一般分析失效的方法从四个方面进行,即胶粘剂选用、接头设计、表面处理、粘接工艺。在多年实践中,我们认为应当将上述四个方面综合起来研究,才能找准解决问题的关键。底胶工艺新方法的应用,就是在上述过程中产生的。该项工艺一般认为,其功能仅仅是保护粘接面,防止污染,起到缓冲层作用。从粘合剂界面化学功能归纳,底胶工艺能够保证被粘面耐介质侵蚀的要求。从粘接工艺物理化学功能而言,底胶工艺又能够满足特殊涂胶工艺中表面必须的浸润张力要求。本文试从两则粘接实例阐… 相似文献
以环氧树脂、端羧基了腈橡胶、TDI、双氰胺等为原料制备了一种用于粘接聚氨酯弹性体与金属的耐热底胶。讨论了端羧基丁腈橡胶用量、固化剂用量等因素对粘接强度的影响。此底胶具有耐热性能并改善了聚氨酯弹性体与金属之间的粘接性。 相似文献
根据中车公司对粘接体系的工艺和质量管理的要求,胶黏剂需根据运营环境、功能性、特殊性等设计要求进行选型、粘接性能、边界条件、结构性试验等。系统地开展STP 1921胶黏剂的粘接工艺设计及试验研究,为粘接工艺设计提供技术数据支持。通过耐水、耐高温、耐低温、耐湿性等试验,考察STP 1921粘接体系在不同底材上的粘接力,同时开展不同底材上施涂底涂剂的平行试验。试验结果显示,1760底涂剂+STP 1921胶黏剂粘接体系应用于聚氨酯面漆及不锈钢表面具有良好的耐水、耐热、耐湿热、耐低温性能,该体系在环氧底漆表面及铝表面的耐湿热性能较差,底涂剂的施涂对试验结果影响较大。 相似文献
α-氰基丙烯酸酯胶粘剂用底胶JP 5247412(1993-09-24)本底胶用于氰基丙烯酸酯胶粘剂对难粘材料(如非极性树脂或高结晶树脂)的粘接。底胶是如下结构式所表示的含氮化合物:式中R1=1~5C烷基或烯基;R2~R4代表9~12C烷基或芳烷基。将这种有效成分溶解于溶剂中配成溶液使用其浓度为0.1 相似文献
采用环氧树脂-DDS固化体系作为胶接剂,探讨了各种金属表面处理方法、胶接时对胶接面施加的压力、胶层厚度等因素对胶接剪切强度的影响.结果表明,对不锈钢工件采用盐酸氧化法及草酸-硫酸氧化法进行表面处理,得到的胶接剪切强度最好;对铝合金工件采用硅酸磷酸钠法进行表面处理,得到的胶接剪切强度最高.胶接时对胶接面施加0.1~0.4Mpa的压力、胶层厚度在0.10~0.23 mm范围内时胶接效果最好.由于处理液对金属表面产生适度的化学腐蚀,改变了金属表面的物理化学性质,表现出更好的可浸润性和更强的表面吸附力,可以有效地提高胶接剪切强度. 相似文献
探讨使用不同压力气体喷涂偶联剂对氧化锆表面形貌及氧化锆-树脂粘合剂粘接强度的影响。烧结、喷砂后的氧化锆瓷片,按偶联剂种类(CP;ZP)和喷涂气体压力的高低(L 0.1 MPa;H 0.3 MPa)随机分为CPL、CPH、ZPL、ZPH 4个实验组及无偶联剂处理的对照组NP(n=15)。各组处理后的氧化锆瓷片利用激光共聚焦显微镜观察5组氧化锆表面形貌并测量粗糙度,并与树脂粘合剂(SA luting)粘接并测试微剪切强度。激光共聚焦显微镜观察显示,CPL和ZPL组中氧化锆表面光滑平坦,CPH、ZPH组的氧化锆表面则保留了高低不平的微观形貌,平均粗糙度明显高于低压气体喷涂组。CPH组的微剪切粘接强度最高(24.82±7.34)MPa,其次为CPL组(17.93±1.53)MPa、ZPL组(15.67±3.39)MPa和ZPH组(9.59±5.97)MPa,对照组最低(8.77±3.12)MPa。偶联剂喷涂压力显著影响氧化锆-树脂粘合剂的粘接强度。,, 相似文献
合成一种分子结构较大的异氰酸酯组分,作为环氧防腐底漆的固化剂,用于改性环氧底漆,使涂膜具有聚氨酯的柔韧性和环氧树脂的附着力,配以磷酸盐活性防锈颜料,使该防锈涂料具有良好的防锈性能、高度的弹性和柔韧性、优异的附着力,用于低表面处理的钢铁表面,可直接刷涂在旧的涂膜上,对底材处理不彻底的钢铁表面也表现出优异的防腐性能。 相似文献
This research examines novel Mg- and metal salt-rich primer formulations with low Mg metal pigment loading. The chromate-free metal salts were incorporated to assist in the passivation, corrosion inhibition, and pH buffering of the aluminum substrate. The total pigment volume concentration (PVC) in the examined coatings ranged from 6 to 20%, which is far below its critical pigment volume concentration (CPVC) as well as that of traditional Mg-rich primers (PVC ≈ 45%). The formulations were applied to aluminum alloy (AA) 2024-T3 panels and coated with a polyurethane topcoat. Non-pigmented and Mg-rich primer controls were used for comparison. The coating systems were subjected to accelerated weathering by ASTM B117 salt spray chamber and removed periodically for analysis by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and electrochemical noise measurements (ENM). Corrosion potential was also measured. Conventional, macroscopic examination was used to rank coating performance.The present findings support the significance of CO3 compounds in the protection of aluminum and its alloys by Mg-rich primers. It is proposed that the addition of Li2CO3 and Mg(NO3)2 to the primer facilitate the production of Mg(OH)2 and MgCO3 precipitates to improve protection. Anti-corrosion and anti-blistering effects were observed for formulations containing Li2CO3, Mg(NO3)2, and a low percentage of Mg metal particulates. The Mg(NO3)2 appears to reduce blistering while the Li2CO3 enhances defect protection. These effects are demonstrated throughout 1600 h of exposure to salt spray. Continued optimization presents the opportunity to design and implement unique cathodic protection plus corrosion inhibitor coating systems for use on aluminum substrates. 相似文献
Stacy M. Trey Peter Sidenvall Kamyar Alavi Daniel Sthlberg Mats Johansson 《Progress in Organic Coatings》2009,64(4):489-496
It can be concluded by the study of UV primer formulations on sheet molding compound (SMC) substrates that all studied formulation parameters affect adhesion. Moreover, the dual cure approach can result in acceptable adhesion of UV primers on SMC substrates if the coating procedure and composition are well designed. Adhesion of UV cure primers as determined by the cross-cut test is significantly improved in formulations containing solvent. This is a result of enhanced wetting and interaction of the solvent with the SMC substrate, confirmed by contact angle and gravimetric swelling studies. Furthermore, sanded SMC surfaces demonstrated superior UV primer adhesion. This results from the increased surface area of the topography, confirmed by CSLM and the exposure of more oxygen moieties such as pigments and silanols at the air-substrate interface as confirmed by AFM and XPS. The UV films have a higher modulus with increasing resin functionality and resulting cross-link density which correlated with reduced adhesion in formulations without an added isocyanate functional UV monomer. This indicates that cure shrinkage may play a role in the adhesion of UV cure primers and will be investigated further. Also, the added adhesion that an isocyanate functional UV monomer provides results in a significant increase in the glass transition temperature (Tg) giving a glassier film at room temperature. 相似文献
通过实验,研究了磁性氧化铁环氧底漆的制备,检测了其各项性能指标。通过性能对比讨论了影响底漆性能的诸因素,最终确定了双组份溶剂型磁性氧化铁环氧底漆的配方与合成工艺。 相似文献
为了提高混凝土建筑物的使用寿命,必须使用封闭底漆对其进行封闭处理.本文合成了一种耐碱性和抗渗透性强的苯丙乳液;往其中加入硅溶胶、云母粉、二氧化钛和助剂等原料,制备了一种新的有机一无机复合型封闭底漆.研究了硅溶胶与苯丙乳液配比、pH、颜填料配比对漆膜性能的影响.结果表明,硅溶胶与乳胶的质量比为0.3:1~0.4:1,体系pH在8.5~10之间,采用8%二氧化钛,15%云母粉和5%滑石粉的颜填料配比,所形成的漆膜具有优良的耐水、耐碱和抗渗透性,附着力0级,与聚氨酯,丙烯酸,聚脲及乳液型面漆的配套性和重涂性好.该底漆适用于水利水电和港口钢筋混凝土建筑物的封闭涂装. 相似文献