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We report here, a patient of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) with severe fibrinoid necrosis in the afferent arteriole of the glomerulus, in whom antiphospholipid antibody might have contributed to the pathogenesis. A 24-year-old female who was suffering from severe anemia with fragmented red blood cells, acute renal failure and thrombocytopenia, was admitted to our hospital. Further examinations revealed findings compatible with active lupus nephritis. Moreover, she was found to be positive for antiphospholipid antibody, and anticardiolipin antibody, as well as for lupus anticoagulant and syphilis test. Intensive treatment by methylprednisolone pulse therapy, hemodialysis, and double filtration plasmapheresis were performed. However, 13 days after admission she died suddenly because of intracranial hemorrhage. Pathological investigation of renal tissue revealed severe fibrinoid necrosis of the arterioles mainly in the glomerular afferent arteriole associated with diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis. In this case, hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) was associated with SLE. Antiphospholipid antibody was considered to be not only an accelerator in the arterial lesions of HUS, but also an initiator of HUS itself.  相似文献   

The smoke-induced airway hyperresponsiveness (SIAHR) to inhaled wood smoke was investigated in anesthetized guinea pigs. Two smoke challenges (each 10 ml) separated by 30 min were delivered into the lungs by a respirator. In control animals, SIAHR was evidenced by an average bronchoconstrictive response (an increase in total lung resistance) to the second smoke challenge (SM2) that was approximately 4.3-fold greater than that to the first challenge (SM1). Pretreatment with CP-96,345 and SR-48,968 (neurokinin-1 and -2 receptor antagonists; each 1 mg/kg) in combination totally prevented this SIAHR, while pretreatment with CP-96,344 and SR48,965 (inactive enantiomers of CP-96,345 and SR-48,968, each 1 mg/kg) in combination failed to do so. Pretreatment with CP-96,345 (1 mg/kg), SR48,968 (1 mg/kg), or atropine (50 microg/kg) significantly alleviated this SIAHR. Pretreatment with phosphoramidon [an inhibitor of neutral endopeptidase (NEP); 2 mg/kg], which suppresses the degradation of tachykinins, induced an increase in airway reactivity that largely mimicked this SIAHR. The NEP activity measured in airway tissues excised 30 min after SM1 was significantly lower than that in air control value. These results suggest that 1) a prior wood smoke exposure induces an airway hyperresponsiveness to the subsequent wood smoke inhalation, 2) a tachykininergic mechanism involving both neurokinin-1 and -2 receptors is essential for, and a cholinergic mechanism is also involved in the development of this SIAHR, and 3) inactivation of airway NEP by wood smoke may contribute to this SIAHR.  相似文献   

The anatomical relationship between vagal afferents and brain nitric oxide synthase containing terminals in the nucleus tractus solitarii was studied by means of anterograde tracing combined with immunocytochemistry and immuno-electron microscopy. Biotinylated dextran amine was injected into the nodose ganglion with a glass micropipette. Four to eight days following the injection, regions of the nucleus tractus solitarii containing biotinylated dextran amine-labelled vagal afferents and those containing nitric oxide synthase-immunopositive terminals were congruent. Many neurons exhibiting nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity were found within the biotinylated dextran amine-containing terminal field. However dense labeling of terminals with biotinylated dextran amine precluded determination if the terminals were nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive. Therefore, we combined degeneration of vagal afferents after removal of one nodose ganglion with nitric oxide synthase immuno-electron microscopy. Axon terminals that possessed characteristic vesicle clusters and were partially or completely engulfed by glial processes were identified as degenerating vagal afferents. Degenerating axon terminals comprised 38% of the total axon terminals in the nucleus tractus solitarii in a sample of sections; and of the degenerating axon terminals, 67% were nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive. Nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity was present in 41% of the non-degenerating axon terminals. Prominent staining of dendrites for nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity indicated that much of the nitric oxide synthase in the nucleus tractus solitarii is not derived from peripheral afferents. Of the total number of dendritic profiles sampled, half were nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactive. Our data support the hypothesis that nitric oxide or nitric oxide donors may be present in primary vagal afferents that terminate in the nucleus tractus solitarii. While this study confirms that vagal afferents contain brain nitric oxide synthase, it demonstrates for the first time that the majority of nitric oxide synthase immunoreactivity in the nucleus tractus solitarii is found in intrinsic structures in the nucleus. In addition, our data show that second or higher order neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarii may be nitroxidergic and receive both nitroxidergic and non-nitroxidergic vagal input.  相似文献   

Peripherally administered or released substances that modulate memory storage, but do not freely enter the brain, may produce their effects on memory by activating peripheral receptors that send messages centrally through the vagus nerve. Indeed, vagus nerve stimulation enhances memory performance, although it is unclear whether this effect is due to the activation of vagal afferents or efferents. To eliminate the possible influence of descending fibers on memory storage processes, rats were implanted with cuff electrode/catheter systems along the left cervical vagus. Forty-eight hours following surgery, each animal received a 3. 0-microliter infusion (1.0 microliter/min) of either lidocaine hydrochloride (75.0 mM) or isotonic saline below the point of stimulation. Animals were then trained 10 min later on an inhibitory-avoidance task with a 0.75-mA, 1.0-s foot shock. Sham stimulation or vagus nerve stimulation (0.5-ms biphasic pulses; 20.0 Hz; 30 s; 0.2, 0.4, or 0.8 mA) was administered immediately after training. Memory, tested 24 h later, was enhanced by stimulation whether descending vagus nerve fibers were inactivated or not. Both lidocaine- and saline-infused groups showed an intensity-dependent, inverted-U-shaped pattern of retention performance, with the greatest effect observed for 0.4 mA (U = 9, p < .05, and U = 7, p < .01, respectively). Additionally, animals that received lidocaine infusions, but no vagus nerve stimulation, showed impaired memory compared to the performance of saline-infused control animals (U = 11, p < .05). Together, these findings suggest that vagal afferents carry messages about peripheral states that lead to the modulation of memory storage and that the memory-enhancing effect produced by vagus nerve stimulation is not mediated via the activation of vagal efferents.  相似文献   

Intracisternal injection of a stable thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) analog increases gastric prostaglandins release and mucosal resistance to injury through central vagal pathways. The effects of two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, indomethacin (INDO) and nabumetone on intracisternal injection of various doses of TRH-induced gastric acid secretion and changes in mucosal resistance were investigated in urethane-anesthetized rats. Doses of INDO (5 mg/kg) and nabumetone (13.75 mg/kg) producing similar acute anti-inflammatory response in the carrageenin-induced paw edema were injected i.p. in all studies. INDO potentiated the acid secretion induced by intracisternal injection of TRH at 25, 50 and 200 ng by 5.1-, 1.9- and 1.4-fold, respectively, whereas nabumetone did not modify the secretory response to TRH. Moderate erosions were observed in 100% of rats treated with the combination of INDO and TRH (200 ng) whereas no erosions were observed when TRH or INDO were given alone or TRH in combination with nabumetone. TRH at 7 ng reduced mucosal damage induced by intragastric administration of ethanol (60%, 1 ml/kg) by 63%. The mucosal protective action of TRH was abolished by INDO but not altered by nabumetone pretreatment. These data indicate that at comparable anti-inflammatory doses, nabumetone, unlike INDO, neither blocks the protection against ethanol injury induced by low doses of TRH injected intracisternally nor potentiates the gastric acid secretion or lesions induced by higher dose of TRH. We speculate that these differences reflect reduced inhibition of gastric prostaglandins by nabumetone.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the immediate (< 1 min) ventilatory response to 100% O2 in preterm infants, a test of peripheral chemoreceptor activity characterized by a decrease in ventilation due to apnea, is more pronounced at lower baseline O2 concentrations. We studied 12 healthy preterm infants [birth weight 1,425 +/- 103 (SE) g; study weight 1,670 +/- 93 g; gestational age 30 +/- 1 wk; postnatal age 27 +/- 7 days] during quiet sleep. The infants inhaled 15, 21, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45% O2 for 5 min in a randomized manner (control period), followed by 100% O2 for 2 min, and then the same initial O2 concentration again for 2 min (recovery period). A nose piece and a flow-through system were used to measure ventilation. The immediate decrease in ventilation with 100% O2 was 46% on 15% O2, 24% on 21% O2, 11% on 25% O2, 8% on 30% O2, 12% on 35% O2, and 8% on 40% O2; there was no decrease on 45% O2 (P < 0.01). The corresponding mean duration of apnea was 29 s during 15% O2, 18 s during 21% O2, 8 s during 25% O2, 9 s during 30 and 35% O2, and 3 s during 40% O2; only one infant developed a 5-s apnea during 45% O2 (P < 0.001). The findings suggest that 1) the ventilatory decrease in response to 100% O2 is dependent on the baseline oxygenation, being more pronounced the lower the baseline O2 concentration; and 2) this ventilatory decrease is entirely related to more prolonged apneas observed with lower baseline O2 concentrations. We speculate that the peripheral chemoreceptors, being so active in the small preterm infant with relatively low arterial PO2, are highly susceptible to changes in PO2, and this makes them prone to irregular or periodic breathing, especially during sleep.  相似文献   

Excitatory cardiovascular responses to electrically stimulated upper thoracic sympathetic afferent nerves were observed in halothane-anesthetized mongrel dogs and monkeys. The central end of the transected ventral limb of the left ansa subclavia was stimulated before and after several types of denervation. Significant increases in right and left ventricular maximum systolic pressures, systolic and diastolic systemic blood pressures, and aortic flow were observed. The carotid sinuses were denervated bilaterally and stimulation of the ansa was repeated. The cardiovascular responses to stimulation of the ventral ansa after carotid sinus denervation were greater in magnitude than those observed prior to denervation. This carotid sinus modulation of cardiovascular responses was observed in dogs and monkeys. Cardiovascular responses to stimulation of the ventral ansa after bilateral vagotomy were significantly less than the responses observed after carotid sinus denervation prior to vagotomy. However, the responses after vagotomy were statistically identical to responses obtained while stimulating the ventral ansa when the carotid sinuses and vagi remained intact.  相似文献   

The authors discuss briefly the main lesions produced during intensive therapy in 500 patients who died under treatment in the Intensive Care Unit of Padova during the period Dec. 13, 1971--Sept. 9, 1974. Specifically 36 cases of pneumothorax induced by automatic respiration are analyzed from a clinical and pathological viewpoint.  相似文献   

Systemic tachykinin NK1 receptor antagonists and resiniferatoxin are known to abolish vomiting mediated by vagal afferents. Emetic vagal afferents have been shown to make synaptic contact with neurons in the medial solitary nucleus. These results suggest that substance P participates in the synapse as a mediator. To examine this possibility, the effects of 4th-ventricular application of capsaicin (0.033-33 mM, 20-30 microl) and resiniferatoxin (1.6-160 microM, 20-30 microl) on the activity of neurons in the medial solitary nucleus and fictive retching induced by vagal stimulation were observed in paralyzed decerebrate dogs. Capsaicin (33 mM) and resiniferatoxin (160 microM) initially increased the neuronal firing and occasionally produced retching, then abolished both neuronal and retching responses. However, stimulation of the medial solitary nucleus continued to provoke retching. Field potential changes in the medial solitary nucleus evoked by pulse-train vagal stimulation decreased in amplitude, but did not disappear. Latencies of neuronal firing and evoked potentials were about 300 ms. These results suggest that emetic vagal afferents are capsaicin-sensitive C fibers which may have substance P as an excitatory transmitter or modulator.  相似文献   

Inspiratory muscle unloading decreases ventilatory drive. In this study, we examined the time course of this effect in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease receiving two modes of ventilatory support: pressure support ventilation (PSV), during which each cycle was assisted, and biphasic positive airway pressure (BIPAP), set up in such a manner that one spontaneous breath took place between two consecutive pressure-assisted breaths. The first breath following the switch from spontaneous breathing to PSV was associated with an increase in tidal volume (VT) and a drop in mean transdiaphragmatic pressure (mean Pdi) and inspiratory work (WI) performed per liter but with unchanged values of esophageal occlusion pressure at 100 ms (Pes 0.1), diaphragmatic electrical activity (EMGdi), and WI performed by breath. The same phenomena were observed for the assisted breath of BIPAP as compared with the preceding spontaneous breath. During the subsequent breaths of PSV, Pes 0.1, EMGdi, and WI performed per breath decreased progressively up to the sixth to eighth breaths, and VT returned to pre-PSV values. We conclude that in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease the decrease in ventilatory drive associated with PSV takes place from the first breath onwards but requires six to eight breaths to be fully achieved. During BIPAP, as a consequence of the kinetics of the PSV-induced downregulation of ventilatory drive, assisted breaths following spontaneous breaths are characterized by an enhanced inspiratory efficiency.  相似文献   

Progressive threshold loading (PTL) is frequently used to assess inspiratory muscle endurance in health and disease. We and others have noted a systematic increase in endurance with the first few exposures to the task in subjects previously na?ve to PTL, which may not be related to conditioning of the muscles themselves. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanisms responsible for this increased endurance by examining the ventilatory responses to 3 PTL tests, each > 24 h apart, in 18 healthy subjects. During PTL, threshold pressure (Pth) was increased by approximately 10% every 2 min until task failure. Subjects were allowed to adopt any breathing pattern. Respiratory muscle strength (maximal inspiratory pressure [PImax]) was unchanged over successive tests while maximal Pth (Pthmax) during PTL increased (69 +/- 17, 77 +/- 16, and 86 +/- 11% of PImax, respectively, p < 0.05) (mean +/- SD), indicating that the increased Pthmax could not be attributed to improved respiratory muscle strength. Breathing pattern changed with successive tests, so that for comparative loads inspiratory time (TI), respiratory frequency (f ), and duty cycle (TI/Ttot) decreased. This change in breathing pattern did not alter respiratory muscle efficiency (respiratory muscle V O2/work), which was similar in each test (2.4 +/- 2.2%), but perceived effort (Borg Score), which was maximal at task failure in each test, decreased at comparative loads with successive tests. Thus, Pthmax during initial tests appeared to be limited by discomfort rather than respiratory muscle function. These findings suggest that the increased Pthmax with successive tests is a consequence of differences in the breathing pattern adopted, reflecting neuropsychological rather than respiratory muscle conditioning. Measurements from PTL should only be used to assess respiratory muscle performance after allowing time for learning.  相似文献   

The mucosal injury of active ulcerative colitis (UC) could involve enhanced migration and activation of neutrophils (PMNs). Because, in vitro, PMNs from patients with UC appear normal and are not therefore a likely cause for the enhancements, we hypothesized an abnormal colonic milieu. We previously found that factors in the UC colonic milieu markedly increase production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by control PMNs. We now hypothesize that these factors also regulate PMN surface integrins, that regulation of UC PMNs is different than that of control PMNs, and that the integrin regulation is consistent with the ROS regulation. Using rectal dialysis, we sampled the colonic milieu in patients with active UC, in patients with inactive UC, and in control subjects. We monitored a key PMN adhesion molecule, CD11b. When control PMNs were tested, active UC rectal dialysate was almost as effective (+115%) as N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (+132%) in up-regulating CD11b. When inactive UC PMNs were tested, baseline CD11b was 50% higher than that for control PMNs. In contrast, rectal dialysates failed to up-regulate CD11b of inactive UC PMNs and in fact down-regulated CD11b. Preincubating control PMNs with UC rectal dialysates converted their CD11b response to PMN activators from up-regulation to down-regulation, mimicking inactive UC PMNs. Changes in intracellular calcium levels paralleled these changes in CD11b. Rectal dialysate-induced changes in both CD11b and calcium paralleled our previous findings on rectal dialysate-induced changes in ROS production. Thus the net overall effect of factors in the colonic milieu is a consistent and predictable regulation of PMN function--proinflammatory in UC, anti-inflammatory in control subjects. These factors may be a critical part of the pathophysiology of UC.  相似文献   

When a gas mixture containing carbon dioxide (CO2) is inhaled by an individual, alveolar ventilation is increased. This ventilatory response to CO2 highlights the relationship between the increase in exercise ventilation and the increase in alveolar CO2 pressure (paCO2). This response is mediated centrally by brainstem chemoreceptors in the medulla and, to a lesser extent, peripherally by the carotid and aortic bodies. However, the response of increased breathing to rising paCO2 varies markedly among individuals. The responses to CO2 rebreathing have been investigated by a variety of research groups for different reasons. The range of responses by children and adults including: gender differences; responses by athletes; the relationship between age and body size; and whether it is an acquired or inherited response have been studied. The following is a summary of these different aspects of CO2 rebreathing has been complied to assist researchers studying any single or multiple facets of the area.  相似文献   

1. We used the kinin antagonist HOE 140 to investigate the role of endogenous kinins in the acute antihypertensive effect of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor enalapril in chronic and acute renal hypertensive rats. 2. In normotensive rats, treatment with HOE 140 (33 micrograms/kg, sc) caused a complete blockade of the depressor effect of bradykinin (100 ng, ia) without affecting the depressor effect of sodium nitroprusside (1 microgram, i.v.) or the basal blood pressure. 3. HOE 140 treatment (33 micrograms/kg, sc, plus 330 ng/min, i.v.) did not affect basal blood pressure of chronic (6-7 weeks) one-kidney, one clip and two-kidney, one clip hypertensive rats and in rats with acute hypertension, elicited by unclamping the renal pedicle that had been occluded for 5 h, but HOE 140 completely blocked the hypotensive response to bradykinin (100 ng, ia) during the 60-min period after enalapril administration (2 mg/kg, i.v.). 4. Acutely hypertensive rats treated or not with HOE 140 (33 micrograms/kg, sc, plus 330 ng/min, i.v.) presented a similar fall in blood pressure after enalapril (165 +/- 5 to 137 +/- 6 mmHg and 166 +/- 5 to 136 +/- 6 mmHg, respectively). 5. Untreated two-kidney, one clip hypertensive rats presented a rapid and sustained fall in blood pressure after enalapril (177 +/- 4 to 148 +/- 4 mmHg) that did not differ from the HOE 140-treated (33 micrograms/kg, sc, plus 330 ng/min, i.v.) group (177 +/- 6 to 154 +/- 4 mmHg). 6. One-kidney, one clip hypertensive rats treated with HOE 140 (33 micrograms/kg, sc, plus 330 ng/min, i.v.) showed a significantly smaller fall in blood pressure after enalapril (204 +/- 7 to 179 +/- 9 mmHg) compared to the untreated rats (197 +/- 7 to 149 +/- 2 mmHg). 7. These results indicate that kinin potentiation plays an important role in the antihypertensive effect of acutely administered angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor in the one-kidney, one clip model of hypertension.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report quantitative changes in the anterior chamber configuration after small-incision cataract surgery with implantation of a posterior chamber intraocular lens by means of ultrasound biomicroscopy. METHODS: We examined the anterior chamber configuration of 20 eyes of 20 patients before and 3 months after small-incision cataract surgery (phacoemulsification and aspiration plus foldable intraocular lens implantation through a 3.0- to 4.0-mm self-sealing wound) by means of ultrasound biomicroscopy. The following variables were measured: the anterior chamber depth at the center of the cornea, the angle-opening distance 250 microns from the scleral spur (AOD250), the angle-opening distance 500 microns from the scleral spur (AOD500), and the trabecular-iris angle. RESULTS: The anterior chamber depth at the center of the cornea, AOD250, AOD500, and trabecular-iris angle increased significantly after surgery. The preoperative anterior chamber depth at the center of the cornea and trabecular-iris angle were negatively correlated with the differences between the postoperative and preoperative values (P < .01). The preoperative values of all variables examined were negatively correlated with the ratios of the postoperative value to the preoperative value (P < .002). CONCLUSIONS: The present results showed that small-incision cataract surgery significantly deepened the anterior chamber and widened its angle. The more shallow the preoperative anterior chamber was, the greater the postoperative change of the chamber was; and the more narrow the preoperative angle was, the greater the postoperative change of the angle was.  相似文献   

Sympathetic stimulation both shortens the cardiac cycle and potentiates the cardiac response to vagal stimulation. In the present study the effects of sympathetic stimulation on the chronotropic responses of the heart to brief bursts of vagal stimulation were determined in open-chest anesthetized dogs. The sinoatrial nodal pacemaker cells demonstrate a paradoxical response to repetitive bursts of vagal stimuli over a certain portion of the cardiac cycle. That is, the cardiac cycle length does not increase but actually decreases as the vagal stimulation frequency is raised. Background levels of sympathetic stimulation do not significantly alter the range over which this "paradoxical" response occurs. Sympathetic stimulation decreases the cardiac chronotropic response to short bursts of vagal stimuli regardless of the time in the cardiac cycle that the stimulus is given; however, it does not decrease the time from the minimum vagal chronotropic response to the subsequent atrial depolarization although the total cardiac cycle is shortened. Since sympathetic stimulation shifts the overall temporal relationship between vagal stimulation and pacemaker response, small changes in sympathetic tone may greatly alter the cardiac response to phasic vagal stimulation if the vagal stimulus is given at certain times in the cardiac cycle.  相似文献   

HIV-associated dementia is a frequent consequence of HIV infection and relates to neuronal damage, possibly as a result of increased neurotoxic kynurenine metabolites. Indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) activity, which regulates kynurenine metabolism, may thus be increased in HIV infection. We measured IDO activity in post-mortem brain tissue from AIDS patients, including a subgroup that exhibited dementia, and age-matched control subjects. IDO activity was increased, but not significantly, in the AIDS group as well as the non-dementia group, compared to controls. Enzyme activity was significantly increased in the dementia group when compared to control values. IDO activity is increased in HIV-associated dementia and is thus likely to increase kynurenine pathway metabolites, such as 3-hydroxykynurenine and quinolinic acid, and elevated levels of these neurotoxins may contribute to the neuronal deficits underlying HIV-associated dementia.  相似文献   

A single dose of x-irradiation was applied on the cephalic end of newborn rats, and the alterations in the noradrenergic afferents to the cerebellum were studied 180 days later. A net increase in the noradrenaline content of cerebellum was found (122% of nonirradiated controls). The response of noradrenaline content to reserpine injection (0.9 mg/kg, i.p.) was similar in exposed and control rats. Likewise, the 3H release induced by Ro 4-1284 from cerebellar cortex slices labeled with [3H]noradrenaline was unmodified by x-rays, although a mild increase in the spontaneous efflux of 3H was found. The retention of 3H by the slices was reduced in exposed animals (58% of controls). Both the in vitro activity of tyrosine hydroxylase and the accumulation of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) were not significantly different between x-treated rats and controls. In contrast, monoamine oxidase activity was markedly reduced in x-irradiated cerebellum (38% of controls). The x-ray-induced decrease in cerebellar weight (-60%) resulted in marked increases in noradrenaline concentration (223%), tyrosine hydroxylase activity per milligram of protein (206%), and 3H retention (50%). The accumulation of L-DOPA per gram of tissue was also increased at every time considered. These data indicate that x-irradiation at birth produces a cerebellar loss not completely shared by the noradrenergic afferents, and a permanent imbalance between the noradrenergic afferent input and its target cells might eventually result.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Left ventricular (LV) performance was studied in 30 rats conditioned by swimming and in 27 sedentary controls. Hearts were studied in the open chest both during sinus rhythm and during atrial pacing. Afterload was increased by occlusion of the aorta. Sinus rates were 328 beats/min in sedentary and 300 in conditioned animals (P less than 0.01). During ejection (E), peak left ventricular systolic pressure (PLVSP) and maximum LV dP/dt were significantly higher in conditioned than in sedentary animals. When data from hearts matched for similar heart rates were compared, increased LV performance was still seen during aortic obstruction in conditioned animals. Performance at pacing rates up to 400 beats/min was similar in hearts from conditioned and sedentary animals. At pacing rates above 400 beats/min cardiac performance was less in sedentary than in the conditioned animals. These data illustrate that although base-line cardiac performance may be the same in rats conditioned by a moderate swimming program and in sedentary animals, cardiac reserve is improved by the swimming program.  相似文献   

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