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利用尺寸效应调节发光波长,PbX量子点可用于近红外波段的光致发光.实际应用中对其辐射荧光特性的检测与评估,在设计器件、开发系统、提高量子点光致发光有效利用率等方面具有重要意义.本文对比分析了不同尺寸PbX量子点在近红外波段的吸收、发射光谱,并对PbX胶质量子点制成薄膜后的光致发光光谱进行了检测分析.光谱对比显示,量子点薄膜化后荧光辐射波长峰值会发生一定量的红移,全波半宽也会增大.提出一种在实际应用中检测量子点光致发光的空间分布情况并估算其效率的方法,同时利用该方法对两种PbX量子点薄膜样品进行了检测分析.分析表明,量子点薄膜样品的光致发光功率与探测器相对样品发光表面的角度位置有关,可以反映出薄膜中量子点的分布;两种被测样品近红外激光照射下的荧光功率转换效率分别可达2.51%和2.06%,适于工程应用. 相似文献
介绍了一种简单的方法实现了氧化镁包埋氧化锌量子点,并研究了包埋氧化镁中的氧化锌量子点的形成和光致发光特性.在样品制备过程中,我们利用电子束蒸发氧化镁晶体和热蒸发金属锌同时进行的方法将金属锌包埋到氧化镁薄膜中,然后在不同的温度下(500、600、700、800、900、1000°C)将金属锌在氧气氛中氧化,从而实现利用氧化镁包埋氧化锌量子点的目的.(PH13) 相似文献
采用水相法制备了颗粒尺寸为3.75nm的硒化锌(ZnSe)量子点,采用表面活性剂将ZnSe量子点转移到有机相聚(2-甲氧基-5-辛氧基)对苯乙炔(MO-PPV)中,获得了MO-PPV/ZnSe复合材料。通过对MO-PPV和ZnSe量子点的吸收光谱(ABS)和光致发光(PL)光谱的研究发现,随着ZnSe量子点掺杂浓度的提高,复合材料的发光强度明显增强,发光峰位置出现了蓝移。当ZnSe∶MO-PPV的质量比为1∶0.181时,发光峰位置蓝移10nm。结果表明,MO-PPV与ZnSe量子点之间存在着能量传递,这是导致MO-PPV/ZnSe量子点复合材料具有PL增强的重要原因。 相似文献
硼原子对Si(100)衬底上Ge量子点生长的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
研究了硼原子对 Si( 1 0 0 )衬底上 Ge量子点自组织生长的影响 .硼原子的数量由 0单原子层变到 0 .3单原子层 .原子力显微镜的观察表明 ,硼原子不仅对量子点的大小 ,而且对其尺寸均匀性及密度都有很大影响 .当硼原子的数量为 0 .2单原子层时 ,获得了底部直径为 60± 5nm,面密度为 6× 1 0 9cm- 2 ,且均匀性很好的 Ge量子点 .另外 ,还简单讨论了硼原子对 Ge量子点自组织生长影响的机制 . 相似文献
多层InAs量子点的光致发光研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
采用MBE设备生长了多层InAs/GaAs量子点结构,测量了其变温光致发光谱和时间分辨光致发光谱.结果表明多层量子点结构有利于减小发光峰的半高宽,并且可以提高发光峰半高宽和发光寿命的温度稳定性.实验发现,加InGaAs盖层后,量子点发光峰的半高宽进一步减小,最小达到23.6 meV,并且发光峰出现红移.原因可能在于InGaAs盖层减小了InAs岛所受的应力,阻止了In组分的偏析,提高了InAs量子点尺寸分布的均匀性和质量,导致载流子在不同量子点中的迁移效应减弱. 相似文献
基于量子回归理论建立了微腔-量子点耦合模型的主方程,研究了用激光脉冲激发时微腔中的量子点二能级系统的密度矩阵随时间的演化,然后通过密度矩阵得出发射光子数和二阶相关度等特性,并对适合于制作单光子源的微腔参数和泵浦条件进行了优化。相关参数中,微腔衰退率和系统耦合系数的相对关系对单光子发射过程起关键作用。 相似文献
基于薄膜全耗尽SOICMOS工艺,进行了建模分析,在300~600 K温度范围内,利用ISETCAD软件对SOICMOS器件单管高温特性进行了模拟分析,同时利用Verilog软件对激光测距电路进行了整体仿真.通过工艺流片,实现了一种电路级具有完整功能和参数要求的高温工作的激光测距SOICMOS集成电路.通过实际测试表明模拟结果与之相吻合,同时通过对整体电路结果功能和参数在常温和高温下的测试,表明该电路功耗低、速度快,可满足激光测距电路的要求.该电路的研制,对进一步开展高温短沟道SOICMOS集成电路的研究具有一定的指导意义. 相似文献
基于薄膜全耗尽SOICMOS工艺,进行了建模分析,在300~600 K温度范围内,利用ISETCAD软件对SOICMOS器件单管高温特性进行了模拟分析,同时利用Verilog软件对激光测距电路进行了整体仿真.通过工艺流片,实现了一种电路级具有完整功能和参数要求的高温工作的激光测距SOICMOS集成电路.通过实际测试表明模拟结果与之相吻合,同时通过对整体电路结果功能和参数在常温和高温下的测试,表明该电路功耗低、速度快,可满足激光测距电路的要求.该电路的研制,对进一步开展高温短沟道SOICMOS集成电路的研究具有一定的指导意义. 相似文献
基于能带工程理论,设计了Si基Ge/SiGeⅠ型量子阱结构。采用超高真空化学气相淀积系统,制备出高质量的Si基Ge/SiGe多量子阱系列材料。当样品中Ge量子阱宽从15nm减少到12nm和11nm时,室温下荧光(PL)光谱观测到量子限制效应引起的直接带跃迁发光峰位的蓝移,峰位的实验值与理论值符合得很好;当Ge量子阱宽逐渐减小到9nm和7nm时,测试得到样品的PL谱峰位却与理论预期出现了较大的差值。进一步的实验表明,这主要是由于量子阱厚度小到一定程度时,量子阱的直接带发光受到抑制,其发光主要源于Ge虚拟衬底。 相似文献
Copper indium disulfide (CuInS2) thin films were prepared by chemical bath deposition in an acid medium on glass substrates. CuInS2 films were grown using CuSO4, InCl3 and C2H5NS as copper, indium and sulfur sources, respectively. The CuSO4 and C2H5NS concentrations remained constant, while the InCl3 concentration was varied from 0.002 M to 0.025 M. The structural analysis show that initially the films have a mixture of CuS and CuInS2 phases, when the indium nominal concentration increases the formation of CuInS2 ternary compound was promoted until the final formation of a CuInS2 film. The morphological study shows that the surface of CuInS2 films is constituted by nanotubes. The structural and compositional analysis show that for 0.025 M InCl3 concentration CuInS2 films were obtained. 相似文献
Silicon on diamond (SOD) is proposed as a superior alternative to conventional silicon on insulator (SOI) technology for silicon-based
electronics. In this paper, we present a novel SOD structure in which the active Si layer is in direct contact with a thick,
highly oriented diamond (HOD) layer that is directly attached to a heat sink. In contrast to the earlier work,1,2 the diamond film is relatively thick (∼70 μm), free standing, and close to single crystalline, thus possessing much greater
thermal conductivity and no limitation of the Si backing wafer. Two different fabrication schemes are investigated: (1) direct
growth, where the Si-device layer makes contact with the nucleation side of the diamond layer; and (2) wafer fusion, where
the Si device layer makes a direct contact with the diamond growth surface. Thermal evaluation was performed using metallic
microheaters. These studies clearly showed more than one order of magnitude better thermal management properties of diamond
with respect to Si and SOI. 相似文献
绝缘体上张应变锗材料是通过能带工程提高锗材料光电性能得到的一种新型半导体材料,在微电子和光电子领域具有重要的应用前景.采用微电子技术中的图形加工方法以及利用锗浓缩的技术原理,在绝缘体上硅(SOI)材料上制备了绝缘体上张应变锗材料.喇曼与室温光致发光(PL)测试结果表明,不同圆形半径的绝缘体上锗材料张应变均为0.54%.对于绝缘体上张应变锗材料,应变使其发光红移的效果强于量子阱使其发生蓝移的效果,总体将使绝缘体上张应变锗材料的直接带发光峰位红移.同时0.54%张应变锗材料的直接带发光强度随着圆形半径的增大而减弱,这主要是因为圆形半径大的样品其晶体质量较差.该材料可进一步用于制备锗微电子和光电子器件. 相似文献
Yongbo Liu Huilong Zhu Yongkui Zhang Xiaolei Wang Weixing Huang Chen Li Xuezheng Ai Qi Wang 《半导体学报》2022,43(1):014101-014101-9
A new type of vertical nanowire(VNW)/nanosheet(VNS)FETs combining a horizontal channel(HC)with bulk/back-gate electrode configuration,including Bulk-HC and FD-SOI-HC VNWFET,is proposed and investigated by TCAD simulation.Comparisons were carried out between conventional VNWFET and the proposed devices.FD-SOI-HC VNWFET exhibits better Ion/Ioff ratio and DIBL than Bulk-HC VNWFET.The impact of channel doping and geometric parameters on the electrical character-istic and body factor(γ)of the devices was investigated.Moreover,threshold voltage modulation by bulk/back-gate bias was im-plemented and a largeγis achieved for wide range Vthmodulation.In addition,results of Ionenhancement and Ioff reduction in-dicate the proposed devices are promising candidates for performance and power optimization of NW/NS circuits by adopting dynamic threshold voltage management.The results of preliminary experimental data are discussed as well. 相似文献
S. R. Wilson T. Wetteroth S. Hong H. Shin B. Y. Hwang J. Foerstner M. Racanelli M. Huang H. C. Shin 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1996,25(1):13-21
Thin film silicon on insulator (TFSOI) devices have been studied for years. The advantages of TFSOI devices include: a reduction
in junction capacitance, potentially lower junction leakage, a simpler process, and many other well documented advantages.
However, other than some military/space applications, TFSOI circuits are not currently available in commodity products. One
of the reasons TFSOI circuits are not wide spread is that there has not been a reliable source of TFSOI substrates. Recently,
however, several suppliers of TFSOI substrates, both SIMOX and bonded and etch-backed wafers (BESOI), have made significant
improvements in their material quality and are increasing capacity to meet expected demands. In this paper, we will discuss
the major materials issues and how these issues impact either the TFSOI device performance or the process integration. In
addition, we will present gate oxide integrity data as well as device results from these TFSOI substrates. 相似文献