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戴新进, 林家浩, 陈浩然   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出了敷设粘弹性阻尼层的复合材料层合结构随机振动分析的高效精确算法。考虑了粘弹性阻尼材料对激振频率的依赖性及Adams 提出的复合材料层合结构的阻尼模型。为解决依赖频率变化的非经典阻尼的复杂结构, 结合实模态降阶直接解法对虚拟激励法做了相应的发展, 精确求解了降阶后的随机振动方程。以国产有限元程序系统DDJ 为平台开发了相应的程序,并对波音737 客机的水平尾翼的复合材料安定面结构进行模拟研究,从复杂的计算及合理的结论可以看出, 本文中所提出的方法对复合材料的随机振动分析十分有效。   相似文献   

利用频率指纹检测复合材料层合结构的脱层损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在复合材料固化之前,将一定尺寸的聚酰亚胺薄膜插入复合材料结构中模拟复合材料的脱层损伤。采用自由振动方法测定含有损伤和无损伤复合材料悬臂梁的前三阶固有频率,应用频率指纹对复合材料脱层损伤进行识别。识别结果表明,利用结构的频率数据可以构造出一些仅与损伤位置有关,而与结构损伤程度无关的频率指纹。利用这样一些频率指纹可以进行结构损伤的定位。该方法简单可行,为复合材料结构损伤的无损检测提供了一条有效途径。  相似文献   

频率相关自由阻尼层复合材料加筋板动力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用子空间迭代法和精细积分对敷设粘弹性阻尼层的含损伤复合材料加筋板结构进行了频率和动力响应分析。分析中对层合板和层合梁采用了Adams应变能法与Raleigh阻尼模型相结合的阻尼矩阵构造方法;对表面粘弹性阻尼材料则考虑了材料性质和耗散系数对激振频率与温度的依赖性,建立了频率相关粘弹性材料阻尼矩阵的计算方法。通过有限元分析,分别研究了敷设自由阻尼层无损伤和含分层损伤复合材料加筋板的自振频率和模态特征,并根据幅频曲线讨论了阻尼材料模量、耗散系数和阻尼层厚度等因素对结构响应的影响,提出的计算方法对通过合理选择阻尼层材料与几何参数来有效地控制加筋板结构的振动特性,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

杜永峰  李慧  李春锋   《振动与冲击》2014,33(11):114-118
粘滞阻尼器可看作仅能提高结构的阻尼而不增加结构刚度,使状态反馈增益矩阵中相应于位移分量的刚度矩阵系数为零,针对LQR算法对此无法实现的事实,在文献[1]的基础上提出一种基于粘滞阻尼减震结构的最优极点配置算法。首先,建立了大、小震作用下粘滞阻尼结构的数学模型,确立了统一的状态空间表达形式,在考虑外界扰动的情形下采用传递函数理论分析了零极点配置对系统性能的影响;其次,详细介绍了基于粘滞阻尼减震结构的零极点配置算法;最后,将随机振动的虚拟激励法与给定极点配置算法结合对给定工程算例进行了随机响应进行了分析,结果表明本文算法与分析的有效性与正确性。  相似文献   

结构-阻尼复合材料研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
航空航天飞行器的高速、轻质和多功能化的发展,精密电子仪器设备的应用及舒适性要求的提高,对传统结构材料的减重和降噪提出了巨大的挑战.近年来,随着纤维增强复合材料的在航空航天领域应用比重的迅速提升,开发兼具高力学性能和高振动阻尼性能的新型结构-阻尼多功能材料也成为研究的热点问题之一.本文在介绍结构-阻尼复合材料阻尼机理的基础上,综述了国内外关于结构阻尼复合材料主要研究内容及研究成果,并讨论了其今后的发展趋势,包括开发新的多功能阻尼插层材料、引入新的阻尼耗能机制、开发多层次结构模型和对阻尼性能和力学性能的多尺度模拟等.  相似文献   

结构阻尼复合材料及其研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阻尼材料是近几十年来发展起来的一种新型减振降噪材料.由于其特殊用途,深受国内外关注,而兼具高阻尼和静态力学性能的结构阻尼复合材料则具有十分广阔的应用前景,目前国内外对结构阻尼复合材料的研究和开发十分重视.本文主要介绍了近年来国内外纤维增强树脂基结构阻尼复合材料的实验及理论进展情况,总结了以下几个方面的内容:结构阻尼复合材料的发展现状,阻尼分析模型,提高复合材料阻尼的方法和制备结构阻尼复合材料的工艺.  相似文献   

附加约束阻尼层的复合材料梁单元建模分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复合材料空心圆截面梁是桁架和刚架结构中大量采用的常用构件,而实践证明约束阻尼层能有效改善复合材料空心圆截面梁的动力学特性,但传统的约束阻尼层结构有限元计算方法需要大量的单元,这给大型复杂结构的计算带来了巨大的困难。本文采用Timoshenko梁假定。建立了一类附加约束阻尼层复合材料空心圆截面梁弯曲的数学模型。应用Hamilton原理。采用三节点高次梁单元对构件进行离散化。建立了附加约束阻尼层复合材料空心圆截面梁的梁单元。同传统的锥壳单元相比,该方法极大地减少了计算时间。用实验验证了本文计算结果的正确性。同时也分析了约束层厚度对损耗因子的影响。  相似文献   

层合阻尼结构各向异性设计之阻尼特性分析   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
将各向异性设计引入层合阻尼结构中,从理论上分析了各向异性层合阻尼结构的阻尼特性及其控制机理,从而验证了建立约束阻尼层合结构各向异性优化设计新体系的可行性。文中衡量结构阻尼减振效果的重要指标是结构系统的损耗因子,采用半无限简支板为例,对各种铺层形式作了大量的计算;并以最大损耗因子为目标函数,以铺层角度、频率、厚度等为约束条件进行结构优化设计。分析研究表明,该结构内部柔性层对阻尼的影响要比应力耦合对其影响大得多;在高于基本模式的固有频率下,能显著地提高损耗因子。  相似文献   

约束层阻尼作为表面阻尼的一种方式,通常用于解决金属板状结构的振动和噪声问题。目前,通常采用阻尼材料的损耗因子、储能模量来评估材料的减振性能,但是这种方法不能直接有效地评估阻尼材料在实际应用中的所获得的减振降噪的效果。采用正弦扫描和类白噪声随机振动激励激振简支梁的方法,通过分析响应数据来表征约束层阻尼的减振降噪效果。  相似文献   

SMA混杂复合材料单层的被动阻尼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任勇生  秦惠增 《工程力学》2002,19(2):160-164
由形状记忆合金纤维、普通纤维、基体构成的混杂复合材料是一类用途广泛的智能材料结构系统。阻尼性能研究是结构被动振动控制的一项重要研究内容。本文采用混杂复合材料阻尼预测的细观力学理论计算SMA纤维混杂复合材料单层的阻尼特性。首先计算包含普通纤维和基体材料的复合材料介质的阻尼性能,其次计算由横观各向同性介质和SMA纤维构成的混杂材料的阻尼性能。通过计算实例分析SMA纤维混杂复合材料单层的正轴阻尼特性及其偏轴阻尼的特性随SMA纤维体积含量、纤维铺设角等参数改变的规律。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present work it to study the damping and forced vibrations of three-layered, symmetric laminated composite beams. In the analytical formulation, both normal and shear deformations are considered in the core by using the higher-order zig-zag theories. The harmonic balance method is coupled with a one mode Galerkin procedure for a simply supported beam. The geometrically nonlinear coupling leads to a nonlinear frequency amplitude equation governed by several complex coefficients. In the first part of the paper, linear and nonlinear damping parameters of laminated composite beams are obtained. In the second part, nonlinear forced vibration analysis is carried out for small and large vibration amplitudes. The frequency response curves are presented and discussed for various geometric and material properties.  相似文献   

针对典型的多振动传递路径系统,建立了附加弹簧的双层主被动隔振系统模型,分析了刚性基础和弹性梁基础的情况下该系统的力传递率和能量传递特性,讨论了附体刚度、阻尼比、基础刚度等系统参数对隔振性能的影响,并分析了有源控制的作动器位置对系统隔振性能的影响,为含附体结构主被动隔振系统的设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

An analytical formulation is derived for modelling the behaviour of laminated composite beams with integrated piezoelectric sensor and actuator. The major difference in approach to the solution compared to previous studies is that the analytical solution for active vibration control and suppression of smart laminated composite beams is presented in this paper. The governing equation is based on the first-order shear deformation theory (Mindlin plate theory), which is applicable for both thin and moderately beams, and includes the coupling between mechanical and electrical deformations. The voltage generated by the sensor layer and response of the beam to the actuator voltage can be computed independently. In this study, the new assumption of harmonic vibration is introduced, which includes both of the sine and cosine terms. Another contribution of this paper is introducing the transformation method of complex numbers to reduce the order of the governing equation of smart laminated beams. Thus, the exact solution of the reduced governing equation can be obtained by using MATLAB and the entire numerical results are presented. The behaviour of the output voltage from the sensor layer and the input voltage acting on the actuator layer is also studied. Graphical results are presented to demonstrate the ability of closed-loop system to actively control the vibration of laminated beams and it shows a good control effect. The influence of stacking sequence on the controlled transient response of the laminated beam is examined. Finally, the experiential formulation of the amplitude of beam vibration varying with the negative velocity feedback control gain has also been evaluated. The present method has a general application in this field of study.  相似文献   

In this study, vibration of symmetrically laminated composite plates with attached mass is studied. The Ritz method with algebraic polynomial displacement field is used. The plates with at least two adjacent free edges are considered in the formulations. The effect of various parameters (number of layers, ratio of attached mass to the plate mass, position of attached mass, fiber orientation) upon the frequencies and mode shapes is investigated. It is found that attachment of a mass has important effects on the vibration characteristics of composite laminated plates.  相似文献   

On the damping analysis of FRP laminated composite plates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents the damping analysis of fiber reinforced plastics laminated composite plates. For this purpose, the maximum strain and kinetic energies of a cross-ply laminated plate are evaluated analytically based on the three-dimensional theory of elasticity. The displacements of the simply supported rectangular plates are expanded into the polynomial forms with respect to a thickness coordinate, and then governing equations are formulated by using the Ritz's method. In the numerical calculations, natural frequencies and modal damping ratios are calculated for the plates with different stacking sequence and thickness ratios. The validity of the assumption of deformations and the applicability of the other plate theories (e.g. classical lamination theory (CLT), first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and higher-order shear deformation theory) to the laminated thick plates are discussed by comparing the numerical results obtained by the present method with the CLT and the FSDT solutions.  相似文献   

The vibration damping of laminated plates   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A method previously developed for determination of elastic and damping parameters of orthotropic plates (McIntyre, M. E. and Woodhouse, J., Acta Metall., 1988, 36, 1397–1416) was applied to laminated composite plates. The necessary theory is summarised, and the predictions of laminate theory compared with experimental results for three CFRP laminated plates with different constructions. It is also shown that laminate theory can be inverted, to obtain the ply properties from measurements on the laminated plate. This can sometimes afford a good way to obtain the necessary calibration data on the material properties of the plies.  相似文献   

以能量有限元方法(EFEM)建立控制方程,研究了复合材料层合梁受激励时的横向振动问题。该方法以结构中的能量密度作为变量,根据波动理论中功率流与能量密度的平衡关系建立了与傅里叶热传导方程类似的二阶偏微分方程组,通过有限元离散得到结构单元节点的能量密度矩阵形式方程。根据耦合连续平衡条件,建立耦合单元节点矩阵,从而对总矩阵方程进行组集及求解,得到结构中能量密度的分布。通过数值算例与传统有限元方法(FEM)结果做了对比,取得了较好的一致性。  相似文献   

Reliability analysis of nonlinear laminated composite plate structures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A procedure for the reliability analysis of laminated composite plate structures subjected to large deflections under random static loads is presented. The nonlinear analysis of laminated composite plate structures is achieved via a corotational total Lagrangian finite element formulation which is based on the von Karman assumption and first order shear deformation theory. This formulation is applicable for the nonlinear analysis of plate structures with large rotations but moderate deformation and thus accurate enough to predict the behavior of the structures at the point of failure. The reliability assessment of laminated composite plate structures with random strength subjected to random loads is approached by the determination of limit state surfaces in load space. The limit space surfaces are obtained by performing a series of first ply failure analyses following different load paths in load space using the proposed nonlinear structural analysis technique and an appropriate failure criterion. A numerical technique is then proposed to evaluate the reliability of the plate structures. Examples of the reliability analyses of laminated plates with different layer orientations subject to random loads are given for illustration.  相似文献   

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